344 research outputs found

    Associació Sarau: Ocio inclusivo, felicidad y autodetergestionomía

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    L’associació d’oci inclusiu Sarau es constitueix a Barcelona el maig de 2009 per col·laborar en la promoció de la inclusió participativa i estimular transformacions socials que promoguin el valor de les diferències. La iniciativa sorgeix de persones diverses vinculades professionalment en l’àmbit de la salut mental i la discapacitat que acumulaven inquietuds i qüestionaments pel que fa a les dinàmiques que es desenvolupaven en el marc de les institucions.The Sarau association for inclusive leisurewas created in Barcelona in May 2009 with the aim of promoting participative inlcusion and stimulating social transformations that promote the value of differences. The initiative comes from different professionals of the mental health and disability sector who felt uneasy about and questioned the way institutions organized activities for these groupsLa asociación de ocio inclusivo Sarau se constituye en Barcelona en mayo de 2009 para colaborar en la promoción de la inclusión participativa y estimular transformaciones sociales que promuevan el valor de las diferencias. La iniciativa surge de personas diversas vinculadas profesionalmente en el ámbito de la salud mental y la discapacidad que acumulaban inquietudes y cuestionamientos en cuanto a las dinámicas que se desarrollaban en el marco de las instituciones

    InGaN/GaN multiquantum well nano-LEDs for a case study

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    The scattering in the light emission wavelength of semiconductor nano-emitters assigned to nanoscale variations in strain, thickness, and composition is critical in current and novel nanotechnologies from highly efficient light sources to photovoltaics. Here, we present a correlated experimental and theoretical study of single nanorod light emitting diodes (nano-LEDs) based on InGaN/GaN multiquantum wells to separate the contributions of these intrinsic fluctuations. Cathodoluminescence measurements show that nano-LEDs with identical strain states probed by non-resonant micro-Raman spectroscopy can radiate light at different wavelengths. The deviations in the measured optical transitions agree very well with band profile calculations for quantum well thicknesses of 2.07–2.72 nm and In fractions of 17.5–19.5% tightly enclosing the growth values. The nanorod surface roughness controls the appearance of surface optical phonon modes with direct implications on the design of phonon assisted nano-LED devices. This work establishes a new, simple, and powerful methodology for fundamental understanding as well as quantitative analysis of the strain – light emission relationship and surface-related phenomena in the emerging field of nano-emitters.1\. Auflag

    Observation of strongly enhanced photoluminescence from inverted cone-shaped silicon nanostuctures

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    Silicon nanowires (SiNWs) attached to a wafer substrate are converted to inversely tapered silicon nanocones (SiNCs). After excitation with visible light, individual SiNCs show a 200-fold enhanced integral band-to-band luminescence as compared to a straight SiNW reference. Furthermore, the reverse taper is responsible for multifold emission peaks in addition to the relatively broad near-infrared (NIR) luminescence spectrum. A thorough numerical mode analysis reveals that unlike a SiNW the inverted SiNC sustains a multitude of leaky whispering gallery modes. The modes are unique to this geometry and they are characterized by a relatively high quality factor (Q ~ 1300) and a low mode volume (0.2 < (λ/neff)3 < 4). In addition they show a vertical out coupling of the optically excited NIR luminescence with a numerical aperture as low as 0.22. Estimated Purcell factors Fp ∝ Q/Vm of these modes can explain the enhanced luminescence in individual emission peaks as compared to the SiNW reference. Investigating the relation between the SiNC geometry and the mode formation leads to simple design rules that permit to control the number and wavelength of the hosted modes and therefore the luminescent emission peaks

    Spinabhängiger Transport in Cobalt-Nanokontakten

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    The magnetoresistance response of cobalt nanocontacts with varying geometries formed between two extended electrodes has been experimentally investigated and linked to micromagnetic simulations. The contribution of the nanoconstriction to the measured magnetoresistance signal has been separated from that of the electrode bulk. The different nanocontact geometries exhibit different shape anisotropies resulting in a characteristic behavior of the magnetization at each nanocontact. The magnetization reversal processes are explained on the basis of the anisotropic magnetoresistance and domain wall scattering effects. The domain wall resistance takes positive values, which is in agreement with models based on the spin mistracking inside the domain wall. The 4 K MR measurements are found to be influenced by the exchange bias effect between the ferromagnetic cobalt electrodes and the antiferromagnetic oxidized Co surface. When cooling down in an applied magnetic field, the uniform biased Co layer behaves as if it possesses a unidirectional anisotropy axis along the field cooling direction. In the zero field cooling case, the exchange bias varies locally throughout the sample giving rise to non-reproducible successive MR traces.Der Magnetowiderstand von Cobaltnanokontakten mit unterschiedlichen Geometrien zwischen zwei breiten Elektroden wurde experimentell untersucht und mit den Ergebnissen von mikromagnetischen Simulationen verglichen. Dabei konnte der Beitrag der Nanokontraktion zum gemessenen Magnetowiderstand von dem der Elektrode getrennt werden. Die verschiedenen Nanokontakt-Geometrien zeigen verschiedene Formanisotropien und führen zu einem charakteristischen Magnetisierungsverhalten der Nanokontakte. Die Umkehrprozesse der Magnetisierung werden mit Hilfe des anisotropen Magnetowiderstandes und der Domänenwandbildung erklärt. Der Domänenwand-Widerstand zeigt in Übereinstimmung mit den Modellen auf Basis von Spinfehlleitung innerhalb der Domänenwände positive Werte. Die 4 K Magnetowiderstands-Messungen wurden vom Exchange Bias Effekt zwischen den ferromagnetischen Cobalt-Elektroden und der antiferromagnetischen oxidierten Co Oberfläche beeinflusst. Beim Kühlen im angelegten Magnetfeld verhält sich die gleichmäßig biased Co Schicht wie eine Schicht mit unidirektionaler Anisotropieachse entlang des Einkühlfeldes. Bei feldlosem Kühlen variiert der Exchange Bias lokal über die gesamte Probe und erzeugt nicht reproduzierbare sukzessive Magnetowiderstands-Kurven

    A novel copper precursor for electron beam induced deposition

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    A fluorine free copper precursor, Cu(tbaoac)2 with the chemical sum formula CuC16O6H26 is introduced for focused electron beam induced deposition (FEBID). FEBID with 15 keV and 7 nA results in deposits with an atomic composition of Cu:O:C of approximately 1:1:2. Transmission electron microscopy proved that pure copper nanocrystals with sizes of up to around 15 nm were dispersed inside the carbonaceous matrix. Raman investigations revealed a high degree of amorphization of the carbonaceous matrix and showed hints for partial copper oxidation taking place selectively on the surfaces of the deposits. Optical transmission/reflection measurements of deposited pads showed a dielectric behavior of the material in the optical spectral range. The general behavior of the permittivity could be described by applying the Maxwell–Garnett mixing model to amorphous carbon and copper. The dielectric function measured from deposited pads was used to simulate the optical response of tip arrays fabricated out of the same precursor and showed good agreement with measurements. This paves the way for future plasmonic applications with copper-FEBID

    Suomi toisena kielenä -aikuisopiskelijoiden passiivin preesensin oppimisprosessista autenttisen opetusmateriaalin avulla ja ilman sitä

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    Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kotoutumiskoulutukseen osallistuvien aikuisopiskelijoiden passiivin preesensin oppimisprosessia. Tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten passiivin preesens opitaan. Tähän etsitään vastauksia tutkimalla millaisen prosessin kautta opiskelijat oppivat passiivin preesensin tunnistamista, muodostamista ja käyttöä, kuinka hyvin he oppivat ne, miten erilaiset opetusmenetelmät ja opetusmateriaalit vaikuttavat oppimiseen ja millaisia ovat yleisimmät passiivin preesensin taivuttamisen virheet. Analysoin aineistoani virheanalyysin kautta. Tutkimukseeni osallistui kesäkuussa 2015 kaksi erään Varsinais-Suomen aikuiskoulutuskeskuksen ryhmää: peruspolun ryhmä ja hitaan polun ryhmä. Jokainen ryhmä on jaettu satunnaisesti kahteen eri ryhmään: kaksi ryhmää toimi koeryhmänä, jossa käytettiin laulua passiivin preesensin muodostamisen opetuksessa ja muut kaksi ryhmää toimivat kontrolliryhminä, joiden kanssa ei käytetty ollenkaan audio-visuaalisia keinoja. Aineistooni kuuluu alkutesti eli kartoitustesti, opetustuokion tehtävä ja lopputesti. Sen lisäksi koeryhmillä oli tunnistustehtävä, joka koski passiivin preesensin tunnistamista laulusta. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että lopputestissä perusryhmällä oli hieman enemmän oikeita vastauksia hitaaseen ryhmään verrattuna, mutta ero ei ollut merkityksevä. Opiskelijat olivat siis omaksuneet passiivin preesensin muodostamista ja käyttöä, mutta eivät vielä täydellisesti. Ensimmäisen ja toisen verbityypin passiivin preesensin taivuttaminen oli helpompaa muihin verbityyppeihin verrattuna. Alaryhmien kannalta tilanne oli tasoittunut lopputestissä, vaikka alkutestissä koeryhmissä olikin enemmän oikeita vastauksia kontrolliryhmiin verrattuna perus- ja hitaassa ryhmässä. Yleisimmät virhetyypit aineistossani ovat ortografiset eli kirjoitusvirheet, fonologiset kuten kvantiteettivirheet, morfo-fonologiset kuten astevaihteluvirheet ja vokaalisointuvirheet sekä morfologiset virheet kuten verbimuotovirhe ja leksikaaliset virheet eli sanavirheet

    Towards polarization-based excitation tailoring for extended Raman spectroscopy

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    Undoubtedly, Raman spectroscopy is one of the most elaborate spectroscopy tools in materials science, chemistry, medicine and optics. However, when it comes to the analysis of nanostructured specimens or individual sub-wavelength-sized systems, the access to Raman spectra resulting from different excitation schemes is usually very limited. For instance, the excitation with an electric field component oriented perpendicularly to the substrate plane is a difficult task. Conventionally, this can only be achieved by mechanically tilting the sample or by sophisticated sample preparation. Here, we propose a novel experimental method based on the utilization of polarization tailored light for Raman spectroscopy of individual nanostructures. As a proof of principle, we create three-dimensional electromagnetic field distributions at the nanoscale using tightly focused cylindrical vector beams impinging normally onto the specimen, hence keeping the traditional beam-path of commercial Raman systems. In order to demonstrate the convenience of this excitation scheme, we use a sub-wavelength diameter gallium-nitride nanostructure as a test platform and show experimentally that its Raman spectra depend sensitively on its location relative to the focal vector field. The observed Raman spectra can be attributed to the interaction with transverse and pure longitudinal electric field components. This novel technique may pave the way towards a characterization of Raman active nanosystems, granting direct access to growth-related parameters such as strain or defects in the material by using the full information of all Raman modes

    Characterizing Intraindividual Podocyte Morphology In Vitro with Different Innovative Microscopic and Spectroscopic Techniques

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    Podocytes are critical components of the glomerular filtration barrier, sitting on the outside of the glomerular basement membrane. Primary and secondary foot processes are characteristic for podocytes, but cell processes that develop in culture were not studied much in the past. Moreover, protocols for diverse visualization methods mostly can only be used for one technique, due to differences in fixation, drying and handling. However, we detected by single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) analysis that cells reveal high variability in genes involved in cell type-specific morphology, even within one cell culture dish, highlighting the need for a compatible protocol that allows measuring the same cell with different methods. Here, we developed a new serial and correlative approach by using a combination of a wide variety of microscopic and spectroscopic techniques in the same cell for a better understanding of podocyte morphology. In detail, the protocol allowed for the sequential analysis of identical cells with light microscopy (LM), Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Skipping the fixation and drying process, the protocol was also compatible with scanning ion-conductance microscopy (SICM), allowing the determination of podocyte surface topography of nanometer-range in living cells. With the help of nanoGPS Oxyo®, tracking concordant regions of interest of untreated podocytes and podocytes stressed with TGF-β were analyzed with LM, SEM, Raman spectroscopy, AFM and SICM, and revealed significant morphological alterations, including retraction of podocyte process, changes in cell surface morphology and loss of cell-cell contacts, as well as variations in lipid and protein content in TGF-β treated cells. The combination of these consecutive techniques on the same cells provides a comprehensive understanding of podocyte morphology. Additionally, the results can also be used to train automated intelligence networks to predict various outcomes related to podocyte injury in the future

    Expression of cysLT1 and cysLT2 Receptor in Chronic Hyperplastic Eosinophilic Sinusitis

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    Elevated production of cysteinyl leukotrienes (cysLTs) from sinus tissues and abundant sinus eosinophils are characteristic features of chronic hyperplastic eosinophilic sinusitis (CHS). CysLTs exert their action through G-protein-coupled receptors named cysLTs receptor type I (cysLT1R) and type II (cysLT2R). These expressions of cysLT receptors in the sinus mucosa have yet to be clarified and the relationship between eosinophilia and the expression of these receptors remains obscure. We compared the expressions of cysLT1R and cysLT2R in the sinus mucosa in patients with CHS, non-eosinophilic chronic sinusitis (NECS), and control sinus tissues; and analyzed the correlation between the expression of CysLTRs and the presence of sinus eosinophils by immunohistochemistry and real-time PCR. A significantly higher percentage of eosinophils expressing cysLT2R protein was observed in patients with CHS compared with NECS and controls. In addition, cysLT2R mRNA expression in CHS was significantly higher than in NECS and controls. Furthermore, a positive correlation was observed between cysLT2R mRNA expression and the number of infiltrated eosinophils. In contrast, the cysLT1R mRNA expression did not differ significantly among these groups. The effect of cysLTs on sinus eosinophils may be mediated through the cysLT2R in patients with CHS. These results may suggest the therapeutic benefit of cysLT2R antagonists in CHS