567 research outputs found

    AC voltage regulation of a bidirectional high-frequency link converter using a deadbeat controller

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    This paper presents a digital controller for AC voltage regulation of a bidirectional high-frequency link (BHFL) inverter using Deadbeat control. The proposed controller consists of inner current loop, outer voltage loop and a feed-forward controller, which imposes a gain scheduling effect according to the reference signal to compensate the steady-state error of the system. The main property of the proposed controller is that the current- and the voltage-loop controllers have the same structure, and use the same sampling period. This simplifies the design and implementation processes. To improve the overall performance of the system, additional disturbance decoupling networks are employed. This takes into account the model discretization effect. Therefore, accurate disturbance decoupling can be achieved, and the system robustness towards load variations is increased. To avoid transformer saturation due to low frequency voltage envelopes, an equalized pulse width modulation (PWM) technique has been introduced. The proposed controller has been realized using the DS1104 digital signal processor (DSP) from dSPACE. Its performances have been tested on a one kVA prototype inverter. Experimental results showed that the proposed controller has very fast dynamic and good steady-state responses even under highly nonlinear loads

    Perbandingan Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Tgfu dan Inquiry dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas V pada Mata Pelajaran Olah Raga di Sdn 01 Lubuk Alung Padang Pariaman

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbezaan efektivitas motivasi dan hasil belajar kesegaran jasmani siswa kelas rendah antara model TGFU dengan kelas Inquiry di SDN 01 Lubuk Alung. Sampel penelitian adalah SD Negeri unggulan kelas V SDN 1 Lubuk Alung yang berjumlah 33 orang siswa. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan lembar observasi, Angket, catatan lapangan dan wawancara. Analisa data penelitian menggunakan “sebaran frekuensi”, dan analisis Inferensial menggunakan uji independent t-test. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa 1) terdapat perbedaan signifikan motivasi belajar antara kelas TGFU dengan Kelas Inquiry di SDN 01 Lubuk Alung Kabupaten Padang Pariaman, 2) terdapat perbedaan signifikan hasil belajar kecergazan fizikal antara kelas TGFU dengan Kelas Inquiry di SDN 01 Lubuk Alung Kabupaten Padang Pariaman dengan nilai signfikan 0.000. Model inquiri dapat memberikan kegiatan mengajar dengan konsep induktif yang mengarahkan siswa untuk mengamati dan memecahkan masalah dari apa yang ditemukannya selama proses pembelajaran dengan menstimulasi siswa banyak mengamati, bertanya dan meneliti untuk kemudian cakap dan percaya diri dalam menyampaikan ide-ide kreatif, ide-ide berlatih yang benar dan menanamkan sifat disiplin dan sportif dalam Kecergasan Fizikal  sehingga siswa cakap dalam berolah raga, percaya diri dan mampu bekerja sama dengan kelompok kerja serta mampu menguasai teknik memegang, memukul, melempar, menghindar bola dalam pembelajaran kecergasan fizikal permainan roundes. &nbsp

    Implementasi Program Pelatihan Ketrampilan untuk Pekerja Anak di Kota Semarang (Studi Tentang Pelaksanaan Peraturan Walikota Semarang Nomor 560.05/0289)

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    Skill Training Programs for Child Labour is one of the program created by Department of Labor and Transmigration in accordance with the Mayor regulation number 560.05 / 0289 about the plan of the removal of forms work worst of a child (RAK PBPTA) were intended for workers children under the age with the aim for improving knowledge and skill for workers children to increase their family economic and detached from their work worst. The number of child labor within Semarang City keep increasing every year, they generally work that jeopardize mental, physical and their own health. Children are entitled to a wide opportunity for the growth optimally both physically, mentally, science and social because children have an important role for the city of Semarang in the future. The literature review underlying this research uses George Edward III theory. The research method used is qualitative research method. Analysis using taxonomic analysis techniques. The result show that the implementation of Skill Training Programs for Child Labour in Semarang not yet optimally. It was apparent from three stage process of the implementation covering the first phase , the second phase and the third phase. It marked a little number of child labor who joined the skills training programs, the number of equipment training inadequate to include all child labor, availability of human resources, and the funds that are not enough, the use of a method of a bad for the program, volition implementor also weak, and no further action after the child gets the training. Based on this research, then need for structured socialization mechanisms and schedules, additional funding for facilities and human resources resources comparable to the number of child laborers, in-class replacement methods to outclasses, the establishment of specialized teams of skills training programs from the first to third stage, coordination with government agencies other or private parties related to subsequent action after the child has a skill training program

    Kepentingan Rusia Meningkatkan Penjualan Senjata Kepada Rezim Bashar Al-assad dalam Konflik Suriah Tahun 2011-2013

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    This research to explain the reasons of Russia supplies weapon to bashar al-assad in Syria conflict. Syria is one of the countries in Middle East that is experiencing political turmoil with people demanding President Bashar al-Assad retreated from his position. This conflict has claimed of so many people life that western countries lead to implement the arms and other economic sanctions against Syria but the effort was opposed by Russia through its veto.The foreign policy theory tries to explain the decision of Russia as a form of maintaining power in Middle East, particularly in Syria. in addition, Rusia Russia has an interest in Syria. The scope of this study is from 2011-2013.Keywords: Foreign Policy, National Interest, Conflict, trade of weapo

    Faktor-faktor Sosial Ekonomi Yang Mempengaruhi Adopsi Teknologi Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu Padi Sawah Di Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Social Economic Factors that Influence the Adoption of Rice Integrated Crop Managemen in Southeast Sulawesi. The implementation program of Integrated Crop Management (ICM) for paddy is a one government effort to enhance production and productivity of paddy to reach a sustainable self sufficient. The research was conducted to know the influencing of adoption factors of ICM technology and impact of ICM technology to enhancing farmer income. The research was conducted in February until May 2011 at Konawe Regency with survey method using 60 farmers that was choosed purposive random sampling based on participating farmer in ICM FFS. The data was analyzed with degree of adoption, linear regression, revenue analysis, losses and gain analysis and descriptive analysis. The result of research showed that the adoption of paddy ICM technology in Konawe District still medium. Several technologies that still low in degree of adoption such as fertilize technology and pest desease management, but new varieties and harvest and post harvest technology have high degree of adoption. The factors that have significant influence for ICM technology adoption are formal education, farmer experience, wide area, number of household labour, farmer income and finance institution support. Changing technology with ICM technology gave positive impact on farmer income that was indicated by MBCR value around 1.162. For the next, increasing ICM technology adoption through FFS should be continuing as a effort to increase the implementation of ICM technology and farmer income. Key words: ABSTRACT Social Economic Factors that Influence the Adoption of Rice Integrated Crop Managemen in Southeast Sulawesi. The implementation program of Integrated Crop Management (ICM) for paddy is a one government effort to enhance production and productivity of paddy to reach a sustainable self sufficient. The research was conducted to know the influencing of adoption factors of ICM technology and impact of ICM technology to enhancing farmer income. The research was conducted in February until May 2011 at Konawe Regency with survey method using 60 farmers that was choosed purposive random sampling based on participating farmer in ICM FFS. The data was analyzed with degree of adoption, linear regression, revenue analysis, losses and gain analysis and descriptive analysis. The result of research showed that the adoption of paddy ICM technology in Konawe District still medium. Several technologies that still low in degree of adoption such as fertilize technology and pest desease management, but new varieties and harvest and post harvest technology have high degree of adoption. The factors that have significant influence for ICM technology adoption are formal education, farmer experience, wide area, number of household labour, farmer income and finance institution support. Changing technology with ICM technology gave positive impact on farmer income that was indicated by MBCR value around 1.162. For the next, increasing ICM technology adoption through FFS should be continuing as a effort to increase the implementation of ICM technology and farmer income. Key words: Paddy, adoption, ICM ABSTRAK Implementasi program Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (PTT) Padi merupakan upaya pemerintah secara massif untuk meningkatkan produksi dan produktivitas padi sawah menuju swasembada berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor sosial ekonomi yang mempengaruhi adopsi teknologi PTT padi sawah dan dampaknya terhadap pendapatan petani. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari hingga Mei 2011 di Kabupaten Konawe dengan menggunakan metode survey terhadap 60 orang responden yang ditentukan secara purposive random sampling berdasarkan keterlibatannya sebagai pelaksana SL-PTT. Data dianalisis dengan analisis adopsi, regresi linear berganda, pendapatan, losses and gain dan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat adopsi teknologi PTT padi sawah termasuk kategori adopsi sedang. Adopsi teknologi PTT padi sawah yang masih rendah terjadi pada pemupukan dan pengendalian OPT berdasarkan PHT, sementara adopsi yang tinggi terjadi pada penggunaan varietas unggul dan penerapan teknologi panen. Faktor-faktor sosial ekonomi yang berpengaruh nyata terhadap adopsi teknologi padi sawah adalah pendidikan formal, pengalaman berusahatani, luas lahan garapan, jumlah tenaga kerja keluarga, pendapatan USAhatani dan dukungan pembiayaan. Perubahan teknologi melalui pelaksanaan SL-PTT berdampak positif terhadap pendapatan USAhatani yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai MBCR sebesar 1,612. Ke depan peningkatan adopsi teknologi PTT melalui pendekatan SL perlu terus dilaksanakan dalam upaya peningkatan penerapan teknologi PTT padi sawah yang pada akkhirnya akan meningkatkan pendapatan petani. Kata kunci: Padi, adopsi, PTT ABSTRAKImplementasi program Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (PTT) Padi merupakan upaya pemerintah secara massif untuk meningkatkan produksi dan produktivitas padi sawah menuju swasembada berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor sosial ekonomi yang mempengaruhi adopsi teknologi PTT padi sawah dan dampaknya terhadap pendapatan petani. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari hingga Mei 2011 di Kabupaten Konawe dengan menggunakan metode survey terhadap 60 orang responden yang ditentukan secara purposive random sampling berdasarkan keterlibatannya sebagai pelaksana SL-PTT. Data dianalisis dengan analisis adopsi, regresi linear berganda, pendapatan, losses and gain dan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat adopsi teknologi PTT padi sawah termasuk kategori adopsi sedang. Adopsi teknologi PTT padi sawah yang masih rendah terjadi pada pemupukan dan pengendalian OPT berdasarkan PHT, sementara adopsi yang tinggi terjadi pada penggunaan varietas unggul dan penerapan teknologi panen. Faktor-faktor sosial ekonomi yang berpengaruh nyata terhadap adopsi teknologi padi sawah adalah pendidikan formal, pengalaman berusahatani, luas lahan garapan, jumlah tenaga kerja keluarga, pendapatan USAhatani dan dukungan pembiayaan. Perubahan teknologi melalui pelaksanaan SL-PTT berdampak positif terhadap pendapatan USAhatani yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai MBCR sebesar 1,612. Ke depan peningkatan adopsi teknologi PTT melalui pendekatan SL perlu terus dilaksanakan dalam upaya peningkatan penerapan teknologi PTT padi sawah yang pada akkhirnya akan meningkatkan pendapatan petani

    Parameter Optimisation of Carbon Nanotubes Synthesis via Hexane Decomposition over Minerals Generated from Anadara granosa

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    The synthesis of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) by the chemical vapour deposition (CVD) method using natural calcite from Anadara granosa shells as the metal catalyst support was studied. Hexane and iron (Fe) were used as the carbon precursor and the active component of the catalyst, respectively. Response surface methodology (RSM) based on central composite design (CCD) was used to optimise the effect of total iron loading, the duration of reaction, and reaction temperature. The optimal conditions were total iron loading of 7.5%, a reaction time of 45 min, and a temperature of 850°C with a resulting carbon yield of 131.62%. Raman spectra, field-emission-scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analyses showed that the CNTs were of the multiwalled type (MWNTs)

    Pengaruh Umur Zigot pada Saat Kejutan Panas terhadap Keberhasilan Ginogenesis Ikan Seurukan (Osteochilus Vittatus)

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    The objectives of the present study was to determine the best age of the zygote for gynogenesis of seurukan fish (Osteochilus vittatus) using heat shock treatment. The completely randomized design was utilized in this study. Five levels of zygote age were tested, namely: 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 7 minutes, 9 minutes and 11 minutes after fertilization and one control treatment (without heat shock). The zygotes were shocked at the temperature of 38oC for 60 seconds and every treatment was done at three replications. The ANOVA test showed that the zygote age gave the significant effect on the triploidy level and growth performance of the seurukan fish (P0.05). It is concluded that the best zygote age of the seurukan fish for gynogenesis using heat shock treatment was 3 minutes after fertilization.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan umur zigot terbaik untuk proses ginogenesis ikan seurukan (Osteochilus vittatus) dengan menggunakan kejutan suhu panas. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimen dengan model Rancangan Acak Lengkap faktor tunggal dengan enam taraf perlakuan, masing-masing perlakuan dengan tiga kali ulangan. Kejutan suhu yang diberikan yaitu 38oC dengan lama kejutan 60 detik, dengan perlakuan yaitu: kontrol (tanpa perlakuan kejutan panas), umur zigot 3 menit setelah pembuahan, umur zigot 7 menit setelah pembuahan, umur zigot 9 menit setelah pembuahan dan 11 menit setelah pembuahan. Uji ANOVA menunjukkan bahwa pemberian kejutan suhu panas pada umur zigot yang berbeda berpengaruh nyata terhadap triploidy dan pertumbuhan ikan seurukan (P<0,05). Persentase ikan triploid tertinggi dijumpai pada perlakuan 3 menit setelah pembuahan, nilai tidak berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan 5 menit, 7 menit dan 9 menit. Pertambahan bobot tertinggi dijumpai pada umur zigot 3 menit setelah pembuahan, nilai ini tidak berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan 5 menit, 7 menit dan 9 menit. Pertambahan panjang tertinggi dijumpai pada perlakuan 3 menit setelah pembuahan, nilai ini tidak berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan 5 menit (P<0,05). Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa umur zigot yang berbeda berpengaruh terhadap triploidy, dan umur zigot terbaik adalah 3 menit setelah pembuaha

    Pengaruh Temperatur terhadap Pembentukan Pori Arang Cangkang Sawit sebagai Adsorbansi

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    Had been conducted to influence temperature in burning process for getting carbon (C) and palm shell pore, that\u27s important to explore activated carbon otherwise useful for absorption. Carbonization process had been done for palm shell became activated carbon product varied with temperature to know the difference. Carbonization process had done with vacuum furnace with temperature 500 oC and 1000 oC, each as 40 minutes. During carbonization process, many smoke out at temperature 500 oC and after temperature 1000 oC no anymore smoke out. After that condition, it will getting activated carbon and thus it will done testing laboratory XRF to determine the composition. Testingresult shows that forming the graphite phase to all carbon obtained result content of carbon to high enough as 48 % for 500 oC and 50 % for 1000 oC. Testing Laboratory for SEM shows that for forming porous size was obtained 10 μm for 500 oC and 5 μm for 1000 oC. Temperature higher will getting large amount porous palm shell. Large amount active palm shell will good for using as absorber

    Deskripsi Pisang Beranga Pada Dua Habitat Yang Berbeda

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    This research was conducted from September to December 2005 in Ende (Flores) and Kupang (Timor). The aims of this research were to describe the morphology of growth of banana and production of banana fruits especially variety of Baraga, identify the environment of growth, and analyze the nutrient content of fruits, especially, variety of Baraga, cultivated in the two different locations. The morphology growth of Baraga cultivated in Ende was rapidly than Baraga cultivated in Kupang. The contents of vitamin C, fat, and protein showed significant differences. These differences possibly were caused by the different characteristic of land geomorphology, main material of landform, fertility of soil, especially, pH and availability of phosphor

    Pertumbuhan, Kelangsunganhidupdandayacerna Pakanikannila(oreochromisniloticus) Yang Mengandung Tepung Daunjaloh(salixtetrasperma Roxb) Dengan Penambahan Probiotik Em-4

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    The objective of this study was to determine the optimal dosage of probiotics EM4 in feed containing 5% jaloh leaf on the growth performance, feed utilization and survival rate of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). This research was conducted on August until October 2015 at Balai Benih Air Payau Ujung Batee Area II of Aceh Province, Laboratory of Aquatic Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Syiah Kuala University and Laboratory of Biochemistry the Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University. The completely randomized design method was used at this study with 6 levels of treatment and 4 replications. The treatment concentrations tested were 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 ml /kg of feed. The experimental fish were fed three times a day on8 AM, 12 AM and 5 PM for 56 days. The ANOVA test showed that the application of probiotics EM-4 in feed containing 5% jaloh leaf gave the significant effect on weight gain, daily growth rate, feed conversion ratio and feed efficiency (p 0.05). The Duncan test showed that the higher weight gain, daily growth rate, feed conversion ratio and feed efficiency were found at treatment B (5 ml EM-4 / kg diet) with the values of 5.83 g,0,10g/day, 2.01 and 49.95% respectively. The higher length gain was found at treatment B but this value was not significant with all treatments. The higher specific growth rate (1.38%/day) and survival rate were recorded at treament 0 ml/kg but, this values were not different with all treatment. Therefore the optimum level of EM-4 in feed containing 5% of jaloh leaf meal for tilapia was 5 ml/kg . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dosis optimum probiotik EM-4 pada pakan yang mengandung daun jaloh 5% terhadap pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Agustus sampai dengan Oktober 2015. Pembuatan pakan dilakukan di Balai Benih Air Payau Lokasi II ujung Batee Provinsi Aceh.Pemeliharaan ikan uji dilakukan di Laboraturium Aquatik Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Unsyiah dan penelitian uji kandungan protein feses di laboraturium analisis pangan Fakultas Pertanian Unsyiah. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimental dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) non faktorial dengan 6 taraf perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan konsentrasi yang diuji adalah 5, 10, 15, 20 dan 25 ml/kg pakan. Pakan diberikan 3 kali sehari pada pukul 08.00, 12.00 dan 17.00 WIB sebanyak 5% dari biomassa selama 56 hari. Hasil uji Anova menunjukkan bahwa pemberian probiotik EM-4 dalam pakan yang mengandung daun jaloh 5% berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertambahan bobot mutlak, laju pertumbuhan harian, rasio konversi pakan dan efisiensi pakan (p0,05). Uji lanjut Duncan menunjukkan bahwa pertambahan bobot mutlak, laju pertumbuhan harian, rasio konversi pakan dan efisiensi pakan tertinggi dijumpai pada perlakuan B (5 ml EM-4/kg pakan) yaitu masing-masing 5,83 gram, 0,10 g/hari, 2,01 dan 49,95%, sedangkan pertambahan panjang mutlak tertinggi dijumpai pada perlakuan B yaitu 2,92 cm akan tetapi perlakuan ini tidak berbeda nyata antar perlakuan, laju pertumbuhan spesifik tertinggi pada perlakuan B yaitu 1,38%/hari nilai ini tidak berbeda nyata terhadap perlakuan C, D dan F, dan kelangsungan hidup tidak berbeda nyata antar semua perlakuan yaitu 100%. Dengan demikian disimpulkan bahwa dosis optimum probiotik EM-4 pada pakan yang mengandung 5% tepung daun jaloh untuk ikan nila adalah 5ml/kg pakan