20 research outputs found

    Fan-Shaped Application of Local Abdominal Wall Analgesia in Abdominoplasty Patients: Does the Technique Lead to Better Recovery?

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    Plastic surgery can be considered an art form, molding and shaping areas of the body to provide enhancement and visual improvements. During this process, anesthesia is a key role player, for both local and general aspects. Proper combinations of local and general anesthesia can provide not only great pain relief and the ability to perform the artwork of plastic surgery, but can also lead to better and faster postoperative recovery of patients. Take a moment to imagine doing our skills without anesthesia, not only would it be barbaric, but also unethical. The method of using fan-shaped anesthesia application will be explored as a technique to improve patient recovery. This, instead of the classic straightforward areal injection application, seems to provide improved anesthetic distribution, penetrates layers better, and offers a swifter and more efficient way of blocking pain receptors. Choosing an appropriate anesthetic from the various ones available today is very important for pain control and postoperative recovery, as well as combining it with other drugs to increase its duration of action. This medley of drug combinations provides patient satisfaction and enhanced recovery

    VASER Liposuction - How to Get Natural Results with Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction?

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    Ultrasound assisted liposuction technology is a selective technique to emulsify fatty tissue and improve the removal of fat. This technique can be used on many areas of the body such as: chin neck, back, buttocks, abdomen, legs, arms. Fatty areas, as well as, skin and cellulite can be molded in a process known as ultrasound cavitation. Results can produce significant skin contraction and smoothing of areas. Using this method reduces the need for surgical intervention and requires less energy to achieve similar results. This method is also good for treatment of fibrous scar tissue, producing less bruising and blood loss. The advantages of the VASER ultrasound prepared liposuction in comparison to the mechanical liposuction method are better with fat extraction, less blood loss, and smoother results. While the disadvantages of VASER ultrasound method are possible thermal injuries, the need for larger incisions for protective ports, increased incidence of seromas, slightly increased cost and longer preparation and operative times. However further presentation will show the benefits of this newer generation of liposuction method. Also, various probes for better fat extraction and specific treatment areas will be discussed

    Soubor publikovanych vedeckych praci s komentarem Z oboru vyuziti stroju, vlivu stroju na pudu a pestitelskych technologii v rostlinne vyrobe.

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    Available from STL, Prague, CZ / NTK - National Technical LibrarySIGLECZCzech Republi

    Mechaniczne zwalczanie chwast贸w bron膮 Weedera w uprawie pszenicy ozimej i pszen偶yta jarego

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    W pracy przedstawiono ocen臋 mechanicznego zwalczania chwast贸w przy wykorzystaniu brony weedera. Rezygnuj膮c ze stosowania 艣rodk贸w chemicznych przeprowadzono wst臋pn膮 ocen臋 mechanicznego zwalczania chwast贸w w uprawie pszenicy ozimej i pszen偶yta jarego. W przypadku oziminy zastosowano czterokrotne bronowanie (dwukrotnie na jesie艅 i dwukrotnie na wiosn臋), natomiast w uprawie zbo偶a jarego wykonano trzykrotne bronowanie. W trakcie bada艅 liczono chwasty na poletkach pomiarowych bez bronowania oraz z zastosowaniem bronowania. Okaza艂o si臋, 偶e uzyskano redukcj臋 chwast贸w wynosz膮c膮 od 49% dla pszen偶yta jarego do 60% dla pszenicy ozimej.The article presents a preliminary research into weed control with use of mechanized weeding techniques. The tests were carried out in fields sown with winter wheat and spring triticale using a weeder type harrow. Twofold harrowing of the fields was found to have reduced the weeds by 60% in winter wheat and by 49% in spring triticale. Winter wheat was harrowed twice in autumn and spring, whereas spring triticale three times in spring. The negative effect observed was a decrease in yields from 10% in winter crop to 18% in spring one