27 research outputs found

    Functional properties of parsley fortified homemade Turkish noodles (Erişte)

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    Turkish noodle is a staple traditional dish in the Turkish cuisine and generally made out of wheat flour, egg, salt and vegetable oil. The aims of this study were to improve the formulation of Turkish noodles by the addition of minced parsley (2, 4, 6 and 8% weight), to improve their functional properties and swelling volume, to determine the effect on the physical properties (moisture content, water activity, and colour) and chemical composition (vitamin C, total chlorophyll, total carotenoid, and protein content) of the homemade plain and fortified Turkish noddle dough (FHTD) and the fortified homemade Turkish noodles (FHTN), to determine the traditional and microwave cooking characteristics and to indicate consumer preferences of FHTN with fresh parsley. The results showed that the amount of addition of fresh parsley caused a significant increase in the moisture content values of FHTD (31.59-36.08%) (P<0.05). The vitamin C, total chlorophyll and total carotenoid contents of the FHTD and FHTN were improved with the addition of fresh parsley. The traditionally cooked FHTN have got higher water absorption (30.25-38.90g) and swelling volume values (237.50-267.50%) than microwave cooked FHTN (WA=29.03–34.77g, SV=240.00-265.00%) (p<0.05). The noodles containing 2% parsley had the highest rating compared to both plain and other samples

    Santrifüj Destekli Dondurarak Konsantrasyon Yöntemi İle Farklı Yağ İçeriğindeki Sütlerin Konsantre Edilmesi

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    Bu çalışmada, santrifüj destekli blok dondurarak konsantrasyon tekniğinin farklı yağ içeriğindeki sütlere (yağlı (%3.3), yarım yağlı (%1.5) ve az yağlı (%0.1)) uygulanarak konsantre süt üretimi hedeflenmiştir. Bu amaçla, yağlı süt (11.75ºBriks), yarım yağlı süt (10.57ºBriks) ve az yağlı süt (9.10ºBriks) santrifüj tüplerine doldurulmuş ve statik dondurucuda (24ºC, 12 sa) dondurulmuş ve donmuş örnekler santrifüj (25ºC, 4500 rpm, 35 dak) edilmiştir. Buz fazdan ayrıldıktan sonra elde edilen konsantre faz aynı koşullarda tekrar dondurulmuştur ve aynı işlemler tekrar edilmiştir (döngü). Konsantre süt örneklerinin suda çözünür kuru madde miktarı (SÇKM), protein ve yağ içerikleri (%), erime fraksiyonu (f), konsantrasyon yüzdesi (KY), konsantrasyon verimi (ɳ) ve geri kazanılan sıvı miktarı (Y) hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca konsantre süt örneklerinin donma davranışları belirlenmiştir. İkinci döngü sonunda konsantre süt örneklerinin SÇKM içerikleri yağlı, yarım yağlı ve az yağlı süt için sırasıyla 25.43ºBriks, 18.56ºBriks ve 17.40ºBrikse ulaştığı gözlenmiştir. Dondurarak konsantrasyon işlemi ile sütün en değerli bileşenlerinden olan süt proteini ve yağının tamamına yakın kısmı konsantre kısımda tutulduğu belirlenmiştir. Konsantre süt örneklerinin konsantrasyon verimi değeri %83-63 ve geri kazanılan sıvı miktarı değeri ise 0.85-0.61 arasında değişim gözlendiği belirlenmiştir. Sütlerin farklı yağ içeriğine sahip olmasının donma süresinde etkisi önemsiz bulunmuştur (p>0.05)

    Manufacturing a new protective polyethylene based film containing zeolites for packaging of food

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    Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Drying characteristics of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) slices in convective and freeze dryer

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    WOS: 000401855700023This study was intended to determine the drying and rehydration kinetics of convective and freeze dried pumpkin slices (0.5 x 3.5 x 0.5 cm). A pilot scale tray drier (at 80 +/- 2 degrees C inlet temperature, 1 m s(-1) air velocity) and freeze drier (13.33 kPa absolute pressure, condenser temperature of -48 +/- 2 degrees C) were used for the drying experiments. Drying curves were fitted to six well-known thin layer drying models. Nonlinear regression analysis was used to evaluate the parameters of the selected models by using statistical software SPSS 16.0 (SPSS Inc., USA). For the convective and freeze drying processes of pumpkin slices, the highest R-2 values, and the lowest RMSE as well as chi(2) values were obtained from Page model. The effective moisture diffusivity (D-eff) of the convective and freeze dried pumpkin slices were obtained from the Fick's diffusion model, and they were found to be 2.233 x 10(-7) and 3.040 x 10(-9) m(2)s(-1), respectively. Specific moisture extraction rate, moisture extraction rate, and specific energy consumption values were almost twice in freeze drying process. Depending on the results, moisture contents and water activity values of pumpkin slices were in acceptable limits for safe storage of products. The rehydration behaviour of [at 18 +/- 2 and 100 +/- 2 degrees C for 1:25, 1:50, 1:75, 1:100, and 1:125 solid:liquid ratios (w:w)] dried pumpkin slices was determined by Peleg's model with the highest R-2. The highest total soluble solid loss of pumpkin slices was observed for the rehydration experiment which performed at 1:25 solid: liquid ratio (w:w). Rehydration ratio of freeze dried slices was found 2-3 times higher than convective dried slices

    Barbunya, Bezelye ve Börülce Kabuklarından Bitkisel Protein Konsantresi Üretimi ve Karakterizasyonu ile Kivi Püresinin Donması ve Dondurularak Kurutulması Üzerine Etkileri

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    In this study, protein concentrates (PCs) were obtained from the shells of kidney bean (KPC), pea (PPC) and cowpea (CPC) by using alkaline extraction followed by isoelectric precipitation and freeze drying. Among PCs, CPC had significantly the highest protein (41.22%) and the lowest dry matter (93.52%) contents. the protein content of KPC was 19.20% while PPC had a content of 25.48%. the ash content of CPC was the lowest (0.005%). Considering the color values of PCs, the highest L* and a* color values were 44.25 and 0.36 for KPC, respectively and the highest b* value was 0.39 for CPC. the highest total color change (?E) was calculated as 30.23 for PPC. Among functional properties, KPC had the highest water (2.26 g/g) and oil holding capacity (3.60 g/g) values. PPC had the highest emulsion capacity (54.28%), stability (51.43%), and foaming capacity (47.63%) values. CPC showed the highest solubility value (99.23%). Based on the results of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis, CPC displayed a lower denaturation temperature (Td) and heat of transition (?H). With the addition of the PCs (in 0, 1, 2, 4, and 6% of total weight), the duration for the freezing of kiwi puree with a 6% PC (KPC, PPC, and CPC) was the lowest. on the other hand, a clear effect of adding protein to kiwi puree on behavior of freeze drying was not observed.Bu çalışmada, barbunya, bezelye ve börülce kabuklarından izoelektrik noktada çöktürme yöntemi kullanılarak protein konsantreleri elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen protein konsantreleri arasında, börülce kabuğu protein konsantresi en yüksek protein ve en düşük kurumadde içeriğine sahiptir (sırasıyla %41.22 ve 93.52). Barbunya kabuğu protein konsantresinin protein değeri %19.20 ve bezelye kabuğu protein konsantresinin ise %25.48’dir. Börülce kabuğu protein konsantresinin kül değeri en düşük olarak bulunmuştur (%0.005). Renk değerleri dikkate alındığında, en yüksek L* değeri 44.25 olarak barbunya kabuğu protein konsantresi için, en yüksek a* değeri 0.36 olarak barbunya kabuğu protein konsantresi için ve en yüksek b* değeri 0.39 olarak bezelye kabuğu protein konsantresi için ölçülmüştür. En yüksek toplam renk değişim değeri (?E) 30.23 olarak bezelye kabuğu protein konsantresi için hesaplanmıştır. Fonksiyonel özellikler incelendiğinde ise, barbunya kabuğu protein konsantresi en yüksek su ve yağ tutma kapasitesine (sırasıyla 2.26g/g ve 3.60 g/g), bezelye kabuğu protein konsantresi en yüksek emülsiyon kapasitesi ve stabilitesine (sırasıyla %54.28 ve %51.43) ve köpük oluşturma kapasitesine (%47.63) sahiptir. Börülce kabuğu protein konsantresi en yüksek çözünürlük değerini göstermiştir (%99.23). Diferansiyel taramalı kalorimetri (DSC) analizine göre, börülce kabuğu protein konsantresi en düşük denatürasyon sıcaklığı (Td) ve geçiş ısısı (?H) değerine sahiptir. Protein konsantrelerinin eklenmesiyle (toplam ağırlığın %0, 1, 2, 4, 6 oranında), %6 oranında protein konsantresi (barbunya, bezelye ve börülce kabuğu protein konsantresi) eklenen kivi pürelerinin donma faz süresi, diğer oranlara göre daha kısa bulunmuştur. Diğer taraftan, kivi püresine protein konsantresi eklemenin dondurarak kurutma davranışı üzerine net bir etkisi gözlenmemiştir

    Application of the agglomeration process on spinach juice powders obtained using spray drying method

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    WOS: 000579676100001In this study, wet agglomeration process was applied at selected conditions (at 60 degrees C air inlet temperature and 1.6 m/s air velocity) to improve the functional properties of the spinach juice powders produced by the spray drying technique and distilled water, maltodextrin, whey protein isolate, and gum Arabic solutions were used as the binder agents. the moisture content and the water activity values of the obtained spinach juice agglomerates were in the range of 6.44%-11.68% and 0.254-0.412, respectively. Further a decrease in lightness (L*) values and an increase in yellowness/blueness (b*) values were observed in the agglomeration process. the agglomeration process increased the mean particle diameters, and decreased the wettability and solubility times. the calculated bulk and tapped density values for spinach juice agglomerates are in the range of 380-510 and 490-618 kg/m(3), respectively. the agglomeration process improved the values of cohesiveness, flowability, porosity, and hygroscopicity. Low friability and high solubility values were also obtained after agglomeration. the microstructure of powders changed depending on binder agents, and the glass transition temperature of the powders increased from 110.72 to 117.32-127.38 degrees C for the agglomerates. As a result, the agglomeration process of the spray dried spinach juice powders was successfully carried out in the fluidized bed. the moisture content and water activity values were in safe limits and their powder properties were improved.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBTAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [166O977]; Ege University Planning and Monitoring Coordination of Organizational Development; Directorate of Library and DocumantaionThe authors would like to thank the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBTAK) for supporting this work as part of the research project "The use of Spray Drying and Agglomeration Methods to Obtain Vegetable Juice Powder and Agglomerates," under the 3001 TUBITAK program (166O977). We are grateful to Ege University Planning and Monitoring Coordination of Organizational Development and Directorate of Library and Documantaion for their support in editing and proofreading service of this study

    Determination of shrinkage characteristics of pumpkin discs during convection, microwave, and combined drying using computer-aided technique: Image processing application

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    Image processing techniques are used in several fields and gained popularity in food processing. In this study the drying and shrinkage characteristics of pumpkin slices were determined by using thresholding method. A continuous measurement of the weight change and an imaging of the pumpkin slices to measure the area of the sample before and after drying were performed to define the shrinkage characteristics. The drying times of the pumpkin discs were between 8.5-9 and 55-65 minutes for 2 mm thick samples. Drying in the microwave oven resulted in 85% less time and lower values of water activity were obtained. The shrinkage rate of samples dried by microwave drying method (46-60%) was found to be statistically lower than samples prepared by convection drying method (58-73%) (p 0.05). Non-parametric Spearman correlation coefficient technique was used to evaluate the relationship between the moisture content and shrinkage for drying under different conditions.Practical application With the advancement of image processing technologies, there is significant potential for food safety and preservation. This research will lead to advancements in the fields of food quality and preservation analyses for food manufacturers. Furthermore, this technology can be employed in the food business for quick quality determination for mass production. This research indicates that image processing may be used to evaluate food shrinkage characterization. It is expected that the application of this technology will serve the food sector by optimizing process parameters and energy usage, saving time, and developing sustainable systems, particularly in the large-scale food industry where mass manufacturing is carried out

    The effects of spray drying process parameters on the characteristic process indices and rheological powder properties of microencapsulated plant (Gypsophila) extract powder

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    WOS: 000332430600061Gypsophila Saponaria afficinalis, is in the family Caryophyllaceae, native to southern Europe and southwest Asia, and commonly known as the soapworts. The aqueous extract was obtained by sequential extraction of soapwort plant roots and prior to spray drying operation maltodextrin was added as a carrier material to adjust the soluble solid content (degrees Bx) of the soapwort extract (15 degrees Bx, 22.5 degrees Bx, 30 degrees Bx). Powder properties of the product and the characteristic process indices were determined after spray drying of soapwort extracts with different air inlet (110 degrees C, 135 degrees C, 160 degrees C) and outlet temperatures (50 degrees C, 65 degrees C, 80 degrees C) with the other process parameters being constant. The moisture content of the powders changed between 6.35% and 0.44% being mostly affected by increasing outlet temperatures. Productivity and drying rate showed a decreasing tendency as air outlet temperature increased since high outlet temperatures required low feed flow rates. Dissolution time and tapped density were determined as powder characteristics combined with foam producing capacity, color and morphological properties. In general, results showed that spray drying can satisfactorily be used for spray drying of soapwort root extracts with acceptable moisture and water activity of the powders and functional properties of the reconstituted powders. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK)This study was financially supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)