41 research outputs found

    Influence of the energy parameters of the primary circuit on the current characteristics of the DIN-2K accelerator

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    Optimal voltage values were established for plasma guns and the pulsed current generator providing maximum break current values. The current values were determined for the plasma jumper formation region. The optimal time delay between the triggering of the plasma guns and the pulsed current generator has been established. The beam current was measured in the region behind the vacuum diode and in the plasma jumper region. The ultimate current was determined for the available plant geometry.Встановлено оптимальні значення напруги для плазмових гармат і генератора імпульсного струму, що забезпечують максимальні значення струму розриву. Значення струму визначено для області формування плазмової перемички. Встановлено оптимальну затримку часу між спрацьовуванням плазмових гармат і генератора імпульсного струму. Струм пучка вимірювався в області за вакуумним діодом і в області плазмової перемички. Граничний струм був визначений для наявної геометрії установки

    On the possibility of obtaining a beam of heavy ions in the form of an “open umbrella” with subsequent deposition in the separator manifold

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    The study of SNF reprocessing is impossible without obtaining and studying a multicomponent, low-energy and complex ion beam of an “umbrella” shape. The beam is obtained from a plasma flow created in a plasma source (PS) with a magnetic field of about 3 T, flowing along the axis into a weak magnetic field, at a level of 0.1…0.5 T. At the same time, its density decreases, and the entire energy of the plasma is converted into a jet directed along the axis. To randomize the particles of the jet plasma, a reflecting magnetic field is further placed on the axis. Without changing direction, the plasma flows in a hollow magnetic force tube around a solenoid with a reverse magnetic field. In this region, ions are drawn out in the radial direction towards the annular hole of the “pocket”. The target ions, M (230-277) follow umbrella trajectories and, being neutralized, are deposited in the “pocket” on the inner walls, the remaining ∼ 3% are scattered and remain on the walls of the separator.Вивчення переробки ВЯП неможливе без отримання та вивчення багатокомпонентного низькоенергетичного та складного іонного пучка “парасолькової” форми. Пучок виходить з потоку плазми, створеного в джерелі плазми (ДП) з магнітним полем близько 3 Тл, далі втікає по осі в слабке магнітне поле, на рівні 0,1…0,5 Тл. Його щільність зменшується, і вся енергія плазми перетворюється на струмінь, спрямований уздовж осі. Для хаотизації частинок струминної плазми на осі додатково розміщується магнітне поле відбивного соленоїда. Не змінюючи напрямки, плазма тече в порожній магнітній силовій трубі навколо соленоїда зі зворотним магнітним полем. У цій області іони витягуються у радіальному напрямку до кільцевого отвору “кишені”. Цільові іони М (230-277) слідують “парасольковими” траєкторіями і, нейтралізуючись, осідають у “кишені” на внутрішніх стінках. А решта, ∼ 3%, розсіюються і залишаються на стінках сепаратора

    Technological coaxial plasma accelerator

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    Plasma sources for accelerators intended for separation processes and surface treatment have been investigated. The conditions for the choice of system parameters, as well as plasma flux, injection system, and power source have been discussed. These parameters have been obtained experimentally. A conclusion about the role of metal erosion products of the electrodes has also been drawn.Исследуются плазменные источники-ускорители для процессов сепарации и обработки поверхностей. Обсуждаются условия выбора параметров системы, плазменного потока, системы напуска газа, источника питания. Экспериментально получены их параметры. Сделан вывод о роли металлических продуктов эрозии электродов.Досліджуються плазмові джерела прискорювачів для процесів сепарації та обробки поверхонь. Обговорюються умови вибору параметрів системи, плазмового потоку, системи напуску газа, джерела живлення. Експериментально одержані їх параметри. Зроблені висновки щодо металевих продуктів ерозії електродів

    ATLAS detector and physics performance: Technical Design Report, 1

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    The medieval settlement of Isetskoie 2 in the Iset river basin

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    The article deals with materials of excavations at Isetskoie 2, an unfortified settlement of the Middle Ages, located in the Lower Iset River basin. The published materials are important due to poor previous study of unfortified settlements of the Bakal culture. The place is single-layered which makes it a valuable source for reconstruc-ting house-building traditions and material culture of the Medieval population of the forest-steppe zone of the Trans-Urals. A representative series of radiocarbon dates allows us to refresh a problem of chronology of the Medieval antiquities of the Tobol-Ishim interfluve, indicating that the Bakal culture functioned throughout the Early and High Middle Ages. Fifteen buildings were studied during excavations at the settlement, three types of buil-dings were distinguished: above-ground buildings with log-framed or light-framed walls and deepened framed and pillared buildings. Dwellings erected in log technique were found at a site of the Bakal culture for the first time. Among the buildings, both temporary seasonal dwellings and outbuildings are singled out. The ceramic material of the settlement is represented by vessels of the Bakal culture, separate fragments of Kushnarenkovo dishes which often accompany the Bakal complexes in the territory of Western Siberia, are found as well. Statistical analysis of the ceramic material and a series of radiocarbon dates indicate that the settlement functioned for a long period of time, in the III–XII centuries AD. A lack of system in arrangement of the buildings, weak saturation of the cultural layer, absence of fireplaces inside the buildings, characteristics of the inventory allow us to conclude that the settlement was seasonal

    Parent and reduced graphene oxide of different origin in light of neutron scattering

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    The current paper presents results from an extended neutron scattering study of a three-part set of parent and reduced graphene oxides (GO and rGO, respectively) of different origins. The first part concerns the rGO of natural origin represented by shungite carbon, the second and third parts are related to synthetic GO/rGO pairs with the latter produced during either chemical treatment or via thermal exfoliation of the parent GO, respectively. The study involved both the neutron diffraction and inelastic neutron scattering. The one-phonon amplitude-weighted density of vibrational states G (omega) represents the inelastic incoherent neutron scattering spectra of the products. Common characteristics and individual distinctions of the studied species are discussed

    Computationally Supported Neutron Scattering Study of Parent and Chemically Reduced Graphene Oxide

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    Synthetic graphene oxide (GO) as well as the product of its reducing performed in the regime of hydrogenolysis (rGO) were studied by both elastic and inelastic neutron scattering at low and room temperature conditions. The neutron diffraction patterns were analyzed to confirm stacking structures of both species consisting of 2-3 and ∼7 layers of microsize lateral dimension and the interlayer distances of 7 and 3.5 Å, respectively. The inelastic incoherent neutron scattering spectra were analyzed in the frame of the computationally supported one-phonon amplitude-weighted density of vibrational states G(ω) approximation. Calculations of G(ω) spectra were performed in the framework of semilocal density functional theory. The computational models were adjusted to the atom mass content of both GO and rGO species. The presented study has revealed the retained water in the freshly made GO, corresponding to the relatively low humidity, which further reacts with the oxygen-containing groups at the GO basal planes. The reaction results in the formation of hydroxyls chemically bound to the GO core in the course of the prolong storage of the product under ambient conditions. The analysis of the rGO G(ω) spectrum has disclosed the chemical composition of its circumference attributing the latter to sets of CH units with a minor presence of atomic oxygen. © 2015 American Chemical Society