4 research outputs found

    Ayurvedic Management of Chalazion (Utsangini): A Case Study

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    A chronic non- infective lipo- granulomatous inflammation of the blocked meibomian gland. An inflamed, blocked meibomian gland, typically on the upper eyelid, results in a chalazion (meibomian gland lipogranuloma). Ayurveda correlates it with Utsangini. Both Acharya’s Sushruta and Vagbhata provide an explanation of Utsangini under Vartmagatha Rogas. According to Sushruta, it comes under Tridoshaja / Sannipataj Sadhya Vyadhi. But even so, Vagbhata asserts that it is a Raktaja Sadhya Vyadhi.The overall prevalence of chalazion is 51% in adult .Both Shodhana and Shamana Chikitsa are mentioned in care of Utsangini. In modern medicine, the therapies include intralesional corticosteroid injection and surgical drainage are advised. In this study, a 22-year-old male patient with a right eye redness, watering of eye and painless swelling of the right  upper eye lid with heaviness presented to the Eye OPD of the Dr. DY Patil College of Ayurved and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune. Following the history and examination, chalazion was diagnosed. The patient received local treatment in kriya kalpa using Netra Parisheka therapy in addition to shamana chikitsa. As a result of the treatment remarkable improvement in all disease symptoms and signs was observed.  So, the management of chalazion has been proven to be successful with Ayurvedic treatment. &nbsp


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    In this  paper study the heat transfer performance of a various shape heat pipe using aqueous nanofluids as the working fluids. The base liquid was distilled water, while, the different kinds of nanoparticles: Cu with two mean diameters of 40 nm and 20 nm, CuO with two mean diameters of 50 nm and 20 nm and SiO with a mean diameter of 30 nm were added respectively into the base liquid to compose different kinds of nanofluids. Experiments were performed under three steady operating pressures of 7.45 kPa, 12.38 kPa and 19.97 kPa, respectively. Effects of nanoparticle kind, nanoparticle size, nanoparticle mass concentration and operating pressure on the evaporation and condensation heat transfer coefficients, the maximum heat flux and the total heat resistance of the heat pipe were investigated, compared and discussed. Experimental results show that adding Cu and CuO nanoparticles into the base liquid can apparently improve the thermal performance of the heat pipe and there is an optimal nanoparticle mass concentration to achieve the maximum heat transfer enhancement. However, adding SiO nanoparticles into the base ;fluid will contrarily deteriorate the heat transfer performance. The main reason that causes these differences its the heat transfer performance results from the surface structure of the coating layer formed by sediment of nanoparticle on the heated surface