18 research outputs found

    Standardization of laboratory methods for the PERCH study

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    The Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health study was conducted across diverse research sites and relied on standardized clinical and laboratory methods for the accurate and meaningful interpretation of pneumonia etiology data. Blood, respiratory specimens, and urine were collected from children aged 1-5months hospitalized with severe or very severe pneumonia and community controls of the same age without severe pneumonia and were tested with an extensive array of laboratory diagnostic tests. A standardized testing algorithm and standard operating procedures were applied across all study sites. Site laboratories received uniform training, equipment, and reagents for core testing methods. Standardization was further assured by routine teleconferences, in-person meetings, site monitoring visits, and internal

    Molecular cloning and characterization of pearl millet polyphenol oxidase and its role in defense against downy mildew

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    Polyphenol oxidase partial gene PG-PPO was cloned and characterized from Pennisetum glaucum (pearl millet) which showed 42% identity to a PPO sequence isolated from wheat at the region of Copper B with a score of 40 and e-value of 2.8. Multiple sequence alignment results revealed similarity to polyphenol oxidase (PPO) sequences from wheat, trifolium, lettuce, apricot, tobacco, tomato, pokeweed, apple, grape and poplar especially at the Copper B region of PPO. The 395 bp pearl millet PPO sequence was AT rich (53.3%) and contained the highly conserved amino acids of histidine-rich copper binding sites similar to PPO sequences from other crops. Results also indicated that PPO in pearl millet exists in multi copy. The role of the isolated PPO gene during pearl millet-downy mildew interaction was analyzed and the results showed significantly higher and rapid accumulation of PPO mRNAs in resistant pearl millet seedlings inoculated with Sclerospora graminicola in comparison to the susceptible control, demonstrating that the PPO plays a prominent role in pearl millet defense against pathogens, particularly downy mildew pathogen

    Primary follicular lymphoma of an extraordinarily large prostate: A case report and review of the literature

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    Primary follicular lymphoma of the prostate is rare. This case report and literature review literature describes a 74-year old male patient who presented with worsening urinary symptoms, and imaging showing prostatomegaly compressing and displacing the rectum. He ultimately underwent a Millen retropubic prostatectomy for a prostate of 692 cc. The histology and immunohistochemistry confirmed the diagnosis as follicular lymphoma. His lymphoma underwent high-grade transformation with leptomeningeal involvement

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    Not AvailableLand suitability for irrigation in semi-arid regions is important for agricultural development and to overcome water scarcity. The detailed soil survey of Garakahalli micro- watershed (447 ha) of Karnataka was carried out and mapped into 85 mapping units. The soil units were evaluated for surface irrigation. The suitability maps showed 74.06 per cent arable land, out of which 69.19 per cent of land is suitable for surface irrigation and remaining is unsuitable due to the limitation of the topography and stoniness. The detailed land resource data base in association with GIS and remote sensing was highly efficient in modeling and developing land suitability maps which can be used as a planning tool to optimize the agriculture in semi-arid regions of Karnataka.Not Availabl

    Metastatic carcinoma of cervix mimicking psoas abscess on imaging: a case report

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    Not AvailableIn the manufacture of tablets, tableting processes, design of reliable solids handling equipment such as hoppers, silos, and storage bins the flowability of powders and other flow property data are most important characteristics. In the case of powder discharge from silos or hoppers, arches and ratholes may be formed, especially in the presence of humid air, resulting in poor flow of the powder. Keeping in this view flow properties of gum arabic powder was evaluated by powder flow tester in which gum arabic powder with particle size 700 micron to 300 micron was tested. It was found that gum arabic powder follow two type of flow behaviour first easy flowing between 0.6 to 3 kPa major principal consolidating stress, σ1 and 0.07 to 0.30 kPa unconfined faliure strength, σc then free flowing between 3 to 9 kPa major principal consolidating stress, σ1 and 0.30 to 0.80 kPa unconfined faliure strength, σc. The critical arching values for gum arabic were density 717.3 kg/m3, effective angle of internal friction 38oC, effective lengh 0.011m at stress level 0.038 kPa and critical rathole values were density 797 kg/m3, effective angle of internal friction 36.5oC, diameter 0.29 m at stress level 0.80 kPa. All these properties can be used in handling and processing equipments.Science & Technology Society for Integrated Rural Improvemen