72 research outputs found
Специфическое поражение коленного суставау больного сифилисом
The article presents a case of a rare form of late syphilitic arthritis. It also describes the potential of using the polymerase chain
reaction method in the diagnostics of late forms of the syphilitic infection.Представлено наблюдение редкой формы позднего сифилиса - сифилитического артрита. Показаны возможности при-
менения метода полимеразной цепной реакции в диагностике поздних форм сифилитической инфекции
Effect of swimming with the use of aqua fitness elements and interval hypoxic training on the physical fitness of boys aged 11-12 years
Aim: to establish the integrated effect of training sessions using elements of aqua fitness and interval hypoxic training on the special physical fitness of swimmers. Material: young swimmers participated in the study (n = 64, age 11-12, sporting experience - 2-3 years). The research was carried out in stages: before the experiment began, and then in 8, 16 and 24 weeks later. Frequency of classes in all groups was 6 times a week. Results: the ability to work in anaerobic alactatic, lactate and aerobic energy supply zones was studied. It was established that such training sessions help to improve the performance and capacity of the anaerobic alactatious system. The feasibility of such combination is proved by the growth of performance indicators in areas of aerobic, anaerobic alactatic and lactate energy supply. Conclusions: The feasibility of such training sessions is explained by: minimizing the negative impact on the children’s body of exercises on the development of force in conditions of the aquatic environment; improving the functional capabilities of the body
The Restructurization of the Chromatin of Neutrophilic Granulocytes in Different Types of Pathologies and their Diagnostic Value
Polarization microscopy method studied the level of chromatin restructuring neutrophilic granulocytes in patients with different types of pathology. It is shown that level of chromatin restructuring of neutrophilic granulocytes is closely linked to the nature and severity of the disease process
Different Kinds of Interferon-Corrective Therapy in Congenital and Acquired Interferonopathies
This paper reviews various Interferon (IFN) system disturbances - Interferonopathies. Interferonopathies classification developed by the author is suggested. In this paper author describes clinical specifics of Type I Interferonopathy associated with overexpression of interferon alfa - rare Mendelian genetic diseases, certain autoimmune diseases, immune dysregulation syndrome. Interferon-corrective therapy methods are described. The targeted type I interferonopathies therapy is aimed at blocking IFN alpha overexpression. Most common interferonopathies by IFN deficiency type: congenital or acquired IFN alpha/beta and IFN gamma deficiencys in children and adults, associated with abnormal viral or mycobacterial infection courses. Replacement IFN-therapy is indicated for patients with congenital IFN alpha therapy. In case of acquired IFN alpha deficiency the differentiated interferon-corrective therapy is performed. In both replacement and interferon-corrective therapies recombinant human IFN alpha 2b VIFERON (R) is used together with antioxidants, which is safe, has a good clinical efficiency and no side effects
The Restructurization of the Chromatin of Neutrophilic Granulocytes in Different Types of Pathologies and their Diagnostic Value
Polarization microscopy method studied the level of chromatin restructuring neutrophilic granulocytes in patients with different types of pathology. It is shown that level of chromatin restructuring of neutrophilic granulocytes is closely linked to the nature and severity of the disease process
The problem of rehabilitation of children with congenital cleft lip and palate (CCLP) is a difficult task and doesn’t lose its relevance. Children with CCLP often suffer from repeated acute viral and bacterial infections of the respiratory tract and upper respiratory tract, which leads to a forced delay in surgical, orthodontic treatment, adequate speech therapy and complications after staged surgical operations. The development of inflammatory processes in children with CCLP is associated with anatomical and topographic features that facilitate the penetration of pathogenic microflora in oral and nose mucosa and, consequently, negative changes in the immune system (IS). The key cells of IS in maintaining homeostasis and ensuring oral health are neutrophil granulocytes (NG). NG dysfunctions in CCLP interfere with the elimination of pathogens and support their persistence. This can occur against the background of previously existing defects in the functioning of the NG system and is aggravated by the significant pathogenicity and massiveness of the impact of various infectious agents. Full diagnostics of NG dysfunctions is necessary for the further implementation of their timely immune correction and prevention of the development of pathological chronic inflammation in response to the pathogenic microflora long-term on the mucous membrane of the mouth and nose. For this purpose study was conducted of the functional activity and phenotypic characteristics of NG in children with CCLP at different stages of complex rehabilitation. Blood samples of 56 children with CCLP 1-3 years (n = 20, group 1), 4-6 years (n = 20, group 2), and 7-12 years (n = 20, group 3) at different stages of complex rehabilitation and 30 conditionally healthy children (control groups) of the corresponding age was studied. A violation of the microbiocenosis of the mucous membranes of the oral and nasal cavities was revealed, which may be a cause or a consequence of a decrease in antibacterial immunity, first of all NG dysfunctions. Common for all age groups children with CCLP NG dysfunction was found: the appearance of NG expressing CD14 receptors that are absent in children of all three control groups, which indicates the presence of viral and bacterial load; defects of phagocytosis associated with a decrease in the number of actively phagocytic NG, impaired NG capture functions; impaired NADPH oxidase release with partial or complete blockade of the response to additional antigenic load, even in the absence of acute clinical manifestations. Comparative analysis of the studied indicators of the expression level of the receptors CD64, CD16, CD32, CD14 NG in children with CCLP demonstrates different equipment, which determines the inconsistency of the phagocytic and microbicidal function of NG in different age periods. Thus, an increase in the expression of these membrane markers, especially CD64 and CD14, in older age groups is accompanied by more significant defects in phagocytic and killing functions of NG, which is associated not only with recurrent viral respiratory infections, but also with a high frequency of associated bacterial infections of the respiratory system and ENT - organs. Revealed NG dysfunctions in children with CCLP of various age groups indicate their inability to implement adequate anti-infective protection, which can lead to atypically occurring viral - bacterial infections and the occurrence of various, including purulent complications in the postoperative period, which requires the development of targeted immunotherapy, included in the program of comprehensive rehabilitation in children with CCLP and aimed at restoring impaired NG functions.Проблема реабилитации детей с врожденными расщелинами губы и неба (ВРГН) является сложнейшей задачей и не теряет своей актуальности. Дети с ВРГН часто страдают повторными острыми вирусными и бактериальными инфекциями респираторного тракта и ЛОР-органов, что приводит к вынужденной отсрочке проводимых хирургических, ортодонтических лечебных мероприятий, адекватной речевой терапии, осложнениям после проведенных этапных хирургических операций. Развитие воспалительных процессов у детей с ВРГН связано с анатомо-топографическими особенностями, облегчающими проникновение патогенной микрофлоры, нарушениями микробиоценоза слизистой ротовой полости и носа и, как следствие, с негативными изменениями в иммунной системе (ИС). Ключевыми клетками ИС в поддержании гомеостаза и обеспечения здоровья полости рта являются нейтрофильные гранулоциты (НГ). Дисфункции НГ при ВРГН препятствуют элиминации возбудителей и поддерживают их персистенцию. Это может возникать на фоне ранее имевшихся дефектов функционирования системы НГ и усугубляться значительным по патогенности и массивности воздействием различных инфекционных агентов. Полноценная диагностика дисфункций НГ необходима для дальнейшего осуществления их своевременной иммунокоррекции и предотвращения развития патологического хронического воспаления в ответ на длительно присутствующую на слизистой ротовой полости и носа патогенную микрофлору. С этой целью проведено изучение функциональной активности и фенотипических особенностей НГ при ВГРН у детей на разных этапах комплексной реабилитации. Проведено исследование образцов крови 56 детей с ВРГН: 1-3 лет (n = 20, группа 1), 4-6 лет (n = 20, группа 2) и 7-12 лет (n = 20, группа 3), находящихся на разных этапах комплексной реабилитации, и 30 условно здоровых детей (группы контроля) соответствующего возраста. Выявлено нарушение микробиоценоза слизистых ротовой и носовой полости, что может явиться причиной или следствием снижения антибактериального иммунитета, и прежде всего дисфункций НГ. Обнаружены общие для всех возрастных групп детей с ВРГН дисфункции НГ: появление НГ, экспрессирующих CD14-рецепторы, отсутствующие у детей всех трех контрольных групп, что свидетельствует о присутствии вирусной и бактериальной нагрузки; дефекты фагоцитоза, связанные со снижением количества активно фагоцитирующих НГ, нарушение функций захвата; напряженность NADPH-оксидаз с частичной или полной блокадой ответа на дополнительную антигенную нагрузку даже в период отсутствия острых клинических проявлений. Сравнительный анализ изучаемых показателей уровня экспрессии рецепторов СD64, CD16, CD32, СD14 НГ в группах детей c ВРГН демонстрирует разную оснащенность, предопределяющую несостоятельность фагоцитарной и микробицидной функции НГ в разные возрастные периоды. Так, увеличение экспрессии данных мембранных маркеров, особенно СD64 и СD14, в старших возрастных группах сопровождается более значимой дефектностью фагоцитарной и киллинговой функции НГ, что сопряжено не только с возвратными вирусными респираторными инфекциями, но и с высокой частотой ассоциированных бактериальных инфекций дыхательной системы и ЛОР-органов. Выявленные дисфункции НГ у детей с ВГРН различных возрастных групп свидетельствуют об их неспособности к реализации адекватной противоинфекционной защиты, что может приводить к нетипично протекающим вирусно-бактериальным инфекциям и возникновению различных, в том числе гнойных, осложнений в послеоперационном периоде, что требует разработки таргетной иммунотерапии, включаемой в программу комплексной реабилитации детей с ВГРН и направленной на восстановление нарушенных функций НГ
Dysfunctions of neutrophilic granulocytes in children with congenital cleft lip and palate [ДИСФУНКЦИИ НЕЙТРОФИЛЬНЫХ ГРАНУЛОЦИТОВ У ДЕТЕЙ С ВРОЖДЕННЫМИ РАСЩЕЛИНАМИ ГУБЫ И НЕБА]
The problem of rehabilitation of children with congenital cleft lip and palate (CCLP) is a difficult task and doesn’t lose its relevance. Children with CCLP often suffer from repeated acute viral and bacterial infections of the respiratory tract and upper respiratory tract, which leads to a forced delay in surgical, orthodontic treatment, adequate speech therapy and complications after staged surgical operations. The development of inflammatory processes in children with CCLP is associated with anatomical and topographic features that facilitate the penetration of pathogenic microflora in oral and nose mucosa and, consequently, negative changes in the immune system (IS). The key cells of IS in maintaining homeostasis and ensuring oral health are neutrophil granulocytes (NG). NG dysfunctions in CCLP interfere with the elimination of pathogens and support their persistence. This can occur against the background of previously existing defects in the functioning of the NG system and is aggravated by the significant pathogenicity and massiveness of the impact of various infectious agents. Full diagnostics of NG dysfunctions is necessary for the further implementation of their timely immune correction and prevention of the development of pathological chronic inflammation in response to the pathogenic microflora long-term on the mucous membrane of the mouth and nose. For this purpose study was conducted of the functional activity and phenotypic characteristics of NG in children with CCLP at different stages of complex rehabilitation. Blood samples of 56 children with CCLP 1-3 years (n = 20, group 1), 4-6 years (n = 20, group 2), and 7-12 years (n = 20, group 3) at different stages of complex rehabilitation and 30 conditionally healthy children (control groups) of the corresponding age was studied. A violation of the microbiocenosis of the mucous membranes of the oral and nasal cavities was revealed, which may be a cause or a consequence of a decrease in antibacterial immunity, first of all NG dysfunctions. Common for all age groups children with CCLP NG dysfunction was found: the appearance of NG expressing CD14 receptors that are absent in children of all three control groups, which indicates the presence of viral and bacterial load; defects of phagocytosis associated with a decrease in the number of actively phagocytic NG, impaired NG capture functions; impaired NADPH oxidase release with partial or complete blockade of the response to additional antigenic load, even in the absence of acute clinical manifestations. Comparative analysis of the studied indicators of the expression level of the receptors CD64, CD16, CD32, CD14 NG in children with CCLP demonstrates different equipment, which determines the inconsistency of the phagocytic and microbicidal function of NG in different age periods. Thus, an increase in the expression of these membrane markers, especially CD64 and CD14, in older age groups is accompanied by more significant defects in phagocytic and killing functions of NG, which is associated not only with recurrent viral respiratory infections, but also with a high frequency of associated bacterial infections of the respiratory system and ENT – organs. Revealed NG dysfunctions in children with CCLP of various age groups indicate their inability to implement adequate anti-infective protection, which can lead to atypically occurring viral – bacterial infections and the occurrence of various, including purulent complications in the postoperative period, which requires the development of targeted immunotherapy, included in the program of comprehensive rehabilitation in children with CCLP and aimed at restoring impaired NG functions. © 2019, SPb RAAC
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