47 research outputs found

    Functional characterization of molecular candidates for the calcium-activated chloride channels in the cilia of olfactory sensory neurons

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    Olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) use a Ca2+-activated Cl\u2c9 channels amplification mechanism in olfactory transduction. Odor binding to odorant receptors in the cilia of OSNs leads to an increase of intraciliary Ca2+ concentration by Ca2+ entry through cyclic nucleotide-gated channels. Ca2+ activates a Cl\u2c9 channel that leads to an efflux of Cl\u2c9 from the cilia, contributing to the depolarization in OSNs. The molecular identity of the olfactory Ca2+-activated Cl\u2c9 channel is not definitely established. Bestrophin2 and TMEM16b/anoctamin2 are located at the surface of the olfactory epithelium, in the cilia of OSNs where olfactory transduction takes place. Moreover when expressed in heterologous systems each of these proteins produces Ca2+-activated Cl\u2c9 currents. Both proteins have been indicated as a candidate for being a molecular component of the olfactory Ca2+-activated Cl\u2c9 channel. In the first part of this Thesis we analyzed knockout (KO) mice for bestrophin2. We compared the electrophysiological properties of Ca2+-activated Cl\u2c9 currents in OSNs from WT and KO mice for bestrophin2. Our data show that Ca2+-activated Cl\u2c9 currents are still present in the cilia of OSNs from KO mice for bestrophin2 and that their properties are not significantly different from those of WT mice. These results indicate that bestrophin2 does not appear to be the main molecular component of the olfactory Ca2+-activated Cl\u2c9 channel. Therefore further studies are required to determine the physiological function of the bestrophin2 in the cilia of OSNs. In the second part of this Thesis we measured functional properties of the native Ca2+- activated Cl\u2c9 current in mouse OSNs and compared them with those of TMEM16b/anoctamin2-induced current in transfected HEK cells. We found a similar extracellular blocking potency for some Cl\u2c9 channels blockers, a similar anion permeability sequence and a reversal potential time-dependency. Therefore, we conclude that the measured electrophysiological properties are largely similar and further indicate that TMEM16b/anoctamin2 is likely to be a major subunit of the native olfactory Ca2+-activated Cl\u2c9 current

    Endocannabinoid-Like Lipid Neuromodulators in the Regulation of Dopamine Signaling: Relevance for Drug Addiction

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    The family of lipid neuromodulators has been rapidly growing, as the use of different -omics techniques led to the discovery of a large number of naturally occurring N-acylethanolamines (NAEs) and N-acyl amino acids belonging to the complex lipid signaling system termed endocannabinoidome. These molecules exert a variety of biological activities in the central nervous system, as they modulate physiological processes in neurons and glial cells and are involved in the pathophysiology of neurological and psychiatric disorders. Their effects on dopamine cells have attracted attention, as dysfunctions of dopamine systems characterize a range of psychiatric disorders, i.e., schizophrenia and substance use disorders (SUD). While canonical endocannabinoids are known to regulate excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs impinging on dopamine cells and modulate several dopamine-mediated behaviors, such as reward and addiction, the effects of other lipid neuromodulators are far less clear. Here, we review the emerging role of endocannabinoid-like neuromodulators in dopamine signaling, with a focus on non-cannabinoid N-acylethanolamines and their receptors. Mounting evidence suggests that these neuromodulators contribute to modulate synaptic transmission in dopamine regions and might represent a target for novel medications in alcohol and nicotine use disorder

    Combined α2- and D2-receptor blockade activates noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurons, but extracellular dopamine in the prefrontal cortex is determined by uptake and release from noradrenergic terminals

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    Experimental and clinical evidence indicates a deficit of release and function of dopamine in schizophrenia and suggests that a(2)-adrenoceptor antagonists rescue dopamine deficit and improve the antipsychotic efficacy of D-2-receptor antagonists. In anesthetized male rats, we investigated how the blockade of a(2)- and D-2-receptors by atipamezole and raclopride, respectively, modified the firing of noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus (LC) and dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA). In freely moving rats, we studied how atipamezole and raclopride modified extracellular noradrenaline, dopamine, and DOPAC levels in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) through microdialysis. When administered alone, atipamezole activated LC noradrenaline but not VTA dopamine cell firing. Combined with raclopride, atipamezole activated dopamine cell firing above the level produced by raclopride. Atipamezole increased extracellular dopamine to the same level, whether administered alone or combined with raclopride. In the presence of the noradrenaline transporter (NET) inhibitor, atipamezole combined with raclopride increased extracellular dopamine beyond the level produced by either compound administered alone. The results suggest that a) the D-2-autoreceptor blockade is required for LC noradrenaline to activate VTA cell firing; b) the level of dopamine released from dopaminergic terminals is determined by NET; c) the elevation of extracellular dopamine levels in the mPFC is the resultant of dopamine uptake and release from noradrenergic terminals, independent of dopaminergic cell firing and release; and d) LC noradrenergic neurons are an important target for treatments to improve the prefrontal deficit of dopamine in neuropsychiatric pathologies

    Noradrenergic Source of Dopamine Assessed by Microdialysis in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex

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    Previous results indicate that dopamine (DA) release in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) is modified by α2 adrenoceptor- but not D2 DA receptor- agonists and antagonists, suggesting that DA measured by microdialysis in the mPFC originates from noradrenergic terminals. Accordingly, noradrenergic denervation was found to prevent α2-receptor-mediated rise and fall of extracellular DA induced by atipamezole and clonidine, respectively, in the mPFC. The present study was aimed to determine whether DA released by dopaminergic terminals in the mPFC is not detected by in vivo microdialysis because is readily taken up by norepinephrine transporter (NET). Accordingly, the D2-antagonist raclopride increased the electrical activity of DA neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and enhanced extracellular DOPAC but failed to modify DA in the mPFC. However, in rats whose NET was either inactivated by nisoxetine or eliminated by noradrenergic denervation, raclopride still elevated extracellular DOPAC and activated dopaminergic activity, but also increased DA. Conversely, the D2-receptor agonist quinpirole reduced DOPAC but failed to modify DA in the mPFC in control rats. However, in rats whose NET was eliminated by noradrenergic denervation or inhibited by locally perfused nisoxetine, quinpirole maintained its ability to reduce DOPAC but acquired that of reducing DA. Moreover, raclopride and quinpirole, when locally perfused into the mPFC of rats subjected to noradrenergic denervation, were able to increase and decrease, respectively, extracellular DA levels, while being ineffective in control rats. Transient inactivation of noradrenergic neurons by clonidine infusion into the locus coeruleus, a condition where NET is preserved, was found to reduce extracellular NE and DA in the mPFC, whereas noradrenergic denervation, a condition where NET is eliminated, almost totally depleted extracellular NE but increased DA. Both transient inactivation and denervation of noradrenergic neurons were found to reduce the number of spontaneously active DA neurons and their bursting activity in the VTA. The results indicate that DA released in the mPFC by dopaminergic terminals is not detected by microdialysis unless DA clearance from extracellular space is inactivated. They support the hypothesis that noradrenergic terminals are the main source of DA measured by microdialysis in the mPFC during physiologically relevant activities

    Calcium-activated chloride currents in olfactory sensory neurons from mice lacking bestrophin-2

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    none8noOlfactory sensory neurons use a chloride-based signal amplification mechanism to detect odorants. The binding of odorants to receptors in the cilia of olfactory sensory neurons activates a transduction cascade that involves the opening of cyclic nucleotide-gated channels and the entry of Ca2+ into the cilia. Ca2+ activates a Cl- current that produces an efflux of Cl- ions and amplifies the depolarization. The molecular identity of Ca2+-activated Cl- channels is still elusive, although some bestrophins have been shown to function as Ca2+ -activated Cl- channels when expressed in heterologous systems. In the olfactory epithelium, bestrophin-2 (Best2) has been indicated as a candidate for being a molecular component of the olfactory Ca2+-activated Cl- channel. In this study, we have analysed mice lacking Best2. We compared the electrophysiological responses of the olfactory epithelium to odorant stimulation, as well as the properties of Ca2+-activated Cl- currents in wild-type (WT) and knockout (KO) mice for Best2. Our results confirm that Best2 is expressed in the cilia of olfactory sensory neurons, while odorant responses and Ca2+ -activated Cl- currents were not significantly different between WT and KO mice. Thus, Best2 does not appear to be the main molecular component of the olfactory channel. Further studies are required to determine the function of Best2 in the cilia of olfactory sensory neurons. © 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2009 The Physiological Society.openPifferi S.; Dibattista M.; Sagheddu C.; Boccaccio A.; Al Qteishat A.; Ghirardi F.; Tirindelli R.; Menini A.Pifferi, S.; Dibattista, M.; Sagheddu, C.; Boccaccio, A.; Al Qteishat, A.; Ghirardi, F.; Tirindelli, R.; Menini, A

    The Atypical Dopamine Transporter Inhibitor CE-158 Enhances Dopamine Neurotransmission in the Prefrontal Cortex of Male Rats: A Behavioral, Electrophysiological, and Microdialysis Study

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    Background: Dopamine plays a key role in several physiological functions such as motor control, learning and memory, and motivation and reward. The atypical dopamine transporter inhibitor S,S stereoisomer of 5-(((S)-((S)-(3-bromophenyl)(phenyl)methyl)sulfinyl)methyl)thiazole (CE-158) has been recently reported to promote behavioral flexibility and restore learning and memory in aged rats.Methods: Adult male rats were i.p. administered for 1 or 10 days with CE-158 at the dose of 1 or 10 mg/kg and tested for extracellular dopamine in the medial prefrontal cortex by means of intracerebral microdialysis and single unit cell recording in the same brain area. Moreover, the effects of acute and chronic CE-158 on exploratory behavior, locomotor activity, prepulse inhibition, working memory, and behavioral flexibility were also investigated.Results: CE-158 dose-dependently potentiated dopamine neurotransmission in the medial prefrontal cortex as assessed by intracerebral microdialysis. Moreover, repeated exposure to CE-158 at 1 mg/kg was sufficient to increase the number of active pyramidal neurons and their firing frequency in the same brain area. In addition, CE-158 at the dose of 10 mg/kg stimulates exploratory behavior to the same extent after acute or chronic treatment. Noteworthy, the chronic treatment at both doses did not induce any behavioral alterations suggestive of abuse potential (e.g., motor behavioral sensitization) or pro-psychotic-like effects such as disruption of sensorimotor gating or impairments in working memory and behavioral flexibility as measured by prepulse inhibition and Y maze.Conclusions: Altogether, these findings confirm CE-158 as a promising pro-cognitive agent and contribute to assessing its preclinical safety profile in a chronic administration regimen for further translational testing

    N-Acylethanolamine Acid Amidase Inhibition Potentiates Morphine Analgesia and Delays the Development of Tolerance

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    Opioids are essential drugs for pain management, although long-term use is accompanied by tolerance, necessitating dose escalation, and dependence. Pharmacological treatments that enhance opioid analgesic effects and/or attenuate the development of tolerance (with a desirable opioid-sparing effect in treating pain) are actively sought. Among them, N-palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), an endogenous lipid neuromodulator with anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, was shown to exert anti-hyperalgesic effects and to delay the emergence of morphine tolerance. A selective augmentation in endogenous PEA levels can be achieved by inhibiting N-acylethanolamine acid amidase (NAAA), one of its primary hydrolyzing enzymes. This study aimed to test the hypothesis that NAAA inhibition, with the novel brain permeable NAAA inhibitor AM11095, modulates morphine’s antinociceptive effects and attenuates the development of morphine tolerance in rats. We tested this hypothesis by measuring the pain threshold to noxious mechanical stimuli and, as a neural correlate, we conducted in vivo electrophysiological recordings from pain-sensitive locus coeruleus (LC) noradrenergic neurons in anesthetized rats. AM11095 dose-dependently (3–30 mg/kg) enhanced the antinociceptive effects of morphine and delayed the development of tolerance to chronic morphine in behaving rats. Consistently, AM11095 enhanced morphine-induced attenuation of the response of LC neurons to foot-shocks and prevented the attenuation of morphine effects following chronic treatment. Behavioral and electrophysiological effects of AM11095 on chronic morphine were paralleled by a decrease in glial activation in the spinal cord, an index of opioid-induced neuroinflammation. NAAA inhibition might represent a potential novel therapeutic approach to increase the analgesic effects of opioids and delay the development of tolerance

    Enhanced endocannabinoid-mediated modulation of rostromedial tegmental nucleus drive onto dopamine neurons in sardinian alcohol-preferring rats

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    The progressive predominance of rewarding effects of addictive drugs over their aversive properties likely contributes to the transition from drug use to drug dependence. By inhibiting the activity of DA neurons in the VTA, GABA projections from the rostromedial tegmental nucleus (RMTg) are well suited to shift the balance between drug-induced reward and aversion. Since cannabinoids suppress RMTg inputs to DA cells and CB1 receptors affect alcohol intake in rodents, we hypothesized that the endocannabinoid system, by modulating this pathway, might contribute to alcohol preference. Here we found that RMTg afferents onto VTA DA neurons express CB1 receptors and display a 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG)-dependent form of short-term plasticity, that is, depolarization-induced suppression of inhibition (DSI). Next, we compared rodents with innate opposite alcohol preference, the Sardinian alcohol-preferring (sP) and alcohol-nonpreferring (sNP) rats. We found that DA cells from alcohol-naive sP rats displayed a decreased probability of GABA release and a larger DSI. This difference was due to the rate of 2-AG degradation. In vivo, we found a reduced RMTg-induced inhibition of putative DA neurons in sP rats that negatively correlated with an increased firing. Finally, alcohol failed to enhance RMTg spontaneous activity and to prolong RMTg-induced silencing of putative DA neurons in sP rats. Our results indicate functional modifications of RMTg projections to DA neurons that might impact the reward/aversion balance of alcohol attributes, which may contribute to the innate preference observed in sP rats and to their elevated alcohol intak

    Cognitive performance in aged rats is associated with differences in distinctive neuronal populations in the ventral tegmental area and altered synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus

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    Introduction Deterioration of cognitive functions is commonly associated with aging, although there is wide variation in the onset and manifestation. Albeit heterogeneity in age-related cognitive decline has been studied at the cellular and molecular level, there is poor evidence for electrophysiological correlates. The aim of the current study was to address the electrophysiological basis of heterogeneity of cognitive functions in cognitively Inferior and Superior old (19-20 months) rats in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and the hippocampus, having Young (12 weeks) rats as a control. The midbrain VTA operates as a hub amidst affective and cognitive facets, processing sensory inputs related to motivated behaviours and hippocampal memory. Increasing evidence shows direct dopaminergic and non-dopaminergic input from the VTA to the hippocampus.Methods Aged Superior and Inferior male rats were selected from a cohort of 88 animals based on their performance in a spatial learning and memory task. Using in vivo single-cell recording in the VTA, we examined the electrical activity of different neuronal populations (putative dopaminergic, glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons). In the same animals, basal synaptic transmission and synaptic plasticity were examined in hippocampal slices.Results Electrophysiological recordings from the VTA and hippocampus showed alterations associated with aging per se, together with differences specifically linked to the cognitive status of aged animals. In particular, the bursting activity of dopamine neurons was lower, while the firing frequency of glutamatergic neurons was higher in VTA of Inferior old rats. The response to high-frequency stimulation in hippocampal slices also discriminated between Superior and Inferior aged animals.Discussion This study provides new insight into electrophysiological information underlying compromised cerebral ageing. Further understanding of brain senescence, possibly related to neurocognitive decline, will help develop new strategies towards the preservation of a high quality of life

    Maternal immune activation impairs endocannabinoid signaling in the mesolimbic system of adolescent male offspring

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    Prenatal infections can increase the risk of developing psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia in the offspring, especially when combined with other postnatal insults. Here, we tested, in a rat model of prenatal immune challenge by the viral mimic polyriboinosinic-polyribocytidilic acid, whether maternal immune activation (MIA) affects the endocannabinoid system and endocannabinoid-mediated modulation of dopamine functions. Experiments were performed during adolescence to assess i) the behavioral endophenotype (locomotor activity, plus maze, prepulse inhibition of startle reflex); ii) the locomotor activity in response to Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and iii) the properties of ventral tegmental area (VTA) dopamine neurons in vivo and their response to THC; iv) endocannabinoid-mediated synaptic plasticity in VTA dopamine neurons; v) the expression of cannabinoid receptors and enzymes involved in endocannabinoid synthesis and catabolism in mesolimbic structures and vi) MIA-induced neuroinflammatory scenario evaluated by measurements of levels of cytokine and neuroinflammation markers. We revealed that MIA offspring displayed an altered locomotor activity in response to THC, a higher bursting activity of VTA dopamine neurons and a lack of response to cumulative doses of THC. Consistently, MIA adolescence offspring showed an enhanced 2-arachidonoylglycerol-mediated synaptic plasticity and decreased monoacylglycerol lipase activity in mesolimbic structures. Moreover, they displayed a higher expression of cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) and ionized calcium-binding adaptor molecule 1 (IBA-1), associated with latent inflammation and persistent microglia activity. In conclusion, we unveiled neurobiological mechanisms whereby inflammation caused by MIA influences the proper development of endocannabinoid signaling that negatively impacts the dopamine system, eventually leading to psychotic-like symptoms in adulthood