754 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Buku Tiga Dimensi Berbahasa Inggris Bermuatan Cerita Rakyat Kalimantan Barat Untuk Pemahaman Narrative Peserta Didik

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    The aim of this study is to develop an English three-dimension book of West Kalimantan folklore which is relevant to learner\u27s narrative understanding in learning English. This qualitative research is done based on the common phases of research development which cover research and initial data collecting, designing, product developing, validating, product revising, early trials, field trials, and operational trials. The researcher concludes that English three-dimension book of West Kalimantan folklore can be effectively used by the learners easier, funnier, independently and achieve the mastery learning objectives

    Correlation Between Playing Digital Game And Students English Learning Achievement

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    The purpose of this research is to find out the correlation between playing digital game and students English learning achievement for the eighth grade students of SMP Bawari Pontianak in Academic Year 2012 2013. This research involved 35 students of eighth grade (VIII B). This research was designed in the form of descriptive research therefore; the data of this research were obtained by administering the questionnaire and students English learning achievement score taken from the English teachers handbook. The questionnaire tested on 35 students with 25 questions. This research used Person Product Moment formula to see the correlation value. The result of analyzing data found that the correlation between playing digital game and their English learning achievement score were 0.86 which categorized by high correlation. The most dominant skill acquired is Reading skill. Based on the finding, it is found that there were 11 students got high level (above 70) deals with students response score and the rest of them are below 70

    Improving Students' Speaking Ability In Using Expressions For Asking, Giving, And Refusing Opinion Through Role-play Technique

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    Most of eighth grade students' SMP Yakhalusti Pontianak have difficulty to follow English lesson especially in learning speaking activity. Therefore, role-play technique was applied to improve students speaking ability in using expressions for asking, giving, and refusing opinion. Classroom action research method was used to solve the problems. This method was applied on 40 students of eighth grade of SMP Yakhalusti Pontianak. The data were collected by using observation table and field note. Collecting the data also completed by using performance test and scoring rubric. The result of data analysis showed there were improvements in students speaking ability from the first cycle, second cycle, and third cycle. Student ability in speaking in first cycle was low, mean score was 54.075. In second cycle become 63.075. Then, in third cycle mean score showed improvement become 70.40. Therefore, it can concluded that using role-play techique can improved students speaking ability in using expression for asking, giving, and refusing opinion

    Metacognitive Online Reading Strategy Practiced By English Students

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    This research aims to find out the level of metacognitive reading strategy use by the students in online reading. The subjects of this research were sixth semester students of English Education Study Program. There were 48 students involved to gather the data. The method used in this research is descriptive method. The data were derived through students response to the OSORS questionnaire. The data revealed that in fact the students use metacognitive reading strategy in reading online. The most preferable strategy used by the students was problem solving reading strategy. Furthermore, the data showed that there were 66.7% students fell as moderate strategy users, 25 % fell as high strategy users, and 12.5% fell as low strategy users

    Teaching Techniques in Reading Used on Students' Classroom Action Research Papers

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    :This research entitled Teaching Techniques in Reading Used on Students' Classroom Action Research Papers. The purpose of this research is to find out teaching techniques in reading used on students' classroom action research papers and modifications to improve the techniques. This research was done in descriptive study. The researcher used observation table as the tools of collecting data. The research data are taken from English Education Study Program and UPT Perpustakaan UNTAN. The research finding showed that classroom action research papers were 62 papers while there were 40 papers used teaching techniques. As the result, WH Question was used five times while Know Want Learn, Numbered Head Together, Think Pair Share, Directed Reading Thinking Activity and Reciprocal Teaching Technique were used three times. There were 9 teaching techniques used two times and there were 23 teaching technique used just once. Meanwhile, the modifications of teaching techniques were done with emphasize the techniques and learning material and also by improving classroom management

    Analysis On Reading-based Researches Conducted In English Education Study Program

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    This research entitled analysis on reading-based researches conducted in english education study program. The purpose of this research is to investigate reseachers' interest on reading skill in thesis writing. The subjects of research are the theses written on reading interest by English Education Study Program during the period 2006-2011.The research data are taken from UPT PerpustakaanTanjungpura University. The data were analyzed by descriptive study by classified into several categories of interest: Method of Research, Research Focus, Research venue.As the result, mostly theses used Pre-experimental Study. It was 71,74% of the samples while Classroom Action Research and Descriptive Study are 19,56% and 8,70%. According to the research focus: teaching technique is 78,26 %, teaching media is 17,39% and unclassified 4,35%. Researchers' interest based on venue of study; Elementary School (4,35%), Junior High School (36,96%), Senior High School (52,17%) and University (6,52%)

    Improving the Students Ability in Reading Narrative Text by Using Folk Tale (Local Legend)

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    This research was conducted based on the problems which were found in the process of teaching and learning narrative text by the eighth grade class A students of SMP Yos Sudarso Parindu. The problems were that they were uninterested in reading lesson and they got low motivation in learning English especially in reading class. Consequently, the students got difficulty to understand the grammatical construction in the text they read; they did not know the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary. Besides, the reading materials in the text book were not interesting to them because the stories often came from other countries and the reading texts were not appropriate to the students background knowledge

    Designing Mapica: Powerpoint- Based Instructional Material to Involve Refugee Students to Speak Actively

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    This study uses the research and development approach. The purpose of this research is to develop a Powerpoint based-instructional material for teaching speaking to the refugees at Detention Center Pontianak in getting them involved actively in speaking class by combining material, picture and animated pictures (MaPicA). In developing this product, need analysis is done in order to find the need of the students for speaking class. Based on the need analysis, a product is designed, developed and implemented to the class. The product is PowerPoint-based instructional material which consists of 91 slides, 1 slide for the cover of the product that explains about what the product is, 1 slide is to guide the user of the product, 1 slide is to display the theme of discussion and divided into 2, on the right is for theme and on the left is for pictures as well as animated pictures, 1 slide is to display audio and 1 slide is for each grammar and exercise while there are 86 slides are used for the content of the material. The result applied to the large group shows a consistency between the first and the second try out on students\u27 performance. The result of second try out shows the improvement in the number of students involved in the class discussion. Besides, this product is able to establish a clear link between the topic being discussed and its uses in the real world, moreover, the students are able to use it for their communication

    A Study on the Teaching of Vocabulary Through Cartoon Film Entitled Pocoyo

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    The purpose of conducting this research is to discover the significance how effective is the using of cartoon film entitled “Pocoyo” on the teaching vocabulary to the playgroup students of KB-TK Bina Mulia. Based on the test result, the researcher discovered a good result that was shown by the mean score which was 61.3 (fair) increased to 85.3 (good). Further, the result of t-test calculation is 7.199. It is higher than t-table. Still, the teaching learning process through cartoon film entitle Pocoyo is very interesting for playgroup students. In this case, the use of cartoon film entitled Pocoyo can attract the students' attention in learning vocabulary. The students were more confidence to say what they have watched and heard from cartoon film entitled Pocoyo. Thus, the writer draws the conclusion that the use of cartoon film entitled Pocoyo is effective in introducing vocabularies to the playgroup students of