13 research outputs found

    Neoplastic diseases in the domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo) in Italy : classification and tissue distribution of 856 cases (2000-2010)

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    Background: The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence and tissue distribution of neoplasms in Italian ferrets, compared to the epidemiological data previously reported in USA and Japan. Methods: Signalment and diagnoses of pathological submissions received between 2000 and 2010 were searched; cases with the diagnosis of neoplasm were selected and original sections reviewed to confirm the diagnosis. Results: Nine-hundred and ten samples were retrieved, 690 of which included at least one tumour for a total of 856 tumours. Ferrets with multiple neoplasms were 134 (19.4%). Median age was 5years, and F/M ratio was 0.99. Endocrine neoplasms were the most common. Other frequent tumours were cutaneous mast cell tumours, sebaceous tumours, and lymphomas. Cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) were consistently associated with sebaceous tumours. Twenty-four abdominal spindle cell tumours with an undefined origin were observed. Lymphomas and islet cell tumours had a lower incidence compared with previous extra-European studies. Discussion: Epidemiological information on ferret tumours derives from extra-European countries, mostly USA and Japan. In these countries similar distributions with minor discrepancies have been reported. Compared to previous reports, adrenal tumours were more frequent than pancreatic islet cell neoplasms, and a higher number of mesenchymal neoplasms arising from the adrenal capsule was noted. An unusual association between SCC and sebaceous gland neoplasms and a high number of intrabdominal spindle cell neoplasms with unclear primary origin were noted and grants further investigation. Conclusions: The tissue distribution of tumours recorded in this study paralleled previous findings in ferrets from USA and Japan. Some differences have been noted in the frequency of lymphoma, adrenal mesenchymal tumours and cutaneous tumours. Some tumours that are among the most common in other species seem to be uncommon in ferrets and are characterized by distinctive predilection sites


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    The impact of multiple anthropogenic stressors on the marine environment has increased to large extents within the past few decades. Piscivorous fish can bioaccumulate pollutans to significantly higher concentrations than those found in the water or sediments, due to the lipid solubility and resistance of these compounds to numerous degenerative processes. The use of fish from different hydrological settings as bio-indicators represents a useful complementary choice to evaluate the levels and responses of marine organisms to pollutans, and to assess the global marine status. The purpose of this project is to evaluate the role of selected pelagic (Thunnus thynnus), and benthopelagic fish species (Dentex dentex and Pagellus bogaraveo) as biomonitors of Mediterranean sea pollution through the chemical identification and quantification of persistent organic and inorganic compounds in target tissues, the investigation of toxicopathic-related pathological changes, and the putative correlation between abnormal levels of pollutants and tissue lesions. Fish were selected based on length and weight. The mean concentration of metallic elements, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCs) was calculated and compared to their acceptable levels when available. Blackspot seabreams had the highest PCB concentration, whereas OCs were highest in tunas. A different spread in distinct species was documented for the following elements: Al, K, Co, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sn, and Th. For the elements without maximum dietary limits, Fe was highest in tunas, while Th was significantly predominant in dentices. Several metals were found in quantities above the acceptable levels. Specifically, the median concentrations of Hg and Cd in the pooled species were significantly higher than their relative PTWI. Significant differences among species were reported for Se, inorganic As, Ni and Zn. Other elements (Al, Cr, Cu, Sn, Pb, and Mn) were found to be at or below the corresponding acceptable levels. Histopathology evidenced acute and chronic lesions in numerous organs, comprising muscular degeneration and necrosis, hepatic lipidosis, hepatocellular necrosis and dysplastic foci in all fish groups. Specifically, chronic lesions in liver, gills, immune and reproductive systems were common in all fish species encountered. Testicular atrophy, necrotizing branchitis, and proliferation of melanomacrophagic centers represented common findings. Although these findings revealed some differences in the patterns of histopathologic traits between pelagic and benthopelagic fishes, the overall level of histopathological injury was moderate and severe traits like neoplasms or pre-neoplastic foci were not observed. The concentrations of the other metallic elements did not influence the muscular H-indices in all species, with the exception of Na, where the interaction between concentration of Na and fish species was statistically significant. No significant differences were found between the H-indices of different species. Given the simultaneous presence of pollutans in dangerous concentrations and the putative relationship with subacute to chronic microscopic lesions, research on fish contamination and human exposure could not be framed in terms of a single contaminant. Our findings aim to encourage cross-disciplinary discussion and to establish research and monitoring priorities in order to protect the human health. Since the risks associated with high simultaneous levels of multiple compounds have not been quantified but represent a severe health hazard, monitoring data should be collected to characterize the spatial and vertical distribution of metals in seawaters across a range of marine ecosystems. Our work confirms that histopathological evaluation of target organs should be included as a tool to determine the potential consequences of chronic toxicant exposure in wild fish

    Nasopharyngeal lymphomas vs. lymphoplasmacitic nasopharyngitis in cats : the endoscopist-pathologist alliance to meet the challenge

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    Nasalandnasopharyngeallymphomasarethemostcommonfelineupperrespiratorytrac tumors. However, nasopharyngeal lymphoma has been seldom considered a separate clinico-pathological entity. Nasopharyngeal lymphoma mimics severe inflammation and thus poses a challenge in its diagnosis. A high index of clinical suspicion along with multiple deep adequately sized and appropriately processed biopsies submitted for histology and immunohistochemistry are usually needed to achieve the correct diagnosis. Attempts to sample the tumors using endoscopic instruments are often unsuccessful because of the limited working space that can lead to the collection of non-diagnostic biopsies. In fact, an adequate amount of non-traumatized tissue sample is required for a definitive diagnosis since the frequent coexistence of the neoplasia with necrosis and inflammation. Commonly, nasopharyngeal lymphomas present as extensive multilobulated masses, that may, in severe cases, fill the caudal nasopharynx. In early cases, these lesions mimic clinically lymphofollicular inflammatory processes. Both lesions may be easily visualized by retrograde nasopharyngoscopy using flexible pediatric videobronchoscope. Combining retrograde nasopharyngoscopy with concurrent anterograde insertion of a large bioptic opposing-cups forceps trough the nares, allows to obtain larger and less damaged tissue samples for histopathology, under continuing endoscopic guidance. Patients often initially misdiagnosed as affected by chronic inflammation on clinical grounds had their diagnosis revised after histopathological examination of multiple samples excised with this technique. Microscopical examination often revealed the concomitance of lymphoma with chronic lymphoplasmacytic inflammation. This \u201canterograde-retrograde\u201d technique proved ideal to sample primary nasopharyngeal lesions to confirm the diagnosis of inflammation versus lymphoma

    Disordini neoplastici nel furetto domestico : classificazione e caratteristiche epidemiologiche di 856 casi

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    Il furetto rappresenta uno dei pi\uf9 diffusi animali da compagnia non convenzionali. Negli ultimi decenni, \ue8 stato registrato un aumento del numero delle neoplasie in questa specie. Lo scopo dello studio \ue8 di classificare ed analizzare la prevalenza delle neoplasie dei furetti in Italia. Sono state rivalutate le biopsie e i campioni necroscopici raccolti tra il 2000 e il 2010 presso il servizio di patologia veterinaria dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Milano. I dati riguardanti segnalamento e reperti istopatologici sono stati ottenuti dall\u2019archivio elettronico della sezione. Il numero totale dei campioni \ue8 stato utilizzato per calcolare la prevalenza delle neoplasie. Sono stati selezionati 908 campioni provenienti da differenti tessuti o organi. Di questi, in 688 casi era stato diagnosticato almeno un tumore (75.77%). Sono stati frequentemente riscontrati animali colpiti da neoplasie multiple pertanto la casistica finale comprendeva 856 tumori. La popolazione oggetto di studio era caratterizzata da un\u2019et\ue0 media di insorgenza di 5 anni (range 5 mesi-10 anni) e da un rapporto F/M=0.99. Il sistema endocrino (63.8%), seguito dall\u2019apparato tegumentario (14.7%) e dal sistema emolinfatico (8.9%) rappresentavano le sedi di insorgenza pi\uf9 comuni. In particolare, le neoplasie maggiormente diagnosticate sono state le neoplasie corticosurrenaliche (25.8%), le neoplasie pancreatiche insulari (24.9%) ed i mastocitomi cutanei (5.8%). I carcinomi squamosi cutanei (SCC) sono stati riscontrati solo in associazione a neoplasie di origine sebacea. Nel 2.6% dei casi sono stati diagnosticati tumori addominali fusati di origine non definibile. La prevalenza dei tumori dei furetti in Italia appare in accordo con la letteratura corrente. L\u2019inusuale associazione tra SCC e neoplasie sebacee e l\u2019esatta origine dei tumori intraddominali a cellule fusate necessitano di ulteriori indagini.Ferrets are considered one of the most common non-conventional companion animals. Neoplastic diseases have been reported with increasing frequency over the last decades. The aim of this study is to classify and analyze the prevalence of neoplasms in Italian ferrets. All the definitive diagnosis of bioptic and necroscopical specimens received between 2000 and 2010 at the pathology service of the University of Milan were reviewed. Data concerning signalment and histology were collected from the electronic archives. The total number of samples permitted to calculate the prevalence of neoplasms. A total of 908 samples were received and processed. Of these, 688 cases included at least one tumor (75.77%). Ferrets with multiple neoplasms were commonly detected. Thus, a total of 856 tumors were collected. Our population was characterized by a median age of 5 years (range 5 months-10 years) with F/M ratio=0.99. Endocrine (63.8%), integumentary (14.7%) and hemolymphatic (8.9%) systems were most commonly affected. A high frequency of adrenal gland (25.8%), pancreatic islet cell (24.9%), and mast cell tumors (5.8%) was evidenced. Cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) occurred together with sebaceous gland tumors. In 2.6% of cases, abdominal spindle cell tumors with primary undefined origin were observed. The tumor prevalence recorded in this study paralleled previous findings. The unusual association between SCC and sebaceous gland neoplasms and the origin of intrabdominal spindle cell neoplasms should be further investigate

    Epidemiological survey of neoplasms in ferrets : 856 cases (2000-2010)

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    Introduction: Ferrets are among the most common non-conventional companion animals and seem to be particularly prone to tumour development. The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of neoplasms in Italian ferrets. Materials and Methods: Biopsy samples and necropsy specimens submitted between 2000 and 2010 were included. Signalment and histopathology were retrieved from the electronic archives of the veterinary pathology service of the University of Milan. The total number of submitted samples was used to calculate the prevalence of neoplasms. Results: A total of 908 ferret samples were received of which 688 included at least one tumour (75.8%). Ferrets with multiple neoplasms were common, thus a total of 856 tumours were collected. Age ranged from 5 months to 10 years. Female:male ratio was 0.99. Endocrine (63.8%), integumentary (14.7%) and haemolymphoid (8.9%) systems were most commonly affected. A higher frequency of adrenal gland (25.8%), pancreatic islet cell (24.9%) and mast cell tumours (5.8%) was noted. Cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) occurred together with sebaceous gland tumours. Twenty-one abdominal spindle cell tumours with primary undefined origin were observed (2.6%). Conclusion: Prevalence of tumours recorded in this study paralleled previous findings. The unusual association between SCC and sebaceous gland neoplasms, and the origin of intra-abdominal spindle cell neoplasms should be investigated further

    Morte improvvisa causata da una grave lipoproteinosi alveolare polmonare in un Bulldog inglese

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    La proteinosi alveolare polmonare \ue8 una rara patologia caretterizzata dall\u2019accumulo alveolare di fosfolipidi e proteine (lipoproteinosi). Molti farmaci anfofilici cationici sembrano essere convolti nell\u2019insorgenza di tale patologia nell\u2019uomo. Il presente studio descrive un caso di morte improvvisa in un Bulldog inglese, maschio di 7 anni, affetto da grave dispnea e sottoposto a terapia cronica con fenobarbitale e bromuro per epilessia idiopatica. All\u2019esame necroscopico si evidenziava una grave e diffusa splenomegalia associata a lieve endocardiosi a carico della valvola mitrale e diffuso, grave edema polmonare. A carico del polmone erano presenti lesioni disseminate di 1-8 mm di diametro, ombelicate, accompagnate da aumento di consistenza a carico di entrambi i lobi apicali, dei lobi accessori e del lobo principale destro. L\u2019istologia evidenziava la presenza nel lume alveolare di un materiale debolmente eosinofilo da amorfo a granulare, PAS-positivo, von Kossa- e Rosso Congo-negativo frammisto ad occasionali neutrofili e macrofagi. Erano presenti anche una moderata fibrosi e mineralizzazioni interstiziali. Il miocardio presentava una moderata infiltrazione adiposa prevalentemente a carico del setto e del ventricolo destro. La microscopia elettronica evidenziava all\u2019interno del lume alveolare corti fasci irregolari composti da lamelle elettrondense parallele di spessore pari a 3.125 nm e disposte ad una distanza di 6.25 nm tra loro. Le indagini effettuate permettevano una diagnosi di lipoproteinosi/fosfolipidosi alveolare. Si ipotizza che la somministrazione cronica di bromuro possa avere svolto un ruolo importante nella patogenesi di tale lesione.Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is a rare disease characterized by alveolar accumulation of phospholipids and proteins (lipoproteinosis), that may be induced by many cationic amphophilic drugs. We describe a case of a 7-year-old, male, English Bulldog with a history of juvenile idiopathic epilepsy treated with phenobarbital and bromide and developing sudden severe dyspnoea with respiratory arrest 12 hours post-admission. Necropsy revealed severe hepatomegaly, mild endocardiosis and a diffuse pulmonary edema with disseminated 1-8 mm firm, umbilicated lesions in apical, accessory and right cranial lobes. Microscopically, alveoli (60-80%) were filled by a pale eosinophilic, amorphous to granular PAS-positive, von Kossa- and Congo red-negative material associated with macrophages and neutrophils. Interstitial fibrosis and mineralization were moderate. Myocardial septal and right ventricle fatty infiltration was present. TEM revealed short lamellar electrondense haphazardly arranged 3.125 nm fascicles at 6.25 nm periodic distance compatible with accumulation of abnormal surfactant. These findings were suggestive of an alveolar lipoproteinosis/phospholipidosis. The chronic administration of bromide may be involved in the pathogenesis of this lesions

    Il linfoma nasale del gatto : valutazione citologica, istologica e immunoistochimica

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    Il linfoma \ue8 il tumore primario nasale pi\uf9 comune nel gatto. Sono state esaminate biopsie endoscopiche di lesioni nasali in 156 gatti. Le biopsie sono state fissate in formalina e processate routinariamente. Le diagnosi istologiche risultavano 35 linfomi, 23 neoplasie di origine epiteliale e 17 sarcomi. In 79 casi si evidenziava un processo infiammatorio (polipo, rinite linfoplasmacellulare, altra rinite). Per i linfomi 26 casi venivano classificati clinicamente come nasali primari, 6 casi erano nasali e nasofaringei, 3 erano solo il rinofaringei. Per 26/35 di linfoma erano disponibili campioni citologici colorati con May Gr\ufcnwald-Giemsa. Nei casi di linfoma venivano applicate la classificazione WHO e colorazioni immunoistochimiche anti-CD20, -CD3 e -FeLV p27 e -gp70 e Calicivirus. La maggioranza dei gatti era Comune Europea (n=28), con et\ue0 media di 10,5 anni (range 1-19 anni) e prevalenza maschile (F/M=0,54). I linfomi erano caratterizzati da crescita diffusa (31) o crescita follicolare o nodulare (4). Tre casi sono stati diagnosticati come plasmocitomi, 12 come linfomi a piccole cellule, 6 a medie cellule e 11 a grosse cellule. In 30 casi si evidenziava un fenotipo B, l\u2019espressione di proteine di FeLV si evidenziava in FeLV. Una nuova entit\ue0 diagnosticata in questa sede \ue8 stata un linfoma centrofollicolare di I grado. La maggioranza dei linfomi era caratterizzata da comportamento aggressivo e prognosi sfavorevole. L\u2019esame necroscopico \ue8 stato eseguito in 4 gatti; in un caso, il tumore era limitato al rinofaringe, mentre negli altri \ue8 stato dimostrata una progressione con coinvolgimento di alcuni organi interni

    Correlazione tra indagine citologica ed istologica nella diagnosi delle neoplasie spleniche del cane

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    L\u2019esame citologico della milza rappresenta un\u2019importante ed utile tecnica nella diagnosi delle patologie che possono coinvolgere il parenchima splenico ed, in particolare, nei disordini neoplastici. Tuttavia, in letteratura esistono pochi studi che ne valutano l\u2019attendibilit\ue0. Lo scopo di questo studio \ue8 quello di valutare la correlazione cito-istologica nella diagnosi delle neoplasie spleniche del cane. E\u2019 stata effettuata una ricerca retrospettiva di prelievi citologici ed istologici di lesioni spleniche per un periodo che va dal 1998 al 2013. Sono stati valutati l\u2019accuratezza, la sensibilit\ue0, la specificit\ue0 dell\u2019indagine citologica ed i valori predittivi dei risultati positivi e negativi utilizzando l\u2019esame istologico come gold standard. Venivano raccolti un totale di 67 casi. Trentuno casi venivano diagnosticati come non neoplastici alla citologia (12 veri negativi e 19 falsi negativi), mentre in trentasei casi \ue8 stata emessa una diagnosi citologica definitiva di neoplasia (33 veri positivi e 3 falsi positivi). La diagnosi citologica ed istologica concordavano nel 67.2% dei casi (45/67). L\u2019esame citologico della milza ha dimostrato una sensibilit\ue0 pari all\u201989%, una specificit\ue0 pari all\u201980%, un valore predittivo positivo pari al 91.2% ed un valore predittivo negativo pari al 38.7%. Alla citologia la maggior parte dei casi venivano diagnosticati come non neoplastici (31/67). I sarcomi erano i tumori pi\uf9 frequentemente diagnosticati (20/67), seguiti dai linfomi (7/67). Sebbene l\u2019esame citologico e istologico debbano essere ritenuti complementari nell\u2019iter diagnostico delle patologie spleniche, in base ai risultati ottenuti, la citologia pu\uf2 essere considerata una tecnica diagnostica utile e sensibile nella diagnosi delle neoplasie spleniche.Spleen can be affected by a variety of diseases and cytology represents a useful diagnostic technique. However, few studies have addressed the accuracy of cytology in the evaluation of splenic lesions and specifically of neoplasms. The aim of the study is to evaluate the cyto-histological correlation in the diagnosis of canine splenic tumors. Splenic cytological and corresponding histopathological samples obtained between 1998 and 2013 were retrospectively evaluated. Concordance between cytology and histology was determined. Accuracy, sensibility, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of cytology for the diagnosis of splenic neoplasias was determined considering histopathology as the gold standard. Sixty-seven cases were collected. Thirty-one cytological samples were classified as non-neoplastic (12 true negatives, 19 false negatives compared with histopathology). Cytological diagnosis of neoplasia was obtained in 36 cases (33 true positives and 3 false positive). Cytological diagnosis was in agreement with the histopathological diagnosis in 67.2% (45/67) of cases. Cytology had a sensitivity of 89.3%, a specificity of 80%, a positive predictive value of 91.2%, and a negative predictive value of 38.7% in the diagnosis of splenic neoplasms. The majority of cases were non neoplastic (31/67). The most common tumors were sarcomas (20/67) followed by lymphoma (7/67). Although cytopathology and histopathology should be considered complementary techniques in the diagnosis of splenic lesions, cytology demonstrated to be a useful and sensitive tool for the diagnosis of splenic neoplasias

    Correlation between cytology and histopathology in the diagnosis of splenic tumours in dogs

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    Background: Cytology is commonly used as a diagnostic procedure to evaluate splenic masses in veterinary medicine. However, few studies have addressed the accuracy of cytology in the evaluation of splenic masses in a clinical setting. Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy of cytology, in comparison with histopathology, in a series of neoplastic lesions. Methods: Cytologic and histopathologic specimens of 67 splenic lesions from 67 dogs were retrospectively evaluated. Cytologic samples were obtained by FNA. Histopathology was evaluated from tissues collected by surgical biopsy or necropsy. Results: A cytologic diagnosis of neoplasia was obtained in 36 cases (33 true positive cases, 3 false positive cases). Sarcoma (20/67) and lymphoma (7/67) were the most common tumors cytologically diagnosed. 31 samples were cytologically classified as "negative for neoplasia\u201d (12 true negative cases, 19 false negative cases). Cytology had an overall 67.2% (45/67) agreement with histopathological analysis. In diagnosing neoplasia, cytology had a sensitivity of 89%, a specificity of 80%, a predictive value of positive test of 91.2% and a predictive value of negative test of 38.7%. Conclusions: The results of this study confirmed cytology as a reliable and useful diagnostic procedure for the evaluation of splenic neoplastic lesions in canine small animal practice