7 research outputs found

    Yeast Beta-Glucan Supplementation with Multivitamins Attenuates Cognitive Impairments in Individuals with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial

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    Beta-glucan; Myalgic encephalomyelitis; Vitamin B6Betaglucano; Encefalomielitis miálgica; Vitamina B6Betaglucà; Encefalomielitis miàlgica; Vitamina B6This research aimed to examine the potential alleviative effects of beta-glucan administration on fatigue, unrefreshing sleep, anxiety/depression symptoms and health-related quality of life in ME/CFS. A 36-week unicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted in 65 ME/CFS patients, who were randomly allocated to one of two arms to receive four capsules each one of 250 mg beta-glucan, 3.75 µg vitamin D3, 1.05 mg vitamin B6, and 7.5 mg zinc (n = 35), or matching placebo including only microcrystalline cellulose as an excipient (n = 30) once daily. The findings showed that the beta-glucan supplementation significantly improved cognitive fatigue (assessed with FIS-40 scores) after the 36-week treatment compared to the baseline (p = 0.0338). Taken together, this study presents the novel finding that yeast-derived beta-glucan may alleviate cognitive fatigue symptoms in ME/CFS. Thus, it offers valuable scientific insights into the potential use of yeast beta-glucan as a nutritional supplement and/or functional food to prevent or reduce cognitive dysfunction in patients with ME/CFS. Further interventions are warranted to validate these findings and also to delve deeper into the possible immunometabolic pathomechanisms of beta-glucans in ME/CFS.J.C.-M. received financial support and honoraria from Vitae Health Innovation S.L. (Montmeló, Barcelona, Spain). This study was supported by Vitae Health Innovation S.L. (Montmeló, Spain) which supplied both treatments (funding number: 2020-0445)

    Personalized Management of Fatigue in Individuals With Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Long COVID Using a Smart Digital mHealth Solution: Protocol for a Participatory Design Approach

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    Fatigue; Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome; Personalized self-managementFatiga; Encefalomielitis miálgica/síndrome de fatiga crónica; Autogestión personalizadaFatiga; Encefalomielitis miàlgica/síndrome de fatiga crònica; Autogestió personalitzadaBackground: Fatigue is the most common symptom in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and long COVID, impacting patients’ quality of life; however, there is currently a lack of evidence-based context-aware tools for fatigue self-management in these populations. Objective: This study aimed to (1) address fatigue in ME/CFS and long COVID through the development of digital mobile health solutions for self-management, (2) predict perceived fatigue severity using real-time data, and (3) assess the feasibility and potential benefits of personalized digital mobile health solutions. Methods: The MyFatigue project adopts a patient-centered approach within the participatory health informatics domain. Patient representatives will be actively involved in decision-making processes. This study combines inductive and deductive research approaches, using qualitative studies to generate new knowledge and quantitative methods to test hypotheses regarding the relationship between factors like physical activity, sleep behaviors, and perceived fatigue in ME/CFS and long COVID. Co-design methods will be used to develop a personalized digital solution for fatigue self-management based on the generated knowledge. Finally, a pilot study will evaluate the feasibility, acceptance, and potential benefits of the digital health solution. Results: The MyFatigue project opened to enrollment in November 2023. Initial results are expected to be published by the end of 2024. Conclusions: This study protocol holds the potential to expand understanding, create personalized self-management approaches, engage stakeholders, and ultimately improve the well-being of individuals with ME/CFS and long COVID.This study received funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Knowledge Generation Project Grant PID-2021-125528OB-I00), and it was cofunded by the 2020 European Union’s Research and Innovation Funding Program

    Skin temperature circadian rhythms and dysautonomia in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: the role of endothelin-1 in the vascular tone dysregulation

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    There is accumulating evidence of autonomic dysfunction in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS); however, little is known about its association with circadian rhythms and endothelial dysfunction. This study aimed to explore the autonomic responses through an orthostatic test and analysis of the peripheral skin temperature variations and vascular endothelium state in ME/CFS patients. Sixty-seven adult female ME/CFS patients and 48 healthy controls were enrolled. Demographic and clinical characteristics were assessed using validated self-reported outcome measures. Postural changes in blood pressure, heart rate, and wrist temperature were recorded during the orthostatic test. Actigraphy during one week was used to determine the 24-h profile of peripheral temperature and activity. Circulating endothelial biomarkers were measured as indicators of endothelial functioning. Results showed that ME/CFS patients presented higher blood pressure and heart rate values than healthy controls in the supine and standing position (p < 0.05 for both), and also a higher amplitude of the activity rhythm (p < 0.01). Circulating levels of endothelin-1 (ET-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) were significantly higher in ME/CFS (p < 0.05). In ME/CFS, ET-1 levels were associated with the stability of the temperature rhythm (p < 0.01), and also with the self-reported questionnaires (p < 0.001). This suggests that ME/CFS patients exhibited modifications in circadian rhythm and hemodynamic measures, which are associated with endothelial biomarkers (ET-1 and VCAM-1). Future investigation in this area is needed to assess dysautonomia and vascular tone abnormalities, which may provide potential therapeutic targets for ME/CFS

    The Conners Continuous Performance Test CPT3 ™ : Is it a reliable marker to predict neurocognitive dysfunction in Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome?

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    The main objective is to delimit the cognitive dysfunction associated with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) in adult patients by applying the Continuous Performance Test (CPT3 ™). Additionally, provide empirical evidence on the usefulness of this computerized neuropsychological test to assess ME/CFS. The final sample (n = 225; 158 Patients/67 Healthy controls) were recruited in a Central Sensitization Syndromes (CSS) specialized unit in a tertiary hospital. All participants were administered this neuropsychological test. There were significant differences between ME/CFS and healthy controls in all the main measures of CPT3 ™. Mainly, patients had a worse indicator of inattentiveness, sustained attention, vigilance, impulsivity, slow reaction time, and more atypical T-scores, which is associated with a likelihood of having a disorder characterized by attention deficits, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). In addition, relevant correlations were obtained between the CPT3 ™ variables in the patient's group. The most discriminative indicators of ME/CFS patients were Variability and Hit Reaction Time, both measures of response speed. The CPT3 ™ is a helpful tool to discriminate neurocognitive impairments from attention and response speed in ME/CFS patients, and it could be used as a marker of ME/CFS severity for diagnosing or monitoring this disease

    Does Coenzyme Q10 Plus Selenium Supplementation Ameliorate Clinical Outcomes by Modulating Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Individuals with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

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    Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a neuroinflammatory, multifaceted chronic disorder of unknown cause. Accumulating data indicate a link between a redox imbalance, mitochondrial dysfunction, and inflammation status in ME/CFS. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and selenium as effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents have shown potential clinical implications in chronic diseases; however, their therapeutic benefits in ME/CFS remain elusive. This open-label exploratory study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of combined CoQ10 plus selenium supplementation on clinical features and circulating biomarkers in ME/CFS. Twenty-seven ME/CFS patients received an oral combination of 400 mg of CoQ10 and 200 μg of selenium daily for 8 weeks. The primary endpoint was patient-reported changes in outcome measures from baseline to 8 weeks' postintervention. Secondary endpoint included changes in circulating biomarkers from baseline to each participant. After an 8-week intervention, a significant improvement was found for overall fatigue severity (p = 0.021) and global quality of life (p = 0.002), while there was no significant effect on the sleep disturbances (p = 0.480) among participants. After 8 week's intervention, there was significantly increased total antioxidant capacity, and there were reduced lipoperoxide levels from the participants (p < 0.0001 for both). Circulating cytokine levels decreased significantly (p < 0.01 for all), but with no significant changes in the C-reactive protein, FGF21, and NT-proBNP biomarkers after supplementation. Based on these findings, we hypothesized that long-term supplementation of combined CoQ10 and selenium may indicate a potentially beneficial synergistic effect in ME/CFS. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 36, 729-739

    Effectiveness of an online multicomponent program (FATIGUEWALK) for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome : a randomized controlled trial

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an online multicomponent intervention called FATIGUEWALK (FaW) compared to treatment as usual (TAU) in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME). METHOD: FaW included pain neuroscience education, therapeutic exercise, cognitive restructuring, and mindfulness training. A total of 428 patients with CFS/ME were randomized into two study arms: online FaW plus TAU versus TAU alone. A single-blinded randomized controlled trial was conducted. Validated patient-reported outcome measures of fatigue, pain, anxiety, depression, and physical function were collected at baseline and posttreatment, following the FaW intervention, which lasted 12 weeks. RESULTS: Statistically significant improvements (with small-to-moderate effect sizes) were observed in online FaW versus TAU alone with respect to multidimensional aspects of fatigue (Cohen's d ranging from 0.25 to 0.73) and most secondary outcomes (pain and fatigue intensity, depressive and anxious symptomatology, functional impairment, kinesiophobia, physical functioning). The absolute risk reduction in FaW versus TAU was 19%, 95% confidence interval (CI) [12.19, 25.80] with number needed to treat = 6, 95% CI [3.9, 8.2]. Overall, similar clinical improvements were observed in sensitivity analyses including a subgroup of patients without comorbidity with fibromyalgia ( n = 70). CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to assess the short-term effectiveness of an online multicomponent intervention added to TAU, compared to TAU alone, for the management of CFS/ME. Further trials, including active control groups with an equivalent treatment dose, and assessing the long-term effectiveness of the online FaW, are warranted. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la efectividad de una intervención multicomponente en línea llamada FATIGUEWALK (FaW) en comparación con el tratamiento habitual (TAU, por sus siglas en inglés) en pacientes con síndrome de fatiga crónica/encefalomielitis miálgica (CFS/ME, por sus siglas en inglés). Método: FaW incluyó educación en neurociencia del dolor, ejercicio terapéutico, reestructuración cognitiva y entrenamiento de atención plena. Un total de 428 pacientes con CFS/ME fueron asignados aleatoriamente a dos grupos de estudio: FaW en línea más TAU versus TAU solo. Se llevó a cabo un estudio controlado aleatorio (ECA) simple ciego. Se recopilaron medidas de resultado validadas informadas por los pacientes de fatiga, dolor, ansiedad, depresión y función física al inicio y después del tratamiento, después de la intervención FaW, que duró 12 semanas. Resultados: Se observaron mejoras estadísticamente significativas (con tamaños de efecto pequeños a moderados) en FaW en línea versus TAU solo con respecto a los aspectos multidimensionales de la fatiga (la d de Cohen oscila entre 0.25 y 0.73) y la mayoría de los resultados secundarios (intensidad de dolor y la fatiga, depresión y ansiedad sintomatológica, deterioro funcional, kinesiofobia, funcionamiento físico). La reducción del riesgo absoluto en FaW versus TAU fue del 19% (IC del 95% = [12.19, 25.80]) con número necesario a tratar (NNT) = 6 (IC del 95% = 3.9-8.2). En general, se observaron mejoras clínicas similares en los análisis de sensibilidad que incluyeron un subgrupo de pacientes sin comorbilidad con fibromialgia (n = 70). Conclusiones: Este es el primer estudio que evalúa la efectividad a corto plazo de una intervención multicomponente en línea agregada a TAU, en comparación con TAU sola, para el tratamiento del CFS/ME. Se justifican ensayos adicionales, que incluyan grupos de control activo con una dosis de tratamiento equivalente y que evalúen la eficacia a largo plazo del FaW en línea

    Personalized Management of Fatigue in Individuals With Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Long COVID Using a Smart Digital mHealth Solution: Protocol for a Participatory Design Approach

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    BackgroundFatigue is the most common symptom in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and long COVID, impacting patients’ quality of life; however, there is currently a lack of evidence-based context-aware tools for fatigue self-management in these populations. ObjectiveThis study aimed to (1) address fatigue in ME/CFS and long COVID through the development of digital mobile health solutions for self-management, (2) predict perceived fatigue severity using real-time data, and (3) assess the feasibility and potential benefits of personalized digital mobile health solutions. MethodsThe MyFatigue project adopts a patient-centered approach within the participatory health informatics domain. Patient representatives will be actively involved in decision-making processes. This study combines inductive and deductive research approaches, using qualitative studies to generate new knowledge and quantitative methods to test hypotheses regarding the relationship between factors like physical activity, sleep behaviors, and perceived fatigue in ME/CFS and long COVID. Co-design methods will be used to develop a personalized digital solution for fatigue self-management based on the generated knowledge. Finally, a pilot study will evaluate the feasibility, acceptance, and potential benefits of the digital health solution. ResultsThe MyFatigue project opened to enrollment in November 2023. Initial results are expected to be published by the end of 2024. ConclusionsThis study protocol holds the potential to expand understanding, create personalized self-management approaches, engage stakeholders, and ultimately improve the well-being of individuals with ME/CFS and long COVID. International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID)PRR1-10.2196/5015