2,841 research outputs found

    Immnunomodulatory and cytotoxic effects of aqueous leaf extracts of certain plants on common carp, Cyprinus carpio

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    Effect of aqueous leaf extracts of Catheranthus roseus, Calotropis gigantium and Datura stromoneum on common carp, Cyprinus carpio were investigated. C. carpio were separately fed with 1 and 2% aqueous extracts of these three plant leaves for a period of seven days. In 1% Catheranthus roseus of leaf extract fed group no significant tissue level changes were recorded. One and 2% of other two species fed treated group showed mild to severe necrotic and cellular changes in liver, kidney and spleen. Immunologically, significant rise in antibody titre and respiratory burst activity was recorded for 1% Catheranthus roseusfed group

    Design, Testing, and Realisation of a Medium Size Aerostat Envelope

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    The design, testing and realisation aspects during the development of a medium size aerostat envelope in the present work. The payload capacity of this aerostat is 300 kg at 1 km above mean sea level. The aerostat envelope is the aerodynamically shaped fabric enclosure part of the aerostat which generally uses helium for lifting useful payloads to a specified height. The envelope volume estimation technique is discussed which provides the basis for sizing. The design, material selection, testing and realisation aspects of this aerostat envelope are also discussed. The empirical formulas and finite element analysis are used to estimate the aerodynamic, structural and other design related parameters of the aerostat. Equilibrium studies are then explained for balancing forces and moments in static conditions. The tether profile estimation technique is discussed to estimate blow by distance and tether length. A comparison of estimated and measured performance parameters during trials has also been discussed

    Productivity enhancement and popularization of improved production technologies in wheat through frontline demonstrations

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    Front line demonstrations (FLDs) on wheat were conducted on 150 farmers’ fields to demonstrate the impact of drought tolerant rainfed varieties (PBW 175 & PBW 644) and other improved practices techniques (supplemental irrigation and sowing with seed drill) on production and economic benefits in the kandi region of Punjab state during rabi seasons from 2011-12 to 2013-14 under rainfed situation. The improved production technologies recorded additional mean yield of 27.8 q/ha and 28.4 q/ha for rainfed varieties and other improved practices. The per cent average increase in yield of rainfed over local cultivars was 35.3, while 29.1 for other improved practices. The average extension gap, technology gap and technology index were 7.3 q/ha, 8.4 q/ha and 22.5 per cent, respectively in different varieties. FLDs recorded higher B:C ratio of 2.32 and 2.52 for rainfed varieties and other improved practices, respectively. The FLDs conducted on improved technologies during the present study resulted in enhancement of yield, net returns and also increased the knowledge of the farmers. Thus, productivity of wheat could be increased by adopting recommended improved management practices with a suitable high yielding variety under rainfed conditions. The present study resulted in convincing the farming community about potentialities of improved production management technologies of wheat in productivity enhancement and for further adoption by the farming community

    A study on innovativeness and regulating conflicts between the fishers and farmers in the Balua wetland

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    Wetlands store ground and surface water even when the rainfall is erratic. However, the rising demand for water and land to sustain the ever increasing population has manifested in many kinds of conflicts in wetlands. In the study area, Balua Chaur (wetland) in Bihar state of India, 16 conflicts emerged when the flooded lands offarmers was accessed by the fishers to fish. Such conflicts had further marginalized the already indigent fishers. Factor analysis, to reduce the socioeconomic and psychological variables of the fishers that were associated with innovativeness and further analysis of ANOVA and regression was used. In case of fishers, two major groups of interrelated variables that accounted for 60.6 % of the total variance were identified through this method. Factor 1 accounted for 34.8 % of the total variance that included innovativeness, income, education, mass media exposure, extension contact, livestock ownership, land ownership, mobile use collaborating and competing style of conflict management and named as innovative factors. The ANOVA table and stepwise multiple regression model exhibited that the nuclear family type and livestock have significant impact on the innovativeness of fishers with R2 value 0.255. In this paper, peace and prosperity model based upon the analysis of primary information collected from the fishers, farmers and key informants is proposed to foster innovativeness to enhance the productivity of wetland and resolve conflict to mobilize the resources in efficient and judicial manner

    Effect of Ricin on Some Biochemical, Haematological, and Histopathological Variables in Mice

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    Acute toxicity studies of ricin were carried out in Swiss albino male mice. The median lethal concentration (LD,,) values were determined for mice through intraperitoneal and oral routes and were found to be 1.01 ~ g l k gan d 28.29 mglkg, respectively. The ricin (1.0 LD,d was administered in mice through intraperitoneal route and various toxicity-related clinical var~ableswere studied on the I", 3'd, and the 7" day of post-exposure. The prominent symptoms before death, were diarrhoea with black sticky vent and piloerection. The body weight decreasedsignificantly in a dose-dependent manner. No significant change was observed in organ-to-body weight ratio on the 1". 3d, and the 7th day of post-exposure except kidney weight. On the 71h day, kidney weight increased significantty. The levels of bloodurea, uric acid, and glucose increased, while total protein level decreased. However, activities of transaminase and phosphatases were not altered. Leukocytosis was also observed. The ricin also affected blood coagulation parameters. There was a significant increase in the clotting time. However, prothrombin time, bleeding time, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate were not altered. Histopathological studies showed degenerative changes in various visceral organs, viz, lungs, liver, spleen, kidney, and testis. Acute toxicity studies of ricin revealed that it is a highly toxic toxin. The ricin intoxication caused alterations in biochemical, haematological variables, and degenerative changes in various visceral organs

    Climate Resilient Agriculture: Innovations and Experiences in Kandi Region of Punjab(NICRA 2011-16)

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    Not AvailableWeather plays animmense role in Indian agriculture. Timely onset and good distribution of rainfall are critical for achieving optimum crop yields by farmers, particularly during Kharif season along with other factors like inputs,labour and technology. The submontane North Eastern part of Punjab which falls under agro-climatic zone AESR 9.1 of India is known as Kandi Region. Out of the total rainfall in this region, 80 % of it is received during the monsoon season which determines the success of rainfed crops. Any deviation from normal monsoon pattern affects crop production. To develop mitigation strategies for changing climatic scenario the "National Innovation on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)project" was started at AICRPDA Centre-Ballowal Saunkhri with the financial assistance from CRIDA, Hyderabad during the year 2011-12. The project was started at AICRPDA centre (On-station) for development of technologies and Village Achalpur&Nainwan, Block Garhshankar, District Hoshiarpur for simultaneous testing and dissemination of the technologies developed at AICRPDA centre.During the last five years a number of technologies have been developed and successfully adopted by the farmers in the adopted villages. The overall impact of NICRA during the last five years has been documented in this report.Not Availabl

    Four Decades of Dryland Agricultural Research in Kandi Area of Punjab

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    Not AvailableDuring seventies and eighties, dryland experiments were conducted on farmers’ fields in the villages of Nawangram, Kotmajra and Jhonewal located within a distance of 10-15 km from Garhshankar in Hoshiarpur district of Punjab. The village Nawangram represented gently sloping and undulating lands in Kandi area which lies at the foot of the lower Shiwaliks. The latter two villages represented relatively levelled lands in the Beet area where soils are heavy and water retentive. During late eighties, dryland experiments were also carried out at Balachaur on the farmers’ fields. In the year 1992, the dryland project was shifted at the Zonal Research Station for Kandi Area, Ballowal Saunkhri.Not Availabl
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