53 research outputs found

    Effects of Pet Therapy in Elderly Patients with Neurocognitive Disorders: A Brief Review.

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    Neurocognitive disorders (NCDs) are disturbances highly related to age. This means that, with the increasing trend in life expectancy, there is also an increase in this diagnosis, although NCDs are not exclusively found in the population over 65 years old. Likely, they will increase in the coming years together with improvements in diagnosis. In addition to the use of medicines and rehabilitative techniques, pet therapy is also used. Pet therapy makes use of animals with therapeutic, rehabilitative, educational, and recreational purposes for people affected by physical, neuromotor, and psychiatric disorders. Pet therapy seems to be functional for increasing social and communication competencies, facilitating verbal and body language, increasing self-esteem, improving quality of life, and reducing anxiety/stress. This study was based on scientific papers and publications obtained from the PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Moreover, other articles from further cross-references were included. Specific database research criteria were (a) articles published in 2018 or later, (b) samples containing only adults over 65 years old, (c) written in English or Italian, and (d) on the topic of animal-assisted intervention. Uncertain results were obtained. Although a positive effect was found, the included articles were of insufficient methodological rigor. Although many studies reported positive results, these could not be generalized because of the numerous biases present (e.g., small sample size, lack of methodological rigor, lack of protocol, etc.). Future studies, therefore, should seek to address the limitations found in the analyzed studies. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2021 by S. Karger AG, Basel.

    The effects of creatine supplementation combined with resistance training on regional measures of muscle hypertrophy: a systematic review with meta-analysis.

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    The purpose of this paper was to carry out a systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials that examined the combined effects of resistance training (RT) and creatine supplementation on regional changes in muscle mass with direct imaging measures of hypertrophy. Moreover, we performed regression analyses to determine the potential influence of covariates. We included trials of at least 6 weeks in duration that examined the combined effects of creatine supplementation and RT on site-specific direct measures of hypertrophy (magnetic resonance imaging [MRI], computed tomography [CT] or ultrasound) in healthy adults. A total of 44 outcomes were analyzed across 10 studies that met inclusion criteria. Univariate analysis of all standardized outcomes showed a pooled mean estimate of 0.11 (95% Credible Interval [CrI]: -0.02 to 0.25) providing evidence of a very small effect favoring creatine supplementation when combined with RT, compared to RT and placebo. Multivariate analyses found similar small benefits for the combination of creatine supplementation and RT on changes in upper and lower body muscle thickness (0.10-0.16 cm). Analyses of moderating effects indicated a small superior benefit for creatine supplementation on younger compared to older adults (0.17 [95% CrI: -0.09 to 0.45]). In conclusion, results suggest that creatine supplementation combined with RT promotes a small increase in direct measures of skeletal muscle hypertrophy in both the upper and lower body

    The Italian Rare Biliary tract Cancer initiative (IRaBiCa): A multicentric observational study of Gruppo Oncologico dell’Italia Meridionale (GOIM) in collaboration with Gruppo Italiano Colangiocarcinoma (GICO)

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    Introduction: About 90% of cholangiocarcinomas are adenocarcinomas with glandular or tubular structures lined by epithelial cells, with no bile production and with a variable degree of differentiation, arising in the background of desmoplastic stroma. The remaining 10% is represented by rarer histological variants of which there is little knowledge regarding the biological behavior, molecular characterization, and sensitivity to the various possible therapies, including molecular-based treatments. Such rare tumors are described only in case reports or small retrospective series because of their exclusion from clinical trials. This national initiative, here presented, aims to address the following knowledge gap: a) how much does histological diversity translate into clinical manifestation variety? b) are those chemotherapy regimens, recommended for conventional biliary tract cancers, potentially active in rare variants? Therefore, epidemiological, pathological, and clinical characterization of series of rare biliary histotypes/variants, for which therapeutic and follow-up data are available, will be collected. Methods: An Italian task force on rare tumors of the biliary tract (IRaBiCa) has been created, whose initiative is a multicenter retrospective study involving 34 Italian cancer centers. Clinical data from approximately 100 patients will be collected and analyzed. Continuous variables will be presented as median ± standard deviation, while categorical variables will be expressed in terms of frequency. Kaplan-Maier analyses will be used to compare disease free, progression free and overall survival, according to the different histotypes. Conclusions: We expect to gather novel data on rare histotypes of biliary tract cancer that will be useful to support their molecular and immunological characterization

    Electrolyser in H2 Self-Producing Systems Connected to DC Link with Dedicated Phase Shift Converter

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    In this paper the converter requirements for an optimum control of an electrolyser linked with a DC bus are analyzed and discussed. The hydrogen generating device is part of a complex system constituted by a supplying photovoltaic plant, the grid and a fuel cell battery. The characterization in several operative conditions of an actual industrial electrolyser is carried out in order to design and optimize the DC/DC converter. A dedicated zero voltage switching DC/DC converter is presented and simulated inside the context of the distributed energy production and storage system. The proposed supplying converter gives a stable output voltage and high circuit efficiency in all the proposed simulated scenarios. The adopted DC/DC converter is realized in a full-bridge topology with phase-shift PWM technique in order to achieve zero voltage switching for the power switches and to regulate the output voltage. Furthermore, in order to increase the converter efficiency at the transformer secondary side, a current doubler rectifier is implemented


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    Gli Autori prendono spunto da un grave infortunio sul lavoro che ha causato importanti danni a livello craniofaciale con interessamento del sistema visivo, dell’apparato locomotore ed endocrino, che ha portato all’ideazione di un progetto riabilitativo integrato pluridisciplinare. Gli Autori iniziano con un breve accenno all’etiologia dell’emianopsia e proseguono con un approfondimento delle diverse strategie riabilitative correlate alla neuroriabilitazione visiva. Dopo aver illustrato l’esame obiettivo dell’infortunato, soffermandosi sulle lesioni del sistema visivo (le alterazioni dell’apparato endocrino e locomotore e il loro trattamento saranno solamente accennati a proposito dei problemi riabilitativi, poiché non fanno parte nella ricerca), descrivono l’organizzazione e l’attuazione del progetto riabilitativo individualizzato ed in particolare la neuroriabilitazione visiva di tipo sostitutivo con sistemi prismatici. Agli Autori preme mettere in risalto, in accordo con la più recente Letteratura, che la precoce neuroriabilitazione visiva dell’emianopsia, in questo caso eseguita con sistemi prismatici, avendo assicurato un ampliamento del campo visivo, ha indotto impulsi positivi su tutto il trattamento riabilitativo. Nel caso descritto, infatti, il miglioramento via via acquisito delle abilità visive ha procurato nell’infortunato un immediato benessere psicologico, ha portato ad una più celere ripresa della stabilità posturale e della deambulazione, tanto da consentire allo stesso di partecipare ad un programma di riqualificazione professionale e di essere in seguito reinserito in ambito lavorativo. Gli Autori concludono, in accordo con la più recente Letteratura, che nei gravi traumi cranici è facile ritrovare alterazioni del sistema visivo e che il loro precoce trattamento è fondamentale per la riabilitazione di eventuali lesioni a livello di aree non visive o di altri apparati. Infine, non tralasciando il ruolo fondamentale della famiglia nei programmi riabilitativi, pongono l’accento sull’importanza della visione unitaria nel lavoro funzionale dell’Equipe Multidisciplinare nell’approccio al soggetto disabile, ai fini del suo effettivo reinserimento familiare, sociale, e lavorativo

    La neuroriabilitazione visiva con sistemi prismatici come tecnica indispensabile per il traumatizzato cranico con alterazioni del campo visivo. Descrizione di un progetto di tutela integrata in ambito Inail

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    Gli autori prendono spunto da un grave infortunio sul lavoro che ha causato importanti danni al livello cranio facciale con interessamento del sistema visivo, dell’apparato locomotore ed endocrino, che ha portato all’ideazione di un progetto riabilitativo integrato pluridisciplinare. Gli Autori iniziano con un breve accenno all’eziologia dell’emianopsia e proseguono con approfondimento delle diverse strategie riabilitative correlate alla neuroriabilitazione visiva. Dopo aver illustrato l’esame obiettivo dell’infortunato, soffermandosi sulle lesioni del sistema visivo, descrivono l’organizzazione e l’attuazione del progetto riabilitativo individualizzato e in particolare la neuroriabilitazione visiva di tipo sostitutivo con sistemi prismatici. Agli autori preme metter in risalto, in accordo con la più recente letteratura, che la precoce neuroriabilitazione visiva e dell’emianopsia, in questo caso eseguita con sistemi prismatici, avendo assicurato un ampliamento del campo visivo, ha indotto impulsi positivi su tutto il trattamento riabilitativo. Nel caso descritto, infatti, il miglioramento via via acquisito delle abilità visive ha procurato nell’infortunato un immediato benessere psicologico, ha portato ad una più celere ripresa della stabilità posturale e della deambulazione, tanto da consentire allo stesso di partecipare ad un programma di riqualificazione professionale e di essere in seguito rinserito in ambito lavorativo. Gli Autori concludono, in accordo con la più recente letteratura, che nei gravi traumi cranici è facile trovare alterazioni del sistema visivo e che il precoce trattamento è fondamentale per la riabilitazione di eventuali lesioni a livello di aree non visive e di altri apparati. Infine, non tralasciando il ruolo fondamentale della famiglia, nei programmi riabilitativi, pongono l’accento sull’importanza della visione unitaria del lavoro funzionale dell’equipe multidisciplinare, nell’approccio al soggetto disabile, ai fini del suo effettivo rinserimento familiare, sociale e lavorativo

    A Phase-Shift Full Bridge Converter for the Energy Management of Electrolyzer Systems

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    The purpose of this work has been the development of the supplying system for an industrial electrolyzer. The hydrogen generating device is part of a complex system constituted by a supplying photovoltaic plant, the grid and a fuel cell battery. The main aim of this electrical system is the hydrogen storage devoted to the suitable load supplying in order to obtain an optimum load profile in case of domestic consumers. The converter is linked to a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm which enables a converter to extract the maximum power from the photovoltaic plant. The energy is supplied to the electrolyzer or the storage system according to the load profile. A phase-shift control strategy has been adopted and the ZVS at turn on driving strategy, in order to increase the efficiency and thus lowering the power consumption for the whole system. The system has been developed looking for the realization of a dedicated integrated circuits utilization where the control strategy has been implemented

    L'insegnamento dello strumento musicale nella scuola secondaria di I grado.

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    Il contributo descrire una ricerca biennale nazionale finanziata dal Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione dell'Università degli Studi Roma Tre
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