19 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengembangan Objek Danau Wisata Bandar Kayangan Lembah Sari Kecamatan Rumbai di Kota Pekanbaru

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    This research is aimed to find out visitors response about the analysis of the development of tourism object Danau Bandar Kayangan Lembah Sari Kecamatan Rumbai Pekanbaru, especially in the development of its facility. Writer used Spiliane theory (1994 : 25), which is said that facility is a supporting tool of the tourism object daily operational, to accommodate visitors need, indirectly support growth but develop at the same time or after the attraction. Writer used ordinal scale for measuring, which is likert scale, it is designed to ease respondent to answer some levels in objects which are going to measured (Mirwan, 2010 : 36). Writer identified three main problem: visitors respondent about the development of the facility according to public facility, supporting and complementing tool in Danau Bandar Kayangan Lembah Sari Kecamatan Rumbai, Pekanbaru. Writer found that visitors think that facilities are good enough, eventhough they need to be fixed in some aspects by improving and developing promotion and marketing, and also fix the facilities in the location. Obstacles found this fixation are: lack of fund, lack of management ability, and lack of awareness among visitors. Writer suggest to culture and tourism department to care more about the waterfacility. Writer also suggest to the management party to create some rules for managingtrash in the location. Specialis care for mushollah, and toilet. Key words: facilities, tourism, development, tourism object

    Stability Of Anthocyanin During Processing, Storage And Simulated Digestion Of Purple Sweet Potato Pasta

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    Purple sweet potato is rich in anthocyanin giving a potential application in food product development. However, anthocyanin is relatively unstable and easily degraded during processing and storage. Understanding the stability and bio-accessibility of anthocyanin during processing, storage and simulated digestion is very important. The study aimed to investigate changes in anthocyanin degradation during processing, storage and simulated digestion of purple sweet potato pasta. The pasta was prepared through several processing steps, i.e. steaming the tuber, steaming the dough formula, extrusion, drying and boiling. Anthocyanin was analyzed at every stages of processing and storage of the pasta. The durability of the pasta during storage was analysed using an accelerated shelf-life testing method at 30, 40 and 50ÂşC for 28 days. The study showed that anthocyanin content decreased during the whole stages of processing and storage, but slightly increased during steaming. The highest loss of the anthocyanin occurred in the boiling process. Based on resistance to stomach and intestinal conditions, the bio-accessibility of anthocyanin was better in the digestive system in the stomach than that in the intestines. The increased anthocyanin appeared again in the colon. This study provides useful information for designing an effective method to minimize an extensive loss of anthocyanin of purple sweet potato for food product development

    Optimasi Formula dan Struktur Mikroskopik Pasta Bebas Gluten Berbahan Dasar Puree Ubi Jalar Ungu dan Tepung Kacang Hijau

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengoptimasi formula pasta bebas gluten berbahan dasar puree ubi jalar ungu dan tepung kacang hijau. Aplikasi mixture design dalam optimasi formula dapat menghasilkan formula yang optimal dengan karakteristik produk sesuai dengan yang diinginkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komposisi optimal puree ubi jalar ungu dengan tepung kacang hijau dalam formula adalah 45,25% puree ubi jalar ungu dan 51,75% tepung kacang hijau. Pada komposisi tersebut dihasilkan pasta ubi jalar ungu dengan karakteristik yaitu kekenyalan 2,29 mm, cohesiveness 0,38, KKP 17,62%, warna 333,48, Ie 20,59%, dan kandungan antosianin 42,42 mg/L. Dari segi mikroskopik, pasta ubi jalar ungu matang dengan rasio puree ubi jalar ungu dengan formula di bawah 50% sudah menunjukkan adanya struktur yang kompak

    Pengaruh Pengungkapan (Disclosure) Terhadap Manajemen Laba (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Sektor Industri Barang Konsumsi Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2013-2014)

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    This research was aimed to investigate the effects of disclosure to earnings management in consumer goods industry sector companies listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange. The data of this research was the data secondary based on the report of finances and the report of the year companies. The population of this research were consumer goods industry sector manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2014. In this research, the sampling was done by using purpose sampling method. From 39 consumer goods industry sector companies, 29 companies were selected according to criteria of research sample. The data analysis tool used in this research was simple regression. The results of this study show that size of disclosure effect on earnings management to the value thitung (-4,953) < ttable (-2,003) on the level significant is (α) < 0,05. Thus, the greater of the level disclosure that is disclosed by the company the less likely the occurence of earnings management practices, and vice versa. Determination coefficient in this research is 0,305 means inflicted (R2) by the independent variable in explaining the dependent variable was 30.5%, while the remaining 69.5% was influenced by other variables which were not included in this research

    Spectroscopic Characteristics of Antibacterial Component of Atung (Parinarium glaberrimum Hassk) Seeds

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    Relative purity assay on antibacterial components (isolates) of “atung” seeds using HPLC system (linier gradient of water-methanol, detection on UV at 280/254 nm) showed that the isolate-9 had the highest purity (94%), followed by isolate-6 (69%), isolate-7 (66%), and isolate-12 (66%) respectively; while the other isolates only had 50% of purity. The UV-Visible spectrophotometer analysis on the isolate-9, showed that the λmax (in methanol) were at 213 and 269 nm. From IR spectrum of the isolate, no more information can be obtained except the presence of C-H stretching. Furthermore, the MS spectrum showed that the fragment ion series of 44 (100%), 57, 69, 83, 97, 115, maybe predicted as aliphatic amine compounds. Key word : Relative purity, methanol, C-H Stretching, fragment ion series, aliphatic amine compounds

    Isolation and Tentative Identification of Volatile Compound of Atung(Parinarium glaberrimum Hassk) Seed

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    The extraction of volatile components from “atung” seed was carried out by Likens Nickerson extraction apparatus with diethyl eter for 90 minutes, then continued with separation, while volatile isolates identification was done by GC-MS (Shimadzu Qp 5000). The data obtained indicated that volatile components of “atung” seed tentatively are as follow: aldehydes is the largest (34%), alkanes (17%), alkenes (11%), alcohols (7%), and ketones (6%). However, most aldehyde groups were predicted as derivative compounds resulted from the decomposition of fats and/or fatty acids due to a high temperature extraction process. Key words : Volatile components, “atung” seeds, Likens Nickerson, GC-MS, aldehydes

    Spectroscopic Characteristics of Antibacterial Component of Atung (Parinarium glaberrimum Hassk) Seeds

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    Relative purity assay on antibacterial components (isolates) of “atung” seeds using HPLC system (linier gradient of water-methanol, detection on UV at 280/254 nm) showed that the isolate-9 had the highest purity (94%), followed by isolate-6 (69%), isolate-7 (66%), and isolate-12 (66%) respectively; while the other isolates only had 50% of purity. The UV-Visible spectrophotometer analysis on the isolate-9, showed that the λmax (in methanol) were at 213 and 269 nm. From IR spectrum of the isolate, no more information can be obtained except the presence of C-H stretching. Furthermore, the MS spectrum showed that the fragment ion series of 44 (100%), 57, 69, 83, 97, 115, maybe predicted as aliphatic amine compounds. Key word : Relative purity, methanol, C-H Stretching, fragment ion series, aliphatic amine compounds

    The Implementation of Virtual Reality (VR) of Laboratories for Campus Marketing and Promotion

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    ITPLN's promotional target range extends to the entirety of Indonesia. At present, campus admissions only focus on 35 out of the 38 provinces, with a limited number of students from the remote and outlying areas. Several promotional techniques have been implemented, yielding satisfactory results; however, there is room for improvement. To enhance its efforts, ITPLN utilizes VR technology to showcase campus facilities through virtual media. The Virtual Reality laboratory at ITPLN offers virtual tours that introduce various laboratories in all faculties. These tours serve two important purposes: supporting lectures in the laboratory and promoting the campus. The integration of laboratory introductions as a promotional tool is deemed appropriate for several reasons, including wider coverage, more comprehensive information, and an immersive and interactive experience. Consequently, prospective ITPLN students no longer need to physically visit the campus to gain a comprehensive understanding of the laboratory and campus in general. The development of VR facilities followed the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method, and thorough testing was conducted to refine the existing VR resources. The outcome of this process is nine laboratory tours that highlight VR-based practical and research facilities, which can further enhance web-based learning and campus promotion.Target promosi ITPLN meluas ke seluruh Indonesia. Saat ini, penerimaan kampus hanya fokus pada 35 dari 38 provinsi, dengan jumlah siswa terbatas dari daerah terpencil dan terpencil. Beberapa teknik promosi telah diterapkan, menghasilkan hasil yang memuaskan; Namun, ada ruang untuk perbaikan. Untuk meningkatkan upayanya, ITPLN memanfaatkan teknologi VR untuk memamerkan fasilitas kampus melalui media virtual. Laboratorium Virtual Reality di ITPLN menawarkan tur virtual yang memperkenalkan berbagai laboratorium di semua fakultas. Tur ini melayani dua tujuan penting: mendukung kuliah di laboratorium dan mempromosikan kampus. Integrasi pengenalan laboratorium sebagai alat promosi dianggap tepat karena beberapa alasan, termasuk cakupan yang lebih luas, informasi yang lebih komprehensif, dan pengalaman yang mendalam dan interaktif. Akibatnya, calon mahasiswa ITPLN tidak perlu lagi mengunjungi kampus secara fisik untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang laboratorium dan kampus pada umumnya. Pengembangan fasilitas VR mengikuti metode Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC), dan pengujian menyeluruh dilakukan untuk menyempurnakan sumber daya VR yang ada. Hasil dari proses ini adalah sembilan tur laboratorium yang menyoroti fasilitas praktis dan penelitian berbasis VR, yang selanjutnya dapat meningkatkan pembelajaran berbasis web dan promosi kampus