1,638 research outputs found

    Spherical collapse of a heat conducting fluid in higher dimensions without horizon

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    We consider a scenario where the interior spacetime,described by a heat conducting fluid sphere is matched to a Vaidya metric in higher dimensions.Interestingly we get a class of solutions, where following heat radiation the boundary surface collapses without the appearance of an event horizon at any stage and this happens with reasonable properties of matter field.The non-occurrence of a horizon is due to the fact that the rate of mass loss exactly counterbalanced by the fall of boundary radius.Evidently this poses a counter example to the so-called cosmic censorship hypothesis.Two explicit examples of this class of solutions are also given and it is observed that the rate of collapse is delayed with the introduction of extra dimensions.The work extends to higher dimensions our previous investigation in 4D.Comment: 6 page

    Potential bio-activity of whey fermented extract as sanitizer of organic grown lettuce

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    Short CommunicationConsumption of vegetables is increasing due to demand for healthy products in peoples' diets. To reduce microbial contamination and maintain freshness, industrial processes in Portugal rely on minimally processing of vegetables with hypochlorite as sanitizer. Formation of toxic chlorine derivatives has raised concern restrictions to its use and alternatives with whey permeate as a disinfection agent has been attempted. The aim of this work was to evaluate the bio potential of fermented cheese whey, for use on disinfection of minimally processed lettuce organically grown. Assays were made with whey obtained from inoculated milk during cheese processing, fermented for 120 h at 37 C, after which, among other carbohydrates, lactic acid was measured by HPLC, giving average yields of 18 g L 1. The sanitizing effect of whey, undiluted, 75 and 50% solutions, was compared with 110 ppm sodium hypochlorite, after rinsing. Aerobic Microorganisms (AM), Psychrotrophic Microorganisms (PM) and Enterobacteriaceae (ENT), were used as indicators for hygiene quality. For a level of significance of P < 0.05, the hygiene quality standards of lettuce samples, were better using 75% whey solution (AM 6.62, PM 7.48 cfu g 1), than using sodium hypochlorite (AM 7.48, PM 8.15 cfu g 1), for the 7 days of shelf life studied. Evaluation of Enterobacteriaceae showed significant differences after 3 days, betweenwater (ENT 4.98 cfu g 1) sodium hypochlorite (ENT 4.81 cfu g 1) and 75% solution of whey (ENT 4.63 cfu g 1). Considering the actual limitations imposed to chlorine sanitation, these results point a good alternative to the food industry, especially for organic fresh vegetables, which are chemical free brandsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The second and third Sonine coefficients of a freely cooling granular gas revisited

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    In its simplest statistical-mechanical description, a granular fluid can be modeled as composed of smooth inelastic hard spheres (with a constant coefficient of normal restitution α\alpha) whose velocity distribution function obeys the Enskog-Boltzmann equation. The basic state of a granular fluid is the homogeneous cooling state, characterized by a homogeneous, isotropic, and stationary distribution of scaled velocities, F(c)F(\mathbf{c}). The behavior of F(c)F(\mathbf{c}) in the domain of thermal velocities (c1c\sim 1) can be characterized by the two first non-trivial coefficients (a2a_2 and a3a_3) of an expansion in Sonine polynomials. The main goals of this paper are to review some of the previous efforts made to estimate (and measure in computer simulations) the α\alpha-dependence of a2a_2 and a3a_3, to report new computer simulations results of a2a_2 and a3a_3 for two-dimensional systems, and to investigate the possibility of proposing theoretical estimates of a2a_2 and a3a_3 with an optimal compromise between simplicity and accuracy.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures; v2: minor change

    Laser cooling of a trapped two-component Fermi gas

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    The collective Raman cooling of a trapped two-component Fermi gas is analyzed. We develop the quantum master equation that describes the collisions and the laser cooling, in the festina lente regime, where the heating due to photon reabsorption can be neglected. The numerical results based on Monte Carlo simulations show, that three-dimensional temperatures of the order of 0.008 T_F can be achieved. We analyze the heating related to the background losses, and conclude that our laser-cooling scheme can maintain the temperature of the gas without significant additional losses. Finally we derive an analytic expression for the temperature of a trapped Fermi gas heated by background collisions, that agrees very well with the data obtained from the numerical simulation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Evaluación de reservas corporales de grasa de vacas lecheras a través de un sistema de análisis de imagen

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    publishedTomo I . Sección: Sistemas Ganaderos-Economía y Gestión. Sesión: Producción de leche. Ponencia nº 3

    Relación entre la condición corporal y medidas de grasa y de músculo obtenidas por ultrasonografía en tiempo real con vacas de raza Barrosã

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    publishedTomo I . Sección: Sistemas Ganaderos-Economía y Gestión. Sesión: Vacuno carne II. Ponencia nº 1

    Reionization: Characteristic Scales, Topology and Observability

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    Recently the numerical simulations of the process of reionization of the universe at z>6 have made a qualitative leap forward, reaching sufficient sizes and dynamic range to determine the characteristic scales of this process. This allowed making the first realistic predictions for a variety of observational signatures. We discuss recent results from large-scale radiative transfer and structure formation simulations on the observability of high-redshift Ly-alpha sources. We also briefly discuss the dependence of the characteristic scales and topology of the ionized and neutral patches on the reionization parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures (4 in color), to appear in Astronomy and Space Science special issue "Space Astronomy: The UV window to the Universe", proceedings of 1st NUVA Conference ``Space Astronomy: The UV window to the Universe'' in El Escorial (Spain

    Critical temperature for the two-dimensional attractive Hubbard Model

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    The critical temperature for the attractive Hubbard model on a square lattice is determined from the analysis of two independent quantities, the helicity modulus, ρs\rho_s, and the pairing correlation function, PsP_s. These quantities have been calculated through Quantum Monte Carlo simulations for lattices up to 18×1818\times 18, and for several densities, in the intermediate-coupling regime. Imposing the universal-jump condition for an accurately calculated ρs\rho_s, together with thorough finite-size scaling analyses (in the spirit of the phenomenological renormalization group) of PsP_s, suggests that TcT_c is considerably higher than hitherto assumed.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Variational and DMRG studies of the Frustrated Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg S=1 Quantum Spin Chain

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    We study a frustrated antiferromagnetic isotropic Heisenberg S=1S=1 chain using a variational ansatz and the DMRG. At αD=0.284(1)\alpha_D=0.284(1), there is a disorder point of the second kind, marking the onset of incommensurate correlations in the chain. At αL=0.3725(25)\alpha_L=0.3725(25) there is a Lifshitz point, at which the excitation spectrum develops a doubly degenerate structure. These points are the quantum remnants of the transition from antiferromagnetic to spiral order in the classical frustrated chain. At αT=0.7444(6)\alpha_T=0.7444(6) there is a first order phase transition from an AKLT phase to a next-nearest neighbor generalization of the AKLT model. At the transition, the string order parameter shows a discontinuous jump of 0.085 to 0; the correlation length and the gap are both finite at the transition. The problem of edge states in open frustrated chains is discussed at length.Comment: 37 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.