13 research outputs found

    Formation of ITB in the vicinity of rational surfaces in the Uragan-3M torsatron

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    It was shown that there is the possibility of ITB formation in the vicinity of rational surfaces in a torsatron magnetic configuration. The formation of ITB is accompanied by fast change of plasma poloidal rotation velocity, radial electric field and its shear and the decrease of plasma density fluctuations. After the ITB formation the transition to the improved plasma confinement takes place. The transition stars when electron temperature in the region of rational surfaces is sufficient to satisfy the condition υTe/uei>>2πR0 (here υTe is electron thermal velocity and uei is the frequency of ion – electron collisions, and R0 is the major radius of the torus). Such a regime can be maintained during the whole duration of RF discharge without any disturbances.Показано, що існує можливість формування внутрішнього теплового бар’єру (ВТБ) в плазмі ВЧ розряду в околиці раціональних поверхонь в торсатронній магнітній конфігурації. Формування ВТБ супроводжується бистрими змінами швидкості полоідального обертання плазми, радіального електричного поля и його шира і зменшенням флуктуацій густини плазми поблизу раціональних поверхонь. Після формування ВТБ спостерігається перехід в режим поліпшеного утримання плазми. Час переходу зменшується із збільшенням ВЧ потужності нагріву.Показано, что имеется возможность формирования внутреннего теплового барьера (ВТБ) в плазме ВЧ разряда в окрестности рациональных поверхностей в торсатронной магнитной конфигурации. Формирование ВТБ сопровождается быстрыми изменениями скорости полоидального вращения плазмы, радиального электрического поля и его шира и уменьшением флуктуаций плотности плазмы вблизи рациональных поверхностей. После формирования ВТБ наблюдается переход в режим улучшенного удержания плазмы. Время перехода сокращается с увеличением ВЧ мощности нагрева


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    In 2013, the State Duma of Russian Federation passed the federal law banning the "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relationships among minors" which provoked a great amount of discussion between sexual minorities and their opponents in media: the former started criticizing the law, considering it derogatory to their rights, the latter resumed their attacks on the homosexuals after a long silence. Many sociologists considered it as a basis to assume that homophobia returned to life in Russia. According to American Psychological Association, only 16% of Russian population is ready to accept homosexuality as a norm (compared to 60% in the USA and 80% in Europe). This is the public opinion on homosexuality in Russia. And this very attitude towards LGBT representatives, suspicious and scornful, regarding them as not quite healthy people, allows sociologists to suggest that homophobic sentiment is rising again in our country. The article endeavors to examine the arguments of opponents of non-traditional sexual orientation and to trace the ideological source of Russian homophobia. To achieve this goal, the authors of this review tried to answer the questions: is it proper to prove homosexuality as a normal behavior by referring to homosexual behavior of animals, how much is homosexuality conditioned by the norms of Russian culture, what is its contribution to art, what world religions say about same-sex relationships, what is its impact on the social development, what modern medicine says about this phenomenon. The paper tries to reproduce the arguments of homophobic logic which is very popular in Russia today, to understand its source and ideological basis. This was done only in order to find compromises and to produce well-grounded, tolerant positions for the both sides. The authors hope that the considerations presented in this article will aid to solve such an important socio-cultural problem as the confrontation of homo- and heterosexuals and will contribute to the guarantee of human rights and freedoms in Russian Federation


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    In 2013, the State Duma of Russian Federation passed the federal law banning the "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relationships among minors" which provoked a great amount of discussion between sexual minorities and their opponents in media: the former started criticizing the law, considering it derogatory to their rights, the latter resumed their attacks on the homosexuals after a long silence. Many sociologists considered it as a basis to assume that homophobia returned to life in Russia. According to American Psychological Association, only 16% of Russian population is ready to accept homosexuality as a norm (compared to 60% in the USA and 80% in Europe). This is the public opinion on homosexuality in Russia. And this very attitude towards LGBT representatives, suspicious and scornful, regarding them as not quite healthy people, allows sociologists to suggest that homophobic sentiment is rising again in our country. The article endeavors to examine the arguments of opponents of non-traditional sexual orientation and to trace the ideological source of Russian homophobia. To achieve this goal, the authors of this review tried to answer the questions: is it proper to prove homosexuality as a normal behavior by referring to homosexual behavior of animals, how much is homosexuality conditioned by the norms of Russian culture, what is its contribution to art, what world religions say about same-sex relationships, what is its impact on the social development, what modern medicine says about this phenomenon. The paper tries to reproduce the arguments of homophobic logic which is very popular in Russia today, to understand its source and ideological basis. This was done only in order to find compromises and to produce well-grounded, tolerant positions for the both sides. The authors hope that the considerations presented in this article will aid to solve such an important socio-cultural problem as the confrontation of homo- and heterosexuals and will contribute to the guarantee of human rights and freedoms in Russian Federation

    Measurement of the resolution of a combined hodoscope calorimeter at 18 GeV and 38 GeV

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    The energy and spatial resolution of a combined detector consisting of the Cherenkov photon calorimeter GAMS-2000 and the modular hadron calorimeter MHC-100 has been studied at 18.5 and 38 GeV incident pion energies at the IHEP accelerator. The energy resolution of the combined setup is substantially improved by applying a correction based on the analysis of the lateral development of hadron showers in GAMS and MHC. It is shown that the parameters of the correction depend only weakly on the hadron energy. The influence of the gap between both photon and hadron calorimeters on the combined detector characteristics is of less importance with increasing energy. © 1988.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Iron deficiency in Russia heart failure patients. Observational cross-sectional multicenter study

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    Aim    To evaluate the prevalence of iron deficiency (ID) in Russian patients with heart failure (HF).Material and methods    Iron metabolism variables were studied in 498 (198 women, 300 men) patients with HF. Data were evaluated at admission for HF (97 %) or during an outpatient visit (3 %). ID was determined according to the European Society of Cardiology Guidelines.Results    83.1 % of patients had ID; only 43.5 % of patients with ID had anemia. Patients with ID were older: 70.0 [63.0;79.0] vs. 66.0 years [57.0;75.2] (p=0.009). The number of patients with ID increased in parallel with the increase in HF functional class (FC). Among patients with ID, fewer people were past or current alcohol users (p=0.002), and a greater number of patients had atrial fibrillation (60.1 vs. 45.2 %, p=0.016). A multiple logistic regression showed that more severe HF (HF FC) was associated with a higher incidence of ID detection, whereas past alcohol use was associated with less pronounced ID. An increase in N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) by 100 pg/ml was associated with an increased likelihood of ID (odds ratio, 1.006, 95 % confidence interval: 1.002-1.011, p=0.0152).Conclusion    The incidence rate of HF patients is high in the Russian Federation (83.1 %). Only 43.5 % of these patients had anemia. The prevalence of ID in the study population increased with increases in HF FC and NT-proBNP