4,556 research outputs found

    Navigating large-scale virtual environments: what differences occur between helmet-mounted and desk-top displays?

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    Participants used a helmet-mounted display (HMD) and a desk-top (monitor) display to learn the layouts of two large-scale virtual environments (VEs) through repeated, direct navigational experience. Both VEs were ‘‘virtual buildings’’ containing more than seventy rooms. Participants using the HMD navigated the buildings significantly more quickly and developed a significantly more accurate sense of relative straight-line distance. There was no significant difference between the two types of display in terms of the distance that participants traveled or the mean accuracy of their direction estimates. Behavioral analyses showed that participants took advantage of the natural, head-tracked interface provided by the HMD in ways that included ‘‘looking around’’more often while traveling through the VEs, and spending less time stationary in the VEs while choosing a direction in which to travel

    Evaluation of a grid-based river flow model using regional climate model output over Europe

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    Regional Climate Models (RCMs) offer significant improvements over Global Cli- mate Models in terms of their representation of rainfall at the spatial and temporal scales required for hydrological modelling. Here we test a new implementation of a grid-based hydrological model embedded in a model of land-surface climatology (the Joint UK Land Exchange Scheme; JULES) against observed river flows in sev- eral major NW European rivers, including the Rhine, Maas, Elbe, Danube, Loire, and Seine. Our hydrological model includes a probability-distributed model of soil mois- ture and runoff production (PDM) coupled with a discrete approximation to the one- dimensional kinematic wave equation to route surface and subsurface water downs- lope (G2G). The model was driven with hourly output from the Hadley Centre regional climate model, using results from the ERA-40 reanalysis experiment as boundary con- ditions (1961-2000). The results of simulations for river catchments in northwest Eu- rope are presented and compared with measured river flows over the same time period, for the same locations. The success with which the runoff production and flow routing components of the land-surface model match observed flow data is evaluated

    Navigating large-scale ‘‘desk-top’’ virtual buildings: effects of orientation aids and familiarity

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    Two experiments investigated components of participants’ spatial knowledge when they navigated large-scale ‘‘virtual buildings’’ using ‘‘desk-top’’ (i.e., nonimmersive) virtual environments (VEs). Experiment 1 showed that participants could estimate directions with reasonable accuracy when they traveled along paths that contained one or two turns (changes of direction), but participants’ estimates were significantly less accurate when the paths contained three turns. In Experiment 2 participants repeatedly navigated two more complex virtual buildings, one with and the other without a compass. The accuracy of participants’ route-finding and their direction and relative straight-line distance estimates improved with experience, but there were no significant differences between the two compass conditions. However, participants did develop significantly more accurate spatial knowledge as they became more familiar with navigating VEs in general

    The Paradox of Disconnected Coalitions

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    Virtual audio reproduced in a headrest

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    When virtual audio reproduction is simultaneously required in many seats, such as in aircraft or cinemas, it may be convenient to use loudspeakers mounted inside each seat's headrest. In this preliminary study, the feasibility of virtual audio reproduction in the headrest of a single seat is explored using an inversion technique to compensate for crosstalk and the synthesis of head related transfer functions. Although large changes in the magnitude of the signals reproduced at the listener's ears are observed as the listener moves their head within the headrest, informal listening tests indicate that the reproduced acoustic images are surprisingly stable in about an eighth of an arc either side of the loudspeaker positions. Not surprisingly, frontal images are more difficult to reproduce with headrest loudspeakers

    Rainfall-runoff and other modelling for ungauged/low-benefit locations: Operational Guidelines

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    The interpretation of spikes and trends in concentration of nitrate in polar ice cores, based on evidence from snow and atmospheric measurements

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    Nitrate is frequently measured in ice cores, but its interpretation remains immature. Using daily snow surface concentrations of nitrate at Halley (Antarctica) for 2004 - 2005, we show that sharp spikes (> factor 2) in nitrate concentration can occur from day to day. Some of these spikes will be preserved in ice cores. Many of them are associated with sharp increases in the concentration of sea salt in the snow. There is also a close association between the concentrations of aerosol nitrate and sea salt aerosol. This evidence is consistent with many of the spikes in deposited nitrate being due to the conversion or trapping of gas- phase nitrate, i. e. to enhanced deposition rather than enhanced atmospheric concentrations of NOy. Previously, sharp spikes in nitrate concentration (with concentration increases of up to a factor 4 seen in probably just one snowfall) have been assigned to sharp production events such as solar proton events (SPEs). We find that it is unlikely that SPEs can produce spikes of the kind seen. Taken together with our evidence that such spikes can be produced depositionally, we find that it is not possible to track past SPEs without carrying out a new multi- site and multi- analyte programme. Seasonal and interannual trends in nitrate concentration in cores from any single site cannot be interpreted in terms of production changes until the recycling of nitrate from central Antarctica to coastal Antarctica is better quantified. It might be possible to assess the interannual input of NOy to the Antarctic lower troposphere by using a network of cores to estimate variability in the total annual deposition across the continent (which we estimate to be 9 +/- 2 x 10(7) kg/a - as NO3-), but it will first have to be established that the outflow across the coast can be ignored

    Comparison of outcome measures for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in an outpatient setting

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    BACKGROUND: To assist clinicians and researchers in choosing outcome measures for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease attending routine outpatient clinics, a comparative assessment was undertaken of four questionnaires designed to reflect the patients' perception of their physical and emotional health in terms of their feasibility, validity, reliability, and responsiveness to health change. METHODS: Two condition specific questionnaires, the St George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) and Guyatt's Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire (CRQ), and two generic questionnaires, the Short Form-36 Health Survey (SF-36) and Euroqol (EQ), were compared for their discriminative and evaluative properties. Spirometric tests and a walking test were also performed. One hundred and fifty six adults who were clinically judged to have COPD and who attended an outpatient chest clinic were assessed at recruitment and six and 12 months later. Patients were also asked whether their health had changed since their last assessment. RESULTS: Completion rates and consistency between items for dimensions of the SGRQ were lower than for dimensions of the other questionnaires. The distributions of responses were skewed for certain dimensions in all questionnaires except the CRQ. Validity was supported for all instruments insofar as patients' scores were associated with differences in disease severity. The generic questionnaires better reflected other health problems. All instruments were reliable over time. The condition specific questionnaires were more responsive between baseline and first follow up visit but this difference did not persist. While certain dimensions of the SF-36 were responsive to patient perceived changes, this did not apply to the derived single index of the EQ. The rating scale of the EQ, however, provided a quick and easy indicator of change. CONCLUSIONS: Evidence from this study supports the CRQ and the SF-36 as comprehensive outcome measures for patients with longstanding COPD

    A solution concentration dependent transition from self-stratification to lateral phase separation in spin-cast PS:d-PMMA thin films

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    Thin films with a rich variety of different nano-scale morphologies have been produced by spin casting solutions of various concentrations of PS:d-PMMA blends from toluene solutions. During the spin casting process specular reflectivity and off-specular scattering data were recorded and ex situ optical and atomic force microscopy, neutron reflectivity and ellipsometry have all been used to characterise the film morphologies. We show that it is possible to selectively control the film morphology by altering the solution concentration used. Low polymer concentration solutions favour the formation of flat in-plane phase-separated bi-layers, with a d-PMMA-rich layer underneath a PS-rich layer. At intermediate concentrations the films formed consist of an in-plane phase-separated bi-layer with an undulating interface and also have some secondary phase-separated pockets rich in d-PMMA in the PS-rich layer and vice versa. Using high concentration solutions results in laterally phase-separated regions with sharp interfaces. As with the intermediate concentrations, secondary phase separation was also observed, especially at the top surface

    Overpressure preventing quartz cementation? - A reply

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    Chemical compaction and the relative importance of the pressure dissolution and illite-mica induced dissolution (IMID) models have remained a contentious issue, as is the role played by stress in chemical compaction. This paper offers further support and evidence as discussed in Stricker et al. (2016b), focusing on the reservoir quality of the Triassic Skagerrak Formation sandstones in the high pressure high temperature (HPHT) Central Graben, North Sea. The reply discusses alterative reservoir quality interpretations and comments as raised by Maast (2016). A series of theoretical and experimental studies, as well as field based evidence is presented providing strong support to the important role of stress (e.g. vertical effective stress) during chemical compaction. The evidence leads to the conclusion that the process of chemical compaction is stress and temperature driven and significantly enhanced by clay minerals, playing a catalytic role by increasing the width of diffusion pathway or by modifying the kinetics of the dissolution process
