30,196 research outputs found

    Aharanov-Bohm effect for the edge states of zigzag carbon nanotubes

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    Two delocalized states of metallic zigzag carbon nanotubes near the Dirac point can be localized by the Aharanov-Bohm magnetic field around 20 Tesla. The dependence of the localization on the length and diameter of the nanotubes shows that the localization-delocalization transition can be observed for 2 nm diameter tube. The mechanism of the localization is explained in terms of the deformation-induced gauge field, which shows a topological nature of the localization. The transition from the delocalized states to the localized states can be observed by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy. A similarity between the transition and the spin Hall effect is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Quark-Meson Coupling Model for a Nucleon

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    The quark-meson coupling model for a nucleon is considered. The model describes a nucleon as an MIT bag, in which quarks are coupled to scalar and vector mesons. A set of coupled equations for the quark and the meson fields are obtained and are solved in a self-consistent way. It is shown that the mass of a nucleon as a dressed MIT bag interacting with sigma- and omega-meson fields significantly differs from the mass of a free MIT bag. A few sets of model parameters are obtained so that the mass of a dressed MIT bag becomes the nucleon mass. The results of our calculations imply that the self-energy of the bag in the quark-meson coupling model is significant and needs to be considered in doing the nuclear matter calculations.Comment: 3 figure

    Intersecting D-brane states derived from the KP theory

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    A general scheme to find tachyon boundary states is developed within the framework of the theory of KP hierarchy. The method is applied to calculate correlation function of intersecting D-branes and rederived the results of our previous works as special examples. A matrix generalization of this scheme provides a method to study dynamics of coincident multi D-branes.Comment: 10 page

    A canonical Frobenius structure

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    We show that it makes sense to speak of THE Frobenius manifold attached to a convenient and nondegenerate Laurent polynomialComment: 24 page

    Controlling edge states of zigzag carbon nanotubes by the Aharonov-Bohm flux

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    It has been known theoretically that localized states exist around zigzag edges of a graphite ribbon and of a carbon nanotube, whose energy eigenvalues are located between conduction and valence bands. We found that in metallic single-walled zigzag carbon nanotubes two of the localized states become critical, and that their localization length is sensitive to the mean curvature of a tube and can be controlled by the Aharonov-Bohm flux. The curvature induced mini-gap closes by the relatively weak magnetic field. Conductance measurement in the presence of the Aharonov-Bohm flux can give information about the curvature effect and the critical states.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Deconfinement in the Quark Meson Coupling Model

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    The Quark Meson Coupling Model which describes nuclear matter as a collection of non-overlapping MIT bags interacting by the self-consistent exchange of scalar and vector mesons is used to study nuclear matter at finite temperature. In its modified version, the density dependence of the bag constant is introduced by a direct coupling between the bag constant and the scalar mean field. In the present work, the coupling of the scalar mean field with the constituent quarks is considered exactly through the solution of the Dirac equation. Our results show that a phase transition takes place at a critical temperature around 200 MeV in which the scalar mean field takes a nonzero value at zero baryon density. Furthermore it is found that the bag constant decreases significantly when the temperature increases above this critical temperature indicating the onset of quark deconfinement.Comment: LaTeX/TeX 15 pages (zk2.tex)+ 6 figures in TeX forma

    Local Semiconducting Transition in Armchair Carbon Nanotubes: The Effect of Periodic Bi-site Perturbation on Electronic and Transport Properties of Carbon Nanotubes

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    In carbon nanotubes, the most abundant defects, caused for example by irradiation or chemisorption treatments, are small perturbing clusters, i.e. bi-site defects, extending over both A and B sites. The relative positions of these perturbing clusters play a crucial role in determining the electronic properties of carbon nanotubes. Using bandstructure and electronic transport calculations, we find out that in the case of armchair metallic nanotubes a band gap opens up when the clusters fulfill a certain periodicity condition. This phenomenon might be used in future nanoelectronic devices in which certain regions of single metallic nanotubes could be turned to semiconducting ones. Although in this work we study specifically the effect of hydrogen adatom clusters, the phenomenon is general for different types of defects. Moreover, we study the influence of the length and randomness of the defected region on the electron transport through it.Comment: 5 Pages, 5 Figure

    Finite-dimensional analogs of string s <-> t duality and pentagon equation

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    We put forward one of the forms of functional pentagon equation (FPE), known from the theory of integrable models, as an algebraic explanation to the phenomenon known in physics as st duality. We present two simple geometrical examples of FPE solutions, one of them yielding in a particular case the well-known Veneziano expression for 4-particle amplitude. Finally, we interpret our solutions of FPE in terms of relations in Lie groups.Comment: LaTeX, 12 pages, 6 eps figure

    Self-consistent quantum effects in the quark meson coupling model

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    We derive the equation of state of nuclear matter including vacuum polarization effects arising from the nucleons and the sigma mesons in the quark-meson coupling model which incorporates explicitly quark degrees of freedom with quark coupled to the scalar and vector mesons. This leads to a softer equation of state for nuclear matter giving a lower value of incompressibility than would be reached without quantum effects. The {\it in-medium} nucleon and sigma meson masses are also calculated in a self-consistent manner.Comment: 10 pages, latex, 5 figure

    Non-singlet structure function of the 3He-3H system and divergence of the Gottfried integral

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    We study shadowing and antishadowing corrections to the flavor non-singlet structure function F_2(3He)-F_2(3H) and show that the difference between the one-particle density distributions of 3He and 3H plays an important role at very small x. We find that the flavor non-singlet structure function in these mirror nuclei is enhanced at small x by nuclear shadowing, which increases the nuclear Gottfried integral, integrated from 10^{-4} to 1, by 11-36 %. When integrated from zero, the Gottfried integral is divergent for these mirror nuclei. It seems likely that, as a consequence of charge symmetry breaking, this may also apply to the proton-neutron system.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures, RevTe