15 research outputs found

    Vortex behavior near a spin vacancy in 2D XY-magnets

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    The dynamical behavior of anisotropic two dimensional Heisenberg models is still a matter of controversy. The existence of a central peak at all temperatures and a rich structure of magnon peaks are not yet understood. It seems that the central peaks are related, in some way, to structures like vortices. In order to contribute to the discussion of the dynamical behavior of the model we use Monte Carlo and spin dynamics simulations as well analytical calculations to study the behavior of vortices in the presence of nonmagnetic impurities. Our simulations show that vortices are attracted and trapped by the impurities. Using this result we show that if we suppose that vortices are not very much disturbed by the presence of the impurities, then they work as an attractive potential to the vortices explaining the observed behavior in our simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Soil water dynamics and litter production in eucalypt and native vegetation in southeastern Brazil

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    High productivity of eucalypt plantations is the result of advances in research that have led to gradual improvements in intensive silvicultural technology. High productivity notwithstanding, eucalypt plantations remain the focus of environmental concerns. Our study aimed to compare the soil water regime, litter fall and nutrients dynamics either in a fragment of native forest or in an adjacent stand of growing eucalypt. We took field measurements during the first three years of eucalypt plantation in a sandy soil in the southeastern region of Brazil. Soil moisture and internal drainage were higher during the early stages of growth of the eucalypt stand, as compared with native vegetation. However, one and a half years after planting, available soil water was similar in both vegetations. Higher water availability under the eucalypt stand during the first year occurs because of silvicultural operations (soil preparation and weed control) and the small size of eucalypt trees; these factors increase water infiltration and decrease transpiration. Total leaf fall, over the study period, was similar for both ecosystems; however, differences were observed in the winter and early spring of 2010. The transfer of nutrients to soil by leaf fall was similar except for N and S, which was higher in native vegetation. Nitrogen concentration in the soil solution was higher in native vegetation, but K was higher under the eucalypt stand, mainly to a depth of up to 0.2 m

    Magnetic vortex behavior and its dynamics in nanomagnets in the presence of impurities

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    AbstractUsing spin dynamics simulations we study and present a model for pointlike magnetic impurities in nano-magnets based on the exchange coupling between these pointlike impurities and their neighbors. We observed two possible types of impurities, acting as pinning (attractive) or scatter (repulsive) sites. A gaussian profile was observed for the interaction potential energy ranging up to two lattice parameters. Using the known values of the parameters for Permalloy-79 we have calculated the interaction energy of the vortex core with a single defect. We estimated the interaction range as approximately 10nm. Both results agree quite well with experimental measurements. Also, we study the influence of magnetic impurities in the frequency of the gyrotropic mode in nanodisks of Permalloy-79. We observed fluctuations in the frequency which is in agreement with recent experimental results

    Resposta tecidual a implantes de discos de poliuretana de mamona nas formas pré-moldada ou biomassa moldada Tissue reaction to premolded or molded biomass disks of polyurethanes containing castor oil

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    O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a resposta tecidual à implantação de discos de poliuretana derivada do óleo de mamona confeccionados de duas formas distintas, na forma pré-moldada fornecida pela indústria e em biomassa moldada no momento da aplicação, de forma a observar se haveria algum tipo de reação local tardia associada à possível continuidade do processo de endurecimento final do biomaterial. Foram utilizados 20 ratos, linhagem Wistar, fêmeas, com peso de 300-350g, nos quais foi inserido o disco pré-moldado no tecido subcutâneo do flanco direito e o de biomassa moldada no flanco esquerdo. Ambos os discos tinham 0,8cm de diâmetro por 0,5cm de espessura. Para o procedimento histológico, cinco ratos foram submetidos à eutanásia aos 3, 7, 15 e 30 dias de pós-cirúrgico. Os implantes e tecidos circundantes foram colhidos, processados e corados pela técnica de hematoxilina-eosina. Foi observada inicialmente uma reação inflamatória moderada, composta especialmente por células polimorfonucleares e macrófagos. Os linfócitos variaram de ausentes a discretos. A reação inflamatória diminui de intensidade à medida que se intensificou a formação de tecido conjuntivo fibroso ao redor dos implantes, porém sem modificação dos números de macrófagos. Sendo assim, conclui-se que ambos os discos de poliuretana induzem uma reação inflamatória similar, que varia de moderada a discreta na dependência do momento de avaliação.<br>The aim of this study was to histologically evaluate the tissue reaction to implantation of polyurethane disks containing castor oil produced in premolded form, supplied commercially, and biomass molded at the moment of application; since a late tissue reaction may occur during the total hardening process of the biomaterial. Twenty female Wistar rats, about 3 months of age, weighing 300-350g, and polyurethane disks 0.8cm in diameter and 0.5cm in thickness were used. The premolded disk was implanted into the subcutaneous tissue at the right flank and the molded biomass disk at the left flank. Five rats each were submitted to euthanasia at 3, 7, 15 and 30 days after surgery, and the polyurethane disks and surrounding tissue were collected. The specimens were processed for HE staining and examined microscopically. A moderate inflammatory reaction was primarily composed of polymorphonuclear cells and macrophages. The lymphocytes varied from absent to discreet. The intensity of the inflammatory reaction decreased at the same time the formation of fibrous conjunctive tissue increased around the implants. However, the numbers of macrophages remained the same. In conclusion, both polyurethane disks induce the same type of inflammatory reaction that varies from slight to moderate according to evaluation time