655 research outputs found

    Dimer Decimation and Intricately Nested Localized-Ballistic Phases of Kicked Harper

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    Dimer decimation scheme is introduced in order to study the kicked quantum systems exhibiting localization transition. The tight-binding representation of the model is mapped to a vectorized dimer where an asymptotic dissociation of the dimer is shown to correspond to the vanishing of the transmission coefficient thru the system. The method unveils an intricate nesting of extended and localized phases in two-dimensional parameter space. In addition to computing transport characteristics with extremely high precision, the renormalization tools also provide a new method to compute quasienergy spectrum.Comment: There are five postscript figures. Only half of the figure (3) is shown to reduce file size. However, missing part is the mirror image of the part show

    Ordering of localized moments in Kondo lattice models

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    We describe the transition from a ferromagnetic phase, to a disordered para- magnetic phase, which occurs in one-dimensional Kondo lattice models with partial conduction band filling. The transition is the quantum order-disorder transition of the transverse-field Ising chain, and reflects double-exchange ordered regions of localized spins being gradually destroyed as the coupling to the conduction electrons is reduced. For incommensurate conduction band filling, the low-energy properties of the localized spins near the transition are dominated by anomalous ordered (disordered) regions of localized spins which survive into the paramagnetic (ferromagnetic) phase. Many interesting properties follow, including a diverging susceptibility for a finite range of couplings into the paramagnetic phase. Our critical line equation, together with numerically determined transition points, are used to determine the range of the double-exchange interaction. Models we consider are the spin 1/2 Kondo lattices with antiferromagnetic (Kondo) coupling, with ferromagnetic (Hund's rule) coupling, and the Kondo lattice with repulsive interactions between the conduction electrons.Comment: 18 pages, 6 embedded eps figures. To appear in Phys Rev

    Targeting therapy to the neuromuscular junction: Proof of concept

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    Introduction: The site of pathology in myasthenia gravis (MG) is the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). Our goal was to determine the ability to direct complement inhibition to the NMJ. Methods: A single-chain antibody directed against the alpha subunit of the acetylcholine receptor was synthesized (scFv-35) and coupled to decay-accelerating factor (DAF, scFv-35-DAF). scFv-35-DAF was tested in a passive model of experimentally acquired MG. Results: Administration of scFv-35-DAF to mice deficient in intrinsic complement inhibitors produced no weakness despite confirmation of its localization to the NMJ and no evidence of tissue destruction related to complement activation. Rats with experimentally acquired MG treated with scFV-35-DAF showed less weakness and a reduction of complement deposition. Conclusions: We demonstrate a method to effectively target a therapeutic agent to the NMJ. Muscle Nerve 49: 749–756, 201

    Transport properties of one-dimensional interacting fermions in aperiodic potentials

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    Motivated by the existence of metal-insulator transition in one-dimensional non-interacting fermions in quasiperiodic and pseudorandom potentials, we studied interacting spinless fermion models using exact many-body Lanczos diagonalization techniques. Our main focus was to understand the effect of the fermion-fermion interaction on the transport properties of aperiodic systems. We calculated the ground state energy and the Kohn charge stiffness Dc. Our numerical results indicate that there exists a region in the interaction strength parameter space where the system may behave differently from the metallic and insulating phases. This intermediate phase may be characterized by a power law scaling of the charge stiffness constant in contrast to the localized phase where Dc scales exponentially with the size of the system.Comment: 11 pages LaTex document with 5 eps figures. Uses revtex style file

    Phase transitions, entanglement and quantum noise interferometry in cold atoms

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    We show that entanglement monotones can characterize the pronounced enhancement of entanglement at a quantum phase transition if they are sensitive to long-range high order correlations. These monotones are found to develop a sharp peak at the critical point and to exhibit universal scaling. We demonstrate that similar features are shared by noise correlations and verify that these experimentally accessible quantities indeed encode entanglement information and probe separability.Comment: 4 pages 4 figure

    Preparation of Single-Cell RNA-Seq Libraries for Next Generation Sequencing

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    For the past several decades, due to technical limitations, the field of transcriptomics has focused on population-level measurements that can mask significant differences between individual cells. With the advent of single-cell RNA-Seq, it is now possible to profile the responses of individual cells at unprecedented depth and thereby uncover, transcriptome-wide, the heterogeneity that exists within these populations. This unit describes a method that merges several important technologies to produce, in high-throughput, single-cell RNA-Seq libraries. Complementary DNA (cDNA) is made from full-length mRNA transcripts using a reverse transcriptase that has terminal transferase activity. This, when combined with a second “template-switch” primer, allows for cDNAs to be constructed that have two universal priming sequences. Following preamplification from these common sequences, Nextera XT is used to prepare a pool of 96 uniquely indexed samples ready for Illumina sequencing.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Centers of Excellence in Genomic Science 1P50HG006193-01)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Pioneer Award DP1OD003958-01)Broad Institute of MIT and HarvardHoward Hughes Medical InstituteKlarman Cell Observator

    Orbital Configurations and Magnetic Properties of Double-Layered Antiferromagnet Cs3_3Cu2_2Cl4_4Br3_3

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    We report the single-crystal X-ray analysis and magnetic properties of a new double-layered perovskite antiferromagnet, Cs3_3Cu2_2Cl4_4Br3_3. This structure is composed of Cu2_2Cl4_4Br3_3 double layers with elongated CuCl4_4Br2_2 octahedra and is closely related to the Sr3_3Ti2_2O7_7 structure. An as-grown crystal has a singlet ground state with a large excitation gap of Δ/kB2000\Delta/k_{\rm B}\simeq 2000 K, due to the strong antiferromagnetic interaction between the two layers. Cs3_3Cu2_2Cl4_4Br3_3 undergoes a structural phase transition at Ts330T_{\rm s}\simeq330 K accompanied by changes in the orbital configurations of Cu2+^{2+} ions. Once a Cs3_3Cu2_2Cl4_4Br3_3 crystal is heated above TsT_{\rm s}, its magnetic susceptibility obeys the Curie-Weiss law with decreasing temperature even below TsT_{\rm s} and does not exhibit anomalies at TsT_{\rm s}. This implies that in the heated crystal, the orbital state of the high-temperature phase remains unchanged below TsT_{\rm s}, and thus, this orbital state is the metastable state. The structural phase transition at TsT_{\rm s} is characterized as an order-disorder transition of Cu2+^{2+} orbitals.Comment: 6pages. 6figures, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol.76 No.

    Early-stage compositional segregation in polymer-blend films

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    The existence of a transient period during the surface enrichment of a binary polymer blend by one of its components has been suggested by previous theoretical and experimental studies as well as computer simulations. Taking advantage of the high depth resolution of neutron reflectivity and the slow dynamics of polymers near their glass transition, we investigate this early-stage surface compositional enrichment in a phase separating polymer blend for the first time. Two stages of surface enrichment layer growth are observed. A rapid local surface enrichment at the chain segmental level occurs first, followed by a slower growth of a diffuse layer having a scale on the order of the bulk correlation length and the radius of gyration of the surface enriching polymer chains

    Self-Similarity and Localization

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    The localized eigenstates of the Harper equation exhibit universal self-similar fluctuations once the exponentially decaying part of a wave function is factorized out. For a fixed quantum state, we show that the whole localized phase is characterized by a single strong coupling fixed point of the renormalization equations. This fixed point also describes the generalized Harper model with next nearest neighbor interaction below a certain threshold. Above the threshold, the fluctuations in the generalized Harper model are described by a strange invariant set of the renormalization equations.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 2 figures include

    Fluid Flow Thermometry Using Thermographic Phosphors

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    Phosphor thermometry is a non-intrusive thermometry technique that allows for spatially and temporally resolved surface temperature measurements. The thermographic method has been employed in a number of applications that include combustion, sprays, and gas flows. In the current work, we investigate the implementation of thermographic phosphors in liquid flows, which is of interest in a wide range of applications in heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and thermal systems. Zinc oxide doped with Zinc (ZnO:Zn) was the phosphor employed for experimentation due to its high emission intensity and insolubility. In order to explore this application, the phosphor powder was uniformly dispersed in water using a magnetic stirring rod. The phosphor was excited by the third harmonic 355 nm output of a Nd:YAG laser, and the luminescence was examined using a fiber-coupled spectrometer. Analysis of the spectral data showed a significant redshift as the temperature approached boiling point. Further characterization of effects of temperature and experimental parameters such as ZnO:Zn concentration on the luminescence signal was performed