12 research outputs found

    Modeling Microstructure and Irradiation Effects

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    Computer simulation of radiation damage in hexagonal close-packed metals

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN008595 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Experimental intoxication of pregnant goats with Tetrapterys multiglandulosa A. Juss. (Malpighiaceae) Intoxicação experimental por Tetrapterys multiglandulosa A. Juss. (Malpighiaceae) em cabras gestantes

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    Green leaves of Tetrapterys multiglandulosa A. Juss were fed to pregnant goats from day 35 of pregnancy. Five goats received 10g/kgBW (group I), five received 20g/kgBW (group II) and five were used as control (group III), and received only hay, fresh grass and commercial ration. All animals were clinically examined daily and submitted to ultrasonography every three days. Fetal death and vulvar catarrhal discharge with subsequent abortion were observed at the end of the second month of pregnancy in group II and at the third month of pregnancy in group I. Animals from groups I and II were slaughtered after abortion and necropsied. Goats from the control group were necropsied at the same time. The main lesions in the aborted goats were focal placentitis with early involution (apoptosis) and placentary coagulation necrosis, acute focal endometritis and vulvo-vaginal petechiae. All aborted fetuses were underdeveloped when compared to control fetuses, probably due to fetal malnutrition, since no congenital malformations could be noted. The majority of aborted fetuses showed some degree of autolysis, as fetal death occurred five and three days before abortion, in groups I and II, respectively. The most remarkable fetal lesions were focal or diffuse hemorrhages in the skin, meninges and visceral serosae.<br>Com o objetivo de investigar a toxicidade da Tetrapterys multiglandulosa A. Juss. foram utilizadas 15 cabras gestantes, divididas aleatoriamente em três grupos (GI, GII e GIII) com cinco animais cada. Após estabelecer o diagnóstico de gestação no tempo médio de 35 dias, eram oferecidas diariamente doses de 10 e 20g/kg PV das folhas (jovens e maduras) de Tetrapterys multiglandulosa para os grupos I e II, respectivamente, junto ao capim picado, feno e concentrado. Para o grupo III, usado como controle, foram fornecidos somente capim picado, feno e concentrado. Todos os animais foram submetidos a exames clínicos diários e a ultra-sonografia a cada três dias. Foi detectada por ultra-sonografia morte fetal e, ao exame clínico, presença de secreção vaginal com subseqüente aborto. Os animais dos grupos I e II (tradados) abortaram no terceiro e no final do segundo mês de gestação, respectivamente, e juntos com os do grupo III (controle) foram sacrificados e submetidos a exames anátomo-histopatológicos. Pela histopatologia observou-se placentite focal com grande quantidade de células trofoblásticas binucleadas em apoptose, além de endometrite focal aguda e petéquias vulvo-vaginais. Todos os fetos abortados estavam subdesenvolvidos quando comparados com os fetos do grupo III (controle) devido à malnutrição, pois nenhum defeito congênito pôde ser notado. Vários fetos abortados mostravam alguma autólise, pois sua morte precedia em cinco e três dias o aborto, nos tratamentos I e II, respectivamente. As lesões fetais observadas foram hemorragias difusas ou focais na pele, meninges e serosa visceral

    Two decades of supertasting : where do we stand?

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    Oral chemosensation can vary greatly across individuals, both in terms of the lowest concentration that can be detected (threshold) and in the magnitude of perceived intensity for stimuli at higher concentrations (suprathreshold response). Individuals who experience greater taste intensity are often termed supertasters, and this phenotype has typically been measured via the suprathreshold bitterness of the tastant propylthiouracil (PROP). Notably, supertasting extends beyond bitterness and other tastants to include oral somatosensation and retronasal olfaction, and it may also include finer acuity as well. Here, we describe the evolution of the supertasting concept over the last 20 years, and summarize the current state of the field. Alternative phenotyping approaches that not dependent on PROP are reviewed, and the molecular genetics of broadly tuned heightened taste and orosensory response are discussed. We conclude by initiating a conversation on nomenclature as we look toward the next 20 years of chemosensory research

    Electron microscopical studies on the structure, phagocytic properties, and peroxidatic activity of resident and exudate peritoneal macrophages in the guinea pig

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