16 research outputs found

    ダイガクセイ ノ カガクカン シゼンカン ニ ツイテ

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    川上・小城・坂田 (2008a) は,川上・小城・坂田 (2007) の自由記述データをもとに,科学 観・自然、観を損IJ 定する尺度を構成することを日的とし,大学生 316 名を対象とした質問紙調査を実施 した。因子分析の結果,現代大学生の科学観・自然観を構成する因子として,癒す自然,未来を築く 科学,脅威を与える科学,保護を求める自然、,人智を超えた自然,脅威を与える自然、の 6 つの因子が 抽出された。しかしながら,これらの因子に関しては,その信頼性係数が不十分であるものも含まれ ていた。そこで本研究では,日l上他 (2008a) を参考に,項目の再検討を行い,信頼性の高い大学生の 科学観・自然観の尺度を構成することを目指した。大学生 373 名を対象とした質問紙調査の結果,現代 大学生の科学観・自然観を構成する因子として,人智を超えた自然,癒す自然,未来を築く科学,リス クのある科学,脅威を与える科学,保護を求める自然の 6 つの因子が抽出された。これらの因子を測定 する下位尺度に関しては信頼性係数も 635 以上であり,使用に耐えうる下位尺度であると判断された。In the previous study (Kawakami,Koshiro,&Sakata,2007) three hundred and sixteen university students were participated in a questionnaire survey on view of science and nature. The responses were analyzed by a factor analysis,and as a result six factors were extracted “healing nature",吋uture-promising science",“threatening science",“nature beyond human control",“nature needs conservation",and “threatening nature". However, the reliability of that scale was rather low.The purpose of the present study was to create more reliable scale for university stu dents\u27 view of science and nature,based on the scale reported in Kawakami et al. (2007).Three hundred and seventy three university students were participated in a survey with a modified version of questionnaire. The responses were analyzed by a factor analysis, and as a result six factors were extracted: “nature beyond human control",“healing nature",“future-promising science",“science with some risk",“threatening science",and “nature needs conservation".The results showed the sex difference on the score of “nature beyond human control", “healing nature",and “nature needs conservation", that is, the scores were higher in women than in men

    フシギ ゲンショウ オ シンジル リユウ

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    心霊現象や占い,宇宙人・UFO. 超能力など,現在の科学ではその存在や効果が立証されない が人々に信じられていることのある現象を総括して“不思議現象"と呼ぶ。本研究では,代表的な不思 議現象(血液型による性格診断,宇宙人の存在,超能力の存在,占い,霊の存在,神仏の存在)を取 り上げ,それらを信奉する,あるいは信奉しない理由について検討することを目的とした。それぞれ の対象について,信奉を「はしリか「いいえ」かの 2 件法にて尋ね,これに続いて,その理由を自由記 述にて求めた。大学生 161 名の信奉あるいは非信奉の理由として挙げられた語句をテキストマイニン グを用いて分析し,信奉者と非信奉者との違い,特lこ依拠するメディアの差異について考察した。Paranormal phenomenon is defined as unusual experiences that lack a scientific expla­ nation and are believed in by some people. TFhuhe purpose of this study was to investigate the reasons why university students believe in paranormal phenomenon. Six phenomena: “ABO Blood -Groups Typology",“Existence of extraterrestriallife",“Existence of super­ natural power",“Fortunetelling",“Existence of spiritual entities", and “The gods and Buddha",were selected and participants were asked to respond whether they believe it or not that phenomenon,and provide the reason in free format.Hundred and sixty 一 one university students were participated in this questionnaire study. Using text-mining procedure,free description data was analyzed. The results showed that there were some differences between believers and non-believers. The results were discussed in the light of difference of media they referred in believing paranormal phenomena

    Randomized phase II study to determine the optimal dose of 3-week cycle nab-paclitaxel in patients with metastatic breast cancer

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    Background Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy is commonly observed in patients treated with nanoparticle albumin–bound paclitaxel (nab-PTX). We conducted a multicenter randomized controlled study to evaluate the optimal dose of nab-PTX. Methods We compared three different doses of q3w nab-PTX (Standard: 260 mg/m2 [SD260] vs Medium: 220 mg/m2 [MD220] vs Low: 180 mg/m2 [LD180]) in patients with HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer (MBC). Primary endpoint was progression-free survival (PFS). Grade 3/4 neuropathy rates in the three doses were estimated using the logistic regression model. The optimal dose was selected in two steps. Initially, if the hazard ratio (HR) for PFS was 1.33, the inferior dose was excluded, and we proceeded with the non-inferior dose. Then, if the estimated incidence rate of grade 3/4 neurotoxicity exceeded 10%, that dose was also excluded. Results One hundred forty-one patients were randomly assigned to SD260 (n = 47), MD220 (n = 46), and LD180 (n = 48) groups, and their median PFS was 6.66, 7.34, and 6.82 months, respectively. The HRs were 0.73 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.42–1.28) in MD220 vs SD260, 0.77 (95% CI 0.47–1.28) in LD180 vs SD260, and 0.96 (95% CI 0.56–1.66) in LD180 vs MD220. SD260 was inferior to MD220 and was excluded. The estimated incidence rate of grade 3/4 neurotoxicity was 29.5% in SD260, 14.0% in MD220, and 5.9% in LD180. The final selected dose was LD180. Conclusions Intravenous administration of low-dose nab-PTX at 180 mg/m2 q3w may be the optimal therapy with meaningful efficacy and favorable toxicity in patients with MBC

    Association of Genetic Polymorphism with Taxane-induced Peripheral Neuropathy: Sub-analysis of a Randomized Phase II Study to Determine the Optimal Dose of 3-week Cycle Nab-Paclitaxel in Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients

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    Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is an important clinical challenge that threatens patients’ quality of life. This sub-study of the ABROAD trial investigated the influence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on CIPN, using genotype data from a randomized study to determine the optimal dose of a 3-week-cycle regimen of nab-paclitaxel (q3w nab-PTX) in patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC). Patients with HER2-negative MBC were randomly assigned to three doses of q3w nab-PTX (SD: 260 mg/m2 vs. MD: 220 mg/m2 vs. LD: 180 mg/m2). Five SNPs (EPHA4-rs17348202, EPHA5-rs7349683, EPHA6-rs301927, LIMK2-rs5749248, and XKR4-rs4737264) were analyzed based on the results of a previous genome-wide association study. Per-allele SNP associations were assessed by a Cox regression to model the cumulative dose of nab-PTX up to the onset of severe or worsening sensory neuropathy. A total of 141 patients were enrolled in the parent study; 91(65%) were included in this sub-study. Worsening of CIPN was significantly greater in the cases with XKR4 AC compared to those with a homozygote AA (HR 1.86, 95%CI: 1.00001−3.46, p=0.049). There was no significant correlation of CIPN with any other SNP. A multivariate analysis showed that the cumulative dose of nab-PTX was most strongly correlated with CIPN (p<0.01)

    Effect of Boron on Planar Anisotropy of <I>r</I>-value in Extra-low-C IF Steel Sheet

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    日本語教育部門  日本語・日本事情(1997年4月~1998年3月) / 田村 泰男 57  日本語研修コース / 中川 正弘 67  日本語・日本文化研修プログラム / 深見 兼孝 72  その他の日本語教育活動 / 橋本 敬司 74 留学生指導部門  留学生指導部門 / 黒田 則博・田中 共子・阪田 泰和 78  異文化交流セミナー : 1997年1月24日・カルチャーアシミレータをやってみよう / 纓坂 英子 103 教育交流部門・広島大学短期交換留学(HUSA)プログラム / 堀田 泰司 10

    Syntheses of Polycyclic Tetrahydrofurans by Cascade Reactions Consisting of Five-Membered Ring Selective Prins Cyclization and Friedel–Crafts Cyclization

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    A novel cascade reaction consisting of a five-membered ring selective Prins cyclization and a subsequent Friedel–Crafts cyclization is reported. Treatment of homocinnamyl alcohols and aromatic aldehydes with BF<sub>3</sub>·OEt<sub>2</sub> in CH<sub>2</sub>Cl<sub>2</sub> afforded hydrocyclopentafurans. Also hydrocyclopentafurans underwent the same cascade reaction after its furan ring cleavage upon treatment with BF<sub>3</sub>·OEt<sub>2</sub> at room temperature. Various combinations of hydropentafurans and aromatic aldehydes or indole aldehydes permitted divergent synthesis of diquinane-furans stuck in aromatic rings