1,480 research outputs found

    Vergoeding ter zake van verzorging en huishoudelijke hulp bij letsel en overlijden

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    Vergoeding van inspanningen ter zake van huishoudelijke arbeid of verzorgingsactivitei-ten staat de laatste tijd op de agenda van de Hoge Raad. In 1999 (Losser/De Vries) liet de Hoge Raad zich voor het eerst uit over de vergoeding ter zake van inspanningen van ouders die hun ernstig gewonde kind gedurende lange tijd zelf hadden verpleegd en verzorgd. In 2003 (Krüter-van de Pol/Wilton Fijenoord) oordeelde de Hoge Raad de in-spanningen van de echtgenote van een slachtoffer van mesothelioom aan diens sterf-bed niet vergoedbaar. In 2005 (Pruisken/Organice) besliste de Hoge Raad dat voor de vergoedbaarheid van extra huishoudelijke inspanningen die een overblijvende echtge-noot moet leveren na overlijden van zijn partner, niet beslissend is dat ter zake geen kosten zijn gemaakt. In juli 2008 (Bakkum/Achmea) oordeelde de Hoge Raad over de betekenis van de inspanningen van derden (een stiefmoeder) voor de vergoeding bij overlijden. Inmiddels heeft de Hoge Raad nog twee loten aan de stam toegevoegd, waarin hij de vergoeding ter zake van de behoefte aan hulp bij letsel en overlijden preci-seert. Die uitspraken staan hierna centraal

    Analysis of transient laminar mass-transfer in a parallel-plate dialyzer

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    Mass transfer under laminar flow conditions is discussed on the basis of the Navier-Stokes equations and the axially dispersed plug-flow model. By fitting the results with these two approaches, relationships can be derived for predicting the mass-transfer coefficient and the Peclet number in a parallel-plate laminar flow system with on impermeable wall and an opposite wall at which the concentration is uniform. This single-stream relationship can be utilized for calculating the mass-transfer coefficients in both channels of a co-current parallel-plate dialyser. It is shown that the Peclet number in the axially dispersed plug-flow model derived for a parallel-plate flow where both sides are impermeable gives better results when applied to the co-current dialyser than the single-stream relationship. The results obtained allow the mathematical modelling of process and analytical flow-through manifolds incorporating a dialysis module

    'Gewoon worden wie je bent': Over authenticiteit en anti-institutionalisme

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    Analysis of a dozen semi-structured interviews with Dutch New Age trainers demonstrates that the modern 'ethics of authenticity' underlies contemporary society's anti-institutional mood. All institutions, be they traditional or modern, or so our respondants argue, prevent one from being true to oneself. Institutional pressure for conformity to social roles, they maintain, causes feelings of alienation, mental and physical illness, malicious types of sexuality, violence and many other problems. Although the ethics of authenticity thus produces a demonization of institutions, it simultaneously, and in quite a paradoxical way, exerts considerable institutional pressure itself. Politicians, media stars and others are today morally expected to be authentic: to be true to themselves and express their emotions in public


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    The European list was derived from URMO which was edited by W. Vervoort. S.D. Cairns provided the list of hydrocorals and P. Schuchert provided additions the list of hydroids

    Becoming politically discontented: Anti-establishment careers of Dutch nonvoters and PVV voters

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    Popular political discontent has become increasingly salient in western countries in recent decades, as can be witnessed by the rise of populist anti-establishment parties, nonvoting and increasing distrust in politics. However, these phenomena have predominantly been treated as ‘democracy’s deviants’, neglecting the perspectives of the people concerned. Taking an inductive approach, this article examines how ordinary citizens come to turn away from established politics. Drawing on in-depth interviews with politically discontented Dutch nonvoters and PVV voters, the article develops a three-stage ‘anti-establishment career’ – ‘introduction’, ‘validation’ and ‘consolidation’ – through which their conceptions of politics gradually change. This deviant career model takes into account the dynamics and agency involved in the process, in contrast to conceptions of discontented citizens as utterly passive and anomic. The article concludes by arguing for more cultural-sociological sensitivity in the use of concepts referring to social-political action

    Accelerating influence:Challenging the linear paradigm of suicide negotiation

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    This article provides new insights from crisis negotiation practitioners and researchers. Specifically, on whether a negotiator can accelerate their influence over a suicidal person in crisis
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