190 research outputs found

    Design and Fabrication of Radio Frequency Amplifier with 3 dB π-Network Attenuator Isolation

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    This paper presents the design and fabrication of radio frequency amplifier (RFA), which operates at 5.8 GHz unlicensed frequency for WiMAX application. The RFA designed used T-matching network consisting of lump reactive elements, 3 dB attenuator and microstrip line at the input and output impedance. The RFA developed in this project contribute a gain of 15.6 dB with overall noise figure of 2.4 dB. The overall measured bandwidth is 1.240 GHz with S parameters S11, S12 and S22 measured are -12.4 dB, -25.5 dB and -12.3 dB respectively. The isolation result shows that there is a significant contribution using 3 dB π-network. The RFA used FET transistor EPA018A from Excelics Semiconductor Inc

    Microcontroller Implementation Of Single Phase Inverter Switching Strategies.

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    This paper presents the practical microcontroller implementation of single phase inverter switching strategies

    Study of EMG Feature Selection for Hand Motions Classification

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    In recent days, electromyography(EMG) pattern recognition has becoming one ofthe major interests in rehabilitation area. However, EMG feature set normally consists of relevant, redundant and irrelevant features. To achievehigh classification performance, the selection ofpotential features is critically important. Thus, this paper employs two recent feature selection methods namely competitive binary gray wolfoptimizer (CBGWO) and modified binary treegrowth algorithm (MBTGA) to evaluate the mostinformative EMG feature subset for efficient classification. The experimental results show thatCBGWO and MBTGA are not only improves theclassification performance, but also reduces thenumber of features.Keywords— Electromyography; feature extraction; time domain feature; featureselection; classificatio

    Classification of Myoelectric Signal using Spectrogram Based Window Selection

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    This paper presents a study of the classification of myoelectric signal using spectrogram with different window sizes. The electromyography (EMG) signals of 40 hand movement types are collected from 10 subjects through NinaPro database. By employing spectrogram, the EMG signals are represented in time-frequency representation.  Ten features are extracted from spectrogram for performance evaluation. In this study, two classifiers namely support vector machine (SVM) and linear discriminate analysis (LDA) are used to evaluate the performance of spectrogram features in the classification of EMG signals. To determine the best window size in spectrogram, three different Hanning window sizes are examined. The experimental results indicate that by applying spectrogram with optimize window size and LDA, the highest mean classification accuracy of 91.29% is obtained

    Hot red pepper powder as a safe alternative to antibiotics in organic poultry feed: An updated review

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    Globally, several studies have investigated the utilization and efficacy of promising medicinal herbal plants to enhance livestock and poultry production. The most commonly investigated phytobiotics in broiler ration were oregano, garlic, thyme, rosemary, black pepper, hot red pepper (HRP), and sage. Phytobiotics are classified on the basis of the medicinal properties of plants, their essential oil extracts, and their bioactive compounds. The majority of bioactive compounds in plants are secondary metabolites, such as terpenoids, phenolic, glycosides, and alkaloids. The composition and concentrations of these bioactive constitutes vary according to their biological factors and manufacturing and storage conditions. Furthermore, HRP is one of the most important and widely used spices in the human diet. Capsicum annum, that is, HRP, is a species of the plant genus Capsicum (pepper), which is a species native to southern North America and northern South America and is widely grown and utilized for its fresh or cooked fruits. Moreover, these fruits may be used as dried powders or processed forms of oleoresins. Researches have proven that C. annuum is the only plant that produces the alkaloid capsaicinoids. Approximately 48% of its active substances are capsaicin (8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonemide), the main active compound responsible for the intense effects of HRP varieties and the main component inducing the hot flavor. This review aimed to highlight the effects of HRP as a phytobiotic in broiler nutrition and its mode of action as a possible alternative to antibiotics and clarify its impact on broiler and layer productivity

    An Improved Retraining Scheme for Convolutional Neural Network

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    A feed-forward neural network artificial model, or multilayer perceptron (MLP), learns input samples adaptively and solves non-linear problems for data that are noisy and imprecise. Another variant of MLP, known as Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has additional features such as weight sharing, local receptive field, and subsampling, making CNN superior in handling challenging pattern-recognition tasks. Although CNN has improved the performance of MLP, the complexity of its structure has caused retraining processes to become inefficient whenever new categories or neurons using a winner-takes-all approach are added at the classifier stage. Thus, it is necessary to retrain the complete network set when new categories are added to the network. However, such a retraining incurs additional cost and training time. In this paper, we propose a retraining scheme that could overcome the mentioned problem. The proposed retraining scheme generalizes the feature of extraction layers, hence the retraining process only involves the last two layers instead of the whole network. The design was evaluated on AT&T and JAFFE databases. The results obtained have proved that training an additional category is approximately more than 70 times faster than retraining the whole network architectur

    Electromyography Signal Analysis Using Time and Frequency Domain for Health Screening System Task

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    Musculoskeletal disorder (MSDs) isone of the most popular issues of occupationalinjuries and disabilities. It has a big impact andcreates a big problem for industries to be resolved.In MSDs, electromyography (EMG) is one of themethods to be studied in order to detect MSDsproblem. This research focuses on the EMG signalanalysis by using time domain and frequencydomain (Welch Power Spectral Density) method.It gives more information from the signal and itis the most suitable method for classifying themoments in order to identify the behaviouralof the signals. Axial rotational reach and upperlevel reach task from Health Screening Program(HST) is performed using functional range ofmotion (FROM) by considering left and rightbiceps brachii muscles to be analysed. There aretwo parameters chosen for each time and for eachfrequency domain to be tested, which are meanan absolute value (MAV) and root mean square(RMS) for time domain. Median frequency (MDF)and mean frequency (MNF) are for frequencydomain. The results showed that frequencydomain analysis is able to give more parameterand information of the signal. Upper level reachacquires more effort to perform the task comparedto axial rotational reach for left and right bicepsbrachii. However, different performances ofthe signal obtained in classifying the momentsfrom t-test analysis due to p-value. The bestperformance to classify signal characteristics is thelowest p-value which is 7.369E-05 (MAV), 6.9504E-05 (RMS), 0.0054 (MDF). However, p-value for0.0515 is rejected because it is greater than 0.05.It is concluded that the frequency domain is ableto give more information of the signal, howeverfor classifications moments, time domain is bettercompared to the higher accuracy result. This studyis very important to give the idea in the futureanalysis of EMG signal in the aspect of detectingMSDs in human body in health screening task

    Integrated Personality Profiling Framework Using Traits and Factors Theory for Malaysian HLI Enrolment: A New Approach

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    Personality profiling is importantespecially in education and human resourcemanagement. Inability to identify individuals’personality may cause misunderstanding ofones potential; and further more, he/she mightfail to recognize his/her own career or academicdirection. This study aimed to develop anintegrated personality framework; using Traitand Factor Theory of Occupational Choice. Thecompleted framework was used as the coreconcept of integrated profiling instrument, namedas Integrated Personality Profiling (i-PRO).The main beneficiary of the completed (i-PRO)will be students, academics and non-academicpersonnel. The sample for this initial study was380 students from one Higher Learning Institution(HLI) in Malaysia. The sampling method usedwas random sampling. The study was done toexplore the Holland’s 3-code interest traits amongengineering students of the said HLI. One of thedeveloped domain used in this initial study wascareer interest domain. The Holland’s 3-codetypologies for Higher Learning Institution (HLI)respondents are Investigative, Social and Realistic(I, S, R)

    Generation of Kelly and dip type sidebands soliton employing Topological insulator (Bi2Te3) as saturable absorber

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    Conventional Kelly sidebands soliton and dip-type sidebands soliton were observed with the employment of Bi2Te3 as saturable absorber (SA) in Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser (EDFL). The fabricated Bi2Te3 possessed the following characteristics: Isat 102 MW/cm2, modulation depth 41.4%, and non-saturable absorption at 10%. The Bi2Te3 solution was transferred to the end of the fiber ferrule by the optical deposition method. Conventional Kelly sidebands soliton was obtained with a fundamental repetition rate and pulse width of 24 MHz and 0.78 ps, respectively. The existing cavity length was extended and with the appropriate tuning of light polarization, dip-peak intensity soliton sidebands with bunched pulses were observed. The oscillation trace revealed the repetition rate of dip-peak intensity sidebands soliton was ascertained at 13.5 MHz, which was in accordance with the cavity length. There was a total of 144 pulses in a single bunch envelope under the maximum available pump power. With the appropriate tuning of light polarization, constructive and destructive interference between soliton and dispersive waves took place in EDFL resulting in the formation of peak intensity (Kelly sidebands) and dip-peak intensity on the soliton spectrum. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this is the first demonstration of dip-peak intensity sidebands soliton using Bi2Te3

    Energy and electricity consumption analysis of Malaysian industrial sector

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    Malaysia has been experiencing strong economic growth through the last decade. Energy has been a key input in the development and growth of the country. The industrial sector is the second largest consumers of energy in Malaysia. In the present work sixty-four (64) factories in seven different manufacturing sectors were audited within the four regions of east-coast of Malaysia. In this audit, the most important parameters that have been collected are; power rating and operation time of energy consuming equipment/machinery; fossil fuel and other sources of energy consumption; production figure; peak and off peak tariff usage behavior; and power factor. These data were analyzed to investigate the breakdown of end-use equipment/machinery, the peak and off peak usage behavior, power factor trend, specific energy consumption and specific electricity consumption. The result of the energy audit shows that the highest energy consuming equipment is electric motor followed by liquid pumps and air compressor. The highest specific total energy (fossil fuel and electricity) consumption among the industrial sub-sectors is found in the rubber producing industries followed by fabricated metal industries, while the highest specific electrical energy consumption was found in the fabricated metal industries followed by rubber producing industries. The specific energy and electricity consumptions found in the present study are compared with Indonesian industrial sectors and presented in thin paper. The study also found that the 64% electrical energy was consumed in peak hours by the industries and average power factor ranged from 0.88 to 0.91. The energy audit in this study can be important tools and approaches for the policy maker to get insight into the energy and electricity uses pattern of Malaysian industrial sector