79 research outputs found

    Replica symmetry breaking related to a general ultrametric space II: RSB solutions and the n\to0 limit

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    Replica symmetry breaking solutions for the new replica anzats, related to general ultrametric spaces, are investigated. A variant of analysis on trees is developed and applied to the computation of the n\to0 limit in the new replica anzats.Comment: 22 page

    Interaction of 3-level atom with radiation

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    The stochastic limit of quantum theory suggests a new, constructive, approach to nonequilibrium phenomena. We illustrate this approach when considering the interaction of 3-level system with a quantum field in a nonequilibrium state. We describe a class of states of the quantum field for which a stationary state drives the system to an inversely populated state. We find that the quotient of the population of the energy levels in the simplest case is described by the double Einstein formula which involves products of two Einstein emis-sion/absorption factors. Emission and absorption of radiation by 3-level atom in nonequilibrium stationary state is described

    Non-Exponential decay for polaron model

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    A model of particle interacting with quantum field is considered. The model includes as particular cases the polaron model and non-relativistic quantum electrodynamics. We compute matrix elements of the evolution operator in the stochastic approximation and show that depending on the state of the particle one can get the non-exponential decay with the rate t^{-3/2}. In the process of computation a new algebra of commutational relations that can be considered as an operator deformation of quantum Boltzmann commutation relations is used

    Replica symmetry breaking related to a general ultrametric space III: the case of general measure

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    Family of replica matrices, related to general ultrametric spaces with general measures, is introduced. These matrices generalize the known Parisi matrices. Some functionals of replica approach are computed. Replica symmetry breaking solution is found.Comment: 21 page

    Noncommutative probability in classical systems

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    Two examples of the situation when the classical observables should be described by a noncommutative probability space are investigated. Possible experimental approach to find quantum-like correlations for classical disordered systems is discussed. The interpretation of noncommutative probability in experiments with classical systems as a result of context (complex of experimental physical conditions) dependence of probability is considered

    Genetic code on the dyadic plane

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    We introduce the simple parametrization for the space of codons (triples of nucleotides) by 8\times 8 table. This table (which we call the dyadic plane) possesses the natural 2-adic ultrametric. We show that after this parametrization the genetic code will be a locally constant map of the simple form. The local constancy of this map will describe degeneracy of the genetic code. The map of the genetic code defines 2-adic ultrametric on the space of amino acids. We show that hydrophobic amino acids will be clustered in two balls with respect to this ultrametric. Therefore the introduced parametrization of space of codons exhibits the hidden regularity of the genetic code.Comment: Some gap in the construction was fixe

    Photoconductivity mechanism in structures with Ge-nanoclusters grown on Si(100) surface

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    Interband optical transitions in the epitaxial Si/Ge heterostructures with Ge nanoislands grown on Si(100) surface were investigated using photocurrent spectroscopy. The mechanism of photoconductivity was discussed. It was shown that electron transitions from the ground state of the valence band in a quantum dot to the conduction band of Si surrounding make the main contribution into monopolar photoconductivity below the fundamental absorption edge of crystalline Si. Photoexcited holes were found to be localized in Ge nanoislands inducing the lateral conductivity changes in the near-surface depletion layer of p-Si substrate due to the field-effect

    A p-Adic Model of DNA Sequence and Genetic Code

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    Using basic properties of p-adic numbers, we consider a simple new approach to describe main aspects of DNA sequence and genetic code. Central role in our investigation plays an ultrametric p-adic information space which basic elements are nucleotides, codons and genes. We show that a 5-adic model is appropriate for DNA sequence. This 5-adic model, combined with 2-adic distance, is also suitable for genetic code and for a more advanced employment in genomics. We find that genetic code degeneracy is related to the p-adic distance between codons.Comment: 13 pages, 2 table

    Quantum effects in multilayer Si-Ge nanoheterostructures

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    The lateral photoconductivity spectra and photofield electron emission were used to investigate multilayer Ge/Si heterostructures with Ge quantum dots. Earlier we have revealed a close connection between elastic strain in Ge quantum dots originating due to the lattice mismatch during the epitaxial growth and additional energy level forming in the strained Si-Ge heterojunction region. Thus, it appeared to be possible observing intraband transitions in Ge quantum dots that are absent in two-dimensional Si-Ge heterostructures using such simple and informative methods. While an influence of the number of Ge quantum dot layers on lateral photoconductivity spectra is not essential, the photofield electron emission characteristics showed considerable shift to middle infrared area, as the number of Ge quantum dot layers increased. It was revealed that size and composition parameters of Ge quantum dots correspond to energy levels in the valence band of the latter with the energy distance between them about 0.32 and 0.34 eV with a high accuracy. The results of our investigation make it possible to expect their possible application in new nano- and optoelectronic devices.Методами фотопольової емісії та повздовжньої фотопровідності було досліджено багатошарові наногетероструктури з квантовими точками германію. Попередні дослідження показали тісний зв'язок пружних напружень, що виникають при епітаксійному рості матеріалів з різними постійними граток, з виникненням додаткових рівнів в зоні такого гетеропереходу. Таким чином, відносно простими але інформативними методами спостерігалися міжзонні переходи, які відсутні в двовимірних гетероструктурах Si-Ge. Якщо вплив кількості шарів на фотопольову емісію несуттєвий, то при дослідженні фотопровідності виявлено прямий зв'язок зсуву чутливості повздовжньої фотопровідності в середній інфрачервоний діапазон від кількості шарів з квантовими точками германію. Показано, що розмірні характеристики та мольний склад квантових точок відповідають енергетичним рівням з енергетичною відстанню між ними приблизно 0,32 та 0,34 еВ з дуже високою точністю. Результати досліджень дозволяють сподіватися на їх використання в перспективних приладах нано- та оптоелектроніки