27 research outputs found

    Short-term preservation of Pecari tajacu ovarian preantral follicles using phosphate buffered saline (PBS) or powdered coconut water (ACP(r)) media

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    We compare protocols for the short-term preservation of collared peccarie's ovarian preantral follicles (PFs) by using phosphate buffered saline- (PBS) or powdered coconut water- (ACP(r)) based medium. For morphology analysis each pair of ovaries collected from six females was divided into nine fragments. One fragment was destined for morphology analysis (histology and transmission electron microscopy - TEM), constituting the control group and the other fragments were placed in tubes with PBS or ACP(r), packed in 5 L Styrofoam boxes, stored for 4h, 12h, 24h, and 36h, and then analyzed. For viability analysis a pair of ovaries from two additional females was divided into nine fragments; one fragment was immediately destined for viability analysis (Trypan blue test) and the other fragments were stored as previously described, until 24h and then analyzed. After 4h storage in ACP(r) medium, the follicular integrity was similar to control (87.8% vs 94.4%, respectively); however, ultrastructural analyses revealed swollen mitochondria as the first signals of PF degeneration. It was observed that ACP(r) (66.7%) was more efficient than PBS (49.4%) to preserve the morphological integrity after 36h storage (P0.05). In conclusion, the use of the ACP(r) is recommended for the short-term preservation of Pecari tajacu preantral follicles

    Establishing the hypoosmotic swelling test for sperm analysis in collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu)

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    Soluções hiposmóticas com diferentes concentrações (0, 50, 100, 150, 200mOsm/L) foram testadas para a avaliação funcional da membrana espermática de catetos (n=13). Foi verificado que o número de espermatozoides reagidos diminuía (P<0,05) de acordo com o aumento da osmolaridade do meio. A maior porcentagem (71,8%) de espermatozoides reagidos, bem como a menor variação nas respostas osmóticas, foi detectada com o uso de água destilada (0mOsm/L) (P<0,05), a qual também apresentou a menor variação nos resultados, de acordo com os erros padrão verificados. Em conclusão, a água destilada aparenta ser uma solução adequada para o uso no teste hiposmótico para sêmen de catetos

    Water relations and productivity of sugarcane irrigated with domestic wastewater by subsurface drip

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    CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOThe water scarcity is one of the main factors contributing to the reduction of productivity in agricultural crops, and the use of alternative water source in the irrigation is an option to minimize water stress. The objective of this study was to evaluate the water relations, vegetative growth, productivity and technological quality of sugarcane irrigated with treated domestic sewage by Subsurface drip during its second ratoon. The research was performed at the School of Agricultural Engineering of the State University of Campinas SP, through a randomized block design with five treatments, with two depths of dripper lines installation and two water sources, which are: irrigation with wastewater from domestic sewage applied to 0.20 m depth, and to 0.40 m, irrigation with fresh water from a surface reservoir to 0.20 m depth and to 0.40 m and finally non -irrigated plots. Irrigation management was performed following the soil water balance through the time -domain reflectometry technique and all irrigated treatments were fertigated according to the water source applied. Leaf water potential, chlorophyll, gas exchange, leaf nutrition, vegetative growth, productivity and quality technological were measured during the second ratoon of sugarcane. Soil moisture changed according to the depth of the dripper line8 installation, being higher for irrigated treatments. The leaf water potential, chlorophyll, gas exchange and nitrogen and magnesium concentration in the leaves also were higher for irrigated plots. The irrigated treatments with sewage had the largest stem and sugar yield compared with the rainfed, being the dripper line irrigated with sewage to 0.20 m presenting the greatest differences reaching 95% and 86% with a productivity of 233.69 Mg ha(-1) and 37.06 Mg ha(-1) for stem and total recoverable sugar, respectively; however, there were not significant differences between the irrigated plots. The technological quality of sugarcane was considered appropriate to all treatments.The water scarcity is one of the main factors contributing to the reduction of productivity in agricultural crops, and the use of alternative water source in the irrigation is an option to minimize water stress. The objective of this study was to evaluate185105115CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOsem informaçãosem informaçã

    Experimental and numerical vibration correlation of pre-stressed laminated reinforced panel

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    This research work deals with the buckling load prediction of reinforced laminated composite panels of aeronautical interest. Being subjected to pure compression, these panels are characterized by stable post-buckling. Thus, the vibration correlation technique (VCT) is utilized herein as an effective nondestructive means to extrapolate critical loads from free vibration measurements. A hierarchical design of experiments, making use of nested multifactors (i.e. panel replicas, test setups, and measurement repetitions), is employed to estimate components of variance. The experimental outcomes are compared with the results of an advanced finite element model with layer-wise kinematics and based on the Carrera Unified Formulation (CUF). The results show that, although obtained with a low number of tests and specimens, the VCT experiments are repeatable and provide a good validation of the numerical simulations, which are demonstrated to be accurate and reliable.</p

    Buckling test of stiffened panels: modeling and vibrational correlation testing

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    Representative stiffened panels are optimized such that multiple buckling modes and failure (using open hole allowables) occur within a range of 10% of the lowest buckling load. This implies the panels cannot be loaded up to the buckling load without risking failure, hence vibrational correlation testing was used to estimate the buckling loads and modes. At the same time, a finite element model was created using the Carrera Unified Formulation. This model was validated using the tests and a good correlation between both was observed. Three panels were manufactured and each panel was put in place for testing twice. Each time a panel was put in place, the test was repeated three times. This allowed us to get a ballpark estimate for the variation due to replicas of the panel, the test set-up and repeating the tests.Aerospace Structures & Computational Mechanic