7 research outputs found

    A Produção Do Cuidado Em Saúde Mental: Avanços E Desafios à Implantação Do Modelo De Atenção Psicossocial Territorial

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    This research aims to understand the reasons for implementation of the territorial psychosocial care model, its advances and challenges in the production of care, in the current psychiatric reform movement that took place in Fortaleza, Ceara State, Brazil. The research is a qualitative research, a case study, and historically contextualized approach to the dialectical method, technically through interviews and focus group with results submitted to the analysis of collective discourse. The results and discussion are expressed in categories that emerged in the discourse of workers, managers and users, related to the classic psychiatric and the territorial psychosocial care models. The final remarks indicates that both, the hospital model and the territorial psychosocial care model, are living together, and there was not overcome the first by the second. Although the prospect of an inclusive and integrated action policy, the transit to the practice is discontinuous and fragmented. So the model of the territorial psychosocial care is presented currently outside the realm of services, odd/alienated, without many prospects for establishing and implementing in the city of Fortaleza. © 2016, Institute de Medicina Social da UERJ. All rights reserved.2641213123

    Composição corporal e exigências nutricionais de macrominerais para novilhas em crescimento das raças Guzerá e Holandesa Body composition and macrominerals nutritional requirements for growing Guzera and Holstein heifers

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    Foram utilizadas 22 novilhas, 11 da raça Holandesas e 11 da Guzerá, com peso vivo (PV) inicial de 189kg. Após o abate inicial de seis animais de cada raça, outros dois grupos, cinco animais de cada raça, passaram a receber dieta à base de feno de Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.), milho, farelo de soja e mistura mineral, para ganho diário de 1kg de peso vivo (PV). O abate final ocorreu após ganho de peso de 100kg. Durante os dois abates, todos os tecidos foram pesados e amostrados, retirando-se como amostra representativa da carcaça entre a nona e a décima primeira costela para determinação dos conteúdos corporais de Ca, P, Mg, Na e K. Determinaram-se a composição corporal e as exigências nutricionais desses minerais para ganho de 1kg de PV. Houve decréscimo na concentração dos cinco macrominerais no peso de corpo vazio e no peso ganho com a elevação do PV. Não houve diferença entre as raças quanto às exigências nutricionais dos macrominerais. As exigências dietéticas totais de Ca, P, Mg, Na e K para animais de 200kg de PV foram de 11,57; 5,97; 0,36; 1,30 e 0,86g/dia, respectivamente.<br>Twenty-two heifers, 11 Holstein and 11 Guzera, with initial live weight (LW) of 189kg were used in this study. Six animals of each breed were slaughtered (treatment R), and two groups of five animals of each breed were fed ad libitum diet of Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) hay, ground corn, soybean meal and mixture minerals, for a daily gain of 1kg. The animals were slaughtered after reaching weight gain of 100kg. All tissues were weighted and representative samples were taken from the ninth to eleventh rib, and analyzed for body contents of Ca, P, Mg, Na and K. The body composition and the mineral requirements for a 1kg LW daily weight gain were determined. Decreases in the concentration of macrominerals in the empty body weight and in carcass weight gain were related to LW increased. No differences among breeds for macrominerals were observed. The Ca, P, Mg, Na and K dietary requirements for animals of 200kg of LW were 11.57; 5.97; 0.36; 1.30 and 0.86g/day, respectively