17 research outputs found

    Altered Thymic Function during Interferon Therapy in HCV-Infected Patients

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    Interferon alpha (IFNα) therapy, despite good efficacy in curing HCV infection, leads to major side effects, in particular inducement of a strong peripheral T-cell lymphocytopenia. We here analyze the early consequences of IFNα therapy on both thymic function and peripheral T-cell homeostasis in patients in the acute or chronic phase of HCV-infection as well as in HIV/HCV co-infected patients. The evolution of T-cell subsets and T-cell homeostasis were estimated by flow cytometry while thymic function was measured through quantification of T-cell receptor excision circles (TREC) and estimation of intrathymic precursor T-cell proliferation during the first four months following the initiation of IFNα therapy. Beginning with the first month of therapy, a profound lymphocytopenia was observed for all T-cell subsets, including naïve T-cells and recent thymic emigrants (RTE), associated with inhibition of intrathymic precursor T-cell proliferation. Interleukin (IL)-7 plasma concentration rapidly dropped while lymphocytopenia progressed. This was neither a consequence of higher consumption of the cytokine nor due to its neutralization by soluble CD127. Decrease in IL-7 plasma concentration under IFNα therapy correlated with the decline in HCV viral load, thymic activity and RTE concentration in blood. These data demonstrate that IFNα-based therapy rapidly impacts on thymopoiesis and, consequently, perturbs T-cell homeostasis. Such a side effect might be detrimental for the continuation of IFNα therapy and may lead to an increased level of infectious risk, in particular in HIV/HCV co-infected patients. Altogether, this study suggests the therapeutic potential of IL-7 in the maintenance of peripheral T-cell homeostasis in IFNα-treated patients

    Analisis kreatif persediaan usaha mikro kecil menengah by Goeboeg Dau

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    Dalam enjalankan sebuah bisnis, khususnya di bidang F&B (Food and Beverage), strategi dalam mengatur manajemen persediaan menjadi hal utama yang harus dipersiapkan secara matang oleh seluruh pelaku UMKM. Manajemen persediaan merupakan kunci dari proses bisnis yang meliputi proses pengadaan bahan baku sehingga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan untuk proses operasional sebuah usaha yang dijalankan oleh pelaku UMKM. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kreatif praktik manajemen persediaan yang dilakukan oleh para pelaku UMKM. Dengan jangka waktu berjalannya usaha yang tergolong masih dalam proses pengembangan, maka pelaku usaha harus lebih memperhatikan strategi yang tepat untuk UMKM tersebut. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data yang diperoleh adalah hasil wawancara dan observasi. Dengan indikator perencanaan anggaran, pemenuhan bahan baku hingga pelaksanaan dan pelaporan pengelolaan persediaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaku UMKM telah menerapkan perencanaan anggaran dan persediaan dengan cukup baik, namun pelaksanaan dan pengendalian dalam proses pemenuhan bahan baku belum dilakukan secara optimal. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kurangnya kemampuan sumber daya manusia, serta jangkauan jaringan yang terbatas

    NK cells, displaying early activation, cytotoxicity and adhesion molecules, are associated with mild dengue disease

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    During the innate immune response against infections, Natural Killer (NK) cells are as important effector cells as are Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) generated after antigenic stimulation in the adaptative response. NK cells increase in numbers, after viral infection or vaccination. We investigated the NK cell and CD8 T lymphocyte status in 55 dengue infected patients. The NK (CD56+CD3−) and CD56+ T cell (CD56+CD3+) rates rise during the acute phase of disease. The majority of NK cells from dengue patients display early markers for activation (CD69, HLA-DR, and CD38) and cell adhesion molecules (CD44, CD11a) during the acute phase of disease. The intracellular cytotoxic granule, TIA-1, is also up-regulated early in NK cells. Most of these markers appear also on CD8+ T lymphocytes but during the late acute phase. Circulating IL-15 is elevated in a significant number of patients during early acute infection and its values were statistically correlated with NK frequencies and cytotoxic markers on NKs. We have therefore shown that dengue virus infection is very likely stimulating a cytotoxic response that may be efficient in controlling the virus in synergism with CD8+ T lymphocytes. Interestingly, the heightened CD56+CD3−, CD56+CD3+, CD56+TIA-1+ and CD56+CD11a+ cell rates are associated with mild dengue clinical manifestations and might indicate a good prognosis of the disease