143 research outputs found

    Field-Dependent Critical Current in Type-II Superconducting Strips: Combined Effect of Bulk Pinning and Geometrical Edge Barrier

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    Recent theoretical and experimental research on low-bulk-pinning superconducting strips has revealed striking dome-like magnetic-field distributions due to geometrical edge barriers. The observed magnetic-flux profiles differ strongly from those in strips in which bulk pinning is dominant. In this paper we theoretically describe the current and field distributions of a superconducting strip under the combined influence of both a geometrical edge barrier and bulk pinning at the strip's critical current Ic, where a longitudinal voltage first appears. We calculate Ic and find its dependence upon a perpendicular applied magnetic field Ha. The behavior is governed by a parameter p, defined as the ratio of the bulk-pinning critical current Ip to the geometrical-barrier critical current Is0. We find that when p > 2/pi and Ip is field-independent, Ic vs Ha exhibits a plateau for small Ha, followed by the dependence Ic-Ip ~ 1/Ha in higher magnetic fields.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Fig. 1 revised, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Екстракорпоральна детоксикація у хворих на сепсис при ускладненому синдромі діабетичної стопи

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    Under our supervision there were 713 patients with sepsis who were treated in septic city center with beds diabetic foot for the period 1991–2015rr. In 90.9 % of cases (648 patients) were the cause of sepsis cellulitis soft tissues of different localizations (1 group). In 65 patients (9.1 %) – wet gangrene of the lower limbs and purulent necrotic processes diabetic foot (group 2). During a comprehensive study of patients with sepsis found that last appeared in 81.2 % of cases (579 patients) against opportunistic diseases, which are 15.1 % (108 patients) had signs of decompensation. In this case the adjacent pathology significantly more often (p <0.05) was reported in patients with severe sepsis and its complicated forms.Intoxication syndrome of a severity was found in all patients with sepsis. Because of detoxification measures were required component of complex intensive care. Despite some effectiveness sessions discretic plasmafaresis (judging by the positive dynamics of objective markers of endotoxemia and other indicators of homeostasis) treatment outcomes of patients with sepsis remain poor. We analyzed survival in a representative group of patients (n=216), which are already complex treatment discretic plasmafaresis was not carried out. From the standpoint of evidence-based medicine 'reference point' was the 28th postoperative day. At 25–30-th day of stay in the hospital died 12 patients with PF used 2–3 times, 11 more patients with PF treatments 3–5 times longer than died in 30 days. Mortality in septic shock – 68.9 % (40 of 58 dead patients) patients of group 1 and 76.2 % (10 of 13 patients) in group 2. The syndrome of multiple organ failure respectively 77.3 % (34 patients) and 87 5 % (6 patients).ід спостереженням перебували 713 хворих на сепсис, які лікувалися в міському гнійно-септичному центрі з ліжками діабетичної стопи у період 1991–2015 рр. У 90,9 % випадків (648 хворих) причиною розвитку сепсису були флегмони м’яких тканин різної локалізації (1-ша група), в (9,1 %) випадків 65 хворих – волога гангрена нижньої кінцівки та гнійно-некротичні процеси стопи діабетика (2-га група). У процесі комплексного дослідження хворих на сепсис встановлено, що останній виник у 81,2 % випадків (579 хворих) на тлі супутніх захворювань, які в 15,1 % (108 пацієнтів) мали ознаки декомпенсації. При цьому випадки суміжної патології вірогідно частіше (р<0,05) було зареєстровано в пацієнтів із тяжким сепсисом і його ускладненими формами. Інтоксикаційний синдром того або іншого ступеня тяжкості відмічали у всіх хворих на сепсис. Тому проведення детоксикаційних заходів було обов’язковим компонентом комплексної інтенсивної терапії. Незважаючи на певну ефективність сеансів дискретного плазмаферезу (ПФ), якщо судити про позитивну динаміку об’єктивних маркерів ендотоксикозу та інших показників гомеостазу, кінцеві результати лікування хворих на сепсис бажають бути кращими. Проаналізовано виживаність у репрезентативній групі хворих (n=216), яким у системі комплексного лікування ПФ не проводили. З позиції доказової медицини ‘крапкою відліку’ була 28-ма доба післяопераційного періоду. На 25–30 доби перебування в стаціонарі померли 12 хворих, в яких використовували ПФ 2–3 рази, ще 11 пацієнтів із процедурами ПФ 3–5 разів померли в строки більше 30 діб. Летальність при септичному шоці становила 68,9 % (померли 40 з 58 хворих) пацієнтів 1-ї групи та 76,2 % (10 з 13 хворих) пацієнтів 2-ї групи, при синдромі полі органної недостатності 77,3 % (34 хворих) та 87,5 % (6 пацієнтів) відповідно

    Experience of working with talented children within the Urals project shift — 2018

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    This article concerns the experience of project-oriented teaching talented children within the Urals project shift in the medical field of science.В статье рассматривается опыт проектно-ориентированной работы с талантливыми детьми в рамках Уральской проектной смены по медицинскому направлению

    Magnetic-field dependence of the critical currents in a periodic coplanar array of narrow superconducting strip

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    We calculate the magnetic-field dependence of the critical current due to both geometrical edge barriers and bulk pinning in a periodic coplanar array of narrow superconducting strips. We find that in zero or low applied magnetic fields the critical current can be considerably enhanced by the edge barriers, but in modest applied magnetic fields the critical current reduces to that due to bulk pinning alone.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    Spin valve based sensor elements for full Wheatstone bridge

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    Present work deals with methods for creating opposite pinning directions in micro-objects based on a spin valve by one thermomagnetic treatment. The methods are based on the thermomagnetic treatment in spin-flop state of synthetic antiferromagnet. We use splitting the magnetic structure in spin-flop state of synthetic antiferromagnet to form opposite pinning directions in different micro-objects by one thermomagnetic treatment. The positive characteristic (dR/dH) was obtained in the two sensor elements of the full Wheatstone bridge, and the negative characteristic (dR/dH) in the other two elements. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 19-02-0005718-10-2-37The research was carried out within the state assignment of Minobrnauki of Russia (theme “Alloys” АААА-А19-119070890020-3 and “Magnet” АААА-А18-118020290129-5), supported in part by RFBR (project No. 19-02-00057) and UD RAS (No. 18-10-2-37)

    Characterization of toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae strains isolated in Russia

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    The aim of the study was to characterize toxigenic strains of Corynebacterium diphtheriae by examining 12 toxigenic strains of C. diphtheriae isolated in Russia between January, 2017 to June, 2019. The morphological, toxigenic and biochemical properties of C. diphtheriae was studied. Genotyping of C. diphtheriae strains was performed using MLST and dtxR gene sequencing with subsequent phylogenetic analysis. Results. Toxigenic strains of C. diphtheriae were isolated in the Novosibirsk, Samara and Chelyabinsk Regions, the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug — Yugra as well as the Republic of Northern Ossetia — Alania. Among these strains, 5 were isolated from diphtheria patients (moderate disease found in one case, mild course — remaining patients) and 7 strains were isolated from bacterial carriers. In two cases C. diphtheriae from diphtheria patients were identified as ST25 sequence type, gravis variant; in one case — ST8 type, gravis variant; two cases — ST67 sequence type, mitis variant. In asymptomatic carriers of tox-positive C. diphtheriae strains they belonged to ST25 sequence type, gravis variant — in two cases, ST67 type, mitis variant — in four cases. A sequencing type was not identified in one case. All sequence types were widespread globally being presented by a large number of isolates in the PubMLST and characterized by a substantial amount of derivative sequence types. At the same time, they belonged to different clonal complexes and differed markedly from each other contributing to their reliable difference as assessed by MLST. Study of gene dtxR sequence diversity showed that all allelic variants were typical for the representatives of these sequence types. New alleles of gene dtxR were not revealed in strains examined. It was shown that non-synonymous substitution C440T leading to A147V amino acid substitution was found solely in one allele distributed in ST8, ST185, ST195 and ST451 types suggesting at late mutation. In contrast, the polymorphism C640A resulting in the amino acid substitution L214I was found not only in the same allele, but also in the basal tree branches indicating that isoleucine was in the ancestral sequence of the protein

    Balloon Dilatation of Esophageal Strictures in Children With Bullous Epidermolysis: Description of Case Series

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    Esophageal strictures are the most common complications of bullous epidermolysis in children. Strictures cause the development of dysphagia that prevents oral alimentation and receipt of an adequate amount of nutrients that is accompanied by a violation of nutritional status, weight loss, and delayed physical development of a child. Disturbed swallowing can also cause aspiration syndrome, pneumonia, and airway obstruction. To eliminate dysphagia and reduce the risk of complications, it is necessary to restore esophageal patency. The article describes the results of X-ray with assisted balloon dilatation in 19 children with bullous epidermolysis and dysphagia. It is shown that this method of esophagus recanalization allows to effectively and safely restore oral alimentation of children already in the first day after intervention with a gradual expansion of the diet

    The morphofunctional and biochemical characteristics of opisthorchiasis-associated cholangiocarcinoma in a Syrian hamster model

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    The validity of experimental models of pathologies is one of the key challenges in translational medicine. Cholangiocarcinoma, or bile duct cancer, ranks second among oncological diseases of the liver. There is a strong association between bile duct cancer and parasitic infestation of the liver caused by trematodes in the family Opisthorchiidae. We have recently demonstrated that cholangiocarcinoma can develop in Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) infected by Opisthorchis felineus and administered with dimethylnitrosamine. However, there is still no description of how this experimental model can possibly be used in translational research. The aim of this work was to study the morphological, functional and biochemical characteristics during cholangiocarcinoma development in Syrian hamsters infected by O. felineus and administered with dimethylnitrosamine. The experi­ment lasted 30 weeks with combined exposure to dimethylnitrosamine in drinking water at a dose of 12.5 ppm and a single injection of 50 metacercariae O. felineus. It was shown that the development of cholangiocarcinoma (18 weeks) increased the total number of basophils, eosinophils and monocytes, the relative number of granulocytes, the amount of total and direct bilirubin, and cholesterol and ALT levels, but reduced the relative number of lymphocytes. Based on pathological, morphometric and biochemical analyses, our model has characteristics similar to those in patients with opisthorchiasisassociated cholangiocarcinoma. Thus, this model can be used to test anticancer drugs, to study the mechanisms of cholangiocarcinogenesis and to search for molecular markers for early diagnosis of bile duct cancer

    Burden of Illness and Quality of Life in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: Findings From the TOSCA Study

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    Research on tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) to date has focused mainly on the physical manifestations of the disease. In contrast, the psychosocial impact of TSC has received far less attention. The aim of this study was therefore to examine the impact of TSC on health, quality of life (QoL), and psychosocial well-being of individuals with TSC and their families. Questionnaires with disease-specific questions on burden of illness (BOI) and validated QoL questionnaires were used. After completion of additional informed consent, we included 143 individuals who participated in the TOSCA (TuberOus SClerosis registry to increase disease Awareness) study. Our results highlighted the substantial burden of TSC on the personal lives of individuals with TSC and their families. Nearly half of the patients experienced negative progress in their education or career due to TSC (42.1%), as well as many of their caregivers (17.6% employed; 58.8% unemployed). Most caregivers (76.5%) indicated that TSC affected family life, and social and working relationships. Further, well-coordinated care was lacking: a smooth transition from pediatric to adult care was mentioned by only 36.8% of adult patients, and financial, social, and psychological support in 21.1, 0, and 7.9%, respectively. In addition, the moderate rates of pain/discomfort (35%) and anxiety/depression (43.4%) reported across all ages and levels of disease demonstrate the high BOI and low QoL in this vulnerable population