14,725 research outputs found

    A gomose da acácia-negra no Brasil.

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    A acácia-negra (Acacia mearnsii) é cultivada no Brasil, especialmente no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, visando tanto à produção de tanino, a partir da casca, quanto o uso da madeira para papel, celulose, carvão, lenha e chapas de aglomerados. A gomose causada por Phytophthora nicotianae e P. boehmeriae, é o seu principal problema fitossanitário. Discute-se nesta revisão a existência de dois padrões distintos de sintomatologia da gomose de Phytophthora que têm sido observados nas plantações brasileiras: gomose basal, associada a P. nicotianae, e gomose generalizada, mais associada a P. boehmeriae. São discutidos aspectos relacionados à etiologia, à epidemiologia e às estratégias de controle

    Water loss in horticultural products. Modelling, data analysis and theoretical considerations

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    The water loss of individual fruit (melon, plum and mandarin) was analysed using the traditional diffusion based approach and a kinetic approach. Applying simple non linear regression, both approaches are the same, resulting in a quite acceptable analysis. However, by applying mixed effects non linear regression analysis, explicitly including the variation over the individuals, the kinetic approach was found to reflect the processes occurring during mass loss better than the diffusion approach. All the variation between the individuals in a batch could be attributed to the initial mass or size of the individuals. The fraction of the fruit mass that is available for transpiration is the key item in the water loss process, rather than the skin resistance and fruit area. Obtained explained parts are well over 99%

    The Euler characteristic as a topological marker for outbreaks in vector-borne disease

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    Abstract. Epidemic outbreaks represent a significant concern for the current state of global health, particularly in Brazil, the epicentre of several vector-borne disease outbreaks and where epidemic control is still a challenge for the scientific community. Data science techniques applied to epidemics are usually made via standard statistical and modelling approaches, which do not always lead to reli- able predictions, especially when the data lacks a piece of reliable surveillance information needed for precise parameter estimation. In particular, dengue out- breaks reported over the past years raise concerns for global health care, and thus novel data-driven methods are necessary to predict the emergence of out- breaks. In this work, we propose a parameter-free approach based on geometric and topological techniques, which extracts geometrical and topological invariants as opposed to statistical summaries used in established methods. Specifically, our procedure generates a time-varying network from a time-series of new epidemic cases based on synthetic time-series and real dengue data across several dis- tricts of Recife, the fourth-largest urban area in Brazil. Subsequently, we use the Euler characteristic (EC) to extract key topological invariant of the epidemic time-varying network and we finally compared the results with the effective reproduction number (Rt) for each data set. Our results unveil a strong cor- relation between epidemic outbreaks and the EC. In fact, sudden changes in the EC curve preceding and/or during an epidemic period emerge as a warn- ing sign for an outbreak in the synthetic data, the EC transitions occur close to the periods of epidemic transitions, which is also corroborated. In the real dengue data, where data is intrinsically noise, the EC seems to show a better sign-to-noise ratio once compared to Rt. In analogy with later studies on noisy data by using EC in positron emission tomography scans, the EC estimates the number of regions with high connectivity in the epidemic network and thus has potential to be a signature of the emergence of an epidemic state. Our results open the door to the development of alternative/complementary topological and geometrical data-driven methods to characterise vector-borne disease outbreaks, specially when the conventional epidemic surveillance methods are not effective in a scenario of extreme noise and lack of robustness in the data

    Amadurecimento de frutos de bananeira BRS Princesa.

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    A cultura da banana é de extrema importância, de maior consumo a nível mundial, fato embasado na disponibilidade, na aceitação sensorial e no preço da fruta. Muito embora a produção brasileira seja alta, também são observados altos percentuais de perdas póscolheita, resultado de um conjunto de fatores que envolvem o despreparo dos agentes da cadeia de comercialização no manuseio da fruta e do desconhecimento das características de amadurecimento da fruta. Gerar informações sobre o amadurecimento é fundamental para garantir a qualidade da fruta e otimizar sua vida útil pós-colheita

    Um modelo baseado no indivíduo para estudo da transmissão da anemia infecciosa equina por mutuca no Pantanal brasileiro.

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    Resumo. A Anemia Infeciosa Equina (AIE) é uma doença causada por um retrovírus e transmitida pelo inseto hematófago conhecido como mutuca (tabanídeo), sendo observada nas últimas décadas a prevalência de 50% entre os animais de serviço no Pantanal brasileiro. Este trabalho apresenta um modelo baseado no indivíduo para analisar a dinâmica de transmissão da AIE pela mutuca no Pantanal. Considerando um período de 40 anos de simulação, os resultados mostram que a mutuca não pode ser responsável sozinha pela alta prevalência da doença na região, sendo necessário estudos mais detalhados das práticas de manejo usadas.SBIAgro 2013