7 research outputs found

    Modeling the input of radiation into plane linear waveguides using diffraction gratings for a new technology for the manufacture of waveguide systems

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    Произведено моделирование и выбор оптимальных параметров дифракционной решётки для новой разработанной технологии изготовления плоских волноводных систем. В отличие от использования готовых пластин «кремний на изоляторе», разработана новая технология изготовления полностью автономной системы ввода излучения, согласующего элемента и собственно волновода. Приведено общее описание технологии системы «ввод излучения – распространение – вывод излучения». Найдены конкретные технологические параметры высоты решётки, подстилающего и покровного слоёв. Эффективность ввода в волновод составила 30 % за счёт подбора оптимального расстояния от волновода до кремниевой подложки, которая работает как зеркальный слой. The numerical simulation and selection of optimal parameters of the diffraction grating for a newly developed technology for the manufacture of plane waveguide systems are performed. In contrast to the use of ready-made silicon wafers on an insulator, the new technology has been developed for the manufacture of a fully autonomous radiation input system, a coupling element and the waveguide itself. A general description of the technology of the ‘radiation input – propagation – radiation output’ system is given. Concrete fabrication parameters of the lattice height, the substrate and coating layers are found. The coupling efficiency of radiation input into the waveguide is found to be 30%

    Application and Development of Methods of Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy for Definition of the Nature, Concentration and Size of Nanoobjects in Materials and Nanomaterials on Basis of Silicon and Iron. Review

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    It has been shown that one of the effective methods for determining the size of nanoobjects (vacancies, vacancies clusters), vacant cavities, empty spaces, concentration of chemical composition in annihilation of porous materials is the method of positron annihilation spectroscopy. The article features a brief look at experimental researches of nanodefects in porous silicium, quartz irradiated by proton

    Nätkränkningar : Interventioner och relationer i skolan

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    This study is a systematic literature review over 12 peer reviewed articles regarding the topiccyberbullying. The purpose of this study is to summarise and critically discuss different interventions and preventions used to tackle cyberbullying in school environments.Interventions and preventions will be analysed from a relational perspective. The articles are sorted and discussed in four relevant categories. These are: Netiquette, building relationships, Learning through role models, antibullying programs. The study found that the foundation of most successful interventions against cyberbullying is healthy relationships between students and school staff. The result showed that based on meaningful relationships, successful interventions and preventions can be formed and used in school. It is important to acknowledge that not a single intervention can solve a complex problem like cyberbullying, but instead there is a need for a combination of different interventions and more knowledge about the phenomena cyberbullying