2,228 research outputs found

    Charting the NF-kB pathway interactome map

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    One of the phenomena observed in human aging is the progressive increase of a systemic inflammatory state, a condition referred to as “inflammaging”, negatively correlated with longevity. The five components of the Nuclear Factor kB (NF-kB) family are prominent mediators of inflammation. Several different signaling pathways activated by very diverse stimuli converge on NF-kB, resulting in a regulatory system characterized by high complexity. It is increasingly recognized that the number of components that impinges upon phenotypic outcomes of signal transduction pathways may be higher than those taken into consideration from canonical pathway representations. Scope of this analysis is to provide a wider, systemic picture of such intricate signaling system

    The impact of mycorrhizal symbiosis on tomato fruit quality

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    The project investigates the potential impact of mycorrhizal fungi, which have been acknowledged as a new class of bio-fertilizers, on the quality of vegetables. To verify such a hypothesis, we selected tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) as a model plant to examine whether the beneficial effects of mycorrhizal fungi on plant development may be extended to some qualitative fruit features. As a second step, five genes related to carotenoid biosynthesis and volatile compounds were selected. Their expression was investigated through a real-time RT-PCR comparison of mycorrhized and non-mycorrhized plants

    Aportes al manejo integrado de la cuenca hídrica en Baldes del Rosario (San Juan) : una experiencia de aprendizaje-servicio

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    La experiencia es parte de la estrategia docente que se viene desarrollando desde el año 2000 en la cátedra de Manejo de Suelos y Recursos Hídricos (plan 1996) y Manejo Integrado de Cuencas Hídricas (plan 2012), perteneciente al quinto año de la Licenciatura en Biología de la UNSJ. La experiencia está coordinada con la asignatura Manejo de Bosques y Pasturas Naturales, y se llevó a cabo en los ciclos lectivos 2016 y 2017 en Baldes del Rosario, localidad del Departamento Valle Fértil. Los destinatarios fueron tanto la población visitada como los estudiantes, ya que ambos se beneficiaron con el proyecto; el objetivo es la adquisición de aprendizajes, a la vez que el mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida de la comunidad. Se realizó un trabajo previo de gabinete y un trabajo de campo, caracterizando todos los componentes de la cuenca hídrica. Luego se realizó una devolución de los resultados a la comunidad, apuntando a la toma de decisiones de manejo de manera participativa.Fil: Gaviorno, M. Universidad Nacional de San JuanFil: Salvioli, L. Universidad Nacional de San JuanFil: Damiani, O. Universidad Nacional de San Jua

    Reati violenti commessi da minorenni. La 'vulnerabilit\ue0 biologica, psichica e sociale del minore'

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    la riflessione si incentra sull'analisi del minore autore di reati violenti, con particolare riferimento alla commissione di violenze di carattere sessuale. attraverso i risultati di una ricerca -realizzata attraverso i dati relativi ai minori trattati al Centro di Giustizia minorile della regione Emilia Romagna ed in particolare presso il centro di prima accoglienza- gli autori svolgono un'analisi del fenomeno sotto il profilo criminogenetico e criminodinamico con un approccio che provilegia, in una prospettiva multifattoriale e relazionale, l'analisi delle dinamiche familiari all'interno delle quali essa assume oggi rilevanza in sede giurisdizional

    Boron isotope geochemistry of Na-bicarbonate, Na-chloride, and Ca-chloride waters from the Northern Apennine Foredeep basin: other pieces of the sedimentary basin puzzle

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    The boron stable isotope ratio δ11B of 12 water samples representative of three chemical facies (fresh Na-bicarbonate, brackish Na-chloride, saline, and brine Ca-chloride) has been analyzed. Interpretation of the δ11B data, along with the chemical compositions, reveals that Na-carbonate waters from the Northern Apennine are of meteoric origin, with boron contributions from clay desorption and mixing with seawater-derived fluids of Na-chloride or Ca-chloride compositions. The comparison of our new results with the literature data on other sedimentary basins of Mediterranean, and worldwide, confirms the contribution of Na-bicarbonate waters to the genesis of mud volcano fluids. The Na-chloride sample of Salvarola (SAL), which may represent the end-member of the mud volcanoes, and the Ca-chloride brine water from Salsomaggiore (SM) indicate boron release from clays compatible with the diagenetic process. The empirical equation: δ11B=[5.1364×ln(1/B)mgl-1]+44.601relating boron concentration and the stable isotope composition of the fluids observed in this study and the literature is proposed to trace the effect of diagenesis in sedimentary basins. A geothermometer associated to the diagenetic equation is also proposed: T{ring operator}C=[δ11B-38.873(±1.180)]/[-0.164(±0.012)] The application of this equation to obtain reservoir temperatures from δ11B compositions of waters should be carefully evaluated against the results obtained from other chemical and isotopic geothermometers from other basins around the world

    Estudio de los recursos hídricos superficiales y subterráneos de la cuenca del río de la Flecha, Departamento Sarmiento, San Juan

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    Los objetivos del estudio realizado fueron conocer las características hidrológicas e hidrogeológicas de la cuenca del río de la Flecha y proponer obras para el aprovechamiento del agua subterránea y de los derrames superficiales permanentes y subálveos y obras para la defensa de las márgenes de aguas abajo.La metodología consistió en la aplicación de métodos estadísticos e hidrológicos tendientes a la determinación de las lluvias máximas probables y sus consecuentes crecidas, la realización de reconocimientos en campaña, el análisis de los derrames permanentes superficiales y subálveos y la ejecución de diversos estudios relacionados con la hidrogeología de la cuenca. La información obtenida, ha permitido mejorar el conocimiento de la hidrología e hidrogeología de la cuenca del río de La Flecha, programar próximos estudios de detalle e informar los aspectos relacionados con obras que podrían diseñarse para el aprovechamiento de sus recursos hídricos y defensa contra crecidas.The objectives of the study were to determine the hydrological and hydrogeological characteristics of the La Flecha river basin and propose constructions for the use of groundwater and permanent surface spills and subsurface and constructions for the defense of the downstream margins. The methodology consisted of the application of statistical methods and hydrological aimed at determining the probable maximum rainfall and resulting floods, conducting surveys in the field, the analysis of permanent spills surface and subsurface and the implementation of various studies related to the hydrogeology of the basin. The information obtained has improved the knowledge of hydrology and hydrogeology of La Flecha ́s basin, set future studies detailed and reporting aspects of constructions that could be designed for the use of their water resources and flood defenses.Universidad Nacional de La Plat