14 research outputs found

    Water Controversies Between Conflict and Cooperation: Agent-Based Models for Non-traditional Security in D. Secchi, M. Neumann (eds.), Agent-Based Simulation of Organizational Behavior

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    In the last decade, a lot of attention has been increasingly devoted to 6 ABMs (Agent-Based Models), facilitated also by the availability of computational 7 power and open-source platforms. ABMs are thus becoming especially popular in 8 social and political sciences for modelling complex situations with multiple actors 9 that can evolve in highly unpredictable scenarios, due to a series of endogenous and 10 exogenous variables often difficult to identify and even less to measure and predict. 11 Conflicts and wars often qualify as ones. The aim of the present paper is to apply 12 ABMs to analyse the complex issues arising from dam development on the Mekong 13 River and the endless controversies this development has provoked since the 1960s, 14 making it one of the most pressing non-traditional security issues in the region. It 15 will preliminary examine the challenges of implementing ABMs to complex real- 16 world situation like the ones into exam and which preliminary steps and theoretical 17 considerations are necessary before the formulation of a definitive model. Finally, 18 it will provide indications the state of the work in progress on the model created 19 for this case-study, a few preliminary conclusions about its effectiveness, and some 20 notes for future development