17,432 research outputs found

    Gluon Condensates, Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Pion Wave Function

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    We consider here chiral symmetry breaking in quantum chromodynamics arising from gluon condensates in vacuum. Through coherent states of gluons simulating a mean field type of approximation, we show that the off-shell gluon condensates of vacuum generate a mass-like contribution for the quarks, giving rise to chiral symmetry breaking. We next note that spontaneous breaking of global chiral symmetry links the four component quark field operator to the pion wave function. This in turn yields many hadronic properties in the light quark sector in agreement with experiments, leading to the conclusion that low energy hadron properties are primarily driven by the vacuum structure of quantum chromodynamics.Comment: 25 pages, IP/BBSR/92-76, revte

    Time Evolution of Entropy in Gravitational Collapse

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    We study the time evolution of the entropy of a collapsing spherical domain wall, from the point of view of an asymptotic observer, by investigating the entropy of the entire system (i.e. domain wall and radiation) and induced radiation alone during the collapse. By taking the difference, we find the entropy of the collapsing domain wall, since this is the object which will form a black hole. We find that for large values of time (times larger than t/Rs≈8t/R_s\approx8), the entropy of the collapsing domain wall is a constant, which is of the same order as the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    An analysis of a QND speed-meter interferometer

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    In the quest to develop viable designs for third-generation optical interferometric gravitational-wave detectors (e.g. LIGO-III and EURO), one strategy is to monitor the relative momentum or speed of the test-mass mirrors, rather than monitoring their relative position. This paper describes and analyzes the most straightforward design for a {\it speed meter interferometer} that accomplishes this -- a design (due to Braginsky, Gorodetsky, Khalili and Thorne) that is analogous to a microwave-cavity speed meter conceived by Braginsky and Khalili. A mathematical mapping between the microwave speed meter and the optical interferometric speed meter is developed and is used to show (in accord with the speed being a Quantum Nondemolition [QND] observable) that {\it in principle} the interferometric speed meter can beat the gravitational-wave standard quantum limit (SQL) by an arbitrarily large amount, over an arbitrarily wide range of frequencies, and can do so without the use of squeezed vacuum or any auxiliary filter cavities at the interferometer's input or output. However, {\it in practice}, to reach or beat the SQL, this specific speed meter requires exorbitantly high input light power. The physical reason for this is explored, along with other issues such as constraints on performance due to optical dissipation. This analysis forms a foundation for ongoing attempts to develop a more practical variant of an interferometric speed meter and to combine the speed meter concept with other ideas to yield a promising LIGO-III/EURO interferometer design that entails low laser power.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures; corrected formula and some values describing power requirement

    A Variational Approach to Bound States in Quantum Field Theory

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    We consider here in a toy model an approach to bound state problem in a nonperturbative manner using equal time algebra for the interacting field operators. Potential is replaced by offshell bosonic quanta inside the bound state of nonrelativistic particles. The bosonic dressing is determined through energy minimisation, and mass renormalisation is carried out in a nonperturbative manner. Since the interaction is through a scalar field, it does not include spin effects. The model however nicely incorporates an intuitive picture of hadronic bound states in which the gluon fields dress the quarks providing the binding between them and also simulate the gluonic content of hadrons in deep inelastic collisions.Comment: latex, revtex, 22 page

    Simple approach to include external resistances in the Monte Carlo simulation of MESFETs and HEMTs

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    The contact and external series resistances play an important role in the performance of modern 0.1-0.2 ÎŒm HEMT's. It is not possible to include these resistances directly into the Monte Carlo simulations. Here we describe a simple and efficient way to include the external series resistances into the Monte Carlo results of the intrinsic device simulations. Examples of simulation results are given for a 0.2 ÎŒm pseudomorphic HEMT

    Strain engineered In<sub>x</sub>Ga<sub>1-x</sub>As channel pHEMTs on virtual substrates: a simulation study

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    The impact of In&lt;sub&gt;x&lt;/sub&gt;Al&lt;sub&gt;1-x&lt;/sub&gt;As strain control buffers on the performance of low In content InGaAs channel pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor p(HEMT) is investigated. It is shown that relaxed and tensile strained channel devices outperform the conventional compressively strained channel devices. It is argued that strain engineering in GaAs based devices makes it possible to realise RF characteristics comparable to InP based pHEMTs while obtaining improved breakdown characteristics

    RF performance of strained Si MODFETs and MOSFETs on "virtual" SiGe substrates: A Monte Carlo study

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    Numerical study of a multiscale expansion of the Korteweg de Vries equation and Painlev\'e-II equation

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    The Cauchy problem for the Korteweg de Vries (KdV) equation with small dispersion of order \e^2, \e\ll 1, is characterized by the appearance of a zone of rapid modulated oscillations. These oscillations are approximately described by the elliptic solution of KdV where the amplitude, wave-number and frequency are not constant but evolve according to the Whitham equations. Whereas the difference between the KdV and the asymptotic solution decreases as ϔ\epsilon in the interior of the Whitham oscillatory zone, it is known to be only of order ϔ1/3\epsilon^{1/3} near the leading edge of this zone. To obtain a more accurate description near the leading edge of the oscillatory zone we present a multiscale expansion of the solution of KdV in terms of the Hastings-McLeod solution of the Painlev\'e-II equation. We show numerically that the resulting multiscale solution approximates the KdV solution, in the small dispersion limit, to the order ϔ2/3\epsilon^{2/3}.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure

    Non-adiabatic level crossing in (non-) resonant neutrino oscillations

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    We study neutrino oscillations and the level-crossing probability P_{LZ}=\exp(-\gamma_n\F_n\pi/2) in power-law like potential profiles A(r)∝rnA(r)\propto r^n. After showing that the resonance point coincides only for a linear profile with the point of maximal violation of adiabaticity, we point out that the ``adiabaticity'' parameter γn\gamma_n can be calculated at an arbitrary point if the correction function \F_n is rescaled appropriately. We present a new representation for the level-crossing probability, P_{LZ}=\exp(-\kappa_n\G_n), which allows a simple numerical evaluation of PLZP_{LZ} in both the resonant and non-resonant cases and where \G_n contains the full dependence of PLZP_{LZ} on the mixing angle ξ\theta. As an application we consider the case n=−3n=-3 important for oscillations of supernova neutrinos.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 3 eps figure
