25,302 research outputs found

    Energy Spectra for Fractional Quantum Hall States

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    Fractional quantum Hall states (FQHS) with the filling factor nu = p/q of q < 21 are examined and their energies are calculated. The classical Coulomb energy is evaluated among many electrons; that energy is linearly dependent on 1/nu. The residual binding energies are also evaluated. The electron pair in nearest Landau-orbitals is more affected via Coulomb transition than an electron pair in non-nearest orbitals. Each nearest electron pair can transfer to some empty orbital pair, but it cannot transfer to the other empty orbital pair because of conservation of momentum. Counting the numbers of the allowed and forbidden transitions, the binding energies are evaluated for filling factors of 126 fraction numbers. Gathering the classical Coulomb energy and the pair transition energy, we obtain the spectrum of energy versus nu. This energy spectrum elucidates the precise confinement of Hall resistance at specific fractional filling factors.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Phase separation in the vicinity of the surface of κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_2Cu[N(CN)2_2]Br by fast cooling

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    Partial suppression of superconductivity by fast cooling has been observed in the organic superconductor κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_2Cu[N(CN)2_2]Br by two means: a marked sample size effect on the magnetic susceptibility and direct imaging of insulating regions by scanning microregion infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Macroscopic insulating regions are found in the vicinity of the crystalline surface after fast cooling, with diameters of 50--100 μ\mum and depths of a few μ\mum. The very large in-plane penetration depth reported to date (\sim 24--100 μ\mum) can be explained by the existence of the insulating regions.Comment: Several rhetoric alternations to avoid misleadings. 6 pages, 3 figures. to be publihsed in Phys. Rev.

    An Improved Search Method for Gravitational Ringing of Black Holes

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    A black hole has characteristic quasi-normal modes that will be excited when it is formed or when the geometry is perturbed. The state of a black hole when the quasi-normal modes are excited is called the gravitational ringing, and detections of it will be a direct confirmation of the existence of black holes. To detect it, a method based on matched filtering needs to be developed. Generically, matched filtering requires a large number of templates, because one has to ensure a proper match of a real gravitational wave with one of template waveforms to keep the detection efficiency as high as possible. On the other hand, the number of templates must be kept as small as possible under limited computational costs. In our previous paper, assuming that the gravitational ringing is dominated by the least-damped (fundamental) mode with the least imaginary part of frequency, we constructed an efficient method for tiling the template space. However, the dependence of the template space metric on the initial phase of a wave was not taken into account. This dependence arises because of an unavoidable mismatch between the parameters of a signal waveform and those given discretely in the template space. In this paper, we properly take this dependence into account and present an improved, efficient search method for gravitational ringing of black holes.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Relaxor ferroelectricity induced by electron correlations in a molecular dimer Mott insulator

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    We have investigated the dielectric response in an antiferromagnetic dimer-Mott insulator beta'-(BEDT-TTF)2ICl2 with square lattice, compared to a spin liquid candidate kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3. Temperature dependence of the dielectric constant shows a peak structure obeying Curie-Weiss law with strong frequency dependence. We found an anisotropic ferroelectricity by pyrocurrent measurements, which suggests the charge disproportionation in a dimer. The ferroelectric actual charge freezing temperature is related to the antiferromagnetic interaction, which is expected to the charge-spin coupled degrees of freedom in the system.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Quark Confinement Physics from Quantum Chromodynamics

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    We show the construction of the dual superconducting theory for the confinement mechanism from QCD in the maximally abelian (MA) gauge using the lattice QCD Monte Carlo simulation. We find that essence of infrared abelian dominance is naturally understood with the off-diagonal gluon mass moff1.2GeVm_{\rm off} \simeq 1.2 {\rm GeV} induced by the MA gauge fixing. In the MA gauge, the off-diagonal gluon amplitude is forced to be small, and the off-diagonal gluon phase tends to be random. As the mathematical origin of abelian dominance for confinement, we demonstrate that the strong randomness of the off-diagonal gluon phase leads to abelian dominance for the string tension. In the MA gauge, there appears the macroscopic network of the monopole world-line covering the whole system. We investigate the monopole-current system in the MA gauge by analyzing the dual gluon field BμB_\mu. We evaluate the dual gluon mass as mB=0.4m_B = 0.4 \sim 0.5GeV in the infrared region, which is the lattice-QCD evidence of the dual Higgs mechanism by monopole condensation. Owing to infrared abelian dominance and infrared monopole condensation, QCD in the MA gauge is describable with the dual Ginzburg-Landau theory.Comment: Invited talk given at KEK-Tanashi International Symposium on Physics of Hadrons and Nuclei, Tokyo, Japan, 14-17 Dec 199

    Non-local Wess-Zumino Model on Nilpotent Noncommutative Superspace

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    We investigate the theory of the bosonic-fermionic noncommutativity, [xμ,θα]=iλμα[x^{\mu},\theta^{\alpha}] = i \lambda^{\mu \alpha}, and the Wess-Zumino model deformed by the noncommutativity. Such noncommutativity links well-known space-time noncommutativity to superspace non-anticommutativity. The deformation has the nilpotency. We can explicitly evaluate noncommutative effect in terms of new interactions between component fields. The interaction terms that have Grassmann couplings are induced. The noncommutativity does completely break full N=1\mathcal{N}=1 supersymmetry to N=0 \mathcal{N} = 0 theory in Minkowski signature. Similar to the space-time noncommutativity, this theory has higher derivative terms and becomes non-local theory. However this non-locality is milder than the space-time noncommutative field theory. Due to the nilpotent feature of the coupling constants, we find that there are only finite number of Feynman diagrams that give noncommutative corrections at each loop order.Comment: Latex, 16 pages, 2 figures, typos corrected, some references and comments on auxiliary field added, a figure replaced, English refine

    Temperature Chaos and Bond Chaos in the Edwards-Anderson Ising Spin Glass : Domain-Wall Free-Energy Measurements

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    Domain-wall free-energy δF\delta F, entropy δS\delta S, and the correlation function, CtempC_{\rm temp}, of δF\delta F are measured independently in the four-dimensional ±J\pm J Edwards-Anderson (EA) Ising spin glass. The stiffness exponent θ\theta, the fractal dimension of domain walls dsd_{\rm s} and the chaos exponent ζ\zeta are extracted from the finite-size scaling analysis of δF\delta F, δS\delta S and CtempC_{\rm temp} respectively well inside the spin-glass phase. The three exponents are confirmed to satisfy the scaling relation ζ=ds/2θ\zeta=d_{\rm s}/2-\theta derived by the droplet theory within our numerical accuracy. We also study bond chaos induced by random variation of bonds, and find that the bond and temperature perturbations yield the universal chaos effects described by a common scaling function and the chaos exponent. These results strongly support the appropriateness of the droplet theory for the description of chaos effect in the EA Ising spin glasses.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures; The title, the abstract and the text are changed slightl

    Von K\'arm\'an vortex street in a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Vortex shedding from an obstacle potential moving in a Bose-Einstein condensate is investigated. Long-lived alternately aligned vortex pairs are found to form in the wake, as for the von K\'arm\'an vortex street in classical viscous fluids. Various patterns of vortex shedding are systematically studied and the drag force on the obstacle is calculated. It is shown that the phenomenon can be observed in a trapped system.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Scaling Analysis of Domain-Wall Free-Energy in the Edwards-Anderson Ising Spin Glass in a Magnetic Field

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    The stability of the spin-glass phase against a magnetic field is studied in the three and four dimensional Edwards-Anderson Ising spin glasses. Effective couplings and effective fields associated with length scale L are measured by a numerical domain-wall renormalization group method. The results obtained by scaling analysis of the data strongly indicate the existence of a crossover length beyond which the spin-glass order is destroyed by field H. The crossover length well obeys a power law of H which diverges as H goes to zero but remains finite for any non-zero H, implying that the spin-glass phase is absent even in an infinitesimal field. These results are well consistent with the droplet theory for short-range spin glasses.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures; The text is slightly changed, the figures 3, 4 and 5 are changed, and a few references are adde