62 research outputs found

    Impact of Employee Empowerment on Job Satisfaction

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to measure the factors affecting the performance of employee by discussing impact of employee empowerment on job satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach: Being descriptive study, survey method was adopted for data collection to find out the factors. The methodology comprised research design, Target population for the study, sampling techniques, sampling Method, sample size determination etc . Data was analyzed by using Cronbach?s Alpha, correlation and regression in SPSS software. Findings: The independent variable empowerment was weakly moderate correlated with dependent variable job satisfaction. Hence it is concluded that employee empowerment has a positive impact on the job satisfaction. Originality/value – The paper reveals there exist relationship between the performance of employee and factors affecting in employee performance in Bahawalpur. Keywords: Performance of employee, job satisfaction, training, empowerment


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    Objective: This potential randomized BIS measured research remained led to liken little-stream anesthesia procedures through or else deprived of nitrous oxide (N2O) by means of remifentanil also sevoflurane, through deference to ventilation limitations also sevoflurane ingesting. Methodology: Fifty-one, ASA I/II women youthful than 66-year-old, reserved for gynecological medicinal technique suffering right around three hours under customary anesthesia have been chosen. Our Research was conducted at Lahore General Hospital, Lahore Pakistan at April 2016 to August 2017. Electrocardiogram (ECG), beat oximetry, non-prominent vein weight, train-of-four (TOF) and bispectrality record (BIS) had been checked. Anesthesia used to be hurried through inj propofol 3 mg/kg with expansions of 12 mg until BIS used to be underneath sixty-five and rocuronium 0.7 mg/kg. Patients have been randomized to one of 3 social affairs, 17 sufferers in each, to get either N2O (Group-N) or sans n2o anesthesia (Groups R1 nd R2). All affiliations got bolus remifentanil 0.6 μl/kg and after that blends at 0.3 μl/kg/min (Set-R I), or else 0.06 μl/kg/min (Set-R 2) as help. Anesthesia was once stayed aware of sevoflurane in O2 + N2O or air. Signs exhibiting acceptable significance of anesthesia at some point or another of preservation time of anesthesia were HR, vein blood strain and BIS. The purpose behind existing was to get a BIS charge some place in the scope of 45 and sixty-five and hemodynamic parameters inside 22% of benchmark regards. Opiate implantations were consistent as sevoflurane vaporizer dial setting was once adjusted in ± 0.6% volumes to keep up this goal. Systolic, diastolic and prescribe vein loads, HR, SpO2, the animated and passed gas deficient weight estimations of O2, sevoflurane, N2O, and CO2, BIS regards sevoflurane vaporizer dial settings, and recovery models have been recorded. Evaluating factors had been at each and every 6 min at some stage in therapeutic technique. An irrelevant impelled oxygen care (FiO2) of 0.4 used to be kept up. Usage and costs for sevoflurane have been resolved. Results: Measurement data, time of cautious movement and anesthesia were near between the social affairs. An epic decrease was once observed in FiO2 with the guide of period in altogether social affairs. For entirely annual periods FiO2 was once quantifiably extended in Set-N. The refinement between passed on O2 also FiO2 remained most negligible in Set-N. The qualification among animated and passed portions of sevoflurane (Fiserv and Festive) diminished by strategy for time in the long run of the low stream time span. It used to be lower in Group-N than in remifentanil social occasions. Complete sevoflurane use used to be noticeably higher in Group-R 2 than Group-N anyway there was at one time no sweeping complexity in sevoflurane use and charges per affected individual each minute between social affairs. Recovery events had been associated between the social occasions. Conclusions: We contemplated that danger of hypoxia and shaky pain-relieving use did never again contrast with or then again other than N2O in remifentanil-sevoflurane, low buoy anesthesia. Checking FiO2 is fundamental in both air/ O2 and N2O/O2 mixes. Both are secure to oversee with the exception of if FiO2 is lower than 35%. BIS-guided sevoflurane with its low dissolvability incorporate successfully modifies right away to variable pain-relieving significance goes over the range of low-stream anesthesia. Key words: Anesthesia, Locked Circuit, Anesthesia, Rebreathing, Nitrous oxide, Consciousness Monitors, Bispectrality Catalogue Monitor

    Prevalence of bilateral cataract blindness in persons ≥50 years of age in Pulwama district, Jammu & Kashmir, India

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    Rapid assessment of cataract blindness has been accepted as a robust tool to help planners in developing countries.Prevalence of cataract blindness can give important information about the impact of a cataract intervention programme. A study in this direction was carried out in Pulwama district of Jammu & Kashmir. Our results clearly showed that with the increase in age, the prevalence of bilateral cataract blindness increases manifold. However, gender did influence the prevalence of cataract in the present survey. The prevalence of bilateral cataract decreases considerably, with the increase in education of both the genders. Among both male and female respondents examined, 89 percent were having both eyes phakia. Similarly 79 percent of study population were not having lenticular opacity either in R/E or L/E in both males and females. Results show that the prevalence of bilateral cataract blindness in district Pulwama is 4.16 percent


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    OBJECTIVE: The primary objective of this study was to minimize post-harvest damages and improve the handling of agricultural commodities. The secondary objective was to assess the performance of the dryer by varying inlet velocity of air on temperature, final moisture of the product, drying period, and drying rate METHODS: The present research was carried out for the development, fabrication, and testing of a multi-portioned type solar dryer. The multi-portioned dryer consisted of a collector unit, air storage chamber, drying cabins, and a chimney. A fan assembly was also attached at the inlet of the collector and at the outlet of the drying compartment to control the air velocity and to remove the moist air. RESULTS: The data obtained from the experiments revealed that the maximum temperature elevation of 36.5oC was attained during a no-load test. The results obtained after carrying out load tests revealed that the maximum drying rate of 47 g/hr was achieved at the air inlet velocity of 3.2 m/s. The initial moisture content of 80.50% was brought down to 3.31% in five sunshine hours of 150 gram sliced potatoes. Each portion received air at varying speeds, and it was observed that the portion receiving air at the lowest speed had the maximum temperature. CONCLUSION: The lowest temperature elevation was recorded for the portion receiving air at the highest speed. The dryer was also found to be suitable for the on-field practical application for the drying of perishable commodities

    Psychological Drivers of Alternative Fuel Vehicles' Adoption and Ecologically Responsible Use

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    Environmental problems caused by global warming are becoming alarming with every passing day. To curb greenhouse gas (GhG) emissions, promoting alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) and sustainable transport mode choices is critical. This study explores the predictors of eco-social purchase, use, and conservation intentions in a developing country by employing an extended model of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB). Using a self-administered survey technique, data were collected from a nationally representative sample of 1372 customers of three leading automobile manufacturers from eight big cities of Pakistan. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) was applied to test the measurement and structural models. Results showed that the extended model of TPB received support in the context of Pakistani culture and for the targeted behaviours related to eco-social purchase, use, and conservation intentions concerning AFVs. Implications for marketers and theoretical contribution are discussed at the end

    Reduction in Average Length of Stay in Emergency Department of a Low-Income Country's Cancer Hospital.

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    Introduction: Prolonged length of stay (LOS) in emergency departments (ED) is a widespread problem in every hospital around the globe. Multiple factors cause it and can have a negative impact on the quality of care provided to the patients and the patient satisfaction rates. This project aimed to ensure that the average LOS of patients in a tertiary care cancer hospital stays below 3 hours. Materials and Methods: The Six Sigma DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) approach was followed. Results: The average LOS was 166 minutes before implementing interventions. The two primary reasons for the increased length of stay were delays secondary to physician assessment and diagnostic lab reports. Strategies were defined to control these factors, which helped reduce the average length of stay to 142 minutes, a 30% reduction. Conclusion: A process improvement model similar to this project is recommended to enhance the quality of hospital services. It will provide valuable insights into the process flow and assist in gathering precise data on the various steps involved. The data collected can then be analyzed to identify potential causes and make informed decisions that can significantly improve hospital processes

    Changes in Blood Gases and Hemodynamic Parameters in Patients Undergoing Lung Resection Surgery and Its Clinical Implications

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    Introduction: Lung resection surgery is a challenge to thoracic surgeons. Outcome of surgery depends on patients’ tolerance to reduced lung volume and hemodynamic alterations. The present study aimed to investigate the changes in blood gases and hemodynamic parameters in patients undergoing lung resection surgery and the associated clinical implications. Materials and methods: This study included 25 candidates for lung resection surgery. After thoracotomy, isolation of pulmonary artery (PA) and veins were performed as usual. Blood samples were taken from the PA and radial artery simultaneously before clamping, as well as 5 and 20 min after clamping the PA. The systemic as well as PA pressure was also measured. All patients were followed up, arterial blood gas and pulmonary function tests were performed 3-6 months after the surgery. Results: Cough (56%) and hemoptysis (56%) were the commonest symptom. Most prevalent pathology was squamous cell carcinoma (56%). Lobectomy was the most common procedure performed on the patients. No change was observed in blood gases before and after the clamping of the PA. There was a significant increase in the mean PA pressure (P45 mmHg had more postoperative complications than those with a PCO2 of ≤45 mmHg (P=0.047). Conclusion: Given the lack of any significant changes in the PCO2 and oxygen saturation following the lung resection surgery, it seems that this parameter is not a limiting factor for deciding on operability in patients with lung lesions having an acceptable preoperative PO2 level. However, the patients with a PCO2 of >45 mmHg should be categorized as high-risk group since they have significantly higher postoperative complications/morbidity

    Validated RP-HPLC method for the simultaneous determination of glucosamine sulphate and curcumin in cream formulation: A novel stability-indicating study

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    Purpose: To develop and validate a stability-indicating reverse phase-high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method for the simultaneous determination of glucosamine sulphate (GS) and curcumin (Cur) in drug solution and formulation.Methods: The optimized chromatographic conditions were achieved by passing various compositions of mobile phases over  different reverse phase chromatographic columns. Various validation parameters, including linearity, range, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), accuracy, precision, specificity and system suitability were performed and evaluated. Stability studies under stressed conditions were done to evaluate the effects of acid, alkali, oxidation, heat and degradation by UV light.Results: The validated method was linear over the concentration range of 0.094 to 1.5 mg/mL for GS and 0.125 to 1.5 mg/mL for Cur, with a correlation coefficient > 0.999. The Intra and inter-day precision were 1.9 % for GS and 0.5 % for Cur, while accuracy was 96 and 102 % for GS and Cur, respectively. Stability studies showed that GS was highly sensitive to acid, alkali and oxidation and less sensitive to heat and UV. Cur was stable against acid, heat and oxidation but sensitive to alkali and UV.Conclusion: The developed and validated method was precise and accurate for both GS and Cur and can potentially be utilized for their identification and quantification at industrial, research and quality control laboratories

    Reconstruction of soft tissue defects in Fournier’s gangrene at a tertiary care centre

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    Background: Fournier’s gangrene is an acute and potentially lethal multi-bacterial necrotizing infection that primarily involves the scrotum but may extend beyond its confines to perineum and abdominal wall. The disease may result in sepsis and death if treatment is delayed. Management consists of timely diagnosis, aggressive debridement, broad-spectrum antibiotics followed by reconstruction which still remains a surgical challenge.Methods: It is a prospective study conducted from Jan 2006 to Dec 2015 on 29 patients of Fournier’s gangrene who were referred to the department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Sheri-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Srinagar, Kashmir, for reconstruction after initial debridement by general surgeon/urologist. The patient’s age, predisposing factors, site and the size of the defects, reconstructive options used and outcome were evaluated. Assessment of testicular function was done at 6 months by sperm count and morphology.Results: A total of 29 patients of Fournier’s gangrene consisting of 28 males and one female were included in the study. The mean age was 37 years and the most common comorbidity was diabetes mellitus in 18 patients (62%). Wounds were allowed to heal by secondary intension in 8 patients. Scrotal advancement flap was done in seven patients. Split thickness skin grafting (STSG) of extensive wounds was done in 11 patients and testes were placed in medial thigh subcutaneous pocket in one patient. Two elderly diabetic patients succumbed to sepsis and multi organ failure. Overall complication rate was 18.5%.Conclusions: Thorough debridement and early wound cover are essential in the management of Fournier’s gangrene for successful rehabilitation. Various reconstructive options are available with no conclusive evidence to support flap rather than skin graft and most of the procedures result in preservation of testicular function in the long term
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