15 research outputs found

    An exactly solvable self-convolutive recurrence

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    We consider a self-convolutive recurrence whose solution is the sequence of coefficients in the asymptotic expansion of the logarithmic derivative of the confluent hypergeometic function U(a,b,z)U(a,b,z). By application of the Hilbert transform we convert this expression into an explicit, non-recursive solution in which the nnth coefficient is expressed as the (n1)(n-1)th moment of a measure, and also as the trace of the (n1)(n-1)th iterate of a linear operator. Applications of these sequences, and hence of the explicit solution provided, are found in quantum field theory as the number of Feynman diagrams of a certain type and order, in Brownian motion theory, and in combinatorics

    2D-spectral estimation based on DCT and modified magnitude group delay

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    This paper proposes two new 2D-spectral estimation methods. The 2D-modified magnitude group delay (MMGD) is applied to 2D-discrete Fourier transform (2DDFT) for the first and to the analytic 2D-discrete Cosine transform for the second. The analytic 2D-DCT preserves the desirable properties of the DCT (like, improved frequency resolution, leakage and detectability) and is realized by a 2D-discrete cosine transform (2D-DCT) and its Hilbert transform. The 2D-MMGD is an extension from 1D to 2D, and it reduces the variance preserving the original frequency resolution of 2D-DFT or 2D-analytic DCT, depending upon to which is applied. The first and the second methods are referred to as DFT-MMGD and DCT-MMGD, respectively. The proposed methods are applied to 2D sinusoids and 2D AR process, associated with Gaussian white noise. The performance of the DCT-MMGD is found to be superior to that of DFT-MMGD in terms of variance, frequency resolution and detectability. The performance of DFT-MMGD and DCT-MMGD is better than that of 2D-LP method even when the signal to noise ratio is low

    Distúrbios ondulatórios de leste (DOLs) na região do centro de lançamento de Alcântara-MA Easterly waves disturbance (DOLs) at the region of Alcântara Launching Center-MA

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    Neste artigo foi realizada uma climatologia dos Distúrbios Ondulatórios de Leste (DOLs) que passaram pela região de Alcântara-MA, no período de 1988 a 1997, utilizando-se de um método baseado na mudança do sinal da componente meridional do vento (V). Este método foi aplicado para 3 camadas distintas (entre 850 a 700 hPa, entre 700 e 500 hPa e entre 850 a 500 hPa), objetivando identificar a camada que melhor indicasse a ocorrência dos DOLs. Após a identificação dos eventos de DOLs, estes foram confirmados por um conjunto de dados independentes de cobertura de nuvens (dados ISCCP e imagens infravermelho de satélites GOES-E) e pelos espectros de potência da componente meridional do vento usando as re-análises do ECMWF. Ocorreram eventos de DOLs durante todo o ano com duração de tempo variando de 3 a 6 dias. Esse método mostrou-se adequado para caracterizar os eventos de DOLs e que, durante a época chuvosa, as 3 camadas identificam a passagem do sistema atmosférico. No caso do período seco (jul-dez), as camadas com espessura maior (camadas entre 700 e 500 hPa e entre 850-500 hPa) conseguiram identificar os eventos, mas não a camada mais baixa (entre 850-500 hPa).<br>A climatology of the easterly waves disturbances (DOLs) over Alcântara - MA was investigated using a method that compute the signal of the observational meridional wind (rawinsoundings from 1988 up to 1997). This technique has been applied to three different layers (850-700, 700-500 and 850-500 hPa) in order to identify the best layer to indicate the DOLs occurrence. The DOLs events have been confirmed by independent data-sets available: cloud cover (ISPCC data set), infra-red satellite images (from GOES-E) and power spectrum of the meridional component (ECMWF re-analysis). The method detected the presence of the DOLs during the whole year with time-scale of 3-6 days. During the wet period (jan-jun) all three layers identified these atmospheric systems. For the dry season (jul-dec), only the deeper layers (layers between 700 - 500 hPa and/or 850-500 hPa) were able to identify the events