558 research outputs found

    Whole body counter surveys of Miharu-town school children for four consecutive years after the Fukushima NPP accident

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    Comprehensive whole-body counter surveys of Miharu town school children have been conducted for four consecutive years, in 2011-2014. This represents the only long-term sampling-bias-free study of its type conducted after the Fukushima Dai-ichi accident. For the first time in 2014, a new device called the Babyscan, which has a low 134/137^{134/137}Cs MDA of <50< 50 Bq/body, was used to screen the children shorter than 130 cm. No child in this group was found to have detectable level of radiocesium. Using the MDAs, upper limits of daily intake of radiocesium were estimated for each child. For those screened with the Babyscan, the upper intake limits were found to be <1 Bq/day for 137^{137}Cs. Analysis of a questionnaire filled out by the children's parents regarding their food and water consumption shows that the majority of Miharu children regularly consume local and/or home-grown rice and vegetables. This however does not increase the body burden.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    First order phase transition in the quark matter

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    We investigate chiral phase transition of the first order in the quark matter. Using the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model, an equation of state of the quark matter which is similar to the van der Waals' one is obtained. Moreover the specific heat and the compressibility are calculated. It is shown that they are enhanced in the symmetry broken phase, in particular diverge near the tricritical point.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Development of a Si/CdTe semiconductor Compton telescope

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    We are developing a Compton telescope based on high resolution Si and CdTe imaging devices in order to obtain a high sensitivity astrophysical observation in sub-MeV gamma-ray region. In this paper, recent results from the prototype Si/CdTe semiconductor Compton telescope are reported. The Compton telescope consists of a double-sided Si strip detector (DSSD) and CdTe pixel detectors, combined with low noise analog LSI, VA32TA. With this detector, we obtained Compton reconstructed images and spectra from line gamma-rays ranging from 81 keV up to 356 keV. The energy resolution is 3.8 keV and 7.9 keV at 122 keV and 356 keV, respectively, and the angular resolution is 9.9 degrees and 5.7 degrees at 122 keV and 356 keV, respectively.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, submitted to SPIE conference proceedings vol. 5501, "High-Energy Detectors in Astronomy", Glasgow UK, 6/21-6/24 200

    Long-lasting adverse effects of short-term stress during the suckling–mastication transition period on masticatory function and intraoral sensation in rats

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    The version of record of this article, first published in Odontology, is available online at Publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10266-023-00887-w.Early-life stress affects brain development, eventually resulting in adverse behavioral and physical health consequences in adulthood. The present study assessed the hypothesis that short-term early-life stress during infancy before weaning, a period for the maturation of mastication and sleep, poses long-lasting adverse effects on masticatory function and intraoral sensations later in life. Rat pups were exposed to either maternal separation (MS) or intermittent hypoxia (IH-Infancy) for 6 h/day in the light/sleep phase from postnatal day (P)17 to P20 to generate “neglect” and “pediatric obstructive sleep apnea” models, respectively. The remaining rats were exposed to IH during P45–P48 (IH-Adult). Masticatory ability was evaluated based on the rats’ ability to chew pellets and bite pasta throughout the growth period (P21–P70). Intraoral chemical and mechanical sensitivities were assessed using two-bottle preference drinking tests, and hind paw pain thresholds were measured in adulthood (after P60). No differences were found in body weight, grip force, and hind paw sensitivity in MS, IH-Infancy, and IH-Adult rats compared with naïve rats. Masticatory ability was lower in MS and IH-Infancy rats from P28 to P70 than in naïve rats. MS and IH-Infancy rats exhibited intraoral hypersensitivity to capsaicin and mechanical stimulations in adulthood. The IH-Adult rats did not display inferior masticatory ability or intraoral hypersensitivity. In conclusion, short-term early-life stress during the suckling–mastication transition period potentially causes a persistent decrease in masticatory ability and intraoral hypersensitivity in adulthood. The period is a “critical window” for the maturation of oral motor and sensory functions

    Immuno-chemotherapy of malignant lymphoma using OK-432, a streptococcal agent

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    Clinical trials of immuno-chemotherapy were conducted on malignant lymphoma patients. Patients during the period from 1972 through 1977 were allocated to two groups retrospectively according to the mode of treatment, i.e., chemotherapy alone (historical control group, 35 patients) and chemotherapy with OK-432 (treated group, 15 patients). Comparisons were made of the two groups, which were homogeneous with regard to induction chemotherapy, maintenance chemotherapy, stage and histologic type of disease. The treated group had a higher remission rate, and a longer remission duration and survival than the control groups, especially in patients with Hodgkin's disease but the difference was not statistically significant owing to the limited number of cases.</p

    Cytokine expression in human dermal fibroblasts stimulated with eosinophil cationic protein measured by protein array

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    [Background] : Eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) was reported previously to be involved in allergic inflammation with cytotoxic activity. On the other hand, recent studies showed that ECP did not induce cell death but inhibited the growth of cancer-derived cells. Our previous study indicated that human ECP enhanced differentiation of rat neonatal cardiomyocytes and stress fiber formation in Balb/c 3T3 mouse fibroblasts, while the effects of human ECP on human fibroblasts are unknown. [Objective] : The present study was performed to determine the effects of human ECP on cytokine expression in human fibroblasts by protein array. [Methods] : The effects of recombinant human ECP (rhECP) on normal human dermal fibroblasts (NHDF) were examined by assaying cell growth. Furthermore, cytokine expression of NHDF stimulated by ECP, which could influence cell growth, was evaluated by protein array. [Results] : ECP was not cytotoxic but enhanced the growth of NHDF. The peak rhECP concentration that enhanced the cell counts by 1.56-fold was 100 ng/mL, which was significantly different from cultures without ECP stimulation (ANOVA/Scheffe’s test, P < 0.05). Array analyses indicated that ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), neutrophilactivating peptide (NAP)-2, and neurotrophin (NT)-3 were significantly upregulated in NHDF stimulated with 100 ng/mL ECP compared to those without stimulation. [Conclusion] : ECP is not cytotoxic but enhances the growth of NHDF. CNTF, NAP-2, and NT-3 were suggested to be involved in enhancing the growth of NHDF. These findings will contribute to determination of the role of ECP in allergic inflammation. (Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol 2013;31:271-6

    A Hepatocellular Adenoma in a Diet-induced Obese Mouse

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    A hepatic nodule was noted in a C57BL/6J mouse with diet-induced obesity at 53 weeks of age. Macroscopically, a protruding yellowish white nodule was observed on the visceral surface of the left lateral lobe. Light microscopy demonstrated clear demarcation from the compressed adjacent parenchyma, with loss of the distinct lobular pattern. The proliferating cells of the lesion varied in shape and showed cellular atypia and prominent nucleoli along with vacuoles of various sizes. Some of the cells contained various-sized eosinophilic inclusion bodies in their cytoplasm, and electron microscopy revealed the presence of lipid droplets in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Eosinophilic inclusions were observed as electron dense granular material in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, with one or a few low density central cores. A diagnosis of hepatocellular adenoma was made based on these findings


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    The Tokushima-Nishi Medical Association has so far provided 20 diabetes screenings for free. The screenings determined blood glucose levels, HbA1c, height, weight, BMI and blood pressure etc. A total of 640 people were examined in the 20 screenings. The screenings found 123 people with impaired blood glucose levels(more than 110 mg/dl at fasting state and 140 mg/dl at postprandial state, respectively), 336 prediabetic people with HbA1c of 5.6‐6.4% and 104 diabetic people with HbA1c of6.5% or more. In addition, there were 296 people with hypertension(140/90 mmHg or higher)and 206 people with BMI of 25 or more. There were as many as 103 prediabetic and 57 diabetic people among the people with BMI of 25 or higher, indicating that 77.7% of obese people were prediabetes or diabetes. Of the 104 people with diabetic HbA1c, as high as 57.7% had complicating hypertension and 54.8% complicating obesity. Of the people with diabetic HbA1c 40.4% had normal blood glucose levels. Therefore, it is necessary to determine both blood glucose level and HbA1c at the same time for the screening of diabetes. Since obese people are often prediabetes or diabetes, it is desirable for them to have medical examinations even if they are asymptomatic. In addition, the significance of this screening lies in learning diet therapy for preventing diabetes from dietitians