19 research outputs found

    An analysis of the temperature dependence of force, during steady shortening at different velocities, in (mammalian) fast muscle fibres

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    We examined, over a wide range of temperatures (10ā€“35Ā°C), the isometric tension and tension during ramp shortening at different velocities (0.2ā€“4 L0/s) in tetanized intact fibre bundles from a rat fast (flexor hallucis brevis) muscle; fibre length (L0) was 2.2Ā mm and sarcomere length ~2.5Ā Ī¼m. During a ramp shortening, the tension change showed an initial inflection of small amplitude (P1), followed by a larger exponential decline towards an approximate steady level; the tension continued to decline slowly afterwards and the approximate steady tension at a given velocity was estimated as the tension (P2) at the point of intersection between two linear slopes, as previously described (Roots etĀ al. 2007). At a given temperature, the tension P2 declined to a lower level and at a faster rate (from an exponential curve fit) as the shortening velocity was increased; the temperature sensitivity of the rate of tension decline during ramp shortening at different velocities was low (Q10 0.9ā€“1.5). The isometric tension and the P2 tension at a given shortening velocity increased with warming so that the relation between tension and (reciprocal) temperature was sigmoidal in both. In isometric muscle, the temperature T0.5 for half-maximal tension was ~10Ā°C, activation enthalpy change (āˆ†H) was ~100Ā kJĀ molāˆ’1 and entropy change (āˆ†S) ~350Ā JĀ molāˆ’1Ā Kāˆ’1. In shortening, these were increased with increase of velocity so that at a shortening velocity (~4 L0/s) producing maximal power at 35Ā°C, T0.5 was ~28Ā°C, āˆ†H was ~200Ā kJĀ molāˆ’1 and āˆ†SĀ ~Ā 700 JĀ molāˆ’1Ā Kāˆ’1; the same trends were seen in the tension data from isotonic release experiments on intact muscle and in ramp shortening experiments on maximally Ca-activated skinned fibres. In general, our findings show that the sigmoidal relation between force and temperature can be extended from isometric to shortening muscle; the implications of the findings are discussed in relation to the crossbridge cycle. The data indicate that the endothermic, entropy driven process that underlies crossbridge force generation in isometric muscle (Zhao and Kawai 1994; Davis, 1998) is even more pronounced in shortening muscle, i.e. when doing external work

    Force generation and work production by covalently cross-linked actin-myosin cross-bridges in rabbit muscle fibers.

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    To separate a fraction of the myosin cross-bridges that are attached to the thin filaments and that participate in the mechanical responses, muscle fibers were cross-linked with 1-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-3-ethylcarbodiimide and then immersed in high-salt relaxing solution (HSRS) of 0.6 M ionic strength for detaching the unlinked myosin heads. The mechanical properties and force-generating ability of the cross-linked cross-bridges were tested with step length changes (L-steps) and temperature jumps (T-jumps) from 6-10 degrees C to 30-40 degrees C. After partial cross-linking, when instantaneous stiffness in HSRS was 25-40% of that in rigor, the mechanical behavior of the fibers was similar to that during active contraction. The kinetics of the T-jump-induced tension transients as well as the rate of the fast phase of tension recovery after length steps were close to those in unlinked fibers during activation. Under feedback force control, the T-jump initiated fiber shortening by up to 4 nm/half-sarcomere. Work produced by a cross-linked myosin head after the T-jump was up to 30 x 10(-21) J. When the extent of cross-linking was increased and fiber stiffness in HSRS approached that in rigor, the fibers lost their viscoelastic properties and ability to generate force with a rise in temperature

    Pseudo-phosphorylation of essential light chains affects the functioning of skeletal muscle myosin

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    The work aimed to investigate how the phosphorylation of the myosin essential light chain of fast skeletal myosin (LC1) affects the functional properties of the myosin molecule. Using mass-spectrometry, we revealed phosphorylated peptides of LC1 in myosin from different fast skeletal muscles. Mutations S193D and T65D that mimic natural phosphorylation of LC1 were produced, and their effects on functional properties of the entire myosin molecule and isolated myosin head (S1) were studied. We have shown that T65D mutation drastically decreased the sliding velocity of thin filaments in an in vitro motility assay and strongly increased the duration of actin-myosin interaction in optical trap experiments. These effects of T65D mutation in LC1 observed only with the whole myosin but not with S1 were prevented by double T65D/S193D mutation. The T65D and T65D/S193D mutations increased actin-activated ATPase activity of S1 and decreased ADP affinity for the actin-S1 complex. The results indicate that pseudo-phosphorylation of LC1 differently affects the properties of the whole myosin molecule and its isolated head. Also, the results show that phosphorylation of LC1 of skeletal myosin could be one more mechanism of regulation of actin-myosin interaction that needs further investigation

    An asymmetry in the phosphate dependence of tension transients induced by length perturbation in mammalian (rabbit psoas) muscle fibres

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    The effects of inorganic phosphate (Pi, a product released during ATP hydrolysis in active muscle) on tension transients induced by length perturbation (āˆ¼0.3 ms) were examined in chemically skinned (0.5 % Brij), maximally Ca2+-activated rabbit psoas muscle fibres at 10 Ā°C (ionic strength 200 mm, pH 7.1). In one type of experiment, the tension transients induced by length release and stretch of a standard amplitude (0.4-0.5 % of Lo, muscle fibre length) were examined at a range of added [Pi] (range 3ā€“25 mm). The steady active tension was depressed āˆ¼45 % with 25 mm added Pi. The initial tension recovery (from T1, extreme tension reached after length step, to T2, tension after quick recovery) was analysed by half-time measurement and also by exponential curve fitting - extracting a fast (phase 2a) and a slow (phase 2b) component. The tension decay after a stretch became faster with increased [Pi], whereas the quick tension rise induced by a length release was insensitive to added Pi. Consequently, the asymmetry in the speed of tension recovery from stretch and release was reduced at high [Pi]. A plot of the phase 2b rate (or 1/half-time) of tension decay after stretch versus [Pi] was approximately hyperbolic and showed saturation at higher [Pi] levels. In a second type of experiment, the tension transients induced by length steps of different amplitudes were examined in control (no added Pi) and in the presence of 25 mm added Pi. Over a range of length step amplitudes (up to 1 % L0), the tension decay after stretch was consistently faster in the presence of Pi than in the control; this was particularly pronounced in phase 2b. The rate of tension rise after length release remained high but similar in the presence and absence of added Pi. These observations indicate that a stretch and release perturb different molecular steps in the crossbridge cycle. The Pi sensitivity of tension decay (phase 2b) after stretch is similar to that seen using other perturbations (e.g. [Pi] jumps, hydrostatic pressure jumps and temperature jumps and sinusoidal length oscillations). The results indicate that the Pi-sensitive force generation identified in previous studies is strain sensitive (as expected), but it is seen only with respect to positive strain (stretches)

    Impact of Troponin in Cardiomyopathy Development Caused by Mutations in Tropomyosin

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    Tropomyosin (Tpm) mutations cause inherited cardiac diseases such as hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathies. We applied various approaches to investigate the role of cardiac troponin (Tn) and especially the troponin T (TnT) in the pathogenic effects of Tpm cardiomyopathy-associated mutations M8R, K15N, A277V, M281T, and I284V located in the overlap junction of neighboring Tpm dimers. Using co-sedimentation assay and viscosity measurements, we showed that TnT1 (fragment of TnT) stabilizes the overlap junction of Tpm WT and all Tpm mutants studied except Tpm M8R. However, isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) indicated that TnT1 binds Tpm WT and all Tpm mutants similarly. By using ITC, we measured the direct KD of the Tpm overlap region, N-end, and C-end binding to TnT1. The ITC data revealed that the Tpm C-end binds to TnT1 independently from the N-end, while N-end does not bind. Therefore, we suppose that Tpm M8R binds to TnT1 without forming the overlap junction. We also demonstrated the possible role of Tn isoform composition in the cardiomyopathy development caused by M8R mutation. TnT1 dose-dependently reduced the velocity of F-actin-Tpm filaments containing Tpm WT, Tpm A277V, and Tpm M281T mutants in an in vitro motility assay. All mutations impaired the calcium regulation of the actin–myosin interaction. The M281T and I284V mutations increased the calcium sensitivity, while the K15N and A277V mutations reduced it. The Tpm M8R, M281T, and I284V mutations under-inhibited the velocity at low calcium concentrations. Our results demonstrate that Tpm mutations likely implement their pathogenic effects through Tpm interaction with Tn, cardiac myosin, or other protein partners

    Optimization, characterization, and cytotoxicity studies of novel anti-tubercular agent-loaded liposomal vesicles

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    Abstract The treatment of tuberculosis is still a challenging process due to the widespread of pathogen strains resistant to antibacterial drugs, as well as the undesirable effects of anti-tuberculosis therapy. Hence, the development of safe and effective new anti-antitubercular agents, in addition to suitable nanocarrier systems, has become of utmost importance and necessity. Our research aims to develop liposomal vesicles that contain newly synthesized compounds with antimycobacterial action. The compound being studied is a derivative of imidazo-tetrazine named 3-(3,5-dimethylpyrazole-1-yl)-6-(isopropylthio) imidazo [1,2-b] [1,2,4,5] tetrazine compound. Several factors that affect liposomal characteristics were studied. The maximum encapsulation efficiency was 53.62ā€‰Ā±ā€‰0.09. The selected liposomal formulation T8* possessed a mean particle size of about 205.3ā€‰Ā±ā€‰3.94 nm with PDI 0.282, and zeta potential was +ā€‰36.37ā€‰Ā±ā€‰0.49 mv. The results of the in vitro release study indicated that the solubility of compound I was increased by its incorporation in liposomes. The free compound and liposomal preparation showed antimycobacterial activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv (ATCC 27294) at MIC value 0.94ā€“1.88 Ī¼g/ml. We predict that the liposomes may be a good candidate for delivering new antitubercular drugs