5 research outputs found

    Domain walls between gauge theories

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    Noncommutative U(N) gauge theories at different N may be often thought of as different sectors of a single theory: the U(1) theory possesses a sequence of vacua labeled by an integer parameter N, and the theory in the vicinity of the N-th vacuum coincides with the U(N) noncommutative gauge theory. We construct noncommutative domain walls on fuzzy cylinder, separating vacua with different gauge theories. These domain walls are solutions of BPS equations in gauge theory with an extra term stabilizing the radius of the cylinder. We study properties of the domain walls using adjoint scalar and fundamental fermion fields as probes. We show that the regions on different sides of the wall are not disjoint even in the low energy regime -- there are modes penetrating from one region to the other. We find that the wall supports a chiral fermion zero mode. Also, we study non-BPS solution representing a wall and an antiwall, and show that this solution is unstable. We suggest that the domain walls emerge as solutions of matrix model in large class of pp-wave backgrounds with inhomogeneous field strength. In the M-theory language, the domain walls have an interpretation of a stack of branes of fingerstall shape inserted into a stack of cylindrical branes.Comment: Final version; minor corrections; to appear in Nucl.Phys.

    Spontaneous breaking of Lorentz invariance, black holes and perpetuum mobile of the 2nd kind

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    We study the effect of spontaneous breaking of Lorentz invariance on black hole thermodynamics. We consider a scenario where Lorentz symmetry breaking manifests itself by the difference of maximal velocities attainable by particles of different species in a preferred reference frame. The Lorentz breaking sector is represented by the ghost condensate. We find that the notions of black hole entropy and temperature loose their universal meaning. In particular, the standard derivation of the Hawking radiation yields that a black hole does emit thermal radiation in any given particle species, but with temperature depending on the maximal attainable velocity of this species. We demonstrate that this property implies violation of the second law of thermodynamics, and hence, allows construction of a perpetuum mobile of the 2nd kind. We discuss possible interpretation of these results.Comment: 13 pages; references adde

    Domain walls in noncommutative gauge theories, folded D-branes, and communication with mirror world

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    Noncommutative U(N) gauge theories at different N may be often thought of as different sectors of a single theory. For instance, U(1) theory possesses a sequence of vacua labeled by an integer parameter N, and the theory in the vicinity of the N-th vacuum coincides with the U(N) noncommutative gauge theory. We construct domain walls on noncommutative plane, which separate vacua with different gauge groups in gauge theory with adjoint scalar field. The scalar field has nonminimal coupling to the gauge field, such that the scale of noncommutativity is determined by the vacuum value of the scalar field. The domain walls are solutions of the BPS equations in the theory. It is natural to interprete the domain wall as a stack of D-branes plus a stack of folded D-branes. We support this interpretation by the analysis of small fluctuations around domain walls, and suggest that such configurations of branes emerge as solutions of the Matrix model in large class of pp-wave backgrounds with inhomogeneous field strength. We point out that the folded D-brane per se provides an explicit realization of the "mirror world" idea, and speculate on some phenomenological consequences of this scenario