76 research outputs found


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    The morphological variation in the ebony and silver leaf monkeys (Trachypithecus auratus and T. cristatus) from Southeast Asia; Thailand, Malaya, Bintan, Sumatra, Serasan-Natuna, Kalimantan and Java were studied using multivariate analysis approaches. The results showed that clinal variation in skull; dental and dentary morphology was found in Java. The skull; dental and dentary characters showed an increase from West to East with Central Java as an intermediate fonn. Consequently, in Java there should be only one subspecies, T. a. auratus. Meanwhile, there are fourmorpholgical groups of Trachipithecus cristatus, those are of Thailand, Malaya-Sumatra-Kalimantan, Bintan and Natuna. The Malayan population, presumably is the same as Bintan population while Sumatra-Kalimantan forms an intermediate

    Chemoprevention Activity of Temu Mangga Extracts

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    The chemoprevention activity of temu mangga extracts was investigated by determination of antioxidant activity with a peroxidation number method and gluthatione-S-transferase (GST) activity in Chang medium culture and cell lysate (total GST activity). The results indicated that ethanol extract has a strong antioxidant activity. It is caused by the phenolic group in the ethanol extract. Treatment Chang cell culture with 7th and 4th ethanol fractions increased the GST activity when compared to the control. The total GST activity (cytosolic and microsomal) increased when Chang cell culture was treated with H2O2/Fe+2. The decrease of the total GST activity was observed when 7th and 4th ethanol fractions were supplemented with H2O2/Fe+2 compared to the cell culture receiving H2O2/Fe+2 only

    The Quality of Stallion Semen in Skim Milk and Dimitropoulos Extenders Preserved at 5 oC and Ambient Temperature Supplemented with Different Sugar

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of sugars supplementation in skim milk based (SM) and dimitropoulos (DV) extenders on the sperm motility and viability in stallion semen storage at 5 oC and ambient temperature (24-29 oC). Semen samples were collected from 3 stallions; evaluate individually and each of them divided into 8 aliquots. Four out of eight aliquots were diluted 1:1 with SM, while the remaining four were diluted 1:1 with DV; all were then centrifuged at 1006 g (3000 RPM) for 15 min. The supernatants were discarded, and each pellet was re-diluted with SM (control), SM trehalose (SMT), SM-raffinose (SMR), SM-fructose (SMF), DV (control), DV-trehalose (DVT), DV-raffinose (DVR), and DV-fructose (DVF). The diluted semen were divided into 2 aliquots and stored at 5 oC or ambient temperature. The sperm motility and viability were evaluated every 3 h on chilled semen stored at ambient temperature, and every 12 h on those stored at 5 oC. Results of the experiments demonstrated that sperm motility and viability in DV extender significantly higher (P < 0.05) in both temperature. The supplementation of fructose was the best on the motility and viability of the sperm at both temperatures compare to trehalose, raffinose, or the control group. The best extender and sugar combination was DVF, which the total motile sperm stored at 5 oC for 96 h was 45.1% followed by to DVT (40.2%) and DVR (39.2%). The sperm motility in DV and SMF were 35.3% and 35.6%, respectively; these were higher than those diluted with control (28.9%); SMT (30.3%), and SMR (29.6%). The study concluded that the supplementation of fructose in DV extender (DVF) was the best combination to preserve stallion sperm motility and viability stored at 5 oC or ambient temperature

    Pengembangan Metode Identifikasi Kerusakan DNA Spermatozoa Ternak

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    The success of artificial insemination is very much determined by the quality of spermatozoa. The detection or identification of damaged chromatin of spermatozoa DNA is very important to forsee the adverse clinical outcome. However, the method of identification is still depended on expensive imported kits. Therefore, the objective of this research was to developed an identification kit to determine the quality of livestock spermatozoa DNA chromatin.This study consist of three step. Step 1) Determination of low melting point agarose (LMP-agarose) concentration which is 0,6%, 0,7% and 0,8%. 2) Comparison of three lysis solution (LS) which is LS I (0.4M Tris, 0.8M DTT, 1% SDS, pH 7.5), LS II (0.4M Tris,2 M NaCl, 1% SDS , pH 7.5), and LS III (0.4M Tris-HCl, 2M NaCl, 1% SDS 0,05 M EDTA, pH 7.5). 3) Comparison different staining which is Eosin yellow and Methylene blue. The results showed that 0.6% LMP-agarose demonstrated the best concentration to “trapped the spermatozoa” compared for sheep and goats. whereas the three concentration of spermatozoa cows can not be used to trap spermatozoa cow. The best formulation to lysis the membrane was LS III (0.4M Tris -HCl, 2M NaCl, 1% SDS 0,05 M EDTA). The best staining was eosin yellow and methylene blue with 2:1 ratio

    Fenol, Flavonoid, Dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Pada Ekstrak Kulit Batang Pulai (Alstonia Scholaris R.br)

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    Pulai (Alstonia scholaris R.Br), family Apocynaceae adalah salah satu tumbuhan hutan yang berfungsi sebagai obat tradisional untuk mengobati demam, malaria, batuk berdahak, diare, kencing manis, penurun kolesterol, cacingan, rematik akut, borok, dan hipertensi. Salah satu penyebab penyakit jantung, aterosklerosis, dan kanker adalah stres oksidatif. Stres ini dapat disembuhkan atau dikurangi dengan menggunakan antioksidan. Flavonoid merupakan senyawa fenol dan termasuk salah satu metabolit sekunder pada tumbuhan yang berfungsi sebagai antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan total fenol, total flavonoid, dan aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak kulit batang pulai. Penentuan kuantitatif total fenol dengan metode folin-ciocalteu dinyatakan sebagai gallic acid equivalent (GAE) per gram ekstrak, kadar flavonoid total dengan metode AlCl3 dinyatakan sebagai Quercetin equivalen (QE), dan aktivitas antioksidan in vitro dengan DPPH (2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) yang dinyatakan dalam istilah IC50 (inhibition concentration). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstraksi tiga ulangan dalam maserasi dengan etanol 96% menghasilkan 4,19% filtrat. Kandungan fenol total adalah 51,50 mg GAE/g ekstrak, sedangkan kandungan flavonoid total adalah 0,35 mg QE/g ekstrak. Nilai IC50 yang diperoleh dari hasil pengujian antioksidan ekstrak kulit batang adalah 211,54 ÎĽg/mL

    Aktivitas Antioksidan Berbagai Fraksi Dan Ekstrak Metanolik Daun Beluntas (Pluchea Indica Less)

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    This study has been done to investigate the antioxidant activity of various fractions and methanolic extract of beluntasleaves by using several test system, such as DPPH, superoxide and hydroxyl radical-scavenging activities, hydrogenperoxide scavenging activity, ferric reducing power, iron and haemoglobin chelating capacities and b-carotene–linoleicbleaching assay. The results showed that methanolic extract of beluntas leaves (EMB) and its fractions (ethyl acetatefraction (FEA), water fraction (FA) and n-butanol fraction (FNB)) had scavenging activity of DPPH radical. EMBwhich had highest phenolic content and the strongest ferric reducing power, exhibited b-carotene–linoleic bleachinginhibition and the highest superoxide scavenging activity, while FEA showed antioxidant activity based on superoxideradical-scavenging activity, iron and haemoglobin chelating capacities and ferric reducing power


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    The aim of the study was to produce polyclonal antibody (rabbit anti-ovPAG) which could detect PAG in the urine of pregnant ewes. Twelve rabbits were immunized against ovPG DEAE-TrisHCl (DT), DEAE-NaCl 20mM (DN2), DEAE-NaCl 40mM (DN4), DEAE-NaCl 80mM (DN8), DEAE-NaCl 160mM (DN16), DEAE-NaCl 320mM (DN32) and DEAE-NaCl 1M (DN1) and NaCl 0.9 % as a placebo. The 0.5 ml of isolate (purified from ovine cotyledon) was emulsified in equal volume with complete and incomplete Freud’s adjuvant. The mixture of each isolate and adjuvant was injected at mutiple sites along the dorsal area of rabbits by subcutaneous route. Blood were collected from marginal ear vein, starting before first injection (baseline) and every 14 days. Rabbit anti-ovPAG were measured using Modified ELISA Technique. By using Western Blot Technique, DN32 showed the best immune response among others and also could differenciate ovPAG in the urine of pregnant ewes It could be concluded that ovPAG DN32 is a specific source of rabbit anti-ovPAG production. Protein of ovPAG at molecular weight 31 kDa is a pregnancy protein marker of garut sheep and could be developed as a major protein for producing antibodi
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