8 research outputs found

    Kocsánytalan tölgy populációk fiatalkori magassági növekedése szimulált klímaváltozás hatására, egy származási kísérletsorozatban

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    A tanulmány kiválasztott kocsánytalan tölgy populációk szimulált klímaváltozásra adott fenotípusos válaszreakcióját (reakciónormáját) mutatja be egy, a francia INRA által kezdeményezett nemzetközi származási kísérlet 10 éves magassági adatai alapján. A reakciónormákat a klímatolerancia becslésére alkalmaztuk, az eredeti termőhelynél melegebb és szárazabb helyszíneken. Az egy irányban változó klímaviszonyokra adott válasz-regressziókat lineárisnak találtuk. A maximális növekedési potenciált a populációk alkalmazkodott termőhelyüknél kedvezőbb feltételek mellett mutatták. A különböző klímákhoz adaptált populációk fenotípusos plaszticitása, vagyis klíma-érzékenysége szignifikánsan eltérő mértékűnek bizonyult. A Kárpát-medencei származások a többi európai populációhoz képest átlagos teljesítményt mutattak. A szárazsági határhoz közelebbi populációk jobb klíma-toleranciája a szaporítóanyag felhasználás szempontjából a kísérlet legfontosabb eredménye. Az eredmények a „támogatott áttelepítés/vándorlás” koncepcióját a kocsánytalan tölgy esetében megerősítik, és az alkalmazkodó erdőművelés országos stratégiája fejlesztéséhez felhasználhatók

    Kocsánytalan tölgy populációk fiatalkori magassági növekedése szimulált klímaváltozás hatására, egy származási kísérletsorozatban

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    A tanulmány kiválasztott kocsánytalan tölgy populációk szimulált klímaváltozásra adott fenotípusos válaszreakcióját (reakciónormáját) mutatja be egy, a francia INRA által kezdeményezett nemzetközi származási kísérlet 10 éves magassági adatai alapján. A reakciónormákat a klímatolerancia becslésére alkalmaztuk, az eredeti termőhelynél melegebb és szárazabb helyszíneken. Az egy irányban változó klímaviszonyokra adott válasz-regressziókat lineárisnak találtuk. A maximális növekedési potenciált a populációk alkalmazkodott termőhelyüknél kedvezőbb feltételek mellett mutatták. A különböző klímákhoz adaptált populációk fenotípusos plaszticitása, vagyis klíma-érzékenysége szignifikánsan eltérő mértékűnek bizonyult. A Kárpát-medencei származások a többi európai populációhoz képest átlagos teljesítményt mutattak. A szárazsági határhoz közelebbi populációk jobb klíma-toleranciája a szaporítóanyag felhasználás szempontjából a kísérlet legfontosabb eredménye. Az eredmények a „támogatott áttelepítés/vándorlás” koncepcióját a kocsánytalan tölgy esetében megerősítik, és az alkalmazkodó erdőművelés országos stratégiája fejlesztéséhez felhasználhatók

    Altitudinal assisted migration of Mexican pines as an adaptation to climate change

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    Since shifts in altitudinal range are expected in response to climate change, we explored the effect on survivorship and growth of moving populations of three Mexican pine species (Pinus devoniana, P. leiophylla and P. pseudostrobus) to higher altitude, aiming to realign the populations to projected future climates in an experimental assisted migration. Twelve populations were collected across an altitudinal gradient (1650-2520 m above sea level [asl]) in a mountainous zone in the central-west region of the Mexican Trans-Volcanic Belt, and were planted in common garden tests at three forest sites of different altitudes (low: 2110, medium: 2422 and upper: 2746 m asl). Climate was estimated using a spline climatic model at the seed source and test sites and also measured using in situ data loggers. Survivorship and seedling height were evaluated in the field during the second and third growing seasons. Results were analyzed using mixed models to include the effect of climatic transfer distances (difference in climate between seed source and test site). Significant differences were found in seedling growth among Pinus devoniana, P. pseudostrobus and P. leiophylla, and among populations within the former two species. These were associated primarily with climatic transfer distances of extreme temperatures (minimum temperature in the coldest month and mean temperature in the warmest month). There was a significant decrease in growth in P. devoniana when the transfer exceeded 650 m of upward altitudinal shift or a reduction of 1.5 degrees C with transfer to colder sites. There was also a decrease of growth in P. pseudostrobus when transfer exceeded 400 m of upward altitudinal shift or 1.5 degrees C, with a significant decrease in survivorship. Pinus leiophylla, however, exhibited similar growth at all altitudes tested, probably due to phenotypic plasticity. Although further research is required with field tests using commercial spacing and trees of older ages, the results suggest that an assisted upwards migration of 300 m in altitude, in order to approach a realignment of the populations to the climate projected for the decade centered around the year 2030, appears to be a viable strategy with which to accommodate the effects of climate change

    Variacion isoenzimatica de <em>pinus pseudostrobus</em> lindl. a lo largo de un gradiente altitudinal en Michoacan, Mexico

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    Pinus pseudostrobus Lindl. is the pine species of major economic importance in the state of Michoacan. For its conservation and sustainable management both the variation of quantitative traits with adaptive value as well as the genetic diversity through markers neutral to selection should be known. In the present study the genetic isoenzymatic variation among populations of P. pseudostrobus along an attitudinal gradient (2200-2910 m of altitude) in the state of Michoacan, Mexico was investigated. In January 2001, seeds from eight locations, separated by 100 m altitude were collected; in each population from 9 toll trees were randomly selected. Polymorphism was found in 12 of the 14 loci examined. The expected average heterozygosity (H-e) was 0.10. In all loci Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was found. Genetic differentiation among populations was significant (F-ST = 0.017), although it was low. Average genetic distance (0.078) was low, and average gene flow was high (N-m = 14.5). It was found a weak pattern of genetic variation associated with altitude of origin of populations, in which lower altitude populations presented a greater effective number of alleles than higher altitude populations. To preserve genetic diversity it is suggested to establish three Forest Genetic Resource Conservation Units (FGRCU), one for each of the following attitudinal ranges, with the minimum size of a viable effective population (N-e) as follows: between 2100 and 2400 m with 3422 individuals in reproductive age, between 2400 and 2700 m with 1586 individuals, and 2700 and 3000 m with 2321 individuals.Pinus pseudostrobus Lindl. es la especie de pino de mayor importancia económica en el estado de Michoacán. Para su conservación y manejo sustentable se debe conocer tanto la variación de caracteres cuantitativos con valor adaptativo como la diversidad genética mediante marcadores neutrales a la selección. En el presente estudio se investigó la variación genética isoenzimática entre poblaciones de P. pseudostrobus a lo largo de un gradiente altitudinal (de 2200 a 2910 m de altitud) en el estado de Michoacán, México. En enero del 2001 se recolectaron semillas de ocho localidades, separadas entre sí por 100 m de altitud; en cada población se seleccionaron al azar 9 a 11 árboles. En 12 de los 14 loci examinados se encontró polimorfismo. La heterocigosidad esperada promedio He ( ) fue 0.10. En todos los loci se encontró equilibrio de Hardy-Weinberg. La diferenciación genética entre poblaciones fue significativa ( ) FST =0.017 , aunque fue baja. La distancia genética promedio fue baja (0.078) y el flujo génico promedio fue alto ( ) Nm =14.5 . Se encontró un débil patrón de variación genética asociado con la altitud de origen de las poblaciones, en el cual las poblaciones de menor altitud presentaron mayor número efectivo de alelos que las poblaciones de mayor altitud. Para conservar la diversidad genética se sugiere establecer tres Unidades de Conservación de Recursos Genéticos Forestales (UCRGF), una por cada uno de los s guientes intervalos altitudinales, con el tamaño mínimo de población efectiva viable Ne ( ) siguiente: entre 2100 y 2400 m con 3422 individuos en edad reproductiva, entre 2400 y 2700 m con 1586 individuos, y entre 2700 y 3000 m con 2321 individuos

    Variacion isoenzimatica de <em>pinus pseudostrobus</em> lindl. a lo largo de un gradiente altitudinal en Michoacan, Mexico

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    Pinus pseudostrobus Lindl. is the pine species of major economic importance in the state of Michoacan. For its conservation and sustainable management both the variation of quantitative traits with adaptive value as well as the genetic diversity through markers neutral to selection should be known. In the present study the genetic isoenzymatic variation among populations of P. pseudostrobus along an attitudinal gradient (2200-2910 m of altitude) in the state of Michoacan, Mexico was investigated. In January 2001, seeds from eight locations, separated by 100 m altitude were collected; in each population from 9 toll trees were randomly selected. Polymorphism was found in 12 of the 14 loci examined. The expected average heterozygosity (H-e) was 0.10. In all loci Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was found. Genetic differentiation among populations was significant (F-ST = 0.017), although it was low. Average genetic distance (0.078) was low, and average gene flow was high (N-m = 14.5). It was found a weak pattern of genetic variation associated with altitude of origin of populations, in which lower altitude populations presented a greater effective number of alleles than higher altitude populations. To preserve genetic diversity it is suggested to establish three Forest Genetic Resource Conservation Units (FGRCU), one for each of the following attitudinal ranges, with the minimum size of a viable effective population (N-e) as follows: between 2100 and 2400 m with 3422 individuals in reproductive age, between 2400 and 2700 m with 1586 individuals, and 2700 and 3000 m with 2321 individuals.Pinus pseudostrobus Lindl. es la especie de pino de mayor importancia económica en el estado de Michoacán. Para su conservación y manejo sustentable se debe conocer tanto la variación de caracteres cuantitativos con valor adaptativo como la diversidad genética mediante marcadores neutrales a la selección. En el presente estudio se investigó la variación genética isoenzimática entre poblaciones de P. pseudostrobus a lo largo de un gradiente altitudinal (de 2200 a 2910 m de altitud) en el estado de Michoacán, México. En enero del 2001 se recolectaron semillas de ocho localidades, separadas entre sí por 100 m de altitud; en cada población se seleccionaron al azar 9 a 11 árboles. En 12 de los 14 loci examinados se encontró polimorfismo. La heterocigosidad esperada promedio He ( ) fue 0.10. En todos los loci se encontró equilibrio de Hardy-Weinberg. La diferenciación genética entre poblaciones fue significativa ( ) FST =0.017 , aunque fue baja. La distancia genética promedio fue baja (0.078) y el flujo génico promedio fue alto ( ) Nm =14.5 . Se encontró un débil patrón de variación genética asociado con la altitud de origen de las poblaciones, en el cual las poblaciones de menor altitud presentaron mayor número efectivo de alelos que las poblaciones de mayor altitud. Para conservar la diversidad genética se sugiere establecer tres Unidades de Conservación de Recursos Genéticos Forestales (UCRGF), una por cada uno de los s guientes intervalos altitudinales, con el tamaño mínimo de población efectiva viable Ne ( ) siguiente: entre 2100 y 2400 m con 3422 individuos en edad reproductiva, entre 2400 y 2700 m con 1586 individuos, y entre 2700 y 3000 m con 2321 individuos

    Altitudinal genetic variation among native Pinus patula provenances: performance in two locations, seed zone delineation and adaptation to climate change

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    To select the genetic source of Pinus patula Shiede and Deppe seed best adapted to different native zones for reforestation, seedlings of 12 provenances native to a selected altitudinal gradient in Oaxaca, southern Mexico, were planted on two sites at contrasting altitudes (high 3000 m above sea level (masl) and low, 2500 masl) within the species natural distribution, and tested for growth in height at age 18, 24 and 36 months. Differences among provenances and between sites showed significance (p < 0.05). Seedling growth showed a climatic and altitudinal pattern, in which seedlings from populations originating in low-middle altitudes had higher growth than populations originating in high altitudes, and from the extreme low altitude limit. Results were used to delineate climatic and altitudinal seed zones for contemporary and future climate zones in the decade centered in year 2030, using the average results of six climate-emissions scenarios. The results indicate that splitting the region into four seed zones is appropriate under contemporary climate scenarios with the following altitude limits: Zone 1, from 2300 to 2500 masl; Zone 2, 2500 to 2700 masl; Zone 3, 2700 to 2900 masl and Zone 4 from 2900 to 3100 masl. The equivalence on climatic intervals was also defined for mean annual temperature, precipitation and an annual aridity index (AAI). Values of contemporary AAI occurring at a given altitude by year 2030 were determined, with results suggesting that populations should be shifted 200 to 250 m attitudinally upward, through a program of assisted migration, to realign them to the future climate for which they are adapted

    Altitudinal genetic variation among native Pinus patula provenances: performance in two locations, seed zone delineation and adaptation to climate change

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    To select the genetic source of Pinus patula Shiede and Deppe seed best adapted to different native zones for reforestation, seedlings of 12 provenances native to a selected altitudinal gradient in Oaxaca, southern Mexico, were planted on two sites at contrasting altitudes (high 3000 m above sea level (masl) and low, 2500 masl) within the species natural distribution, and tested for growth in height at age 18, 24 and 36 months. Differences among provenances and between sites showed significance (p < 0.05). Seedling growth showed a climatic and altitudinal pattern, in which seedlings from populations originating in low-middle altitudes had higher growth than populations originating in high altitudes, and from the extreme low altitude limit. Results were used to delineate climatic and altitudinal seed zones for contemporary and future climate zones in the decade centered in year 2030, using the average results of six climate-emissions scenarios. The results indicate that splitting the region into four seed zones is appropriate under contemporary climate scenarios with the following altitude limits: Zone 1, from 2300 to 2500 masl; Zone 2, 2500 to 2700 masl; Zone 3, 2700 to 2900 masl and Zone 4 from 2900 to 3100 masl. The equivalence on climatic intervals was also defined for mean annual temperature, precipitation and an annual aridity index (AAI). Values of contemporary AAI occurring at a given altitude by year 2030 were determined, with results suggesting that populations should be shifted 200 to 250 m attitudinally upward, through a program of assisted migration, to realign them to the future climate for which they are adapted

    Adaptive and plastic responses of Quercus petraea populations to climate across Europe

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    How temperate forests will respond to climate change is uncertain; projections range from severe decline to increased growth. We conducted field tests of sessile oak (Quercus petraea), a widespread keystone European forest tree species, including more than 150 000 trees sourced from 116 geographically diverse populations. The tests were planted on 23 field sites in six European countries, in order to expose them to a wide range of climates, including sites reflecting future warmer and drier climates. By assessing tree height and survival, our objectives were twofold: (i) to identify the source of differential population responses to climate (genetic differentiation due to past divergent climatic selection vs. plastic responses to ongoing climate change) and (ii) to explore which climatic variables (temperature or precipitation) trigger the population responses. Tree growth and survival were modeled for contemporary climate and then projected using data from four regional climate models for years 2071–2100, using two greenhouse gas concentration trajectory scenarios each. Overall, results indicated a moderate response of tree height and survival to climate variation, with changes in dryness (either annual or during the growing season) explaining the major part of the response. While, on average, populations exhibited local adaptation, there was significant clinal population differentiation for height growth with winter temperature at the site of origin. The most moderate climate model (HIRHAM5-EC; rcp4.5) predicted minor decreases in height and survival, while the most extreme model (CCLM4-GEM2-ES; rcp8.5) predicted large decreases in survival and growth for southern and southeastern edge populations (Hungary and Turkey). Other nonmarginal populations with continental climates were predicted to be severely and negatively affected (Bercé, France), while populations at the contemporary northern limit (colder and humid maritime regions; Denmark and Norway) will probably not show large changes in growth and survival in response to climate change