746 research outputs found

    Non-Douglas-Kazakov phase transition of two-dimensional generalized Yang-Mills theories

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    In two-dimensional Yang-Mills and generalized Yang-Mills theories for large gauge groups, there is a dominant representation determining the thermodynamic limit of the system. This representation is characterized by a density the value of which should everywhere be between zero and one. This density itself is determined through a saddle-point analysis. For some values of the parameter space, this density exceeds one in some places. So one should modify it to obtain an acceptable density. This leads to the well-known Douglas-Kazakov phase transition. In generalized Yang-Mills theories, there are also regions in the parameter space where somewhere this density becomes negative. Here too, one should modify the density so that it remains nonnegative. This leads to another phase transition, different from the Douglas-Kazakov one. Here the general structure of this phase transition is studied, and it is shown that the order of this transition is typically three. Using carefully-chosen parameters, however, it is possible to construct models with phase-transition orders not equal to three. A class of these non-typical models are also studied.Comment: 11 pages, accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.

    On the modification of the Efimov spectrum in a finite cubic box

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    Three particles with large scattering length display a universal spectrum of three-body bound states called "Efimov trimers''. We calculate the modification of the Efimov trimers of three identical bosons in a finite cubic box and compute the dependence of their energies on the box size using effective field theory. Previous calculations for positive scattering length that were perturbative in the finite volume energy shift are extended to arbitrarily large shifts and negative scattering lengths. The renormalization of the effective field theory in the finite volume is explicitly verified. Moreover, we investigate the effects of partial wave mixing and study the behavior of shallow trimers near the dimer energy. Finally, we provide numerical evidence for universal scaling of the finite volume corrections.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, published versio

    Branes as Stable Holomorphic Line Bundles On the Non-Commutative Torus

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    It was recently suggested by A. Kapustin that turning on a BB-field, and allowing some discrepancy between the left and and right-moving complex structures, must induce an identification of B-branes with holomorphic line bundles on a non-commutative complex torus. We translate the stability condition for the branes into this language and identify the stable topological branes with previously proposed non-commutative instanton equations. This involves certain topological identities whose derivation has become familiar in non-commutative field theory. It is crucial for these identities that the instantons are localized. We therefore explore the case of non-constant field strength, whose non-linearities are dealt with thanks to the rank-one Seiberg--Witten map.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe

    Particle Production in Matrix Cosmology

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    We consider cosmological particle production in 1+1 dimensional string theory. The process is described most efficiently in terms of anomalies, but we also discuss the explicit mode expansions. In matrix cosmology the usual vacuum ambiguity of quantum fields in time-dependent backgrounds is resolved by the underlying matrix model. This leads to a finite energy density for the "in" state which cancels the effect of anomalous particle production.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure; v2: references added, minor change

    Decoupling of Degenerate Positive-norm States in Witten's String Field Theory

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    We show that the degenerate positive-norm physical propagating fields of the open bosonic string can be gauged to the higher rank fields at the same mass level. As a result, their scattering amplitudes can be determined from those of the higher spin fields. This phenomenon arises from the existence of two types of zero-norm states with the same Young representations as those of the degenerate positive-norm states in the old covariant first quantized (OCFQ) spectrum. This is demonstrated by using the lowest order gauge transformation of Witten's string field theory (WSFT) up to the fourth massive level (spin-five), and is found to be consistent with conformal field theory calculation based on the first quantized generalized sigma-model approach. In particular, on-shell conditions of zero-norm states in OCFQ stringy gauge transformation are found to correspond, in a one-to-one manner, to the background ghost fields in off-shell gauge transformation of WSFT. The implication of decoupling of scalar modes on Sen's conjectures was also briefly discussed.Comment: 18 pages, use Latex with revtex

    Quantum theory as a relevant framework for the statement of probabilistic and many-valued logic

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    Based on ideas of quantum theory of open systems we propose the consistent approach to the formulation of logic of plausible propositions. To this end we associate with every plausible proposition diagonal matrix of its likelihood and examine it as density matrix of relevant quantum system. We are showing that all logical connectives between plausible propositions can be represented as special positive valued transformations of these matrices. We demonstrate also the above transformations can be realized in relevant composite quantum systems by quantum engineering methods. The approach proposed allows one not only to reproduce and generalize results of well-known logical systems (Boolean, Lukasiewicz and so on) but also to classify and analyze from unified point of view various actual problems in psychophysics and social sciences.Comment: 7 page

    Strong Coupling Phenomena on the Noncommutative Plane

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    We study strong coupling phenomena in U(1) gauge theory on the non-commutative plane. To do so, we make use of a T-dual description in terms of an NN\to\infty limit of U(N) gauge theory on a commutative torus. The magnetic flux on this torus is taken to be m=N1m=N-1, while the area scales like 1/N, keeping ΛQCD\Lambda_{QCD} fixed. With a few assumptions, we argue that the speed of high frequency light in pure non-commutative QED is modified in the non-commutative directions by the factor 1+ΛQCD4θ21 + \Lambda_{QCD}^4 \theta^2, where θ\theta is the non-commutative parameter. If charged flavours are included, there is an upper bound on the momentum of a photon propagating in the non-commutative directions, beyond which it is unstable against production of charged pairs. We also discuss a particular θ\theta\to\infty limit of pure non-commutative QED which is T-dual to a more conventional NN\to\infty limit with m/Nm/N fixed. In the non-commutative description, this limit gives rise to an exotic theory of open strings.Comment: 24 pages, latex, 2 figures, corrected typo in eqn 6.

    Monopoles, noncommutative gauge theories in the BPS limit and some simple gauge groups

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    For three conspicuous gauge groups, namely, SU(2), SU(3) and SO(5), and at first order in the noncommutative parameter matrix h\theta^{\mu\nu}, we construct smooth monopole --and, some two-monopole-- fields that solve the noncommutative Yang-Mills-Higgs equations in the BPS limit and that are formal power series in h\theta^{\mu\nu}. We show that there exist noncommutative BPS (multi-)monopole field configurations that are formal power series in h\theta^{\mu\nu} if, and only if, two a priori free parameters of the Seiberg-Witten map take very specific values. These parameters, that are not associated to field redefinitions nor to gauge transformations, have thus values that give rise to sharp physical effects.Comment: 30 pages, no figure

    On the Nonperturbative Consistency of d=2d=2 String Theory

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    An infinite number of distinct d=1d=1 matrix models reproduce the perturbation theory of d=2d=2 string theory. Due to constraints of causality, however, we argue that none of the existing constructions gives a consistent nonperturbative definition of the d=2d=2 string.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX (author's name added

    Properties of the conditionally filtered equations: Conservation, normal modes, and variational formulation

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.Conditionally filtered equations have recently been proposed as a basis for modelling the atmospheric boundary layer and convection. Conditional filtering decomposes the fluid into a number of categories or components, such as convective updrafts and the background environment, and derives governing equations for the dynamics of each component. Because of the novelty and unfamiliarity of these equations, it is important to establish some of their physical and mathematical properties, and to examine whether their solutions might behave in counter-intuitive or even unphysical ways. It is also important to understand the properties of the equations in order to develop suitable numerical solution methods. The conditionally filtered equations are shown to have conservation laws for mass, entropy, momentum or axial angular momentum, energy, and potential vorticity. The normal modes of the conditionally filtered equations include the usual acoustic, inertio-gravity, and Rossby modes of the standard compressible Euler equations. In addition, they posses modes with different perturbations in the different fluid components that resemble gravity modes and inertial modes but with zero pressure perturbation. These modes make no contribution to the total filter-scale fluid motion, and their amplitude diminishes as the filter scale diminishes. Finally, it is shown that the conditionally filtered equations have a natural variational formulation, which can be used as a basis for systematically deriving consistent approximations.We are grateful to two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments on an earlier version of this paper. This work was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council under grant NE/N013123/1 as part of the ParaCon programme