30 research outputs found

    Projeto de Urbanização da Favela Morro da USP

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    This Project aims at rescuing the several stages of our work at favela Morro da USP; the project was initiated after the University Judicial Council requested assistance through the Director of FAU-USP, Prof. Dr. Silvio Sawaya. Due to our knowledge of favela HeliĂłpolis, situated close to Morro da USP, it was believed that the proximity between the two areas could facilitate first contacts, and that, indeed occurred. The Judicial Council’s original idea to sell the turf to the occupants was not successful; however we contributed in defining the main issues of the area some of which have worried the Judicial Council. The fact that the area developed without any planning and unconnected to the official water and sewage systems causes leaks around the neighbourhood and renders favourable conditions to the appearance of infectious maladies, particularly in the infant population. For this reason, the equipping of the area with official water and sewage systems, as proposed by Sabesp, is not only a necessity but a duty of the University. O trabalho pretende resgatar as etapas de nossa atuação na favela Morro da USP, que teve inĂ­cio por solicitação da Consultoria JurĂ­dica da Universidade, atravĂ©s do Diretor da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de SĂŁo Paulo, Prof. Dr. Silvio Sawaya. Devido nosso conhecimento das lideranças e moradores da Favela de HeliĂłpolis, situada prĂłxima ao Morro da USP, acreditou-se que a proximidade entre os dois nĂșcleos pudesse facilitar os primeiros contatos, o que realmente ocorreu. A ideia inicial de vender a gleba aos ocupantes nĂŁo teve sucesso, entretanto contribuĂ­mos para levantar os principais problemas do assentamento, alguns dos quais tem preocupado a Consultoria JurĂ­dica. O fato do Morro da USP ter se desenvolvido sem planejamento e nĂŁo ser servido pela rede oficial de ĂĄgua e esgotos, tem consequĂȘncias na vizinhança. É o caso dos vazamentos, que fez com que os moradores atingidos acionassem a Universidade. A falta de ĂĄgua tratada tambĂ©m propicia o aparecimento de molĂ©stias infecciosas, principalmente na população infantil. Por essa razĂŁo, dotar a ĂĄrea de uma rede oficial de ĂĄgua e esgotos, como foi proposto pela Sabesp, Ă© uma necessidade e um dever da Universidade

    Lupa e telescĂłpio: o mutirĂŁo em foco - SĂŁo Paulo, anos 90 e atualidade

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    Habitação em São Paulo

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    This article aims at analyzing the main forms of housing precariousness in SĂŁo Paulo, that means houses in irregular buildings lots, shanty towns, slums besides precarious verticalized houses located mainly in the central area of the metropolis. Taking as reference the year of publication of the work SĂŁo Paulo 1975, Growth and Poverty, the authors discuss the hypothesis that the recent growth of the City of SĂŁo Paulo and the transformation of the housing panorama is reflecting not only the perpetuation of the old social differences but also increasing inequalities and segregation.Este artigo trata das principais formas de precariedade habitacional em SĂŁo Paulo, isto Ă©, casas precĂĄrias em loteamentos irregulares e clandestinos, favelas e cortiços, alĂ©m das daquelas verticalizadas, localizadas principalmente na ĂĄrea central da metrĂłpole. Tomando como ponto de referĂȘncia o ano da publicação da obra SĂŁo Paulo 1975 ,crescimento e pobreza, os autores discutem a hipĂłtese de que o recente crescimento da cidade de SĂŁo Paulo e as transformaçÔes do panorama habitacional tĂȘm significado nĂŁo sĂł a perpetuação das antigas diferenças socioespaciais, como tambĂ©m o seu aprofundamento em formas que mais reforçam as desigualdades e a segregação

    A oposição aos pavilhÔes do parque Ibirapuera (1950-1954)

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    Este artigo trata das disputas em torno da realização do parque Ibirapuera, na primeira metade da dĂ©cada de 1950, quando a Prefeitura Municipal de SĂŁo Paulo, com o apoio do Governo do Estado, decidiu implementĂĄ-lo, com o propĂłsito de nele sediar as comemoraçÔes do seu 400Âș aniversĂĄrio de fundação. O Ibirapuera Ă© considerado o primeiro parque metropolitano de SĂŁo Paulo. Foi construĂ­do em 1954, momento em que a cidade arvorava a condição de "metrĂłpole moderna". Com 1.584.000 mÂČ de ĂĄrea total, localizado junto a bairros nobres, o parque foi equipado com um conjunto de edifĂ­cios desenhados por Oscar Niemeyer, destinados a abrigar exposiçÔes comemorativas. Sua construção ensejou uma sĂ©rie de manifestaçÔes de oposição, consolidadas em torno de um grupo que teve franca representação em diversos meios institucionais e de comunicação. Posteriormente, no entanto, essa oposição foi totalmente silenciada tanto pelos agentes sociais envolvidos no processo quanto pela bibliografia sobre o assunto. Procura-se, aqui, levantar as questĂ”es em torno de tal oposição, com vistas a estabelecer um contraponto ao carĂĄter comemorativo da prĂłpria fundação da cidade, permitindo a superação do olhar celebratĂłrio e de elogio do progresso paulistano. Essa investigação delineia um campo de conflitos e disputas, indicando que, naquele momento, nĂŁo havia continuidade entre a celebração do aniversĂĄrio da cidade e a modernidade dos pavilhĂ”es do Ibirapuera, mas sim uma sĂ©rie de embates polĂ­ticos de relevĂąncia para o urbanismo em SĂŁo Paulo, que merecem ser recuperados.This article discusses the disagreements around the construction of Ibirapuera Park in the first half of the 1950s, when the municipal government of SĂŁo Paulo decided, with support from the state government, to implement the project for the purpose of staging the celebrations of the city's 400th anniversary on its premises. Ibirapuera is regarded as the first metropolitan park in SĂŁo Paulo. It was built in 1954 as the city laid claim to the title of "modern metropolis". Sprawling across an area of 1,584,000mÂČ in the vicinity of wealthy neighborhoods, the park boasts a complex of buildings designed by Oscar Niemeyer for commemorative exhibitions. Its construction gave rise to a number of protests gathered around a group with direct representation in several institutions and mass media. Subsequently, however, the opposition was completely silenced not only by the social agents involved in the process but also by the literature published on the subject. In this paper, we try to raise a few questions about the said opposition in an effort to set a counterpoint to the commemorative nature of the events associated with the city's foundation, and thereby look beyond the celebration and acclamation of its progress. Our investigation brings to light an arena of conflicts and disputes, suggesting that there was no direct connection between the celebration of the city's anniversary and the modern design of the pavilions in Ibirapuera Park at the time, but rather a series of political clashes of great import for urban planning in SĂŁo Paulo that are worth revisiting

    Estratégias de aquisição da casa própria: a trajetória de algumas famílias negras paulistanas nas décadas de 1920 a 1940

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    In Brazil, there is a cultural belief that property acquisition is the wisest attitude to ensure a safe and stable economy. For generations, the "dream of property ownership" has been cultivated as a horizon to be achieved. Confirming this tendency, since the 1920s, "casa propria" (home ownership) became a notion mobilized in the black press periodicals, circulating as a desirable aspiration and an orientation to the journals public. Between 1924 and 1937, two of the main newspapers of SĂŁo Paulo black press, O Clarim da Alvorada and A Voz da Raça, carried out a campaign in favor of property ownership, spreading among paulista black families the importance of property acquisition. These campaigns are an important sign for the relevance of buying a property for black families at that time. In this paper, we seek to analyze it as an intergenerational social security strategy, through the presentation of three cases of black families that accomplished this goal between 1920s and 1940s. The black families testimonies reported here indicate precocity, specificities and strategies that represent new challenges for the formulation of property ownership problem, from a racial point of view.No Brasil, hĂĄ uma crença cultural de que a atitude mais sĂĄbia para garantir uma economia domĂ©stica segura e estĂĄvel Ă© a aquisição da casa prĂłpria. Por geraçÔes, o “sonho da casa prĂłpria” tem sido cultivado como um horizonte a se atingir. Confirmando essa tendĂȘncia, desde a dĂ©cada de 1920, a “casa prĂłpria” torna-se uma noção mobilizada nos periĂłdicos da imprensa negra, circulando em diversos artigos como uma aspiração desejĂĄvel e uma orientação ao pĂșblico dos jornais. Entre 1924 e 1937, dois dos principais jornais da imprensa negra paulista, O Clarim da Alvorada e A Voz da Raça, realizaram uma campanha em favor da casa prĂłpria, difundindo entre as famĂ­lias negras paulistanas a ideia da importĂąncia da aquisição imobiliĂĄria. Essas campanhas constituem um indĂ­cio importante da relevĂąncia da aquisição residencial para as famĂ­lias negras do perĂ­odo. Neste trabalho, procuramos analisar essa importĂąncia como estratĂ©gia de seguridade social intergeracional, por meio da apresentação de trĂȘs casos de famĂ­lias negras que realizaram esse objetivo entre as dĂ©cadas de 1920 e 1940. Os depoimentos das famĂ­lias negras aqui reportados indicamprecocidade, especificidades e estratĂ©gias que representam novos desafios para a reflexĂŁo sobre a formulação do problema da casa prĂłpria, a partir do ponto de vista racial

    Habitar a metrĂłpole: os apartamentos quitinetes de Adolf Franz Heep

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    The restructuring of the housing market and the emergence of a new housing typology in Sao Paulo from the mid-1940s, the kitchenette apartment, coincided with changes in the parameters that guided disciplinary discourse and architectural practice in Brazil. Analyze the moment the new typology was formulated, their initial motivations and subsequent developments, allows not only to recover the trajectory of the German architect Adolf Franz Heep (1902-1978) as investigate the dialogue between European architectural avant-garde, the North-American experiences, the local architectural production and the local demands

    The impact of surgical delay on resectability of colorectal cancer: An international prospective cohort study

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    AIM: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to explore the impact of surgical delays on cancer resectability. This study aimed to compare resectability for colorectal cancer patients undergoing delayed versus non-delayed surgery. METHODS: This was an international prospective cohort study of consecutive colorectal cancer patients with a decision for curative surgery (January-April 2020). Surgical delay was defined as an operation taking place more than 4 weeks after treatment decision, in a patient who did not receive neoadjuvant therapy. A subgroup analysis explored the effects of delay in elective patients only. The impact of longer delays was explored in a sensitivity analysis. The primary outcome was complete resection, defined as curative resection with an R0 margin. RESULTS: Overall, 5453 patients from 304 hospitals in 47 countries were included, of whom 6.6% (358/5453) did not receive their planned operation. Of the 4304 operated patients without neoadjuvant therapy, 40.5% (1744/4304) were delayed beyond 4 weeks. Delayed patients were more likely to be older, men, more comorbid, have higher body mass index and have rectal cancer and early stage disease. Delayed patients had higher unadjusted rates of complete resection (93.7% vs. 91.9%, P = 0.032) and lower rates of emergency surgery (4.5% vs. 22.5%, P < 0.001). After adjustment, delay was not associated with a lower rate of complete resection (OR 1.18, 95% CI 0.90-1.55, P = 0.224), which was consistent in elective patients only (OR 0.94, 95% CI 0.69-1.27, P = 0.672). Longer delays were not associated with poorer outcomes. CONCLUSION: One in 15 colorectal cancer patients did not receive their planned operation during the first wave of COVID-19. Surgical delay did not appear to compromise resectability, raising the hypothesis that any reduction in long-term survival attributable to delays is likely to be due to micro-metastatic disease

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    Alguns dados sobre a participação do Engenheiro Samuel das Neves no plano de melhoramentos de São Paulo

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    Some data on the participation of the engineer Samuel das Neves in SĂąo Paulo's Improvements Plan. One of the outstanding professionals in SĂŁo Paulo during the turn of the century was Bahia's agronomistengineer Samuel das Neves. His participation in the city's development occurred through his office, that projected and built hundreds of buildings, from simple to luxury residences, schools, hospitals, factory plants, offices, the first apartments building and penitentiary. His main performance was in SĂŁo Paulo's Improvements plan in 1910. This work intends to demonstrate how Samuel das Neves represented the capitalist interests of that period, specially Count Prates, one of the biggest real state proprietary in SĂŁo Paulo's centerUm dos profissionais que se destacaram em SĂŁo Paulo na virada do sĂ©culo e nas primeiras dĂ©cadas deste, foi o engenheiro agrĂŽnomo bahiano Samuel das Neves. Sua participação no desenvolvimento da cidade deu-se atravĂ©s de seu escritĂłrio tĂ©cnico, que projetou e construiu centenas de prĂ©dios, desde residĂȘncias simples ou de luxo, escolas, fĂĄbricas, escritĂłrios, os primeiros prĂ©dios de apartamentos, hospitais e penitenciĂĄria. Sua atuação de maior repercussĂŁo foi no Plano de Melhoramentos de SĂŁo Paulo a partir de 1910. Esse trabalho visa mostrar como Samuel das Neves representava os interesses de capitalistas da Ă©poca, em especial o Conde de Prates, um dos maiores proprietĂĄrios de terrenos no centro de SĂŁo Paul