387 research outputs found

    A Qualitative Study on the Pride Notion of Tourism and Hospitality Students in Turkey

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    Tourism, as a sociological, psychological, economic and environmental phenomenon, has various impacts on the perceptions of both visitors and residents of a destination due to the interaction between hosts and guests. Besides, tourism industry poses a challenge of attracting and retaining quality employees for an increasing number of tourism and hospitality businesses on both international and national scales. In this research, a qualitative approach is used to analyse the sense of pride and Young Turks’ willingness to work in the tourism industry as well as their job preferences. Results revealed that among 50 interviewed respondents, 48 percent have the tendency to give up working in the tourism and hospitality industry due to late working hours, tough working conditions, low wages, lack of holidays, lack of caring employees and lack of professionalism. Pride really matters for the 37 percent of respondents who mentioned that the feeling of pride had an influence on their decision of staying in the hospitality industry

    Discovering the food travel preferences of university students

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    The main purposes of this study are to understand the perspectives of university students on food tourism and to discover their gastronomic travel preferences. 89 responses were gathered from a university in Izmir (on the west coast of Turkey) by using a structured interview technique. The data were analyzed through the descriptive methods including frequency analysis. Results indicate that the students\u27 food travel preferences significantly vary due to their gastronomic motivations. The vast majority of these potential consumers consider going on a food-related travel in the future. Kebab, doner and baklava have an advantage over other dishes in terms of representing the region and becoming a brand. Participants believe that Turkey, Italy, Mexico, France and Spain are the top five countries that offer the best food experience. This study makes a considerable contribution to the literature on gastronomic preferences of young people through in-depth interviews. This exploratory research sheds light on this field of study for researchers, practitioners and food tourism professionals

    Discovering the food travel preferences of university students

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    The main purposes of this study are to understand the perspectives of university students on food tourism and to discover their gastronomic travel preferences. 89 responses were gathered from a university in Izmir (on the west coast of Turkey) by using a structured interview technique. The data were analyzed through the descriptive methods including frequency analysis. Results indicate that the students\u27 food travel preferences significantly vary due to their gastronomic motivations. The vast majority of these potential consumers consider going on a food-related travel in the future. Kebab, doner and baklava have an advantage over other dishes in terms of representing the region and becoming a brand. Participants believe that Turkey, Italy, Mexico, France and Spain are the top five countries that offer the best food experience. This study makes a considerable contribution to the literature on gastronomic preferences of young people through in-depth interviews. This exploratory research sheds light on this field of study for researchers, practitioners and food tourism professionals

    Lithostratigraphy and Sedimentological Characteristics of the Calciturbidites of the Babadağ Formation-Tavas Nappe (SW Turkey)

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    The Lycian Nappes contain slices of ophiolites and sedimentary rocks of various ages that crop out in SW Turkey. They evolved and were emplaced under the effect of the Late CretaceousMiocene compressional regime. The Tavas Nappe is part of the Lycian Nappes and contains Jurassic-Eocene sediments. The Babadağ Formation, forming the middle part of the Tavas Nappe, is composed of limestone at the base and various sized calciturbidites with chert intercalations in the upper part. The Standard Microfacies Classification (SMF of FLÜGEL, 2004) indicates that the entire unit was deposited mainly in a deep-shelf environment (Facies Zone – FZ-2), deep-sea (FZ-1), toe of slope (FZ-3) and on the continental slope (FZ-4). Calcite and quartz dominate the bulk mineralogy of the calciturbidites with higher SiO2 and CaO weight percentages than other major oxides. Additionally, the presence of Na2O, K2O, Al2O3, MgO, TiO2 and Fe2O3 is associated with the local sediment input. Tectonism and sea level fluctuations were the main triggering factors of the changes in the original depositional environment of the Babadağ Formation. Additionally, grain size and the amount of sediment input control the calciturbidite type and extension. Si enriched water circulation and Si and Ca substitution were responsible for the abundant chert formation during diagenesis of the units. Post depositional tectonic activities during transportation and emplacement of the nappes resulted in calcite filled cracks that cut both the calciturbidites and cherts. Study of the different nappe slices provides valuable information about syn- and post- depositional changes of the lithostratigraphic units

    Prediction of Pathological Subjects Using Genetic Algorithms

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    This paper aims at estimating pathological subjects from a population through various physical information using genetic algorithm (GA). For comparison purposes, K-Means (KM) clustering algorithm has also been used for the estimation. Dataset consisting of some physical factors (age, weight, and height) and tibial rotation values was provided from the literature. Tibial rotation types are four groups as RTER, RTIR, LTER, and LTIR. Each tibial rotation group is divided into three types. Narrow (Type 1) and wide (Type 3) angular values were called pathological and normal (Type 2) angular values were called nonpathological. Physical information was used to examine if the tibial rotations of the subjects were pathological. Since the GA starts randomly and walks all solution space, the GA is seen to produce far better results than the KM for clustering and optimizing the tibial rotation data assessments with large number of subjects even though the KM algorithm has similar effect with the GA in clustering with a small number of subjects. These findings are discovered to be very useful for all health workers such as physiotherapists and orthopedists, in which this consequence is expected to help clinicians in organizing proper treatment programs for patients

    Odnos krimsko-kongoanske hemoragijske groznice i klime: utječe li klima na broj ovih bolesnika?

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    Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a tick-borne viral zoonosis. The incidence of zoonotic diseases has been shown to be affected by climatic factors. In this study, we evaluated patients endemic to the CCHF region and examined the relationship between the number of patients and climatic properties of the region where they lived. The study included 548 CCHF patients. Along with the patient demographic and clinical characteristics, we recorded temperature, humidity and precipitation in the places where they lived at the time of their admission to the hospital. In addition to temperature, humidity and precipitation at the time of patient admission, these values were assessed at one month and three months prior to admission. The relationship between the number of patients and the above-mentioned values was examined. Humidity at the time of and one month prior to hospital admission, and precipitation three months prior to hospital admission were found to affect the number of patients admitted to the hospital for CCHF. In conclusion, climate appeared to affect the number of CCHF patients. We believe that the number of patients presenting to the hospital with CCHF could be predicted by taking into account climatic properties of the places where CCHF has been recorded, along with under-taking necessary measures.Krimsko-kongoanska hemoragijska groznica (KKHG) je virusna zoonoza koju prenose krpelji. Dokazano je da klimatski čimbenici utječu na incidenciju zoonotskih bolesti. U ovom smo istraživanju ispitivali bolesnike endemske za područje KKHG te odnos broja bolesnika i klimatskih svojstava područja u kojem oni žive. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 548 bolesnika s KKHG. Uz demografske i kliničke značajke bolesnika bilježili smo temperaturu, vlagu i količinu padalina u mjestu gdje su bolesnici živjeli u vrijeme prijma u bolnicu. Uz vrijednosti temperature, vlage i količine padalina u vrijeme prijma bolesnika u bolnicu, vrijednosti ovih parametara procijenjene su za jedan mjesec i tri mjeseca prije prijma u bolnicu. Tada smo ispitali odnos broja bolesnika i gore spomenutih vrijednosti. Pokazalo se da razina vlage u vrijeme prijma i jedan mjesec prije prijma u bolnicu, kao i količina padalina tri mjeseca prije prijma u bolnicu utječu na broj bolesnika primljenih u bolnicu zbog KKHG. U zaključku, čini se da klima utječe na broj bolesnika s KKHG. Vjerujemo da bi se broj bolesnika koji dolaze u bolnicu zbog KKHG mogao predvidjeti uzimajući u obzir klimatska svojstva u mjestima gdje je zabilježena KKHG, a time bi se isto tako mogle poduzeti odgovarajuće mjere

    Hydrodynamics of Conical Spouted Beds with High Density Particles

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    An extensive experimental investigation of conical spouted beds with high density particles were carried out by measuring bed pressure drop, particle velocity and solids hold-up in a 15 cm ID conical spouted bed at three different cone angles (30°, 45°, 60°) with Yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) particles (ρp = 6050 kg/m3). The results show that the minimum external spouting velocity increases with cone angle, particle diameter and static bed height. The bed is characterized by two regions: upward moving particles with high slip in the spout and slowly downward moving particles at loosely packed conditions in the annulus

    Symmetric Teleparallel Gravity: Some exact solutions and spinor couplings

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    In this paper we elaborate on the symmetric teleparallel gravity (STPG) written in a non-Riemannian spacetime with nonzero nonmetricity, but zero torsion and zero curvature. Firstly we give a prescription for obtaining the nonmetricity from the metric in a peculiar gauge. Then we state that under a novel prescription of parallel transportation of a tangent vector in this non-Riemannian geometry the autoparallel curves coincides with those of the Riemannian spacetimes. Subsequently we represent the symmetric teleparallel theory of gravity by the most general quadratic and parity conserving lagrangian with lagrange multipliers for vanishing torsion and curvature. We show that our lagrangian is equivalent to the Einstein-Hilbert lagrangian for certain values of coupling coefficients. Thus we arrive at calculating the field equations via independent variations. Then we obtain in turn conformal, spherically symmetric static, cosmological and pp-wave solutions exactly. Finally we discuss a minimal coupling of a spin-1/2 field to STPG.Comment: Accepted for publication in the International Journal of Modern Physics