718 research outputs found
IDENTIFICATION OF ALPHA MALE BLACK MONKEY (Macaca nigra) BEHAVIOR IN THE NATURE RESERVE TANGKOKO. This study aims to get the latest specific data regarding behavior Alpha male / Rambo dominant male in the group 1 in the nature reserve Tangkoko. Materials used 1 Monkey Black Male Dominant (Alpha Male) in group 1 residing Rambo in Tangkoko Nature Reserve Batuangus Bitung, North Sulawesi. The data obtained are analyzed and presented descriptively in the form of graphs or histograms. Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded as follows: (1) The most long-standing activity Alpha Male / Male Dominance in the morning is locomotion and foraging and agonistic. During the day are: foraging, locomotion, grooming, and inactive. (2) Activities are at least done either in the morning or during the day is the mating activity (coitus). (3) Behaviour Males Dominant Alpha Male is different from other black monkeys in one group  Keywords: Alpha Male (Macaca nigra), identification of behavio
Smoking and Blindness What Optometrists Want their Patients to See
Most smokers are not aware that their tobacco use is a preventable cause of blindness. Despite the important role optometrists can have impacting patient health choices; their voice has been largely silent in the development of tobacco cessation practice guidelines and health promotion strategies. In this study, we use the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project (ITC) Four Country Survey to describe the level of Canadian smokers’ knowledge of the association of smoking with blindness and we use focus groups to elicit ideas from Canadian optometrists and senior optometry students about blindness-related graphic warning labels
Pendekatan Restorative Justice Sebagai Upaya Penyelesaian Tindak Pidana Pencurian Ringan (Studi Kasus Polres Sukoharjo)
Minor theft is included in the type of minor crime. In handling minor crimes, a restorative justice approach is used. Restorative justice is the concept of resolving
criminal acts by prioritizing the restoration of the rights of victims of criminal acts. This study aims to determine the police's considerations in using restorative justice
as an effort to resolve minor theft crimes, how to implement the settlement of minor theft crimes using a restorative justice approach, and how to resolve cases of minor theft crimes according to Islamic criminal law. The method used in this study is an empirical juridical approach because this study looks at how the law applies in social life. This research is descriptive because this research describes the
settlement of minor theft cases with restorative justice. The results of this study indicate that the Sukoharjo Police in resolving cases of minor crimes using a restorative justice approach are in accordance with the applicable regulations, in this case the Indonesian National Police Regulation Number 8 of 2021, both in terms of considerations, and in terms of the settlement mechanism. Meanwhile, the settlement of cases of theft according to Islamic criminal law has been regulated in the Qur'an and Hadith, namely in the form of cutting hands
Anak sebagai Pelaku Pembegalan dalam Hukum Pidana (Studi kasus Putusan No 297/Pid.sus/2014/PN.Smg)
This study aims to find out what is the concept of the crime of graft and how the elements of the guilt of the crime of kidnapping shown in Decision No. 297 / Pid.sus / 2014 / PN.Smg. The research method uses a normative approach method. Sources of data used are secondary data in the form of legal documents, namely legislation, court decisions and relevant references to the formulation of the issues discussed. The results showed that the concept of hijacking performed by children who initially wanted to hang out with friends turned into a criminal act of robbery because they saw the gap of the victim by squeezing the victim's motorbike and taking items that belonged to someone else and the elements of the mistakes made by the child had been fulfilled so the child could be convicted in accordance with the applicable criminal provisions.
Keywords : Spoliation, child, Criminal la
Perceraian Karena Suami Mafqud (Studi Empiris Terhadap Proses Penyelesaian Perkara di Pengadilan Agama Boyolali)
Realita kehidupan di dunia membuktikan bahwa terdapat banyak faktor yang
mempengaruhi putusnya ikatan perkawinan. Mafqudnya (hilangnya) suami
merupakan salah satu dari berbagai faktor yang mendorong putusnya ikatan
perkawinan. Hilangnya suami membuat seorang isteri diliputi rasa ketidakjelasan
tentang status hukum yang dimilikinya, sehingga seorang isteri memutuskan
untuk menggugat cerai suaminya yang belum jelas diketahui kabar beritanya.
Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui
status hukum isteri dengan suami mafqud dan untuk mengetahui proses
penyelesaian perkara perceraian karena suami mafqud di Pengadilan Agama
Boyolali. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis empiris yaitu
suatu penelitian dimana yang diteliti adalah data sekunder yang kemudian
dilanjutkan dengan penelitian terhadap data-data primer di lapangan. Setelah
dianalisis maka penulis menarik kesimpulan bahwa Status hukum seorang isteri
dengan suami mafqud yaitu masih menjadi isteri sah dari suami tersebut sebelum
terdapat putusan perceraian dari pengadilan yang berkekuatan hukum tetap.
sedangkan Proses penyelesaian perkara perceraian karena suami mafqud di
Pengadilan Agama Boyolali tidak jauh berbeda dengan proses penyelesaian
perkara perceraian dengan alasan yang lain. Perbedaannya hanya terletak pada
proses pemangggilan para pihak
Analisis Pelaksanaan Pemberian Pembiayaan Berbasis Teknologi Informasi Oleh Financial Technology
The fintech transactions that have been carried out so far in Indonesia have raised many important issues, namely the misuse of the personal data of fintech users, where many cases of illegal online loans have arisen accompanied by inappropriate threats from fintech agents that create public trust in platforms fintech is decreasing. Many adverse impacts and risks are felt by the community due to the use of this illegal fintech platform. The role and function of OJK supervision is absolutely necessary in order to prevent negative impacts caused by illegal fintech and legal fintech with improper billing techniques that spread and harm the community. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of the implementation of information technology-based crediting by fintech to the public and business actors and examine the form of supervision of the Financial Services Authority on protecting the personal data of the public and business users of fintech users. In this study the authors used an empirical approach. Referred to as empirical legal research or also referred to as non-doctrinal research, by examining primary data in the field by examining the impact of the implementation of technology-based crediting and the form of supervision of the Financial Services Authority on protecting personal data of the public and business users of fintech users. In this study the authors took data with fintech users and victims of illegal fintech in the Surakarta region and the Surakarta OJK.
The results of the study in this discussion mentioned that many cases of illegal fintech targeting the lower middle class community. Fintech financing has been misused its function and purpose from initially providing financing towards falsification and even misuse of personal data. OJK is still waiting for the step of the government and lawmakers in formalizing the Personal Data Protection Bill. Related to the temporary legal umbrella that has been prepared by OJK in the context of oversight of fintech has been regulated in OJK Regulation No.13 / POJK.02 / 2018 concerning Digital Financial Innovation in the Financial Services Sector which contains important points related to the regulation of fintech in Indonesia, in among others, that fintech must meet the scope and criteria of the IKD, arrangements that fintech must take the form of a PT or cooperative legal entity and arrangements regarding Regulatory Sandbox. Even more important is related to the protection and confidentiality of borrower or consumer data as regulated in Article 30 paragraph (2) whereby the fintech party must obtain consent from the user, convey limits and changes if there is a change in the use of data and information to the user. All of this has been stipulated in POJK and there is no government regulation that clearly stipulates fintech restrictions on users' personal data in the form of the Personal Data Protection Act
Penyelesaian Perkara Waris terhadap Pembagian Harta Warisan(Studi Kasus Putusan No 97 /Pdt.G//2014/PN.Skt)
This study aims to know: (1) Judge's consideration in determining the verification and verdict of the inheritance case, (2) Barriers of judges in determining decisions on inheritance case in the Surakarta District Court, and (3) As a result of the inheritance ruling in the Surakarta District Court. This research is normative law research. Methods of data collection through library study and field research. Technical data analysis is done descriptively. The results showed that: (1) Judge Consideration in deciding the decision. 97/Pdt.G/2014/PN.Skt., Has been in accordance with the element of justice, because the Panel of Judges in bringing the verdict based on the evidence that showed the defendant. (2) The position of judges in the hearing is an institution that wishes to be a fair decision maker. The position shall be prepared by a judge to be able to settle any weightless cases without any perception of barriers or obstacles. The perception of barriers and obstacles indicates that the judge is not ready to be the determinant of justice in the hearing. This means that there are no barriers or obstacles experienced by the judge. All proceedings must proceed smoothly, so there are no barriers or obstacles. (3) The legal consequences arising from the verdict of the case. 97/Pdt.G/2014/PN.Skt. To the parties to the dispute in the opinion of the author is in the execution of the decision, that is for the Defendant who does not accept the decision of the Court of first instance may file the Appeal, Cassation and Reconsideration remedy. The legal action has been filed by the Defendant that the result of the Defendant on the losing side and must implement the decision which was binding in the form of land and buildings to vacate the object of dispute and handed over the land and the object of dispute to the Plaintiff
Efektivitas E-Tilang dalam Penanggulangan Pelanggaran Lalu Lintas (Studi Kasus di Polres Karanganyar)
Traffic violations by road users are an on going problem as long as there is no legal awareness instilled by road users because traffic violations are considered a normal culture in society. Lack of discipline as road users and lack of public awareness of the law are the main causes of traffic violations. This study uses an empirical juridical approach whose main data source is primary data in the form of interviews and legal documents. From this study, it was found that the effectiveness of the application of E-Ticket to traffic customers by the Karanganyar Police stated that the application was quite effective. Because it eliminates the practice of extortion that has been carried out by unscrupulous persons to traffic violators, in this case minimizing the encounter between unscrupulous persons and traffic violators because all the systems are based online. The weakness that is a factor constraining the implementation of E-Tilang is the limited installation of CCTV in the entire Karanganyar area so that the police have not been able to fully cover traffic violations. The advantages of e-ticket sanctions in creating traffic order are that people are more careful when driving and who definitely obey traffic rules
Evolution of the Schr\"odinger--Newton system for a self--gravitating scalar field
Using numerical techniques, we study the collapse of a scalar field
configuration in the Newtonian limit of the spherically symmetric
Einstein--Klein--Gordon (EKG) system, which results in the so called
Schr\"odinger--Newton (SN) set of equations. We present the numerical code
developed to evolve the SN system and topics related, like equilibrium
configurations and boundary conditions. Also, we analyze the evolution of
different initial configurations and the physical quantities associated to
them. In particular, we readdress the issue of the gravitational cooling
mechanism for Newtonian systems and find that all systems settle down onto a
0--node equilibrium configuration.Comment: RevTex file, 19 pages, 26 eps figures. Minor changes, matches version
to appear in PR
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