18 research outputs found

    Comparisons of Supergranule Characteristics During the Solar Minima of Cycles 22/23 and 23/24

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    Supergranulation is a component of solar convection that manifests itself on the photosphere as a cellular network of around 35 Mm across, with a turnover lifetime of 1-2 days. It is strongly linked to the structure of the magnetic field. The horizontal, divergent flows within supergranule cells carry local field lines to the cell boundaries, while the rotational properties of supergranule upflows may contribute to the restoration of the poloidal field as part of the dynamo mechanism that controls the solar cycle. The solar minimum at the transition from cycle 23 to 24 was notable for its low level of activity and its extended length. It is of interest to study whether the convective phenomena that influences the solar magnetic field during this time differed in character to periods of previous minima. This study investigates three characteristics (velocity components, sizes and lifetimes) of solar supergranulation. Comparisons of these characteristics are made between the minima of cycles 22/23 and 23/24 using MDI Doppler data from 1996 and 2008, respectively. It is found that whereas the lifetimes are equal during both epochs (around 18 h), the sizes are larger in 1996 (35.9 +/- 0.3 Mm) than in 2008 (35.0 +/- 0.3 Mm), while the dominant horizontal velocity flows are weaker (139 +/- 1 m/s in 1996; 141 +/- 1 m/s in 2008). Although numerical differences are seen, they are not conclusive proof of the most recent minimum being inherently unusual.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures. Solar Physics, in pres

    Influence of Low-Degree High-Order p-Mode Splittings on the Solar Rotation Profile

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    The solar rotation profile is well constrained down to about 0.25 R thanks to the study of acoustic modes. Since the radius of the inner turning point of a resonant acoustic mode is inversely proportional to the ratio of its frequency to its degree, only the low-degree p modes reach the core. The higher the order of these modes, the deeper they penetrate into the Sun and thus they carry more diagnostic information on the inner regions. Unfortunately, the estimates of frequency splittings at high frequency from Sun-as-a-star measurements have higher observational errors due to mode blending, resulting in weaker constraints on the rotation profile in the inner core. Therefore inversions for the solar internal rotation use only modes below 2.4 mHz for l < 4. In the work presented here, we used an 11.5 year-long time series to compute the rotational frequency splittings for modes l < 4 using velocities measured with the GOLF instrument. We carried out a theoretical study of the influence of the low-degree modes in the region 2 to 3.5 mHz on the inferred rotation profile as a function of their error bars.Comment: Accepted for publication in Solar Physics. 17 Pages, 9 figure

    Physical Properties of Wave Motion in Inclined Magnetic Fields Within Sunspot Penumbrae

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    At the surface of the Sun, acoustic waves appear to be affected by the presence of strong magnetic fields in active regions. We explore the possibility that the inclined magnetic field in sunspot penumbrae may convert primarily vertically propagating acoustic waves into elliptical motion. We use helioseismic holography to measure the modulus and phase of the correlation between incoming acoustic waves and the local surface motion within two sunspots. These correlations are modeled assuming the surface motion is elliptical, and we explore the properties of the elliptical motion on the magnetic field inclination. We also demonstrate that the phase shift of the outward propagating waves is opposite to the phase shift of the inward propagating waves in stronger, more vertical fields, but similar to the inward phase shifts in weaker, more inclined fields.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figure

    Seismology of the Sun : Inference of Thermal, Dynamic and Magnetic Field Structures of the Interior

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    Recent overwhelming evidences show that the sun strongly influences the Earth's climate and environment. Moreover existence of life on this Earth mainly depends upon the sun's energy. Hence, understanding of physics of the sun, especially the thermal, dynamic and magnetic field structures of its interior, is very important. Recently, from the ground and space based observations, it is discovered that sun oscillates near 5 min periodicity in millions of modes. This discovery heralded a new era in solar physics and a separate branch called helioseismology or seismology of the sun has started. Before the advent of helioseismology, sun's thermal structure of the interior was understood from the evolutionary solution of stellar structure equations that mimicked the present age, mass and radius of the sun. Whereas solution of MHD equations yielded internal dynamics and magnetic field structure of the sun's interior. In this presentation, I review the thermal, dynamic and magnetic field structures of the sun's interior as inferred by the helioseismology.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of the meeting "3rd International Conference on Current Developments in Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Nano Physics with Applications", December 14-16, 2011, New Delhi, Indi

    Recent Developments in Helioseismic Analysis Methods and Solar Data Assimilation

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    MR and AS have received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program (FP/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement no. 307117

    Surface-focused Seismic Holography of Sunspots: I. Observations

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    We present a comprehensive set of observations of the interaction of p-mode oscillations with sunspots using surface-focused seismic holography. Maps of travel-time shifts, relative to quiet-Sun travel times, are shown for incoming and outgoing p modes as well as their mean and difference. We compare results using phase-speed filters with results obtained with filters that isolate single p-mode ridges, and further divide the data into multiple temporal frequency bandpasses. The f mode is removed from the data. The variations of the resulting travel-time shifts with magnetic-field strength and with the filter parameters are explored. We find that spatial averages of these shifts within sunspot umbrae, penumbrae, and surrounding plage often show strong frequency variations at fixed phase speed. In addition, we find that positive values of the mean and difference travel-time shifts appear exclusively in waves observed with phase-speed filters that are dominated by power in the low-frequency wing of the p1 ridge. We assess the ratio of incoming to outgoing p-mode power using the ridge filters and compare surface-focused holography measurements with the results of earlier published p-mode scattering measurements using Fourier-Hankel decomposition.Comment: Solar Physics, accepte

    Perspectives in Global Helioseismology, and the Road Ahead

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    We review the impact of global helioseismology on key questions concerning the internal structure and dynamics of the Sun, and consider the exciting challenges the field faces as it enters a fourth decade of science exploitation. We do so with an eye on the past, looking at the perspectives global helioseismology offered in its earlier phases, in particular the mid-to-late 1970s and the 1980s. We look at how modern, higher-quality, longer datasets coupled with new developments in analysis, have altered, refined, and changed some of those perspectives, and opened others that were not previously available for study. We finish by discussing outstanding challenges and questions for the field.Comment: Invited review; to appear in Solar Physics (24 pages, 6 figures

    The Theory of Brown Dwarfs and Extrasolar Giant Planets

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    Straddling the traditional realms of the planets and the stars, objects below the edge of the main sequence have such unique properties, and are being discovered in such quantities, that one can rightly claim that a new field at the interface of planetary science and and astronomy is being born. In this review, we explore the essential elements of the theory of brown dwarfs and giant planets, as well as of the new spectroscopic classes L and T. To this end, we describe their evolution, spectra, atmospheric compositions, chemistry, physics, and nuclear phases and explain the basic systematics of substellar-mass objects across three orders of magnitude in both mass and age and a factor of 30 in effective temperature. Moreover, we discuss the distinctive features of those extrasolar giant planets that are irradiated by a central primary, in particular their reflection spectra, albedos, and transits. Aspects of the latest theory of Jupiter and Saturn are also presented. Throughout, we highlight the effects of condensates, clouds, molecular abundances, and molecular/atomic opacities in brown dwarf and giant planet atmospheres and summarize the resulting spectral diagnostics. Where possible, the theory is put in its current observational context.Comment: 67 pages (including 36 figures), RMP RevTeX LaTeX, accepted for publication in the Reviews of Modern Physics. 30 figures are color. Most of the figures are in GIF format to reduce the overall size. The full version with figures can also be found at: http://jupiter.as.arizona.edu/~burrows/papers/rm