9,503 research outputs found

    Optimal design of water distribution systems based on entropy and topology

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    A new multi-objective evolutionary optimization approach for joint topology and pipe size design of water distribution systems is presented. The algorithm proposed considers simultaneously the adequacy of flow and pressure at the demand nodes; the initial construction cost; the network topology; and a measure of hydraulic capacity reliability. The optimization procedure is based on a general measure of hydraulic performance that combines statistical entropy, network connectivity and hydraulic feasibility. The topological properties of the solutions are accounted for and arbitrary assumptions regarding the quality of infeasible solutions are not applied. In other words, both feasible and infeasible solutions participate in the evolutionary processes; solutions survive and reproduce or perish strictly according to their Pareto-optimality. Removing artificial barriers in this way frees the algorithm to evolve optimal solutions quickly. Furthermore, any redundant binary codes that result from crossover or mutation are eliminated gradually in a seamless and generic way that avoids the arbitrary loss of potentially useful genetic material and preserves the quality of the information that is transmitted from one generation to the next. The approach proposed is entirely generic: we have not introduced any additional parameters that require calibration on a case-by-case basis. Detailed and extensive results for two test problems are included that suggest the approach is highly effective. In general, the frontier-optimal solutions achieved include topologies that are fully branched, partially- and fully-looped and, for networks with multiple sources, completely separate sub-networks

    Employees performances at the palm oil factory: A Fundamental study

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    The present study investigate the palm oil factory employee performance at Pahang Malaysia. It was found that personal motivation, remuneration, and training was an important factor to determine the employees’ performance, but work environment was rejected. The finding of this study is important and make an additional information for employers to motivate employees and develop effective ways to improve employees’ performance in order to grow the palm oil manufacturing industry through creating a good relationship between management and operations staff. This is essential because employee is the most valuable asset for an organization to be successful and highly productivity can only be achieved through excellent employee performanc

    Analisa Laporan Arus Kas sebagai Alat Bantu Pengambilan Keputusan pada CV. Jpp Kabupaten Purwakarta

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    Laporan arus kas merupakan alat yang digunakan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kas yang telah digunakan untuk membiayai operasi Perusahaan, apakah pengalokasian aliran kas masuk dan aliran kas keluar tepat dan efisien. Dengan adanya analisa laporan arus kas ini, maka akan dapat membantu pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan baik pihak intern seperti pemegang saham, Pihak Manajemen maupun pihak-pihak ekstern seperti Pemerintah, kreditur dan untuk mengetahui darimana diperoleh sumber kas dan bagaimana penggunaan kas tersebut serta dapat membantu pihak-pihak tersebut dalam mengambil keputusan. Didalam penelitian ini teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Analisis Deskriptif. Hasil penelitian pada CV. JPP Kabupaten Purwakarta merupakan Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jati unggul produk Perhutani yang diperoleh dari program pemuliaan pohon .Hasil evaluasi pada dasarnya aktivitas Perusahaan dalam hal ini adalah baik karena sumber kas yang terbesar berasal dari aktivitas operasi yaitu laba bersih yang merupakan sumber kas utama bagi Perusahaan. Pembelian benih KBK serta semai JPP berpotensi mengurangi harta Perusahaan , serta jumlah kas yang menganggur pada Perusahaaan. Dengan demikian Perusahaan perlu memperhatikan Efesiensi kas untuk menghindari terjadinya kerugian dan juga menghindari jumlah kas yang menganggur

    A Formal Semantic Model of the Semantic Web Service Ontology (WSMO)

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    Semantic Web Services, one of the most significant research areas within the Semantic Web vision, has attracted increasing attention from both the research community and industry. The Web Service Modelling Ontology (WSMO) has recently been proposed as an enabling framework for the total/partial automation of the tasks (e.g., discovery, selection, composition, mediation, execution, monitoring, etc.) involved in both intra- and inter-enterprise integration of Web Services. To support the standardization and tool support of WSMO, a formal semantics of the language is highly desirable. As there are a few variants of WSMO and it is still under development, the semantics of WSMO needs to be formally defined to facilitate easy reuse and future development. In this paper, we present a formal Object-Z semantics of WSMO. Different aspects of the language have been precisely defined within one unified framework. This model not only provides a formal unambiguous model which can be used to develop tools and facilitate future development, but as demonstrated in this paper, can be used to identify and eliminate errors presented in existing documentation

    Management of erectile dysfunction post-radical prostatectomy

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    © 2015 Saleh et al.Radical prostatectomy is a commonly performed procedure for the treatment of localized prostate cancer. One of the long-term complications is erectile dysfunction. There is little consensus on the optimal management; however, it is agreed that treatment must be prompt to prevent fibrosis and increase oxygenation of penile tissue. It is vital that patient expectations are discussed, a realistic time frame of treatment provided, and treatment started as close to the prostatectomy as possible. Current treatment regimens rely on phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors as a first-line therapy, with vacuum erection devices and intraurethral suppositories of alprostadil as possible treatment combination options. With nonresponders to these therapies, intracavernosal injections are resorted to. As a final measure, patients undergo the highly invasive penile prosthesis implantation. There is no uniform, objective treatment program for erectile dysfunction post-radical prostatectomy. Management plans are based on poorly conducted and often underpowered studies in combination with physician and patient preferences. They involve the aforementioned drugs and treatment methods in different sequences and doses. Prospective treatments include dietary supplements and gene therapy, which have shown promise with there proposed mechanisms of improving erectile function but are yet to be applied successfully in human patients

    Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Daerah Pada Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah Penghasil Pendapatan Asli Daerah Di Lingkungan Pemerintah Kota Palu

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    The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the growth of actual revenues, effectiveness, activity ratio and contribution of locally generated revenues on each regional revenues-producing government institution in Palu City. Te research is descriptive and its sample consist of 13 regional government unit that are selected through census or non-probability sampling. Tool of analysis used are locally generated revenues growth ratio, locally generated revenues effectiveness ratio, activity ratio with ratio of harmony and tax and contribution analysis of taxes and levies. The resultshows that 1) The growth of loccaly generated revenues is generally fluctuated and there are three local governance unit show negative growth; 2) managerial effectiveness of locally generated revenues is quite effective, and there are three local governance unit showed poor and ieffective performance; 3) spending aspect identifies four local governance units with indirect expenditure greater than direct expenditure; 4) contribution aspect indicates that the majority of revenues in the local government units has less contribution to the locally generated revenues, only two institutions perform good criteria

    Prediksi Kebangkrutan Perusahaan Menggunakan Algoritma C4.5 Berbasis Forward Selection

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    Memprediksi kebangkrutan Perusahaan adalah upaya yang penting dalam mengatasi masalah manajemen Perusahaan dengan tujuan utamanya adalah mengoptimalkan pengelolaan fitur yang berpengaruh dalam memprediksi kebangkrutan Perusahaan. Masalah mendasar dalam machine learning adalah proses optimasi keputusan untuk mendapatkan fungsi kombinasi yang optimal. Forward selection adalah pendekatan wrapper yang sering digunakan dalam seleksi fitur otomatis, forward selection mampu menghapus fitur yang tidak relevan, mengembangkan dan menambah kualitas data, serta meningkatkan performa dan akurasi model. Penelitian ini mengusulkan algoritma C4.5 berbasis forward selection untuk menemukan atribut yang berpengaruh dalam peningkatan akurasi prediksi kebangkrutan Perusahaan. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dengan penerapan algoritma C4.5 berbasis forward selection menghasilkan beberapa fitur signifikan, dalam penelitian menggunakan 250 record atribut compettivenes dan credibility menjadi fitur yang signifikan dari 6 atribut yang ada. Dalam penelitian dengan 250 record algoritma C4.5 mendapatkan hasil akurasi sebesar 99.60% dan algoritma C4.5 berbasis forward selection dengan akurasi sebesar 99.61%