49 research outputs found

    Morphofunctional and motor characteristics of Baikal region’s students (Russia) with overweight

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    Purpose : to study the morphofunctional and motor characteristics of the organism of students with overweight and obesity. To compare these data with data of students with normal weight. Participants : it was examined students (females - n=1937; males - n=1302) of 17-21 year-olds. (Baikal region, Russia). It was performed an anthropometrical and physiometric examination of students. It was determined the content of muscle and fat mass in the component structure of a body. It was determined the motor qualities of students. Results : the indicators of anthropometrical and physiometric characteristics, results of motor action tests, the content of muscle and fat mass in a body of students with overweight and obesity are lower in comparison with the indicators of females and males with normal body weight (р<0.05). The integral criterion of physical fitness of students with overweight and obesity is lower in comparison with students with normal body weight (р<0.05). It is defined the direct dependence between the decrease in the level of physical fitness and increase in body weight of males and females. It was obtained data concerning interrelation of anthropometrical and functional characteristics with motor qualities of males and females with different body weight. Conclusions : Results of the research allow correcting physical training classes of youth. Such classes are focused on the differentiated decrease in fat mass content and increase in muscle mass in the component structure of students' bodies

    The problems of students' physical training individualization

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    Physical health and biological age of 1st 2nd year girl students, depending on their physical activity, as well as to work out system of control over students' health

    The respiratory practical persons: new understanding and approaches.

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    It is analysed modern information about existent respiratory practices. The methodological, physiological and psychological aspects of respiratory practices are examined. 2 groups of students of higher humanitarian institute are participated in experiment: healthy (students of basic group, n1=180) and with different chronic pathology in the stage of remission (students of group of medical physical education, n2=50). Duration of experiment made about two months. Frequency of the controlled respiratory practice - 1-2 times per a week. The algorithm of respiratory practice is presented. Exercises and recommendations are resulted on their application

    Comparative analysis of the functional characteristics and motor qualities of students of different generations and body types

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    Purpose : the comparative analysis of screening studies of physical fitness and functional condition of young men with different body types (the territory of Baikal region, Russia; the interval of the study is 10 years). Material : First-year students (age 17-18 years; n = 1003; in 2008 - n = 523; in 2017 - n = 480) of Irkutsk National Research Technical University (Pribaikalye, Russia) participated into the research. All students are classified for health reasons to the main medical group (no deviations in health status). All students attended classes in the discipline "Physical Education". It was done the comparative analysis of motor skills; physiometric indicators; the content of muscle, fat and bone mass. Results : It was revealed the significant differences (p <0,05) in the values of the motor test indicators. It was determined “leading” and “lagging” motor qualities of young men with different body types. It was defined decrease of indicators’ values in motor tests in young men in 2017, in comparison with the results of the survey in 2008. The decrease in the values of motor test indicators is more frequently revealed in young men of hypersthenic group (examined in 2017), in comparison with normosthenics and asthenics. There is a deterioration in the majority of the functional characteristics of young men bodies (in 2017) in comparison with 2008 data. Conclusions : University professors (of the discipline - “Physical Education”) should form a predictive database of screening observations on the development of morphofunctional and motor qualities of students with different body types. This will allow to correct the educational process on the physical education of students applying the integrative pedagogical methods and teaching methods

    Coordinating abilities: recognition of a state of development of 11-13 years old boys

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    Purpose: To determine the possibility of recognizing the state of development of coordination abilities in boys 11-13 years old based on the methodology of multidimensional statistics. Materials: The study involved boys: 11 (n = 21), 12 (n = 20), 13 (n = 19) years. It was used 14 tests. Results: In the recognition of the state of development of coordination abilities in boys of 11-13 years old, the most important are the results in the tests: №2 “Standing long jump (cm)” (0.633); №12 “Rhythmic hand tapping” (-0.493); №15 “Tossing a ring over a peg” (-0.347). The enumerated tests characterize speed-power abilities, coordination of movements by hands and spatial precision of throws. In recognition of the state of development of coordination abilities in boys of 12-13 years old, the most important are the results in the tests: №12 “Rhythmic hand tapping” (0.691); №2 “Standing long jump (cm)” (0,387); №1 “30 m running (s)” (-0,356). The enumerated tests characterize the coordination of movements by the hands, speed-strength abilities and speed. Conclusions: Discriminant analysis allowed to determine: informative indicators for the walkthrough of the development of coordination abilities in boys of 11-13 years old; to answer such question as how significantly distinguished the state of development of coordination abilities in boys of 11-13 years old; which motor tests most significantly affect the differentiation of classes; to which class the object belongs to based on the values of discriminant variables

    Recreation as a scientific discipline and its historical aspects

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    Purpose of work - to show an importance of recreation measures for forming, renewal, strengthening and saving of students' health. The analysis of recreation measures is resulted in educational space of higher educational establishment. Concept methodology of recreation and physical recreation is expounded for the students of higher educational establishments: types of recreation and its function, recreational system, recreational districting and correlation of recreational buildings in surrounding space. The modern problems of recreation and physical recreation are reflected. It is marked that important factors in successful recreation activity it is been: level of educational preparation of workers; professionalism of doctors, doctors rehabilitation, instructors and methodists of physical culture; presence of the special territorial areas; terms for the leadthrough of employments and in a civilized manner-entertaining measures. It is marked that recreation is passive and active rest in a complex with other health measures out of production, educational, scientific and to other activity. He is directed on forming, renewal, strengthening and saving of health of a man, and also bringing him satisfaction and pleasure from these measures

    Power abilities: recognition of the level of development in girls aged 12-14 years

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the possibility of recognizing the state of power abilities development in girls aged 12-14 years based on the methodology of multidimensional statistics. Materials. The study involved girls: 12 (n =21), 13 (n = 20), 14 (n = 19) years old. The study used the following methods: analysis and collation of scientific and methodological literature, general scientific methods of theoretical level, such as analogy, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, induction, as well as general scientific methods of empirical level: observation, testing, experiment. The testing program included well-known tests. Results. In the recognition of the state of power abilities development in girls aged 12-14 years the most important are the results in tests: Pull-Up / Chin Up Test (Rope Climbing), quantity of times (0.877); Squats Test (two legs), quantity of times (0.723); Single Leg Squat (SLS) Test - left leg, quantity of times (-0.567); Pull-Up / Chin Up Test (low crossbar), quantity of times (-0.467). These tests describe the level of muscle strength development of the shoulder girdle and legs. In the recognition of the state of power abilities development in girls aged 13-14 years the most important are the results in tests: Single Leg Squat (SLS) Test - left leg, quantity of times (-0.825); Single Leg Squat (SLS) Test - right leg, quantity of times (0.735); Single Leg Squat (Pistol) - left leg (0.672); Hand tapping test, sec. (0.682). These tests describe the level of development of relative and static strength of the legs. Conclusions. Discriminant analysis allowed to determine informative indicators for cross-control of the development of power abilities in girls aged 12-14 years; answer the question of how significantly the state of development of power abilities in girls of 12, 13 and 14 years is different; which motor tests most significantly affect the differentiation of classes; which class the object belongs to (based on the values of discriminant variables). In order to recognize the level of development of power abilities in girls aged 12-14 years, it is necessary to be guided by the indicators of relative and static strength and strength endurance; at girls of 13 and 14 years – strength endurance


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    Цель: выявить объективные и субъективные характеристики особенностей проявления страха высоты у студентов с разными свойствами нервной системы. Материал. В исследовании приняли участие 10 студентов 18-19 лет, не занимавшиеся спортом. Студенты выполняли упражнение - прохождение навесной переправы в пешеходном туризме. Данное упражнение дает субъективное восприятие высоты и создает искусственные условия для возникновения страха. Упражнение выполнялось с соблюдением всех норм безопасности и в сопровождении опытного инструктора. Использовался кластерный и дискриминантный анализ. Результаты. Показана возможность деления на группы людей по показателям функциональных сдвигов в экстремальной ситуации в сочетании с показателями психофизиологических возможностей и свойств нервной системы. Выявлено, что наиболее значимыми показателями для распределения студентов на группы по индивидуальным типологическим особенностям являются скорость и точность прохождения психофизиологических тестов с разными режимами подачи сигналов и функциональные сдвиги перед выполнением упражнения экстремального характера. Выводы. Выявлено, что у студентов с сильным типом нервной системы частота сердечных сокращений перед выполнением упражнения экстремального характера достоверно меньше, чем у студентов с слабым типом нервной системы. Субъективные ощущения страха перед выполнением экстремального упражнения также достоверно ниже у представителей сильного типа нервной системы.Purpose: determination of objective and subjective characteristics of students’ with different properties of nervous system fear of heights. Material: In the research 10 students of 18-19 years old age, who did not practice sports, participated. The students fulfilled one exercises: passing suspended ferriage in hiking. This exercise gives subjective perception of height and creates artificial conditions for appearing of fear. He exercise was fulfilled under all required safety measures and supervised by experienced instructor. Cluster and discriminant analysis were used. Results: we have shown that is possible to divide people into groups by indicators of functional changes in extreme situation in combination with indicators of psycho-physiological potentials and properties of nervous system. We have found that the most significant indicators for distribution of students into groups by individual typological properties are speed and accuracy of passing of psycho-physiological tests with different modes of signals’ supply as well as functional changes before exercise of extreme character. Conclusions: It was determined that students with strong type of nervous system had confidently less heart beats rate before fulfillment of extreme exercise than the students with weak type of nervous system. Subjective feeling of fear before fulfillment of extreme exercise was also confidently less in representatives of strong type of nervous system.Мета : виявити об'єктивні і суб'єктивні характеристики особливостей прояву страху висоти у студентів з різними властивостями нервової системи. Матеріал . У дослідженні взяли участь 10 студентів 18-19 років, які не займалися спортом. Студенти виконували вправу - проходження навісної переправи в пішохідному туризмі. Дана вправа дає суб'єктивне сприйняття висоти і створює штучні умови для виникнення страху. Вправа виконувалося з дотриманням всіх норм безпеки і в супроводі досвідченого інструктора. Використовувався кластерний і дискримінантний аналіз. Результати . Показана можливість поділу на групи людей за показниками функціональних зрушень в екстремальній ситуації у поєднанні з показниками психофізіологічних можливостей і властивостей нервової системи. Виявлено, що найбільш значущими показниками для розподілу студентів на групи за індивідуальними типологічним особливостям є швидкість і точність проходження психофізіологічних тестів з різними режимами подачі сигналів і функціональні зрушення перед виконанням вправи екстремального характеру. Висновки . Виявлено, що у студентів з сильним типом нервової системи частота серцевих скорочень перед виконанням вправи екстремального характеру достовірно менше, ніж у студентів з слабким типом нервової системи. Суб'єктивні відчуття страху перед виконанням екстремального вправи також достовірно нижче у представників сильного типу нервової системи

    Recreational resources - basement for active rest of a man.

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    The theoretical aspects of active rest resources of Ukraine, their classification and ball estimation are presented: medical and biological, psychological, technological. The special complication in the estimation of active rest resources consists of that they are necessary to be examined both from position of organizers of rest and from position of holiday-makers. Importance of active rest a man (student) is shown in sanatorium-resort terms. Therefore two basic tasks cost before counsels: medical service of patients (second prophylaxis) and health rest. The active rest resources of Crimea are as an example considered, Zakarpatskoy and Kharkov areas. In every region there are the features of active rest resources which lift the physical and psychical health of man